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Untruth In Advertising
colinrgeorge9 June 2010
"Splice" is a step in the right direction for horror.

Every so often, I find myself pleasantly surprised by intentionally misadvertised entertainment, and writer/director Vincenzo Natali's genetic genre mash-up is the latest such example. From a marketing standpoint, its scare-tactics are clearly the easy sell, despite their comprising only a tiny percentage of its thematic intent. 'Hard sci-fi parenting metaphor' is, after all, a much tougher pitch.

So expecting the tasteless creature feature from the trailer, "Splice" impressed me in its pursuit of a more complex emotional response than fear, and is successful in burrowing into your subconscious and picking at your psyche. It's a thinking man's B picture, which plays with the idea of morality on both a scientific and personal level. That it remains intellectually stimulating, even when the surface-area film dips into more traditionally hokey horror territory, is its greatest strength.

What's so interesting about the story, in spite of what the trailer suggests, is that the creature artificially spawned by genetic engineers Clive and Elsa (Adrian Brody and Sarah Polley) is not an antagonist for the vast majority of the film. "Splice" isn't about a monster— It's about parenthood, and like with "Rosemary's Baby" or "Eraserhead," taking the associated fears and filtering them through a horror lens.

Besides the tail and the pronounced facial cleft, test-tube baby Dren ('Nerd' backwards, heh) is essentially human, and a big part of "Splice's" inherent creepiness is that she's treated in turn as a subject and a child—Warmly received, but caged and abandoned for significant stretches of time. The realization of this character by French actress Delphine Chanéac, is another of the film's triumphs. Her general lack of dialogue sometimes forces the performance to rely a little too heavily on pantomime, but that we can both feel for and fear Dren simultaneously is a testament to the range of the actress.

Perhaps it's because "Splice" nails the big performances and the big ideas, and because the gears turning behind the action are so consistently fluid, that it's all the more apparent when it stumbles over little things, like stilted motivation issues, and superfluous, grating secondary characters. Clive's brother (Brandon McGibbon) and boss (David Hewlett), for example, are flat placeholder roles that transparently progress the plot instead of enriching it. The triangular relationship between Clive, Elsa, and Dren, and its weird morphing emotional permutations, is what "Splice" is at its core. It is a film with very few characters, but every moment not spent on that central dynamic feels like time wasted.

Still, that minor gripe is forgivable because "Splice" has two hugely important and rare qualities for modern horror—Original thought and fearless storytelling. The undercurrent of sexuality in the film, the internal dialogue on gender roles, is apparently one of the reasons no studio wanted to touch the script last year, but Natali's film is a cut above the rest precisely because it isn't afraid to make an audience uncomfortable. And it gets uncomfortable.

"Splice" gets a lot of credit from me in the abstract. The concrete film doesn't quite live up to the incredible promise of the ideas behind it, but the very presence of those ideas is reaffirming to a degree, and that "Splice" received a wide domestic release is more encouraging still. Granted, it went on to perform below expectations at the box office, but was positioned against more breezy summer fare like "Shrek" and "Get Him to the Greek."

The other possibility, and this suggests more consumer confidence than an ad man may be inclined to grant, is that "Splice's" scare-tactics aren't the easy sell. Maybe, like me, potential moviegoers just saw a trailer for another crappy horror movie instead of the interesting, offbeat experiment it is.

It's Warner Brother's loss, and the audience's.
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A likable but flawed sci-fi tale
derekrankine4 March 2010
Splice centres on two renowned young scientists (Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley) that are quasi-famous for successfully creating a new species of animal, a species with enormous pharmaceutical industry potential in the form of an ability to secrete profitable proteins. Despite a refusal by their company bosses to approve the next stage of the project, or anything that tampers with human DNA, their ambitions lead them to create a human-animal hybrid by combining human genes with those of the created species. This in turn leads to the creation of a new entity they name Dren, which they raise and attempt to study as a personal project concealed from their employers and colleagues.

The story becomes highly engrossing as we follow the creature's development alongside that of the two scientists, who are in a relationship that becomes increasingly strained by a series of ethical and logistical dilemmas. The two central performances are well-judged, but the real star is Dren; or the CGI responsible for her creation, which is always convincing and solid at all stages of the creature's evolution. Vincenzo Natali's visually intense direction is also worth mentioning, and he clearly enjoys playing with a generous budget as compared with his previous features like Cube.

This is, however, no modern masterpiece – the plot becomes predictable and contrived in the final third, the minor characters are little more than stereotypes (lax young brother, venal bosses) and the comedic elements of the film don't always sit comfortably with the horror aspects (there is, however, a notable exception in a hilarious scene towards the end). But these drawbacks are outweighed by the plus points, which makes Splice an enjoyable experience overall.
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The Horrors of Parenting
Jonny_Numb7 June 2010
James Whale's 1931 adaptation of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" was one of the earliest films to chronicle man's quest (via science and nature, and in notably strict defiance of God) to literally create life by transgressing human reproduction; granted, the result was the hideous, hulking visage of Boris Karloff, but one couldn't help but be in awe of the sheer gumption of Victor Frankenstein and his accomplices. Roman Polanski evolved this idea (via adaptation of Ira Levin's novel) in "Rosemary's Baby," which took the notion of creating something truly awful (the son of Satan) and using it as a metaphor for a woman's self-destruction and paranoia during pregnancy. Larry Cohen's "It's Alive" took contemporary paranoias of a carcinogen-engulfed atmosphere and nuclear proliferation and applied it to his own murderous, bloodthirsty infant. And rounding out this prolific bunch is David Lynch's "Eraserhead," a hauntingly surreal horror film that not only presents parenthood with fearful uncertainty, but treats acts of sexuality and procreation with a metaphorically clinical (but never explicit) disgust.

Vincenzo Natali's "Splice" falls somewhere within this noteworthy pantheon of mad science, moral/ethical conundrums, and icky special effects. Many have already drawn comparisons (both positive and negative) to the early, mutation-informed works of Canadian auteur David Cronenberg, but Natali is just as interested in exploring the questions under the surface as he is showing an astutely creative visual eye. For a while, the film plays like something closer to an art-house feature (especially given the presence of character actors like Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley) with intriguing ideas and a solid FX budget. There are missteps along the way, but for the most part, this is a solid little sleeper.

Clive (Brody) and Elsa (Polley) are young scientists who have made a breakthrough in artificial life: two blob-like creatures (one male, one female) with the ability to manufacture an artificial protein for the purpose of nourishing livestock. In typical, business-first fashion, their corporate overlords marvel at the notion of mass-manufacturing it, and promptly reject Elsa's proposition of human experimentation (to cure genetic disorders). Driven by curiosity, the duo wind up creating Dren (Delphine Chaneac), a creature whose accelerated life cycle prompts the creepily maternal Elsa to keep her as part of a more personal "experiment." "Splice" contains subtle, well-played allusions to bad childhoods, long-term psychoses, and the shifting roles of parents in the eyes of children (Clive starts off as vehemently oppositional; later, he becomes a reluctant accomplice who ultimately develops a bizarre affection for the creation), not to mention the tension between parents amid the child-rearing process; watching this trio interact supplies most of the film's compelling, hypnotic moments. This deliberate pace and focus on character may prove off-putting to horror fans sold on the ADHD weirdness of the trailer, but those with open minds will find much to gorge themselves on.

Despite all the admirably creative spins on familiar concepts, Natali (or perhaps the producers, action aficionado Joel Silver being one) run out of fresh material by the climax, which takes chase clichés and overdone monster effects down a road that exists solely to patch up some character arcs and drum up excitement in a blandly conventional way. That being said, the first 3/4 of "Splice" is such a surprisingly effective slow burn of suspense and dread (culled from universal hopes and fears), played out by actors who know the fine line between camp and creep, that its later machinations are pretty easy to forgive.

6.5 out of 10
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Omg. Hahaha what did I just watch??!
rooprect25 April 2012
Lol... Seriously, what did I just watch?? I can't decide if this movie is brilliant, cheezy, profound, juvenile, disgusting or the biggest turn-on since "I Spit On Your Grave". I'm not sure if you'll love or hate this flick, but if you will definitely NOT forget it.

As you can guess from the movie posters, the story is about an artificially-engineered humanoid who's pretty hot. Let your imagination take it from there. What makes this story so memorable is that the writers aren't afraid to take it wherever it needs to go. And then some. Like if you thought "Species" was perverse, it looks like "The Flying Nun" compared to this.

Just to throw some words out there: incest, bestiality, rape, science, incest. And yes, I know I said it twice.

I found myself, in the depths of my twisted mind, thinking "woah, wouldn't it be crazy if (such and such) happens..." and sure enough it does, only to be followed by "oh but they wouldn't dare let (such and such) happen..." and sure enough it does again. Normally I would say predictability is a flaw, but in this case it's thrilling. The whole experience is like a voyeuristic romp, testing the limits of how screwed-up the writers' (and your own) imagination can get. The point being, I'm sure, to show just how morally wrong it is for scientists to engage in vivisection & the creation of life. This is like Frankenstein on steroids.

Like seriously, my hippie brethren, put down your picket signs and just show this movie on street corners... You'll see an end to vivisection overnight.

Parts of this story seemed ridiculous & comic booky, but just when I'm about to write it off as childish tosh it introduces some incredibly complex themes like a Greek play. You think Oedipus had problems? Hahaha Oedipus never saw SPLICE. It would make him go crying to his momma.

The more I think of it, I think this film is brilliant. Much like "Starship Troopers" was a deep socio-political satire disguised as a campy action flick, I think SPLICE gives us a techno-moral satire disguised as a thriller. But like I said, I have no clue if this is masterpiece material or just plain cheese. Most likely the filmmakers deliberately used elements of both.

If you like scifi satires like "Starship Troopers", "District 9", or scifi morality plays about the creation of new lifeforms as in "Solaris", "Moon", "Alien Resurrection", or the one that started them all, "Frankenstein" (2004 miniseries, the best version), maybe with a bit of "Species" eroticism & "Rosemary's Baby" & "The Omen" & "Mommy Dearest" & "Flowers in the Attic" thrown in, then this is for you. I think...

By the way, y'ever notice how aliens & evolved humanoids always look just like Bjork? Just sayin...
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Playing of God
claudio_carvalho9 April 2011
Clive Nicoli (Adrien Brody) and Elsa Kast (Sarah Polley) are scientists of the Newstead Pharmaceutics researching the splice of DNA from different animals to form new genetic beings and find medical benefits to mankind. They have just created the hybrid Ginger and Fred and now they intend to join together human DNA to alter the genetic structure of their experiment. When the senior management calls off their experiment, they decide to secretly proceed and they generate a life form with human characteristics. They call it Dren (Delphine Chaneac) and Elsa is very fond of their creation that grows up fast and showing intelligence. When the company shutdown their experiment, they bring Dren to Elsa's abandoned farm and the scientists raise Dren like a daughter. But when it reaches adulthood, the sex drive of Dren is activated and Clive and Elsa learn that they have a serious problem to resolve.

"Splice" is a dramatic sci-fi horror film with the story of two young unethical scientists that decide to play God. The plot is unoriginal but is attractive and engaging, specially because the trio formed by Sarah Polley, Adrian Brody and Delphine Chanéac. The childhood trauma of Elsa is absolutely out of the context and a diversion to the mainstream. The special effects and make-up are awesome, transforming the gorgeous French actress Delphine Chanéac in a creature with an exotic beauty. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Splice – A Nova Espécie" ("Splice – The New Specie")
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A solid new movie about a tired (and almost overdone) ethical topic
billie_wongt413 May 2010
I was privileged enough to catch a screening of Splice last night that headlined the director Vincenzo Natali as a special guest. I've been a moderate fan of his work since his eerie and claustrophobic feature, Cube. Like Cube, I found that this movie was able to set an atmosphere that was almost palatable throughout the film. The main characters, Elsa and Clive (played by Sarah Polley and Adrien Brody, respectively) were both likable and detestable, and yet all the time believable throughout the film. I credit Natali's writing with this emotional tug-of-war, because he was able to explain the motives of the characters without giving too much away and forcing the pacing to lag. (The man is whip smart, and it showed through his handling of the Q&A session after the movie). They do some despicable things, but Natali oft times tries to explain the character's background to justify certain actions. I appreciate the effort, but at the same time, I felt the film required some serious suspension of disbelief on the part of its viewers to really swallow some scenes and resulting relationships.

After seeing the movie, you'll probably realize you've seen this movie and premise before. Without giving too much away, this tale reminds me a lot of Jurassic Park. The overarching narrative parallels the sentiments of Dr. Malcom from Jurassic Park ("but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should. "). The character's themselves were even named after pivotal actors in Bride of Frankenstein (Colin Clive and Elsa Lanchester), an homage to one of the great creatures of Science Fiction films, and a source of inspiration to the director himself. The hybrid starts off looking quite alien, but evolves into looking quite human-like (probably due to budget constraints, as well as done to help the viewer identify and empathize with the creature) with legs immediately reminding me of the aliens from The Arrival (1996). Throughout the film, you could see the evolution of all the characters that contributed to the final climax of the film. Elsa and Clive make a lot of mistakes and poor judgments throughout the film considering how 'brilliant' these scientists were supposed to be. They try to approach the creation of this hybrid being with an objective mind - purely for the sake of science. However, in turn, they make a lot of 'human' errors along the way where their emotions come into play. As Chaos Theory explains, small variations in initial conditions renders long-term predictions impossible. The movie keeps you guessing throughout. It evolves in an uncontrolled way, just like the hybrid the scientists created. Like every other creature feature flick before it (Frankenstein, Jurassic Park and even Species), everything culminates into a final climactic scene where the makers are forced to atone for their actions.

The creature effects were solid and the actress playing Dren is amazingly beautiful and exotic looking. Her mild androgyny was perfect for the role. Her sharp movements seemed quite alien to me and she took the creature further than what special effects could have done alone. Brody and Polley were both solid actors throughout the film. I particularly enjoyed Brody's wardrobe and styling. The pacing of the film started almost magical, like ET, then quickly picked up pace, paralleling the frenetic tension the scientists themselves must have been feeling.

It wasn't a perfect movie by any means and it certainly wasn't one of my favourites in recent years, but I enjoyed it. If I had to compare it to his earlier work, Cube, I would have to say that Cube made a much more lasting impression (I own it and recommend it to friends often). This movie is a fun way to spend an evening. You'll come out of the theatre with a positive experience, but it probably won't be a movie you'd rush out to see a second time.

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Started out good, ended up not so good
freaky_dave6 June 2010
Splice was a movie that had a lot of promise. It seemed to be building towards something special, but got lost in an unnecessary plot thread that didn't quite work towards the end. THis specific plot started with a scene involving the creature and the character played by Adrian Brody, and it was a scene that didn't quite work because there wasn't enough of a build up towards something like that happening. Sure there were some scenes leading towards that, but in my opinion those scenes were not enough to take such a major step forward, not after he first showed disgust towards the creature at the earlier phases of its development. On top of that the movie goes even farther into absurdity at the conclusion, involving the character played by Sarah Polley and the creature again, taking much of the intelligence of the film out of the equation.

In my opinion, the director was onto something in the beginning but then took the story into an unnecessary direction that might've still worked if there had been some real build up to those points which led to the conclusion. Sure there were some signs, but really not enough. Instead the movie ends in what can only be called a total WTF moment, and it doesn't work at all. Not a horrible movie, but only average and not recommended.
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Unique in every way, but...
paul_haakonsen25 July 2010
Okay, this was a movie that took me by surprise. I hadn't even heard of it, and just came across it by sheer random luck.

The story and plot is simply genius, and this is something that should have been put to the screen a long, long time ago. For this movie, sort of think in the terms of mixing "The Fly" and "Species" together, and throw in some extra spices. It was a super nice storyline, but I would have liked to see more about the morals and ethical dilemmas raised by gene manipulation, splicing and genetic research. The movie just brushed easily over this and paid it little heed. That was a shame.

As for the acting and cast, well I would say that the little cast that the movie was centered about really carried their roles and characters well and made the movie believable and interesting to watch. And the creature, Dren, was really portrayed so well, that you started to feel for her and become attached to her.

The creature design was phenomenal and very nicely detailed, as always when Nicotero is involved with something. From the very first moment you saw the creature and up until the very end, it was all cool and nice to look at. However, the wings were a tad too much for my liking. But it worked well enough to show the different aspects of mixing genetics from various species.

The last 15 minutes of the movie, however, were painful to get through. The story totally collapsed here and it would have served the movie so much better had they decided to do something else. It was a bit too sassy and too far out there. And the ending, well you saw that coming a mile away. I would have rated the movie higher, had it not been for the last 15 minutes and the typical Hollywood ending.

But overall, this movie is definitely one you should sit down and watch. It is a unique story and filled with nice effects and details. There is a constant flow to the story, so you are never left bored. And there are a bunch of thrills throughout the movie as well. So watch this movie, you won't be disappointed.
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This film is horrible
e_barker13 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
So Many things went wrong with this movie. One, a high-tech lab where there are NO cameras in the "secure" areas. I mean seriously are we supposed to believe that there were no cameras in the room with the multi-million dollar piece of equipment (fake uterus) was. Also, about that they break a multi-million dollar piece of equipment (smash it) and no one even asks what happened to it. They end up moving Dren into the basement (where no one goes), because yea maintenance and janitorial employees ever go into areas where maintenance and janitorial things are stored. OK, but those are minor things. How about we look at how Adrian Brody/Sarah Polley characters changed so quickly without explanation. Adrian Brody starts out thinking they need to kill Dren, then he thinks no we need to take care of it, and then near the end he says "the experiment's over we no longer have an obligation to the specimen" none of those transitions are ever explained they just happen. Sarah Polley's character does the same thing only in reverse. She starts off wanting to take care of Dren, then after Dren kills the cat she goes all kinds of crazy and wants to kill Dren and then she goes back to wanting to take care of Dren and then at the very end she wants to kill it again. Now, I guess we can say that she turns on Dren because of the abuse her mother did to her, although we are never told that not even a damn flash-back scene. Also, why did Adrian Brody have sex with Dren, it was not needed and in the scene right before that we see that she has no vagina (so we will call it Comic Book Magic. Next, they are supposed to be brilliant scientist, but they fail to notice that every single time there is a change in Dren she "Dies" for a bit. In the fake uterus machine she dies and then comes out, she gets drowned and dies and then develops the aqua-lungs. So they really don't see that come on. Finally, there is NO moral, I mean I guess the moral is go ahead and screw around with nature and when it kills everything that you love and rapes you, don't worry go ahead and screw around with nature some by selling your rape creature. I mean the sex scene was totally un-needed but the rape scene was just sick, and then on top of that to find out that she is just money hungry woman at the end. When she said "What's the worst thing that can happen", I totally wanted the camera to pan outside and see the whole city on fire. This movie was horrible, it was horribly written and horribly put together. I am sadden that people actually found this movie to be good.
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hitchcockthelegend2 December 2018
Splice is a tricky picture to evaluate, for its ideas are superb. One could argue that it brings a new petri dish full of meddling scientists facing the consequences of their actions, while conversely it justifiably feels like a Cronenberg knock-off.

Psychological discord is in abundance, with its slants on skew-whiff parenting giving the pic a dark fascination, and as unpleasant as the male fantasy angle is, it does hold a morbid interest factor.

Yet come the final third the makers let things run away from them, the bonkers dangers of tampering with science giving way to daft schlock, even managing to be distasteful in the process - while the finale is a weak attempt at a "TBC" cliff hanger.

Lead cast members are turning in good perfs. Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley as the meddling science couple hold court well, and Delphine Chaneac as the Chimera splicer of the piece really nails all the various emotional strands required for a tricky role.

Director Vincenzo Natali has shown with Cube and Cypher he has something to offer the horror/sci-fi splinters of film, but this is a mixed bag. A film of great ideas let down by overheating the plot for shock values, while the levity inserted into the play is misguided and damaging for dramatic worth. 6/10
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whiskey tango foxtrot
hwaite13 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This film gets props for pioneering a new genre: the romantic-comedy-scifi-horror-thriller-drama. Production values are too solid for it to be called 'camp' but the lack of realism makes the movie hard to take seriously. The film opens with two lovebird scientists delivering a genetically engineered creature that is sufficiently amazing (and unrealistic) to drive the plot of several movies. In the Parallel Earth of Splice, however, the scientific community is none too impressed by the birthing of a radical new species: "Yeah, those sentient penises you've grown are neat but we'd like to see synthesis of some random protein or we're shutting you down." The H-40 chimeras are quickly forgotten and our heroes move on to the first of several fantastically stupid ideas. For the lulz, they opt to secretly grow a human/animal hybrid. Counter-intuitive as it may be, these two dolts are able to create a freakish humanoid monster with trivial effort and without anyone noticing. The director constantly reminds us that they're are all torn up inside over the attendant ethical dilemmas. As we all know, the characters will do whatever the plot requires and there's no real dramatic tension there. Never mind the outrageous intellectual, temporal and financial resources needed to achieve such a task: Dren, the lovable monster, is born.

The bulk of the movie is occupied by the scientists (Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley) secretly raising CGI monstrosity Delphine Chanéac (Dren) to adulthood. A recurring problem with the story is the inconsistent scientific acumen exhibited by the two leads. They're able to effect implausibly awesome scientific breakthroughs on a whim. On the other hand, they fail to notice things that should be obvious to an undergrad biology major. Is the specimen male or female? Does it have wings? Gills? Maybe they should've given the bitch an X-Ray or something. At one point the dynamic duo fails to even recognize whether Dren is dead or alive. Some of these oversights would be excusable if they were integral to the plot. Too bad they're mostly thrown in for the sake of cheap thrills. As Dren's biology is revealed to be increasingly far-fetched, I sense a truly compelling premise being squandered upon a mediocre movie.

Yet another unforgivable oversight is the needlessly limited communication with Dren. Brody and Polley are constantly wondering what Dren is thinking. Does she understand her origins? What are her hopes and dreams? What does she know of the outside world? Dren communicates via body language and incomprehensible chirps yet it's established early on that she knows English. Did nobody think to bring a pad and paper? The scientific achievement of the millennium is handled pretty casually by all parties.

The director tries to use the scientists' emotional involvement as an excuse for their poor judgment but that only goes so far. The film jumps the shark when Brody elects to have sex with their creation. At this point, I decided that the whole exercise was "tongue in cheek" and that the joke was on me. It seemed like a subtler reenactment of the scene from Spike Jonze's 'Adaptation' where the plot starts to unravel with a nod and a wink. From this point on, clichés per minute goes off the chart as the film descends into B-Grade horror.

I can't decide if this movie is genuinely ridiculous or if it just went over my head. 5-stars for making me think.
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What's With You People?
alnora12278 July 2011
Three fourths of these reviews hate the movie and whine about the idiot decisions of the scientists. Well of COURSE they made idiotic decisions! Where's the film if they made perfectly sane decisions? What kind of film is that?

I actually thought the film was effing brilliant. I think it took a familiar premise and retooled it. The performances of Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley were exemplary, as always. I saw it for Sarah Polley as she is one of my favorite actors and one of the most underrated ones out there today. The actress that played Dren was also strong and had the perfect mix of human, alien, and innocence.

The film addresses many scientific issues, but does so with a moral and emotional center. I like that the film doesn't pull punches and I like that there are consequences for the actions of the scientists. I thought the complex relationship of the couple and their creation was skillfully rendered and and excellently acted.

Was it flawed? Sure. But it was also really kick ass and I'd see it again in a heartbeat.

If you want your horror sci-fi movies neat and tidy and pedestrian this probably isn't for you.
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Keeps you on your seat...
dogancanyazir18 May 2011
First of all... The movie is DISTURBING! But it has a very unique sense of eroticism and curiosity. The creature is unlike any other thing i've ever seen. The plot is a little usual but it guarantees to keep you on your seat until the end of the movie. The acting was decent and i think the casting is well done, especially Adrien Brody as Clide and Sarah Polley as Elsa. Brody really suited the role because of his kinda nerd looking face with a little curious in it and Polley was just the kind of actress who makes you feel what she feels during the movie. I think what the movie is lacking is outdoors. We don't see really much sun or anything during the movie which makes you darken inside a little. Overall it's a great movie which makes you satisfied at the end. I can GUARANTEE you will love it if you're into sci-fi. I give this movie 7/10 but this is my first review anyways.
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An unbelievably cold and strange sci-fi flick which makes the cut because of it's sheer originality and well-crafted story
kallepalli-sashank21 June 2011
Well,I was amazed to be honest,literally amazed when I saw the trailer because it's been a while since I saw a movie made on the same lines as the cronenberg classics.The "man creates rare specimen-turned frankenstein" type of films was widely used in the 70's and most importantly the 80's and I kinda liked that category of sci-fi thrillers so it took me almost 8 months till I finally got my hands on it and thought I was gonna see a typical sci-fi thriller which takes you all the way,but I did'nt see what I expected...

The plot revolves around two scientists,a couple,with a taste for doing the extraordinary and finally go for it when the try to splice human with animal DNA against the orders of their superiors which proves a touch costly when the result turns out to be an animal-human hybrid which looks all but friendly,initially it turns out to be friendly but as it grows...things change.

My heart tells me to tell you more about the unexpected twists and turns the story takes but I just don't wanna spoil the thrills which I experienced and trust me it's something like never before...

When I was seeing this movie I kinda had that perpetual deja vu maybe because it gave me that lurch in the stomach,that kind of feeling you had when you saw classics like "The Fly"..

Well ,the reason why I am not giving it an 8 or a 9 is mainly because of the casting..

Sarah Polley was anything but impressive in her role,she lacked that energy or enthusiasm of a rogue scientist and was mostly irritating,Adrien Brody did'nt look like a circumspect rogue-scientist,in fact he had that Mr. Nice guy look all through the film but still impresses and I still feel that the role of adrein brody's brother in the film could have been given more screen time to add that moral edge to the movie..

Splice is a highly absorbing,engaging and even thrilling sci-fi flick which packs a good punch and carries a rare originality through it's story and screenplay.I could have given it an 8 or a 9 but for the casting.I still give it a decent 7/10.
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Postmodern Prometheus
tieman6423 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Vincenzo Natalie directs "Splice", a science-fiction horror film which reverses the gender roles of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein". Some context: Shelley's novel revolved around a male scientist who creates "new life"; a monster out of discarded human limbs. As he is incestuously attracted to a female relative, the scientist views both sexuality and lust as something perverse and abhorrent. As a result, his monstrous creation becomes a means of creating life, of sublimating sexual desires, without female mediation. He creates "without woman". Unfortunately the monster, itself denied a sexual partner, grows violent. It demands that the scientist create it a bride. The scientist refuses. Resentful, the monster kills the scientist's lover. The novel then ends with both man and monster alone and resentful.

Shelley's novel makes the usual points about the dangers of science, of man "playing god", of transhumanism, of transgressing limits and "nautral orders", but also sees science as a masculinist pursuit which is obsessed with taming a "feminized" Nature which it deems wild, lawless and contemptible. Man wants to remodel Nature, create without Nature and deny his own corporeality. The novel's big point, though, is that technology, creation and maybe even evolution (Darwin would become renowned almost a century after Shelley's book was published), tend to merely reproduce that which existed before. They are mutable but also essentially inflexible.

Natalie's "Splice" stars Sarah Polley and Adrien Brody as Elsa and Clive, two genetic engineers. They're named after Elsa Lanchester and Colin Clive, actors from James Whale's "Bride of Frankenstein". Elsa, like the male scientist in Shelley's novel, finds heteronormative sexuality abhorrent. She was abused by her mother, doesn't want kids, doesn't want to be pregnant, doesn't want to be "changed" by pregnancy, and is distrustful of sexual intimacy. She wants full control of her own body. Pregnancy, she thinks, is akin to a parasitic invasion. It's also a form of gender inequality: women bear the brunt of pregnancy. As such, Elsa seeks motherhood outside her own womb. She and Clive grow a worm-like creature in a laboratory, their own Frankenstein's monster. This creature is a trans-genetic organism that includes both human DNA and animal DNA.

So the film reverses "Frankenstein". Here it is a female scientist playing God and seeking life via a prosthetic womb. Elsa's "child" then begins to grow up. She names it Dren, which is "nerd" spelt backwards. In other words, the monster is merely a "spliced" or rearranged version of Elsa, herself a nerd. Elsa then begins to replicate the maternal and nurturing instincts of her own mother. She raises Dren as her mother raised her, replicating mistakes/actions which replicate in Dren certain behaviours.

The film then plays with the gender mutability of Dren. Is Dren male? Is Dren female? Does Dren's gender depend on Elsa's nurturing techniques (she dresses it in pink clothes etc)? Is Elsa imposing her will upon Dren's sex?

Eventually Elsa and Clive lock Dren – now an exotic, erotic humanoid - in a barn and attempt to raise it in isolation. Isolated, the creature becomes increasingly masculinized, and seems to outright shift its sex from male to female. This leads to Elsa castrating Dren (cutting off its tail stinger). At this point, Clive grows sexually, incestuously attracted to a now feminine Dren. He transfers his desires for his own wife onto the monster. Clive and Dren then have sex, an act which is melodramatically intruded upon by Elsa. This is where "Splice" then departs from "Frankenstein", for Dren then murders Clive and rapes Elsa. "Inside," Dren mummers, as it penetrates Elsa, returning to Elsa precisely the monster of pregnancy, of insemination, which she sought to escape.

Elsa, unlike Shelley's scientist, seems to create a monster which embodies both female and male sexual impulses. Dren is both male and female, but neither male nor female. It lusts for, and has intercourse with, its father and its mother, its surrogate bride and groom. At the root of these impulses, though, is a desire to return to the womb; to be inside, and so a drive and desire to negate its own existence (Dren's favourite word, "tedious", is an anagram for "outside"). In the end, both Natalie and Shelley's scientists see nature and sexuality as epitomising a certain inescapable human order. Man is always corporeal, always bound to the body, and the limitations of the flesh tend toward reproduction, replication and splicing, and cannot be easily transcended.

This pessimism then informs another subplot in the film. Elsa and Clive – two hipster bohemian scientists - want to do "good work", but are repeatedly hounded by corporate, Big Pharma types who "put profit first". These corporate hounds push Elsa to create hybrid organisms which are to be used to secrete marketable pharmaceuticals. When they learn that Elsa has been raped and impregnated, they then essentially pay Elsa for her body, which now contains "essential biochemicals". Significantly, the leaders of this Big Pharma organisation are female and the company itself is called N.E.R.D. Capital, like the spliced monsters, replicates itself regardless of changes in power relations, gender relations or social hierarchies. Capital's rule is inescapable, but paradoxically, social changes are unstoppable.

In a similarly pessimistic light, it is Elsa's "desire for control" which directly fuels Dren's violence, and so results in Elsa losing all control. Ordering forces, then, seems to proportionately fuel a certain lawlessness.

"Splice" is well shot, well acted, but reeks of B-movie conventions and at times feels like a low rent, early Cronenberg movie. It's not disturbing enough, not erotic enough, features poor dialogue and is simultaneously not trashy enough to be great pulp SF and not classy enough to be great high-brow SF. Like Dren, it's a little bit mixed up.

7.9/10 - Worth one viewing.
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Good halfway through, disturbing in a good way.
metabogy10 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As a big fan of Vincenzo Natali I really could not wait for this movie to come out. Natali has made a series of somewhat low budget but cerebral and brilliant movies that have always managed to surprise me, especially from an aesthetic point of view. Natali has a passion for shapes and patterns, and it shows. In a lot of his movies, a city is a repetitive grid of simple shapes, like a monolithic machine. His representation of a mental prison in Cube is marked by patterns and the repetition of form. In the movie Nothing, he made a pass at shapelessness and absence.

Unfortunately, Splice, a collaboration with Guillermo del Toro loses some of that aesthetic quality, which is replaced with a more traditional Hollywood style. There is a distinct biological, David Cronenberg inspiration and theme throughout the film, and it often becomes disturbing.

The movie deals with somewhat sensitive (and potentially offensive) themes that haven't really been addressed in a lot of movies, such as inter-species intercourse, rape and breeding. It deals with the subject of hermaphroditic human life and gender identity. It is definitely bound to offend audiences used to every day Hollywood blockbusters.

The movie, unfortunately, while being an intellectual and stimulating experience about half way through, it takes a turn for the worse towards the end. This change doesn't completely ruin the movie, as it redeems itself in it's conclusion, but don't expect to leave the theater undisturbed. It doesn't have a happy ending.

It gets a 7 from me. I would rate Natali's other movies a full 10, but this one could have been better.
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"Watch, If You Have an Appetite for Uniquely Strange Story"
kimi_layercake2 November 2010
"Splice" is a science fiction cum horror film concerning Clive (Adrien Brody) and Elsa (Sarah Polley), two young rebellious scientists who are told by their employers to halt their groundbreaking work that has seen them produce new creatures with medical benefits by splicing together multiple organisms' DNA. They decide to secretly continue their work, but this time splicing in human DNA. But, like every creations; it has its good as well as bad aspects. And things turn unexpectedly with grave consequences.

Cast-wise, confused. Adrien Brody wasn't exactly suited for the role. He seems quite unnatural for the role of a geek scientist. Neither his unkempt hair nor nerd body were convincing enough. On the other hand, Sarah Polley was a bigger disappointment. She was just plain straight irritating. Her acting, expressions, dialogue delivery was all absurd. Overall, the casting was not credible enough.

"Splice" strength lies in its strange or rather unusual storyline, amazingly stupid or unique creature design and it's ending, where a lot happens to give an entirely new significance to the movie. On the other side, its absurd casting is a big letdown.

Overall, "Splice" is a unique science fiction movie with a strange yet unparalleled plot. The degree of liking a person will evolve for this movie is directly relative to how he/she digests the unusual plot.

My Verdict: 7/10
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I cannot believe I sat through the whole thing without walking out.
acespaceman29 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie just tonight at the "Second Run" Cheap theater for $1.75. I was ROBBED. This is by far the worst movie I'v seen in years. At some point, I'm sure I've seen another movie this bad, but I can't think of any at the moment.

OK, so let's get to the reasons this movie completely sucked.

Obviously, this is supposed to be a Sci-Fi thriller, and Character development isn't usually paramount, but The director gives us no reason whatsoever to care about the two main human characters. They're not really good people, they're not really bad, they're just there conducting the most ridiculous experiments which end up giving us the "Creature".

OK, so the two main characters don't give us anything to care about. No big deal, this is a Thriller right? So we can expect some good old fashioned, edge of your seat, scares right? Wrong. There's nothing remotely scary about this film, aside from the fact that the studio greenlighted it.

OK, so, We don't care about the characters... It's not scary.. Maybe it'll have some higher purpose, with great social commentary, and a message of ethics that makes us think. NOPE.

The whole premise of the movie is beyond stupid, but by the time Brodie has sex with the Creature, it's completely impossible to take this movie seriously.

I usually have no problem suspending disbelief at the movies... But c'mon, Throw us a bone here, you want me to believe that two young, successful, highly educated scientists working in a medical/genetics laboratory, splice one of their own DNA samples with that of.... some other DNA coctail to create a humanoid creature in the broom closet in the basement, of the Med Lab because... Why? who knows. Who Cares.

It grows up into a female freakshow, that not even the lonliest guy I know would have sex with, but Brodie decides to do it anyway. Then the Creature changes it's gender, and Rapes the female doctor, knocking her up, and Killing Brodie in the process.

Female doctor is pregnant with Freakshow's child, and the movie ends with GREAT possibilities for a FANTASTIC sequel. Somebody slap the Director.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that in this day, and age a movie this bad didn't go straight to DVD.

I wasted 2 hours of my life, and $1.75 on this steaming heap of crap. Learn from my mistake, and don't let it happen to you. Stay home, and watch Seinfeld Reruns, Change the oil in your car, Paint the Garage... anything... just don't waste your time on this movie.
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Could have been good if the Blonde died.
valentineadam178 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
From basically the first 5 minutes of the movie i hated the blonde doctor. Super annoying, super pushy, doesnt listen, and makes the worst decisions possible. The whole time i was audibly saying i really hope that thing kills you. The movie wasnt as bad as people make it to be. Was definitely weird. But it ruined it for me when everyone died except for the person that was supposed to. Really lost me with the ending too. Like cmon dawg.
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Unbelievably Terrible
byanoski5 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I am stunned that so many people on here are giving this high reviews. I assumed of all sites this one would give what this movie truly deserves...a 1/10.

I went into this movie with no expectations. A few friends of mine were going to see it so I tagged along. I hadn't heard anything about it except that it was something about genetic engineering, which intrigued me as I am interested in the advancement of genetic engineering.

I will start off by saying that this movie is very predictable. As an independent filmmaker myself, I could already picture how they were going to open up the movie by just watching the intro credits. It opened with a first person view of something looking up at a group of doctors. What used to be a great first shot is something that is way overdone.

Now when I saw that Adrien Brody was in the movie I was pretty excited because I have always respected him as an actor (until this film). He played a scientist with what seemed to be his girlfriend (maybe his wife, they never established whether or not they were married). They worked together in the lab to develop these "spliced" blobs that could be used for medical miracles in science...artificial proteins created from animal DNA.

They then decided to risk it all by splicing animal with human DNA. This created this animal/human hybrid that grew at a rapid pace, had lungs that could breathe underwater and could even fly. It also had a tail with this pointy thing at the end of it. Quite a complex combination of who knows what. This was another drawback...the "girl" just didn't make sense. She was part human and part like 3-4 different kinds of animals.

The idea was great but it fell way short. The dialogue in many areas was pretty awful with the most generic lines ever seen in a movie. For example, as predicted the brother of Brody and their boss shows up and the brother steps out and says something like "I had no choice". I saw this scene coming the moment the brother found they had a human/animal.

There was even a scene after Brody did something that took him from being a great actor to being a nobody in my book because anyone that would accept a scene like this has got to be out of their mind. I will commend them for this scene because half the audience turned their heads in disgust and the other half burst out laughing about how absurd it was. From then on the movie was nothing but a huge laugh. The whole theater was laughing...it went from a sci fi thriller to a comedy pretty quickly.

Probably the best part was the ending...because it was finally over. Overall I would tell everyone to wait for this movie on DVD because it isn't worth your money in the theaters unless you want to watch a comedy. It had a ton of potential but wasn't presented in a believable way.

I did however enjoy the opening credits...they were very well done. It' a shame the rest of the movie could not have been the same caliber as the opening credits.
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*Huge Spoilers* Beastiality or Incest?
Makinmovesn043 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When I rented this I thought it was going to be a bad reinterpretation of Species. I couldn't have been more surprised at how much better these characters were developed (Natasha Henstrige was smokin hot though...lol). When Brody was having sex with Dren I kept thinking that although this creature had human DNA, this was still an animal! My dog is cute, but I have never thought about screwing it. Monkeys have near human DNA, but if I put lipstick on it, and teach it how to dance I am not going to bend it over the dining room table. In the case of the Polley character, she was raped...by her son. What does it say about her as a person to keep that baby for "science"/money, and what was worse, cheating on your GF with her mutant daughter or being raped by your mutant bastard son and keeping the offspring?
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Stupid and Tasteless (Spoilers)
umaneo5 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The film starts off OK but steadily unravels. By the last third it's off the rails and becomes an insulting mess. Why is it in these kinds of films, if the male lead has sex with the 'monster' it's filmed as an erotic seduction but when the female lead has a sexual encounter with the 'monster' it a violent rape. Worse is that the only words Dren says in the film are a vulgar twist on words 'she' spelled out earlier just at the start of the rape. What a crap trap of a film.I fear Aidrian Brody is on his way to joining the list of actors who should have to give the Oscar back. There obviously talent connected to this film what a shame it was wasted in just another bad 'horrr/sci-fi' film.
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A twistedly depraved, yet highly enjoyable science fiction nightmare
DonFishies17 June 2010
Clive (Adrien Brody) and Elsa (Sarah Polley) are genetic scientists attempting to come up with a breakthrough protein that will help combat against deadly diseases. But the pharmaceutical company financing their work wants to push ahead, despite their insistence of needing more time to perfect their work. With the prospect of losing everything they have worked for, the couple secretly splices together a cocktail of animal DNA with human DNA, and wait to see what happens. Rather quickly, an extraordinary creature is born, and the pair must figure out what to do with it.

It may be 2010, but Splice owes its entire existence to the pioneering works of David Cronenberg and David Lynch. Yes, there are elements of Frankenstein and the work of H.P. Lovecraft scattered throughout the film, but the body horror, the mutations, the sexual depravity, the creature itself – all of these elements are cut of the same cloth the two legendary directors gave birth to in the 1970s and 1980s. But it is almost too easy to narrow down the little homages, references, and ideas co-writer and director Vincenzo Natali has dropped into his other-worldly tale. The whole film has a pulse unlike anything I have seen from the genre in recent years (outside of the enigmatic Avatar), and its low budget grittiness helps the tones and ideas of the picture go a very long way.

It is because of these elements that Splice rises out of the gluttony of modern horror and science fiction films. It has the old school charm, and it uses that to its advantage to create a rather unique film for its time. Natali, alongside co-writers Antoinette Terry Bryant and Doug Taylor, have crafted an uncompromising view of a potential nightmare of the future. Much like other great science fiction titles, Splice makes the audience think very hard about the morals being broken at any given time, the consequences of the characters' actions, and the very nightmare before them of whether a splicing experiment gone wrong like this one, could actually happen in reality.

If there is anything wrong with the film, it is the final act. Up until that point, everything feels very calculated and wildly unpredictable (especially one scene that rather easily disgusted the entire audience I was sitting with, including myself). But the last chunk of the film and especially in the dying moments of the film, the plotting seems very ill-conceived. It feels as if the writers had squandered all of their good ideas for the first two-thirds of the movie, and then ran out of ideas as to what to do afterwards. There are some good ideas at play here, but they just lack the intensity, enthusiasm and uniqueness of what came before. Ironically, a lot of these last scenes are in the television spots that make Splice look like any other horror movie, while the rest of the film tries its hardest to distance itself from everything else.

The various creatures that appear during the film, specifically the differing evolutions of the spliced together science project nicknamed Dren, are the true marvel of the film. Much like District 9, the filmmakers here have taken a significantly smaller sum of money than the average Hollywood blockbuster, and have created effects that appear all the more realistic and genuinely impressive. While some look a whole lot better than others (the early renditions of Dren suffer the most), all of these nightmarish beings look excellent and for all intents and purposes, a lot better than they ever should have looked. Great care and detail went into creating these effects, and even more went into some of the makeup used on Delphine Chanéac and Abigail Chu to make the look of Dren become increasingly more believable. The work here is truly spectacular, and compliments the script wonderfully.

The unfortunate thing about having such small casts is that the lead actors end up doing the entirety of the heavy lifting. But this is not a problem for Polley or Brody, who appears to have found a new resonance within the Hollywood zeitgeist, years after proving himself worthy of the big time in his Oscar-winning turn in The Pianist. Both are more than qualified for keeping the film afloat, and bring a passion to the small roles. Neither is terribly well written, but both actors breathe depth into their characters and performances. They have just the right conviction to their roles. They never waver or alter their style, even when the film veers into disturbing territory or all out insanity. Their chemistry is also quite well developed, and despite the initial weirdness, they are very believable as a couple.

The real marvel of the film however is undoubtedly Chanéac. She is simply magnificent in her role as Dren. She has to emote for the entire film (the creature does not really learn to talk), in various stages of dress, and she is more than up to the task. Her quick tonal changes reflect both the character's struggle for identity, and the immediacy and honesty of the portrayal. Much like Polley and Brody, Chanéac has a heightened conviction to the role that never falters. Her depiction of this monster makes it all the more human, and she makes genuine horror still look devastating.

Despite having seen the film a few weeks back, I still cannot get over how well done Splice was. It was cheap and gritty, but it had a low budget effects polish that was stronger than some of the best Hollywood blockbusters. The film has a few problems, but it is still well done all around, and should more than please fans of the genre. I can only hope for more inspired films like this to come from Natali in the future.


(This review also appeared on http://www.geekspeakmagazine.com).
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Scarecrow-888 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
You know what they say about good intentions.. Bio chemist scientists(and couple)Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley fool around with genetics by splicing animal and human DNA and the result will be devastating. Their work is supposed to be geared towards research which would lead to finding cures for all types of diseases and what these two create is a half-animal/half-human hybrid which is growing at an alarming rate. Polley grows attached to "Dren"(backwards for Nerd), almost a mother/daughter bond but as "she" evolves we see that it is becoming more unpredictable and dangerous not to mention the eventual "gender problem" which develops. A culmination of excellent computer generated and make-up effects highlights this sci-fi horror outing where, once again, science creates a threat to human kind, proving that despite the reasons behind their methods and experiments, it seems when you fool around with genetics only bad can come from it. Some disturbing/weird sex(and especially a bizarre rape/impregnation)between Dren and Brody, and a haunting attack on Polley are featured in SPLICE. The evolution of Dren is quite amazing to behold, and seeing Polley nurturing and raising it with such love and care is particularly heartwrenching once she begins to change into a more malevolent creature.
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Wasted potential.
and-8031716 September 2020
Great visuals and designs wasted on an immensly frustrating and illogical story and mind-bogglingly idiotic characters that seem to be that idiotic simply in order for things to actually happen at all, because anyone else would've stopped in the first 10 minutes of this movie and gone "Wait, hold on, this is insane.". Not to mention that their lab would've ABSOLUTELY notice this happening and they would NOT have kept this secret for as long as they did. Come to think of it, why did one of the main characters even get to work at this lab to begin with? She's clearly friggin insane and devoid of morality or ethics. THE CEO'S ARE THE ONES THAT ARE SENSIBLE AND REASONABLE!

That aside, the highlight of the movie is cute yet repulsive and unnerving. The monster design and the acting for it is great. It really brings home how vile and immoral what these lab workers have done really is. You feel both empathy and revulsion towards the creature.
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