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A cult wannabe with a dash of Blade Runner and a slash of Saw
Craig_McPherson19 July 2008
Darren Lynn Bousman has cojones. Big brass ones, it would appear, after viewing his twisted eclectic musical known as Repo! The Genetic Opera, which was given its world premier at Montreal's Fantasia film festival months in advance of its November release date.

The Director of Saw II, III and IV is hardly a person you'd associate with a rock opera, and when you factor in a cast that includes such artistic polar opposites as Sarah Brightman and Paris Hilton, you could be forgiven for feeling that the stink-o-meter would be going off the chart. And yet, it doesn't.

Set against a futuristic backdrop where an epidemic of organ failures is plaguing humanity, people turn to the unscrupulous Geneco Corporation to purchase replacements for their failing vitals. Not everybody makes good on their payments, however, which is where Nathan Wallace (Anthony Head of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame) goes into action as one of Geneco's "repo men", brutally reclaiming defaulters organs at scalpel-point.

The movie has a visual style that both works to its benefit and runs against the grain of conventional movie telling (comic strip look, richly colored and stylized sets, heavily filtered camera shots) and much of the music is surprisingly good. Even those sung by Hilton, who blends surprisingly well into the mix as Amber, the vain, plastic-surgery obsessed daughter of Geneco's president (Paul Sorvino). While Sarah Brightman's career as a pop-opera singer makes her, on paper at least, the best casting choice, it's Head who's really surprising. Sure he an act, but in a movie with no spoken dialog he not only shows he can sing, but is actually able to change his vocal style from controlled, when in character as Wallace, to raunchy when he dons his Repo Man persona.

Among the movie's flaws is the performance of Bill Moseley (House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects) as Luigi Largo, the scheming son of Geneco's president, whose singing talent can charitably be described as "lacking". Then again, considering the nature of the story, its roles, and ambitious scope, you'd have to expect that Bousman was going to break a few eggs en route to making his omelet.

The folks who run the hype machines at Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures are spinning this as another cult classic along the lines of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Phantom of the Paradise. That's a bit much. Musical cult classics aren't instantly created, they assume that mantle as a result of fan approval, and the cultivation of a following – something not easily done given the demise of repertory cinemas and weekly midnight screenings. Right now such corporate accolades are nothing more than hyperbole. Even though a lot of the prerequisites are in place, only time will tell if Repo will allow Bousman to reserve a permanent spot shilling to character-dressed fans on the convention circuit.
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Rare Gem
Tweetienator6 November 2017
Such a movie gives me hope - that sometimes between all the remakes, prequels, sequels, reboots and directors cuts and whatever bores we still get now and then a gem to watch.

What the world needs are certainly more such fine imaginations like Repo! The Genetic Opera. Somehow the movie reminds me a little of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and that's for sure not the worst reference.

Well, the genetic opera is filled with fine ideas, gore, slash and some good songs. It is an explosion of blood compared with all the blood- and lifeless productions which flood the screens of cinema and all the networks nowadays.

If you like musicals and gore, this is made for loving you - and don't forget to watch The Devil's Carnival, also directed by Darren Lynn Bousman: a horror musical.
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Potential was there...
theatrejake26 November 2008
I watched the second showing in Atlanta tonight. Some disclaimers:

As a fan of musicals, especially musicals that are not your usual fare, my expectations were high. I love Rocky Horror, was an avid fan for many years, and have been one of those who can quote not only the whole musical but all those lovely shout out lines in between. I also am a fan of stage musicals, and I would have to say Sweeney Todd has been my favorite since I first heard the music back in the early 90's. So I'm not afraid of a little blood with my music.

I also am a big fan of the Buffy musical. So I like Anthony Head's voice and acting. I should be foaming at the mouth at this movie. It's like it was made for me.

Unfortunately, I walked out of the movie thinking it was okay. Not great, but okay. That's when I ran into the fans, dressed like the characters and all chatting about how great it was. And it clicked.

This is supposed to be the next Rocky Horror... but without the long agonizing wait for a cult following. This was insta-cult classic! Just add water! The problem is, it's just not as good.

Believe me, I wanted it as much as the next Rocky/Buffy/Brightman fan, but the failing for me was in the music. I'm even a fan of this style of music, and it was not catchy. It was patchy. There were a few songs that were okay, but none of them were memorable. I'm not singing bits of them right now, and after a good musical you should be. As I talked to some of the fans who were wearing the costumes (some of whom I actually knew), their response to my critique was that "it grows on you" and that "I need to see it a few times".

They were gonna like this movie regardless, because they need another movie like Rocky Horror. And who doesn't? It gets boring watching the same movie for years and years - I know, I did it. But it's just not as good. And everyone is trying so hard to make it good.

This leads me to my last comment - I sat in front of a die-hard fan who was trying as hard as he could to make this movie great. He laughed the loudest and even tried to "Rockyfy" the movie by inserting his own shout-out comments. I remember thinking, "Dude, this isn't that movie" and I was only 5 minutes into it.

Don't try to make a movie good. Be objective. Even if it's your favorite kind of movie, don't be afraid to say that it's not that good. Wait for the ones that are.
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Thrashing and Slashing in rhythm and time!
one9eighty11 August 2015
I s**t you not, this really really is a musical (or Operatic) Horror film. Right from the start this film is bonkers but soo soo colourful and engaging - the opening credit's themselves should keep you hooked and wondering what the hell is going to happen in the film. I wasn't 100% convinced about the musical score but it wasn't at all out of place and did serve as great narrative drive as the film progressed. There are comic-book flashbacks which serve to keep this nerds taste buds moist.

The film takes place in 2046 in it's own Gothic and dark world - it's visually stunning and due to the complexity of the construct I can see a lot more films being spawned from this. Organ failure is a common problem and to assist civilization companies like GeneCo have been set up. GeneCo is a bio-tec company offering organ transplants for a cost, the largest company. For a price they will fix it's customers, but should they miss a payment the RepoMan will be sent to hunt them down to get GeneCo's product back. This is normal everyday life for a culture addicted to painkillers and medication.

Anthony Head is the RepoMan, contracted by Paul Sorvino's Rotti Largo character in an almost Faustian pact to repossess organs and limbs of people unable to maintain payments. This is the deal for Head thinking/assuming that he killed his wife and Rotti lets him continue believing this. Meanwhile Head's daughter Shilo (Alex PenaVega) is struggling with life growing up with a degenerative disease which will ultimately kill her. Shilo has her own adventures but will cross paths eventually with the Largo family members and some home truths about her childhood. The Largo kid's (Paris Hilton, Bill Mosely, and Nivek Ogre) are all fighting for the power to control Largo Rotti's GeneCo empire. A chance encounter allows Shilo to meet Blind Mag (Sarah Brightman) who helps assist Shilo discover herself and the deals which were made when her mother dies and the RepoMan was born. The climax of the film is a brilliant fight scene/opera song worthy of any musical.

I recommend this film highly to anyone similar to myself who likes brilliantly bonkers spectacular movies, who might just have a penchant for horror or the occasional musical - FTR this is not as 'camp' as you'd expect from a musical, sure it's got songs to replace speeches but it works extremely well and you may just find yourself humming some of the songs after the credits have rolled. If you enjoyed "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" or "Sweeny Todd" this is a natural progression and you will not be disappointed. A total departure from what I'd expect the director of 'Saw' films to make but well done Darren Lynn Bousman, I take my hat off to you.

I can see this film being a cult classic and shown on many midnight Halloween film events. It's extremely original, it's visually stunning, and direction and production values are extremely high. Casting is brilliant and you'd normally expect such big names to get more screen time, the complex relationships between characters is explored via comic style flashbacks which just add to the beauty and appeal of this film. I really can't say enough superlatives about this film, just leave expectations at the door and let the film's world immerse you in itself.
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Blood, guts and vocal range
tawdry_hepburn7 November 2008
There are two ways in which a movie can succeed.

One—it can have a fully realized plot that works to explain some larger subtextual moral. It can demonstrate a mastery of technical and thematic areas and create an emotional response in the viewer. This is the route that most critics look for when giving a positive review. Films like Schindler's List. On the Waterfront. A Streetcar Named Desire.

The other way in which a movie can succeed is with ideas. This type of movie doesn't have to make sense in the same way that a traditional film does. It simply has to take you somewhere you have never been, and hopefully throw your mind through a few loops along the way. Films like El Topo. The Fountain. Eraserhead. Gummo. The Exterminating Angels.

Repo! The Genetic Opera definitely falls into the latter category.

The story, told entirely through song, details the intersecting secrets of people living in a world where a mysterious virus has caused random organ failure and forced people to resort to leasing cloned organs, at a very high price.

There is so much whimsy in this film that it almost becomes an absurdist fairytale. It skips and jumps from one homage to the next, cribbing notes from Rocky Horror in one scene before moving on to Rigoletto in the next. Genres and archetypes are thrown up against one another and mashed together with reckless abandon mixing Grand Guignol with Sondheim and Disney with Faces of Death. It cuts together the pieces of our collective pop culture consciousness the same way that the antagonists cut together new forms for their bodies.

And it's wickedly funny too.

Picking up where the ultimate consumers of Romero's shopping malls left off, Repo! makes for a brutal satire of consumer culture where human flesh is a commodity bought and sold with government approval. People have designer spines and get upgrades on their bodies when they go in for maintenance on their artificial organs. Starlets don't forget to wear panties, they forget to sew on their new faces.

Darren Lynn Bousman has made a name for himself as a go-to guy for over the top, operatic gore and he doesn't shy away from it here. Repo! is often tremendously bloody with sanguine spilling left and right, often directly on top of naked flesh. He takes what he learned making Saw II--IV and pushes in into overdrive as he uses it to skewer one satirical target after the next.

Normally I am one to shy away from sexualized violence. I find it repulsive and saddening, but here, Bousman has found that perfect mix between sexy and grotesque. Though the bloodletting is vicious, it never spills over into elaborate rape fantasy. It is a shame that he is no longer attached to the Hellraiser relaunch.

The cast, made up of a bizarre collection of geek favorites, musicians and world famous opera singers is almost weirder than the movie's central conceit. Paul Sorvino is brilliant fun as the patriarch who controls the world but finds himself unable to defeat cancer. Sorvino is fascinating to watch when he is let loose and he has a singing voice to rival any star of stage. Sarah Brightman is also quite good in a small roll that is entirely divorced from her signature turn in Phantom of the Opera. The rest of the cast is a bit of a mixed bag. Alexa Vega is strong as the cloistered daughter of the eponymous organ ripper and Anthony Stewart Head outdoes his Buffy singing, even as his role is too close to that of Giles. Meanwhile Bill Mosely is obnoxious and all over the place, playing his seventh version of Chop-top while Paris Hilton is actually shockingly watchable as Amber Sweet, a heightened reality version of herself. But the real standout is Nivek Ogre of Skinny Puppy. The man steals the show as a deformed lothario who has a nasty habit of killing his lovers.

At a point, the film becomes as scattershot as the cast list with some moments hitting it out of the park while others miss wildly. By the end of the film one would be hard pressed to explain how the characters all end up in the same place, but it has long since ceased to matter because you've either accepted that the film is fairly divorced from reality, or else, you've walked out of the theater. I stayed, and loved every minute of it.

When I see a movie like this, I want to be taken to a new world. Somewhere strange and alien. The futuristic retro-chic of the Repo's alternate dimension is vibrant and dazzling, it's a whirling dervish of colors and styles. And though it never comes together, the overwhelming strangeness of it is intoxicating. The music is not for everyone, and the bloodletting is extreme, but Repo! offers something rarely seen at the multiplex--originality.


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To the person talking about BIOSHOCK
rockerforever339 January 2009
Seriously your argument is flawed, which made me sign up just so I could challenge you.

1/10 seriously? Maybe this movie is not for everyone but a 1?

I am a fan of the movie - and have seen the director and writer talk at numerous events.

This script has been around for over 10 years. It has been a stage show; and before that it was a 2 man musical.

My point is, this 'thing', REPO has been around in some form of another since 1996.

If you did some searching, BIOSHOCK, which I have played, and love, was brought into the market in 2007.

While Repo was already in PRE-PRODUCTION which means already past script stage, and already green-lit by a studio.

And to end your argument, you say the creators STOLE the idea from BIOSHOCK? Are you really one to talk? I see you're from Turkey, and voting on REPO. Has the film been released in TURKEY? Or did you just download the movie illegally?

Get your facts straight before spewing your ignorance.
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Well, it certainly is unique!
planktonrules8 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film with my daughter and her college friends. I think that there is a significant difference in how you'll like it base on your age. Among teens and college students, this is a very hot film. Among older viewers, it's a bit incomprehensible--though I was surprised that Leonard Maltin gave such a positive review for the film. Several of the teens watching with me were singing along while my daughter kept covering her eyes at the goriest moments. Me, I just sat there and felt that the plot was awfully convoluted and had a lot of gaps, though I did admire the uniqueness of the film. I guess this is a sign that I am just getting old!

The film is a rock opera unlike any other. The music is certainly NOT the type you can hum along with or you'd expect to hear on the radio. Instead, it's as if they merged traditional opera with THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW, the stage play "Les Misérables" and a traditional slasher film--with gallons and gallons of blood and tons of gore. Because it's such an odd combination, it's a truly surreal experience. And speaking of surreal, think about the strange casting--Paul Sorvino, Anthony Head, Sarah Brightman and....Paris Hilton!? Despite the oddness of the cast, it did work pretty well. For the first time ever, Hilton seemed well cast as a self-absorbed lady who is addicted to plastic surgery. Her singing, while not great, was certainly NOT an embarrassment and she was more than capable.

As for the plot, this is one of the weakest points. In many ways, it seemed like it was never truly complete and it left me a bit confused here and there. I know they are talking about making a prequel, but I really wish that had been made first in order to fill in the gaps. In order to fill the viewers in on the back story, graphic novel-style graphics are inserted here and there to fill in the gaps and explain the characters. However, some (such as Sorvino's demented children) seemed to have no discernible motivation and I also was left wondering who and where there mother is and why they were total psychos. Also, the cities appear to have been blown to pieces and you wonder what has happened to the government and society.

The film begins near the middle of the 21st century. Apparently some sort of plague hit a few years back and caused widespread organ failures. In the midst of the death and carnage, Sorvino's company created a "cure"--synthetic organs for the masses. However, because many could not readily afford them, a "buy now-pay later" scheme was created. But, because some defaulted, "repo men" were created to repossess the organs if they failed to pay.

In the midst of this, there is a concurrent plot that never really seemed complete. A character named "Graverobber" and others have begun harvesting some sort of drug from corpses. You see this guy here and there and he's obviously been inserted in the film to please the ladies, but he is never really explained and the drug angle is never really realized. My daughter disagrees, as she sees him as an archetypal Fool--like a combination narrator, comic relief and the only character who seems to know what's going on in the film--sort of a literary device. Regardless, he just seemed to appear randomly and I wish there'd been some back story for him or necessary reason for his inclusion.

The main plot involves a sick relationship between Sorvino and Anthony Head (who, secretly, is a Repo Man). Years earlier, Sorvino's girlfriend left him and married Head. She died and left a daughter who Head adores but also smothers in his own little cocooned world. There's a lot more to this plot than this, but I don't want to introduce spoilers.

If I were scoring this film only on how much I enjoyed watching it, I probably would only give it a 4 or a 5. It was a bloody, disjointed and disgusting film. However, this is a hard film to rate and I need to consider how innovative and unique the film is as well--and in this department, it certainly rates a 10. Overall, my score of 7 seems like a reasonable compromise. I would love to see similar style films in the future, but with the blood and senseless violence toned down a bit.
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A Beautiful Failure
superperfundo23 November 2008
Repo The Genetic Opera is an extremely ambitious undertaking. I can honestly say that after the screening I attended, I noticed that the audience was divided into a love it or hate it mentality. Myself, well... I loved the look and hated the film. I certainly have a deep appreciation for what the filmmakers tried to do here but the film itself is poorly casted, unnecessarily gory and has characterizations that are entirely unsympathetic.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a terrible movie by any means.

It looks great and the story is actually quite unique but the incredibly weak songs and laughable sing-talking sank this one for me by the 20 minute mark.

That is Repo's biggest problem.

The songs are just not memorable. When you walk out of most musicals you tend to find yourself humming your favourite tunes. The music here is poor at best, the lyrics are laughable and the whole thing begins to feel more like an ambitious high school musical as opposed to the successor of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

It was a valiant effort, but I can't help but believe that the subject matter might have worked better as a straight up horror film.

Some may call me a hater and that's fine... While you're busy checking your gut for spare organs I'll be more than happy to do the Time Warp Again. A 5 out of 10.
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Repo the Genetic Opera is a breath of fresh air in a stale world of Horror movie copy cats
patriggle20 July 2008
We just got from seeing the Repo premiere and now I can't wait until November to see it again. The film was phenomenal! It was beautiful to watch and extremely entertaining. Repo far surpasses the Saw films in originality, creativity, and artistic integrity. This is not simply a slasher film, although there is plenty of violence to keep gore fans happy, there is a very interesting and unique story being told here. In fact, a whole world has been created in Repo and there is plenty of room for more stories to follow. Unlike many sequels, a sequel to Repo would be completely justified in respect to its content.

The music was catchy and I walked back to the hotel with it running through my head. There is a nice variety of songs featured in Repo and, as is natural with a collection of songs, fans will have their favorites and their least favorites. I can honestly say that even my least favorite songs were still necessary in the context of the film and I didn't really mind them. I was slightly caught off guard by how pop a couple of the musical numbers were, but again they were appropriate for the part of the film they were featured in.

Another surprise was the size of roles in the film. The roles played by Ogre, Bill Moseley, and Paris Hilton were not as prominent as I had imagined them being (and yes Paris gave a good performance). They seemed to have less screen time than the rest of the stars. This is not a serious complaint of the film itself, just a desire for more (especially Ogre). Skinny Puppy fans have never seen Ogre quite like this (just wait until you hear his voice). Other personal favorites (aside from Ogre) were The Grave Robber, Anthony Head, and Sarah Brightman.

Darren, the Cast and Crew, and the Producers of Repo the Genetic Opera have created a beautiful thing here. This is a horror movie with true originality in story and in visuals. They went out on a limb to make something new, something that hasn't already been proved to work and that type of effort needs to be supported; otherwise we will continue to be given "New" movies that it feels like we have seen before. I know the wait has been long, but I can now tell you with certainty that it is well worth the wait.

If originality is not supported it will continue to disappear.

Please support Repo the Genetic Opera.
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Dark and delightfully morbid
paul_haakonsen11 July 2010
Although I am not much of a musical fan, I picked this up because Bill Mosely is in it, and also because it looked frigging interesting from the cover alone.

Alright, well on to it. The story is fairly interesting and quite captivating. There is something wonderfully morbid to the concept of having repo guys collecting body parts when you fail to pay up.

The scenery and atmosphere throughout the entire movie was nice. It was very dark and brooding, and it worked really well for the movie. There were lots of nice details all over, and it is obvious that they put a lot of effort into this.

There is just enough amount of humor and gore in this musical to give it a really good twist.

The cast? Well they were well enough casted, the actors did a good job in portraying their characters, through acting and singing alike. I, personally, though, would have liked to see more of Bill Mosely here.

If you like "The Rocky Horror Picture Show", then you should most definitely pick up "Repo" and check it out. I am a fan of the former and I came to enjoy the latter as well.
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If the people behind Hannah Montanna did a gore-hound flick.
thriftshopninja15 April 2009
First, I feel I must clarify something. Putting blood and guts and goth girls in a movie does not make it edgy, a cult classic, or provocative. It also needs to have acting, good songs if it is a musical, and an interesting story. I have not found a movie I have disliked watching more than this in a long time. As my title says, I felt like I was watching some Disney, Jonas bros kind of crap. But whereas Disney channel stories cater to Hollister type crowds, this is for the trendy, just as spoiled teenagers at Hot Topic. To me there was no difference, it was just blood and guts instead of haircuts and glitter.

The lyrics and songs were terrible. The song "infected" was pointedly bad, and I cringed through most of her whiny teenager performance. "I'm infected....with your GENETICS". I believe there was some sort of line like "damn these GENETICS!" that made me want to vomit. The grave robber was some over-made up guy with this brooding "I'm an attractive, brooding trendy goth guy in a music video" attitude. I think he's supposed to come across as deep, mysterious and bad ass, but he just comes across as more of a self-centered, shallow fashion model then Paris Hilton does.

At one point, in a perfect "like srsly omigos u guiz lololol" styled line, she spouts "why, cuz i'm seventeen, well, it's better than forty!" which then cuts to a horrific rock and roll sugar-coated spoiled brat anthem. Every teenybopper who chose hot topic over ambercrombie was probably rocking out. "Ya, my dad is so lame, he makes me take out the trash it's no fair, i'll show him what a bad ass rebel I am!" This one scene, this Joan Jett-respect killing scene, was more painful that any scene I have ever seen in any movie. Ever.

The whole movie was filled with horrible lines that I could go on and on about. Bottom line is this, this movie made me cringe in it's horribleness. Omigosh, guts and singing at the same time? Yes, trendy teenagers go see it and pretend it's ground breaking, and pretend it's a cult classic, but it's not. I love gore movies, I love horror movies, and any self respecting gore hound or true hardcore horror fan will stay away from Repo, forever.
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A very cool modern opera that will surely be playing at midnight screenings as a cult classic for years to come
zarrod20 September 2008
This modern, actually futuristic, opera is unlike anything I've seen. Many of its qualities remind me of 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show,' a film that was never on my list of favorites. This is better simply because it's able to hold together a more plausible and serious story yet still present itself in the aesthetic of a psychedelic musical. It blends brutality with comedy and music very effectively, in fact, there were far more laughs in our theater than anything else. The interactions between the characters as they sing their parts make for great character development and story progression simultaneously. The character's themselves are all well performed, including Paris Hilton (what happens to her needs to be seen, not described). I'm not the type to like weird, cult films but this held my attention. It's definitely worth a viewing, and if you have time to immerse yourself, then it's definitely worth some good applause.
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Not so impressed...
RICKYD200021 July 2008
Fewer words, I imagine, strike greater fear in the minds of audiences and producers alike when the words "passion project" are thrown around. After helming three straight Saw sequels, long-suffering director Darren Lynn Bousman finally gets to cut loose creatively with his gory rock opera Repo, which evolved from a series of quickie stage improvisations courtesy of the film's writer/composers, Darren Smith and Terrance Zdunich. Unfortunately, the film turns out to be more Across the Universe than Hedwig and the Angry Inch, eager to please but ultimately less than enjoyable for anyone not a devout enthusiast of its chosen musical framing – except in this case, it's a nostalgia-fest for turn-of-the-90's goths instead of baby boomers.

Bousman, to his credit, assembled an intriguing cast: Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Anothny Stewart Head (a stage veteran who's also appeared as Frank n' Furter in Rocky Horror), Spy Kids star Alexa Vega, elevator-music superstar Sarah Brightman, renowned character actor Paul Sorvino (Law and Order, Goodfellas), horror vet Bill Moseley, and, in a shrewd bit of meta-casting, tabloid magnet Paris Hilton. In much the same manner that reading the cast list seems to create a logic fissure in the universe, the film's disparate elements never coalesce into anything coherent. Ostensibly an elaborate comment on consumer society and celebrity obsession, Repo seems to serve mainly as a hyperactive springboard for a filmmaker overeager to prove his uniqueness.

Set in a cartoonishly grim future, Repo revolves principally around Nathan (Head), a "repo man" who impolitely collects organs from hapless citizens on behalf of GeneCo (led by Sorvino's sinister, dying Rotti), a massive conglomerate that swooped in to commodify healthy organs following a deadly epidemic of organ failures. His daughter, Shilo (Vega), is ill with the blood disease that claimed her mother, and is kept in unwilling sanctuary in his home. Meanwhile, Rotti's offspring (Moseley, Hilton and Skinny Puppy's Nivek Ogre) bicker, in an obvious nod to King Lear, over which one will inherit their decaying father's empire. Oh, and somewhere in the mix there's also Mag (Brightman), a celebrity singer with GeneCo-implanted holographic eyes who's trapped in a dead-end contract.

If the plot seems needlessly dense, that's because it is, and the film is crippled at the outset by its ludicrous number of characters and plot threads, never to recover. This undercuts both the plot's coherency – already tenuous at the outset – and the integrity of the performances proffered by its diverse cast. Particularly wasted is Moseley, who brings his character to slyly sadistic life, but doesn't get much chance to develop in his eight or so minutes of screen time. Others get shoehorned into thankless roles – Vega, who has Broadway experience and shows evidence of being a capable performer, is saddled with a bratty, shrill heroine, and Sorvino, as the film's principal villain, is never able to find a consistent tone either of internal anguish or righteous indignation, largely because he's provided with a few too many motivations relating to nearly every other character. The supporting cast is uniformly competent – including the widely reviled Hilton – but none besides Mosely leave much of an impression. Head's "repo man" suffers most - his character enjoys his grisly work at some points and is disturbed by it at others, simply at the film's convenience, making him useless either as a figure of scorn or sympathy.

Smith and Zdunich don't only botch the film's plotting but also its densely arranged musical score, which spends most of its time occupying a confounding space somewhere between Ministry and Evanescence that simply shouldn't exist. Occasionally, a novel vocal harmony or passably funny lyric will arise (particularly in scenes where Head and Sorvino duet), but none of the individual songs are at all memorable. There's an opportunity for redemption in the film's embrace of over-the-top satire near the film's conclusion (featuring a memorable moment where Hilton's character loses face a bit) but ultimately opts for a lame, sequel-ready non-ending. For all of the film's references and targets, its Vaseline-on-the-lens aesthetics, leaden musical numbers and generally witless approach keep it from joining the ranks of the beloved "outsider" musicals its creators so obviously worship.

Naked Lunch Radio
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Visually arresting but deeply stupid
ELB-62 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm giving Repo two stars rather than one because it did have a few redeeming elements in my book. It was visually very arresting, and the world depicted was oddly believable. I watched it all the way through, although I have to admit I watched most of Repo with eyes rolling and several derisive barks of laughter. The comparisons to Sweeney Todd and Rocky Horror do not fit for me. Sweeney Todd is one of the most intelligently written pieces of musical theater in the history of theater. Repo the Genetic Opera is, ultimately, deeply stupid, boiling down to a) the plot, which has more holes than cohesion and b) the lyrics, which are just about the worst lyrics I've ever heard sung. And I've heard a lot of lyrics in my time. So what now follows is a series of questions, all of which are probably spoilers. ¡ ~ ~SPOILER ALERT~ ~ ! 1) So, wait, people take the glowing blue drug in order to feel no pain from the surgeries they are addicted to? So are they addicted to the surgeries or the drug? 2) So the Repo Man apparently can find you wherever you are. Why is it, then, that all of his victims come to him? 3) Is there just one Repo Man? Just one? For all of this population who is apparently having all of these surgeries done? That would be one heck of a busy man. 4) So, wait. The surgeries people are having are life-saving surgeries in order to have failing organs replaced with new ones? If this is the case then why are people 'addicted to surgery?' Where does this whole plastic surgery fit in with this picture? Are they life-saving organ transplants or face-changing surgeries? 5) So, with the Paris Hilton character. If her father is the richest, most powerful person on the planet then why is she getting surgeries on the street? 6) Is everyone goth in the future? 7) I would just like to point out that 'anatomy' and 'surgery' do not rhyme. Ever. 8) So, wait. Paul Sorvino is this humanity-saving person who found a way to replace organs. Why, then, is he also humanity's scoundrel, taking the organs back? Did he develop this system of organ replacement simply to take the organs back? If that is the case then isn't humanity in the same place as it was during the 'plague' (or whatever vague thing it was that made organs fail in the first place) with organs failing or being ripped out? 9) So, the Repo man rips out an organ. Then what? Does it get re-used? Or does he do it simply to punish people who don't pay? 10) Okay, wait. So the father/Repo man/doctor character is told that he has to take out Blind Mag's eyes because he believes he poisoned his own wife 17 years ago? What kind of logic is that? "Dude, you have to take this lady's eyes out." "Why?" "Because you poisoned your wife 17 years ago." "Yes, I see what you mean. Where's my scalpel?" 11) So, wait. If the father is so concerned about his daughter not dying then why is he poisoning her? Um, what? 12) Why does Blind Mag yank her eyes out? 13) So, wait. Shilo obviously thinks Blind Mag is super cool. Why, then, does she not let her in the house when she visits? "Oh hi, Blind Mag. You're an international superstar and everything and I think you're really cool but no, you can't come in. For some reason, I'm inexplicably afraid of you right now. Nope. Can't even open the door. My father will be mad, although I can't explain why." 14) Riffing on #13: if Shilo's reason for not letting Blind Mag in is because her father will be mad (why would he be mad?) then why is it when her father comes home Shilo insists that they let Blind Mag in all of a sudden? And if Shilo is all afraid of her father then why does she start yelling at her father when he says Blind Mag has to go? Is Shilo the only person who sees the article in the tabloid that says Blind Mag is going to have her eyes repossessed? Are tabloids 100% accurate in the future? Did anyone read this script through before they started filming? 15) And, yeah. Shilo's father locks her in her room, right? And Shilo goes to her balcony and sings that she wants to go outside, indicating that she is locked in. In subsequent scenes she just, um, walks outside. Doesn't even climb down from her window. I am making a call to the Continuity Police. 16) I know this is way too much to ask, but why are Paul Sorvino's kids all one-dimensional unpleasant idiots? Don't give me this 'they're fighting over the family business' hoo-hah. 17) If grave robbers are executed on sight, then why doesn't the grave-robber-executing-squad execute the grave robber when they see him? Why do they mill around and around, ignoring him completely but then suddenly focusing on Shilo who is hiding behind a tombstone? 18) So you just put a needle into a dead person's nose and extract a glowing blue drug? I see. That makes sense. There's a lot more, of course. But I don't want to think about this any more. As I said, there are far more holes than there is any continuity. But above all, the lyrics are wretched. Bad, bad lyrics.
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REPO! The visually impressive and abnormal opera
calum-14-7905913 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Visually, I think this film is very stunning. The lighting, the costume design, the set, special effects... It gives off the impression that it has jumped right out of a graphic novel. (Which the film takes advantage of with comic panels used in helping to establish the origins of our characters, though I wish the film more like Ang Lee's Hulk movie, where the comic panels are used more so for scene transitions and just to look stylish.) There is some gore, though nothing completely over the top bloody. (Well, I didn't think so, anyway :P )

The music is constant throughout, as the title suggests. That is a bit of a nuisance to me, as I'm not the biggest fan of musicals. But then again, this is an opera. So I should've expected a lack of dialogue. The songs, though I cannot recall how they go without repeated listening, are quite good. There isn't one that stands out from the rest, but still are worth a listen outside of the film. The vocal performances I also found to be great.

Biggest problem with the film for me are the characters. Not that they were bad, but I didn't find that there was enough character development. When it seemed like they were about to, though, the film rushed straight into the next song. Then again, like I said, I don't watch many musicals, so I guess any character development was done through song. But not

I mostly enjoyed the visual aspect of this film, overall, as my review suggests. I doubt the rest of it has been helpful for anyone.
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Nothing Like It
jmaarsman12 November 2008
I have been to cult films, I have been to great grand openings of everything from movies to books to games to this and that. If there is an opening, I will go to it. This movie... this entire experience, it was like nothing I've ever been to in my life.

People are asking whether or not this type of movie will gain 'cult' status, but the fact of the matter is... it already has. To quote Darren: "I'm standing up here, and I see that seventy percent of you are in costume, and the others are saying 'Damnit, why didn't I dress up?'." Dressing up isn't all that makes a cult, the fans are. The fact of the matter is, this movie has a rabid, feasting fanbase that would gladly hog-tie and grapple you to the movie just so that you have the experience of seeing it.

Those who say that this movie is crap, that it doesn't have an audience, and that the music is (my personal favorite) 'atonal', either weren't watching, listening or paying any attention to it at all. This movie is worth far more than anything I've seen in theatres for years. It is easily the most unique experience of my life.

I'd rather see something completely unique, even if it's offensive, gritty, shot with hand-held camera and staring sock puppets than watch anymore of the 'wannabe' good movies that have been coming out. These 'Masterpieces' that people consider to be SO amazing have nothing on a movie like this. This movie is untouchable, it is completely beyond all words.

Everything about this movie has a unique touch that is completely noticeable in absolutely every scene and song. It is an insult to creativity and artistry that a movie such as this should be shoved into only seven cities and outcasting all those who want to watch it so badly.

Myself and two friends drove down from Canada to watch it in Seattle, and we weren't the only ones, and some of the people at our showing were from Texas. This movie will surpass any movie this year through the years, simply because of the fans.

Do NOT miss watching this movie. If you can watch it, even if the theatre is three or four hours away... DO IT. Go in costume, shriek and have the best time of your life.
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Jude Law must have had a sore throat.....
FlashCallahan23 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
an epidemic of organ failure has devastated the planet.

GeneCo offers organ transplants for a hefty price. Those who miss their payments are hunted by Repo Men.

A young girl searches for the cure to her disease as well as her family's mysterious history.

After being pulled into the world of GeneCo, she is unable to turn back, and all of her questions will be answered at a hotly anticipated event, The Genetic Opera........

Kudos to the writers of this film for coming up with something so wickedly original, but the direction is a little flat, and the film isn't half as camp as you would, or the makers, want it to be.

It looks marvellous, all the sets are awe-inspiring, like some sort of Nightmare Bladerunner town, as designed by Charles Manson, but sets do not make a good film.

It's as if Bousman has watched Rocky Horror and Shock Treatment on a loop, and decided to meld the two together, with very mixed results.

The cast are great, especially Vega and Head, and some of the songs are pretty genius and toe tappingly catchy, but there are long segments of parts that are a little pointless, and this is the 97 minute version, so heavens knows what the long version is like.

All in all it's a curious piece, subliminally remade two years later with Jude Law, but something is missing, ironically, a little bit of heart wouldn't have hurt.
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Absolute Crap
karl_metts23 June 2009
The worst songwriting I think I have ever come across. Absolutely terrible. I gave it two stars because it was funny bad in a couple of places and I laughed once or twice. Some of the costuming is cool but sitting through the whole movie is torturous. The singing is all bad too. Imagine a 14-year-old who knows a few power chords on guitar that decides to write a musical and somehow gets funding to make a feature length production and produces an opera at that. How did they get Sarah Brightman to be in this production? I'm thinking they sold her on the costuming she was going to wear and didn't let her hear the music until she signed the contract. I'm not going to be eloquent here. This movie sucks. I saw it for free and I still feel ripped off.
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Genetics are a B****
emergefrmnothing20 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I got a chance to see Repo! at the Austin showing last night. I'd been keeping up with the forum, like most of ya'll have, and listening to the soundtrack on a loop. I thought I pretty much knew the whole plot before I'd seen the movie, and had a good idea of how it would end.

I was wrong.

For those of you who haven't been following the Repo! phenomenon, Repo! is an audacious rock opera (completely sung, with some occasional atonal, rhythmic dialogue) that takes place in a Gothic not-too-distant future. An epidemic of organ failures has broken out, but luckily, GeneCo, a massive genetics company, has a solution- They start harvesting organs and offering them to consumers with easy financing options. However, these organs are subject to default, and if you start missing your payments, GeneCo sends out the Repo Man to take back GeneCo's property.

Guiding us through this macabre world is Graverobber (Zdunich), a drug-runner who sells a cheap, black market version of Zydrate (a futuristic anesthetic that's like a glow-in-the-dark mix between codeine and ecstasy) to drug-and-surgery addicts on the street.

The movie largely takes place from the point of view of one of these Repo Men, Nathan Wallace (Head), and his daughter, Shiloh (Vega), who is suffering from an unnamed blood illness that makes traveling outside of her home dangerous, and possibly deadly, and who is unaware of her father's profession. In order to keep her safe, Nathan keeps Shiloh locked in her bedroom. Longing to explore the world outside, and bitter towards her mother for passing the blood disease on to her, Shiloh embodies one of the underlying themes of Repo!- Are our destinies sealed by fate (by our genetics), or do we have a choice in the matter?

Early on in the movie, Rotti Largo (Sorvino), the owner and founder of GeneCo, learns that his time is running out. Without skipping a beat, his two sons, the hellishly-tempered Luigi (Moseley) and the freakish playboy, Pavi (Ogre), begin to fight over who will take over when their father is gone. Meanwhile, the third Largo sibling, and poster child for the Zydrate Support Network, Amber Sweet (Hilton), dreams of being in the spotlight after the popular opera singer, and GeneCo spokeswoman, Blind Mag (Brightman), gives her upcoming farewell performance.

The film explores the connections between each of these individuals, and gives their backstories in comic book style vignettes that show how their lives were all once intertwined. Even if you've been following the Repo! site, these short stories provide shocking twists (I heard more than a few gasps when one such twist is revealed). They're an ingenious way of providing these back stories in a stylized manner without having to stretch Repo!'s already thin budget.

One of the things that really struck me about Repo! is how surreal the whole atmosphere is. The colours are very garish (lots of reds, blues, and yellows), and a very hyper-polished finish to the picture. Your computer screen really can't capture just how amazing it looks on the big screen.

And, of course, the other thing that stands out is the music. It's an eclectic mix of rock, punk, pop, electronica, and, of course, opera. I was a bit worried that since I'd been listening to the Pre-Surgery Sampler on a loop, and listening to the theatrical CD as well, that I'd pretty much heard the outstanding numbers in the movie, and that there wouldn't be many surprises. Again, I was surprised. One of the stand-outs for me was "Things You See In A Graveyard", with Rotti Largo's voice echoing throughout the atmosphere over a ghostly chorus of funeral-goers and thrashing guitar riffs. My other favorite is "Chromaggia's Lament", Mag's haunting, operatic farewell song.

While Repo! is VERY unique, and has some very colorful characters, it isn't the camp fest that I was expecting it to be. It's actually a very GOOD movie, and definitely has a heart behind all of it's badassness.

It's also VERY graphic. It was actually a bit more violent than I was expecting. While the violence typically occurs during songs that lessen their impact, and make them more humorous than scary, it's still very over-the-top, and several scenes in particular caused people in my screening to gasp and scream.

My only complaint about the film is that it occasionally appears a bit conflicted about what emotion it wants to elicit from you. I'll give you an example (and forgive me if it comes off as vague, I'm avoiding spoilers)- In one scene in particular, the gorgeously eery song being sung leads up to an act that is both powerfully moving and deeply repulsing. If it were a bit more tastefully executed, it would have come off as a beautiful, empowering scene, and a highly memorable one at that. However, rather than going for that particular emotional impact, the camera lingers on the extremely violent act being committed, without cutting away, to the point of being completely over-the-top, snuffing out its emotional aspect and causing it to be remembered as one of the most disgusting scenes in the movie, rather than one of the most beautiful.

Overall, I would definitely say that I enjoyed Repo!, and I'm looking forward to buying the soundtrack on September 30th. This movie is something that needs to be experienced on the big screen.

For anyone concerned about contented-related issues (if you're wondering if you should take your child, or if you have problems watching certain film content), here's how I'd rate it:

Violence: 9/10 (not pervasive, but when it happens, it's very graphic) Sex: 4/10 (some dialogue, situations, and mild nudity.. nothing to write home about) Scares: 5/10 (some disturbing situations... but it's mostly darkly humorous, rather than scary)
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Not every line has to be sung
the-antichrist-is-near5 January 2021
The whole setting and idea is nice, but rather poorly executed. There are too many things bothering; some of the singing below par (obviously not Sarah Brightman), very limited scenery, shallow plotline and some plotholes, etc... I love the cinematography, but it doesn't make up for the other things...
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Interesting... but not very good at all.
markkraft14 April 2009
Repo! has ambition and even a bit of talent. Unfortunately, the talent is badly wasted, largely due to a musical score that's weak, and fast n' sloppy editing that does nothing to develop the characters.

Sarah Brightman, for instance, has a world class voice... horribly wasted on the music she performs, although at least she was given the saving grace of writing her own lyrics... Unfortunately, the other characters were not so fortunate, as the lyrics were painfully inane and banal at points.

Indeed, the only character who *didn't* suffer from painfully bad lyrics and music was Terrance Zdunich, who, along with Darren Smith, created Repo and wrote the music and lyrics. He was apparently aware of how *his* narrative approach would work with the music, and made sure that it didn't overpower what he was trying to get across... but unfortunately, he didn't give that same courtesy to poor Sarah Brightman or Paul Sorvino.

Paris Hilton was given a Razzie for her performance... and though it was pretty weak, it's really hard to say she was worse than other parts of this movie. While director Darren Lynn Bousman delivered a visual style that was strong -- albeit a bit too derivative of the video game Bioshock in parts for comfort -- he also brought his fast'n'choppy Saw editing with him, which was unfortunate, as more style was needed.

Musically, I really like Ogre from Skinny Puppy. I appreciate the vocal talents of Sarah Brightman. I wanted to like this. Unfortunately, I couldn't, because the underlying musical sucks. No amount of window dressing can change that fact.
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An amazing experience that should be shared by all
muller_8711 October 2008
I attended an advanced screening being held at my university. It was one of the few shows that director Darren Lynn Bousman didn't know about. I had spoken with him briefly on the official chat rooms about an hour before the showing. It was a cool few minutes that consisted of him telling me the showing might have been canceled and then his informing me (and the rest of the room) that he was yelling to get it going, and he never yells.

I got to the campus theater about 10 min before it was set to start. First thing I noticed was that there were other people there, which was a major worry of mine as Montana State University is relatively small and the advertisement for the screening was pretty sparse. Then I saw the security officers. That got my eyebrows a-raising. It was cool though, Lionsgate taking this much of a precaution even in a little city like this one. After getting my ticket, I wandered in and took a seat. There were about 5 of us to begin with, but as we got closer to 7:00, we ended up with around 30 people. That alone exceeded my expectations.

Then the one of the theater workers came out and spoke with us, made us aware of the security and told us basically not to F*** this up with cameras. Then…it was movie time.

When if first began the audio wasn't syncing properly and the screen was projected a little too wide. But after about 5 min the audio got straightened out and the screen width only affected some of the captions on the vignettes showing backstory.

Overall, I was very impressed. Alexa Vega was amazing as the main character of Shiloh Wallace. She has really grown up and away from the girl who played in Spy Kids. She's not this awkward little kid anymore. She's a full blown woman who's shown her acting and singing abilities. I hope to see a lot more from her in the future. Anthony Stewart Head as Nathan/Repo Man was just as amazing. His baritone had the perfect inflection to show the torment the character was dealing with emotionally. When he switches to his "Repo" voice, an oddly smooth yet gravelly take on his singing, it details the change in personalities. Sarah Brightman shined as Blind Mag. Her gorgeous voice and regal demeanor added mountains of formality to this amazing production. Terrance Zdunich was a treat as the morally ambiguous Graverobber. His narrating skills balanced the movie in a way. Addressing the audience as a sort of gatekeeper to this experience was a needed flavor to the film.

Now onto the Largos. Paul Sorvino, like Ms. Brightman, added an air to the movie. His very operatic voice was a perfect counter to the more modern sounds of his on-screen spawn. Bill Mosely, a genre favorite, was well cast in the role of Luigi Largo, Rotti Largo's violent son. His face added a brutality to the roll. Nivek Ogre, of Skinny Puppy, was a very mellow character in his take on Pavi – well, mellow compared to Luigi, choosing to seduce and womanize instead of kill and murder. And finally, Paris Hilton as Amber Sweet. I think everyone was a bit wary of her role in this movie. But I can't imagine anyone else in the role.

Overall, the performances were very well done. Only Mosely and Hilton seemed to struggle and only at very brief times. The music was stellar. I was expecting it to be a total musical overload of 100% song, but instead it was interspersed with regular dialog and sing-talk, but it never got old or tired. The filter they used to color the movie was wonderful; the soft glow gave it a wonderful ambiance. The story itself was very well done, showing the dynamics of two families, one a little more functional then the other. Definitely a very original and wonderful piece of modern film. It really is an event. And an event that should be experienced in a theater with other people with an appreciation for the quirky and the musical. It fully deserved the claps it received at the end.

Very well done, Darren. Thank you, to you and your cast and crew.
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Not a Good Movie, but a Fun Movie
Gothilite2224 November 2019
This is quite the average movie in all honesty, however what makes an unusual movie, is what makes its own soul. A weird mix of Rocky Horror and strange dystopian futures, it defintely leaves an unique experience. A must watch for any aspiring goths and those seeking respect from your friends with eclectic taste. Have a good time!
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Pretentious, misguided trash
nimbleweevil23 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
If there's one thing I absolutely can't stand, it's a film that tries to be something it's not, and fails every step of the way. Repo! The Genetic Opera thinks it is many things: horror, a musical, a rock opera, a cult film, artsy, and interesting. It is none of the above.

Before anyone accuses me of not "getting it," let it be understood that I am madly in love with the horror genre. I enjoy art films and blood-and-guts films, even bad ones. Repo! left me reeling, not because I was bothered by the gratuitous gore, but because everything about it was full of pain.

Somewhere in this mess was supposedly a plot. An evil, corrupt, futuristic company called GeneCo rules the world (oh, gee, how original) by providing people with dirt-cheap fashionable organ transplants. However, there's a catch - if you can't pay on time, a guy in a mask called the Repo Man will rip your guts out. I'm not kidding.

So, we have Shilo Wallace (Alexa Vega), a pale, sickly, pampered teenager who looks like she stepped out of a Hot Topic poster. She has a hereditary blood disease, and her devoted dad (Anthony S. Head) is the Repo Man. We find out this second plot twist roughly 15 minutes into the movie, eliminating any possibility that there will be real conflict or mystery. There's also something about her dad killing her mom, but not really; it was actually the evil GeneCo guy (Paul Sorvino), who now wants to turn Shilo against her dad and toward him so that he'll have a competent heir for his conglomerate, as opposed to his three disastrous offspring, one of whom is Paris Hilton. Yes, I am confused too.

About 85% of the dialogue is sung; this is a very bad thing. Not because rock operas are inherently bad (I loved JCS), but because writers Darren Smith and Terrance Zdunich (who also plays the Grave Robber, a narrator figure with no actual purpose) were too busy creating "art" to write lyrics that scan, we are treated to such accidental comic masterpieces such as "Ashes, ashes/dust, dust/my children were a bust!" If I ruled the universe, I would make it divine law that you cannot get into heaven if you have ever deliberately rhymed the words "passing" and "guessing." Also, with the exception of Sorvino and Sarah Brightman (if you absolutely must see it, see it for her), none of the cast can sing. Head is erratic, Bill Moseley and Nivek Ogre are ridiculous, and Vega and Paris Hilton are just plain annoying.

This is not the Rocky Horror of my generation. Rocky Horror was fun, memorable, and featured extremely talented performers. Repo! was agonizing, excruciatingly pretentious, and memorable only in its badness. Two days after seeing this film, I cannot remember a single "song" from it (for the record, the background music sounds like the Nails-On-A-Blackboard Choir). Repo! will be forgotten by all but the bad-movie aficionados in a few years. "Art" it is not, unless you count unintentional comic gold.
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A rock opera about vivisections and eviscerations
tapio_hietamaki3 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a fan of 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' but not so much 'Repo!'. Both are outrageous rock musicals with campy B-movie style and dark humor. Three reasons why I prefer 'Rocky': 1) the playful sexuality, 2) the surreal story twists and 3) the 70's aesthetic.

There's no Tim Curry or Susan Sarandon here, no Meat Loaf and no Time Warp. What we get is the charismatic Anthony Steward Head, who we know from 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and who delivers some nice singing performances in that show as well. Here he steals the show at every turn: his character is the only one who's actually compelling and his singing voice is pleasant and warm. Other characters include the aging CEO of an evil corporation, his depraved and moralless children (one of whom is played by none other than Paris Hilton) and an angsty teenage girl who wants to escape her sheltered life. Actually I liked her angsty teenage rock song 'Seventeen'! It reminded me of 'Cherry Bomb' by The Runaways.

The songs are more hard rock than the classic rock of 'Rocky' - there are pounding drums and scathing guitar riffs straight out of a 90's Metallica record. The story is fun and campy, and of course extremely dark and filthy, but it gets a little muddled at the end.
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