October Road (TV Series 2007–2008) Poster


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Surprisingly...... I liked it
Kimberley-Boland20 March 2007
I stumbled across October Road after watching Grey's Anatomy last Thursday. The only reason I even glanced twice at the show was because I love Brian Greenberg. I wasn't immediately hooked from the first moment like I was with Grey's Anatomy but it was definitely one of the better pilot episodes that I've seen in my life. I'm going to give it a chance. Plus, it lucked out with that time slot. Being right after Grey's is going to help it a lot I think. I hope that ABC will it give it a chance to grow because the story lines are interesting (even if they have been done before). Everyone wonders if it's possible to really go home again and October Road is attempting to answer that question. Overall, worth the watch and I'm looking forward to seeing where they take it. Plus, the soundtrack was pretty awesome in my opinion.
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Definitely worth a watch...
PandoraX29 November 2008
I came across the show due to utter boredom because i was pretty much running out of shows to watch since i have watched quite a bunch... i decided to get the the DVD for this one and i was definitely surprised... the show is great and i don't understand why it didn't gain any more popularity than it has... the thing i loved most about the show was that most of the things aren't as expected as they are in most other shows... the surprises in the show were ACTUALLY surprising... the story flows nicely... the dialogs and the characters are wonderful....there was no stuff happening on the big scale, everything is pretty ordinary and believable and no clichés... and the show is original...and one of the few shows that i look forward to watching (another being brothers and sisters). In contrast to serials like one tree hill and others which get too dramatic and too much keeps happening, this was a pleasant change and most definitely a good watch...
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Keep October Road! too Early to hit the Road
sixdegrees1012 May 2007
While October Road is not one of my all time favorites I still give it an 8. It has a good cast of believable characters who for the most part seem pretty real. There are so many awful shows particularly Reality Shows that I watch very little TV. This show held my interest and made me want to come back each week to see what would happen next. And believe me when I say that now days this is a rare thing for me. The writing may be a little weak which is why I gave it an 8 as some of the story lines have been a bit unbelievable and the characters not given enough depth but the actors have done their best to make it work. The veteran actors are really talented and the new faces were good characters who seemed very real. I do not think this show has been given enough time to gain an audience. I believe that given more time this show will do very well. Once again ABC is not giving a show with real potential a real chance. With so many loser shows given so many chances they need to give decent shows a real chance and time for the show to really click and gain an audience.Watch this show on ABC videos if you have not seen it yet and let ABC know they need to give it another chance.
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Same Writer As Beautiful Girls
pcampionz24 April 2020
Excellent writing, great cast! Lots of chemistry! Wish they hadn't canceled October, too many unanswered questions. They pulled the plug to early on this show.

But if you like the show check out the movie Beautiful Girls, same writer.
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Give it a chance!
walnutgrovecrafts11 April 2007
To me, there are many shows and series out there that may start off rather slow and boring. I wasn't crazy about the 1st episode, because I felt it was dragging on and on. However, I tivo'd the other episodes, have watched them,and have LOVED them! It's getting good folks, let's give it a chance to rectify itself! In my opinion, the reviews and negativity you read and watch on TV about things are just so premature. We can say a movie is crap, because it's a movie, as in one, 2 hour time frame, and that's it. Series or TV shows, however, there are more than one. So if the first 1, maybe even 2 or 3 stink, there's still time for recovery! I personally think that given the chance, it will turn out to be a great show that should stick around for a while to come.....

I'm behind you October Road!
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Just Discovered!
Verygirl55 November 2012
I am so sad that I just discovered this show. Sadder part is I'm almost done watching the series!!!! I almost feel like I can relate to everything in this show. I grew up in Massachusetts and even though it really wasn't filmed up there, they nailed every aspect of a New England town! And I sincerely hope that they actually put an ending to the show and not leave me hanging and wondering for the rest of my life what happens! LOL! (Although, in my perfect world, Nick and Hannah Jane would get back together and of course Phil would emerge from the house and live happily ever after with Pizza Girl! HAH!) The actors are great and I just wish I would have discovered it sooner! I've even bought most of the music that has been featured in each episode!!! LOL!!!
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Space81423 March 2007
WRT schoeny99's comments, I have to disagree with the music thing. But, it's entirely relative to personal experience. I am pretty much the same age as the characters and I loved Kurt Cobain and Nirvana - yet my vinyl collection includes Boston, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, etc. Most of my friends and I thrived on classic rock. But I recognize not everyone does that and some only listen to Top 40 pop and rock...so not understanding the mixture of Kurt Cobain and Boston would make sense.

My high school friends and I were remarkably similar to the October Road group and I think that cast-wise, this show's great. There's always the people who leave town to make something of themselves and have an awkward return. There are those who never leave town...some get married, some don't...some hold grudges, some don't...you get the idea.

Compared to a lot of other shows on television, October Road is a bit more realistic (not completely, as prime time television is rarely a mirror of reality) and I'm enjoying the direction it's taking. Looking forward to see where it goes...
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Refreshing and titillating
roffer9812 July 2007
With so many copy cats, knockoffs and duds out there it is so nice to come across a show with great content. Too bad this show is not getting the same executive support as Heroes for example.

For those that get the subplots and subtle allusions there is clearly much more going on with these characters than meets the eye. This isn't just another WB show - it has more to offer. It brings back the kind of writing that one came to expect from Twin Peaks, but with a more engaging and alluring cast.

Losing this show would be a mistake - not giving it better exposure and a better time slot will greatly reduce the ROI for this show! The executive that decided to air this show should show some moxie and follow through - your instincts were right on this one!
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Much much better.
keepontrying19 December 2007
Well finally! When I started to watch this show I just could not get it. I tried and tried but I simply could not watch an entire episode. I was not enjoying it for several reasons. Mainly I just did not find it believable. The plot seemed ridicules to me. The acting did not grab me. I knew the show had potential, but I just gave up. Then this season I gave it another shot. Bingo! The plots have improved, The believability factor is now in place. The acting has come up to par. The show has now become interesting to me. Laura Prepon's acting is now in sync with her character and has improved tremendously. She finally looks just as good (better) as when she was a teenager and before she died her hair blond. I think they finally got her make up right. I am glad this show came around. There is just so little good stuff on TV this season. Kudos to the actors, writers and producers for pulling this show from ho-hum to oh-yea. Keep up the good work.
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This show is in the diapers
shoelesspatch30 March 2007
Why are you guys all hatin' on this show. I mean, it isn't The West Wing or the OC I know, but it's got some really great elements. Love That 70s girl. The plot line can be a bit cheesy at times but the dialogue more than makes up for it. As far as the soundtrack is concerned, I couldn't have made a better mix on iTunes, yeah I said it, ITUNES. I really hope the show goes beyond the initial 6 episode contract. It's witty, similar to the West Wing, with characters that you can really care about. It's intelligent, unlike some of the user comments read earlier.

Keep watching, and if you can't bring the bacon, bring the pig. I'm telling' ya.
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What could have been....
watsonadavid22 September 2017
This could have been a phenomenal show. However...

The main character were awful actors, and needed to be recast. The rest of the cast was great.

The writing was weird, and wasn't how people talk in real life.

The story of a guy coming back home and in all the drama of small town life was a great idea.

The creators and writers destroyed the show. THe good looking dumb landscaper said, " arusia ink" Why would a dumb guy know that word? It was taken from the movie Beautiful Girls.

This could have been a great great show.
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No Emmy Winning Show but it does the trick!
broo_k24 March 2007
It's no Emmy winning show but it does the trick. I know I like it enough to come back for more. The top thing it has going for it is the attractive cast. The story is a bit Been there done that style. Yet, it has a such a great quality to it that brings me back to the days when television was Innocent to me. So to me it a wonderful show that has charm and quality. I do agree the other comments about the quality of the pilot was good. I to agree that it is one of the better Pilots I have seen. This show does need to be given a chance. I believe that it will generate its following over time. You know some of the best TV shows were once thought to be flukes.
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Poor to ending
sushantkumar-ce21 October 2020
Two season Series was good except some scenes, but it got canceled and they pushed forced ending which destroyed the whole series drama energy to waste. I hoped that there was a good season 3 with good explanation of every relationship.
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A promising show hindered by a terrible script
marcolorenzoflute5 December 2010
This show began with so much promise. A fresh cast, a beautiful small town setting and a story with a lot of potential for growth. What was missing? Decent lines for the actors to read.

I feel sorry for the actors and actresses in this show because this show was doomed before they even walked onto the set. Before they even opened their mouths. And that's because no one will ever believe a single word they are going to say. No one, not even the best in the business, would be able to make these lines sound believable. The dialogue in this show reeks of amateur writing. It's a very elementary mistake to make when you start writing a script without imagining what they would actually sound like coming out of someone's mouth. Much of the dialogue sounds like something straight out of a text book instead of actual conversation. Not to mention, the writers often like to demonstrate their inflated egos when they constantly indulge in using long, twisted and complex sentences for every single character (including the friend with a most likely below average IQ). You could almost hear them congratulating themselves on their own literary genius as they finish constructing each sentence. The result is that either every one of these country town characters (including the little boy) had some kind of an Arts degree from a tertiary institution, or they are merely the result of a failed imagination.

The characters themselves are actually quite believable, due to the decent acting done by most of the cast, but the awkward lines written for them made everything an uphill battle. How any of these actors were able to get away with muttering a single line from this script without someone flinching is beyond me. I could only pray that this is a result of the writers strike, and whoever wrote the scripts is now shoveling snow for a living.
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christophersarles22 July 2022
It was a great show with an awesome cast and the plot was just taking off. As usual, great shows get ZERO promotion and get canned while garbage like the kardashians are on for a decade. This show NEVER should have been cancelled so soon. The characters were quirky and likable and it was clean and touching and witty. They really screwed up.
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Not a perfect show, but uncommonly beautiful when it counted.
brent_or6 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There was something incredibly gorgeous about this show. It was not the most incredibly realistic, nor was it necessarily groundbreaking (although the overall premise was a good one), and there were occasionally episodes that wacked themselves out a bit. But this show had a warm, endearingly personal quality that I'm not sure many others have ever had.

The setting and cinematography were, again, incredibly gorgeous, and the cast of lovable (or occasionally hate-able) characters won a place in my heart. It was a great look at a relatively small town, and the essential emotional struggles that people go through in attempt to transcend the stereotypes that confine them, and/or escape the gravity of mistakes and the past. And as an elixir for all of that, it was ultimately about the power of friendship. That sounds trite, but unlike a lot of television, this show made it work in the purest sense. It did not take itself too seriously in general, but when it counted, it did not flinch. Music was also used, often wonderfully, to enhance certain scenes.

The one specific thing that I want to mention is that a couple of the episodes in the second season (the closing moments of "Stand by Me Alone" and the finale, respectively) contain some of the most absolute, pure beauty that I have ever seen (and felt) on screen. And I mean that. If you could use some friends, or something that watches like a cup of warm soup on a clear, cold day, this series is well worth checking out.
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I am not to sure yet, but not too promising
leforte4 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched only two episodes so far and I am not thrilled. I guess the main word here is boring. I was bored to near death watching these two episodes. Okay, I'm giving it a chance because of Laura Prepon, but that will only go so far. I even have to admit that I am not too thrilled with her acting here either. Dead pan acting expressions just does not go here. Yes, this show could develop into something good, but I seem to doubt it. It is way off base when it comes to plot lines, and not at all believable either. I mean so the guy writes a book and everyone is angry at him, ho-hum. The girl he left has another man and yet she wants to kiss him with love in her heart after a decade of living another life and not hearing from the guy, yea right. This guy is from a small town yet we are asked to believe he kept in touch with absolutely no one, including his father, to tell him he may have a child. Only now his dad wants to take a good look at this kid and tells his son that the boy has "your mothers eyes". Please, come on now, we are supposed to believe this aren't we? The writers here have their work cut out for them. This is a TV show, not the book.
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Not a Strong Start, Middle, or Finish
eldestjay6 August 2011
The Pros and Cons of Upsetting the Applecart are clearly displayed in October Road. That is if, the applecart represents the thousands of viewers flipping their channel to ABC every Thursday, hoping that the small-town drama would get at least a little bit better. It never did. I do, however, applaud the show for not staying consistent. Why isn't that a bad thing? Because when a show is so awful that you have a hard time sticking it out till the end, consistent is the last thing that said show wants to be. Every once and a while the show would have a good piece of writing, or a tiny sample of good acting. But overall, the show left a lot to be desired!

Something that struck me about this show, from the beginning, is that they never failed to have a sappy montage set to folksy music, at the end of every single episode. I'm not sure what the writers expected this to add. Maybe charm, or that tear jerking feeling everyone gets whenever the song "You'll Be In My Heart" is played while a slide-show of poor, starving orphans is displayed. Whatever the goal, they failed. Because the effect that each montage had on me, was making me want to turn the channel to Two and a Half Men, and I really really hate that show.

So, quick sum up: There is nothing about this show that makes it worth watching. Except, maybe the pizza girl storyline, because that was adorable.
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Ended too soon!
lauraly-815828 December 2021
This show was so good! Why was it cancelled after only one season? So many things that were unresolved. I still think about this show. The acting was good. The storyline was good. I wish they would have made at least a few seasons.
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great show
e-desousa30 March 2007
I loved the show, I found the characters very interested, and can't wait to see what will happen next. I also love Bryan Greenberg. I hope this show goes on for a while. I loved all the other shows like Grey's anatomy, but I find it is turning into a soap opera. I think all the characters are interesting, and you can't wait to see what will happen next. I don't remember every seeing a show with this plot. It is quite different and the characters are believable. Not like most shows. When I saw the first show I was really intrigued. I'm usually in bed by 10:00pm, but I was interested to see where this show was going. All, in all I love this show.
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Weak at first but growing on me
AMovieFreak7-15 April 2007
The Pilot episode wasn't as strong as it could have been I only tuned in the next week because I was a fan of Bryan Greenburg from his performance on One Tree Hill, and of course Laura Prepon from That 70s Show. Thankfully the show has picked up since then and has built up in storyline (such as the developing relationship between Eddie and Janet which I am hoping will work out). I find the relationship between Nick and his student Aubrey to be quite annoying and hope it will soon end. The appeal of the show is not so much on the main characters but on its subplots; Phil, the man who never leaves the house (which I'm curious if we will find out exactly why), the aforementioned Eddie/Janet goings-on, and Ikey's secret love affair which his best friends wife. I am looking forward to seeing this show a lot more. Hopefully it will be an ABC show that will stick around, lets see if it can withstand the Thursday night slot alongside Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy.
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Not terrible, but!!!!!!!!
schoeny9916 March 2007
Well that wasn't very good was it. The acting was average, although the story line was so fresh, after all how many shows have there been about somebody returning back home after being gone for ten years? What was really annoying was the soundtrack, the main characters were 18 in 1997, there was a poster of Curt Cobain over the bed, and in his apartment. But the soundtrack included Boston, Thin Lizzy and a reference to REO Speedwagon, if he had left in 1977 this may have made more sense.

In terms of writing anyone writer who can combine "dude", "wicked" and "trash our REO Speedwagon" in the same conversation should be up for a Grammy. Also, correct me if I am wrong but did I hear Hannah say REO Speedwagon records? Records not CDs? Again this was supposed to be 1997. Then there is the wooden tennis racket. I swear this town must be caught in a time warp.

This is replacing Men in Trees? Granted this Northern Exposure meets Friends program wasn't the greatest, but it certainly was better then Octber Road.
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October Road off to a good start
Taylor0718 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
October Road held my interest, which was surprising since I'm not the demographic they are aiming at. They gave us enough insight into each character to keep us coming back for more. I can't wait for next Thursday evening. But I feel that the writers could have used veteran actor Tom Berenger more. I didn't feel that a 30 second hihowareyou between father and son was believable. That scene should have been a lot longer. There are enough characters, that they could give each one an episode to themselves. There is so much going on in everyone's lives, that the writers should keep us happy for years to come. I hope that this series is given a chance to bloom.
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every true to life
luckyfoshizzle25 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the previews for this show I thought I should check it out cause it seemed like the kind of show that could keep you intrigued without dozens of plot twists thrown into the mix.

I mean, I TRIED to watch the OC because I just love dramas, but it was just too out there for me and made me feel completely unsympathetic to all of the characters no matter how many bad things happened to them. But this show makes me sympathize with all the characters case this is stuff that people really do go through. Sometimes you are an ass to your friends and you do talk trash behind their backs. And sometimes someone you love really does leave you.

This show can really hit close to home. If you go into any small town across America you will run into people just like this and fact that they can just throw real life on screen and keep you interested without throwing a bunch of useless drama into makes you want to just stay tuned.
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Excellent Show
frankiedemarco22 March 2007
Laura Prepon is a fantastic actress! I really enjoy her style- she seems so real to me. She exudes loyalty, honesty, fun and someone everyone is comfortable to be around. She is at home with the boys and at the same time totally a woman. I was disappointed she was with the archenemy of her old boyfriend. I was expecting she would be with Geoff Stult's character. I think that would have opened up more plot twists. I also missed the first minute of the show. I wish I knew what happened. I started watching it when they were all leaving his room and going down to say goodbye to him. I'm looking forward to seeing the 2nd show tonight!!
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