The Nine Lives of Chloe King (TV Series 2011) Poster

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A Good Summer Series-
spalamb15 June 2011
It seems like for the summer months there is very little to watch. That's why I'm really happy about ABC's lineup for this summer. The Nine Lives of Chloe King is airing on ABC Family on Tuesday nights after Pretty Little Liars. I watched the first episode of The Nine Lives of Chloe King after the summer premier of PLL. I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did. The show starts a day before Chloe's 16th birthday. She has always been shy and it's implied that she doesn't have a lot of friends. Her personality seems to be changing and guys are flocking to her. She starts realizing that she has powers that give her cat like abilities including the power to change her nails into sharp claws. When assassins come after her she finds out that she is part of a greater race and that she is going to be the one to save her race. She has nine lives to lose. Will she be able to accept this new found power or will she try to run away from it all? Over all I like the characters and the acting. The story line seems like it will be a good one. I will be watching the rest of the series. The only thing I can criticize is The character development is a little dry and it seems like they put a little too much info in the first episode.
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Should't Have Been Cancelled
fairleyhlloyd21 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"The Nine Lives Of Chloe King" is a sort of fantasy/science-fiction series that was based off the book of the same name. Chloe King turns 16 and wishes her life were more exciting; however, she gets more than she bargained for when she discovers that she's gained catlike abilities. It turns out that Chloe is apart of the Mai race, a species of half-human, half-feline descendants of the Egyptian goddess, Bastet. Not only that, but Chloe is the Uniter who must bring peace between Mai and the Order, an organization that is out to kill the Mai.

I can't tell you how upset I was when this show was cancelled (and on a cliffhanger!) It was very good; the acting was great (Skyler Sammuels is surprisingly good and likable as Chloe), the story lines about the Mai and the Order were intriguing, and the fight scenes were awesome.

One thing I will say, though, is that there was too much focus on the romance. The Alek/Chloe/Brian love triangle was overplayed for a show that I thought was about a girl's cool catlike powers and the Order. I wished they had focused more on that storyline instead because it was so much more interesting.

Overall, though, the series was very good. I know it didn't get enough viewership, but ABC Family should have at least resolved the cliffhanger, or don't show it at all because I want to know what happened next.
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bring it back
bri_montinaro26 June 2016
i really wish they had continued this series. it is a fantastic series. I am so disappointed with that ending. I did not like Brian and Chloe to be together i was Alek, but the ending was so rushed, and left us with so many questions. such as why Zane wanted revenge on Valentina. There should be a 2nd season. who cares if it has been years since it was on. many shows have returned after years of hiatus. i voted an 8 because they should have expanded on her love interest with Alek and not continued and never ending heartbreak with brian. It was going no where. We need more info on zane and alek, and why they were separated. bring this show back.
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Why Chloe King should live.. Read on..
eshmland6 July 2011
Listen up people, I've just finished watching the 4th episode & so far, its great.. How can my opinion carry any weight?? Well, let me start with the fact that I have 37yrs experience being a fan of the sci-fi, fantasy, action & adventure genres.. I have watched anything & everything worth watching and more than just once! What can I say, I'm a dreamer => I count amongst some great TV shows of the past, Wonder Woman (hint-wish someone would do a present rendition of the show), Dr Who, Star Trek (all of them), The X-Files, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Battlestar Gallactica, V (I hear its getting axed-such a shame!), Heroes, Angel with Jessica Alba (which also launched her as an actor), Xena (she rocked my feminine world & I don't even have one!) all the way to the recently & superbly ended Smallville. Dark Angel & Dead Like Me were good too!! I don't think I need to list ALL of them do I? => The current shows I watch are Sanctuary, True Blood, Fringe & Supernatural to name an important few.. Does everyone remember Catwoman the movie? It was no big blockbuster but it remained true to the theme of the CatWoman.. Having said as much, The Nine Lives of Chloe King could be another good series that develops into an awesome kick ass series about a girl who is growing into Catwoman - just like in Smallville how Clarke grew into the Blur then grew into Superman.. I also think it has the potential and possibility into turning into a brilliant series under the right writers - maybe the writers from Sanctuary and Fringe could be a positive influence - both these shows have enabled themselves to be able to write about anything from the past to the future and back and forth and even sideways now with alternate realities.. All I'm saying is I would love the chance to see this show go somewhere. I have been waiting a very long time to see Catwoman revamped! The lead character played by Skyler Samuels is definitely a good fit and so are the other Mai. Even her annoying quirky friends a slowly starting to grow on me.. Is everybody starting to see what I see? Or need I continue listing more reasons why this show should be given a chance to survive??
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I love this show :)
skatiehall26 July 2011
I wonder what the average age of the reviewers of this show have been, because their reviews have been pretty mixed. Some of them are probably young teenagers (13-14), some are probably mid-older teenagers (16-18), and then some are most likely young adults or parents of teenagers and older children.

As a "mid-older" teenager (to quote myself), I really enjoy this show. It could be construed as a summer show, but I think it will be really good during the school year when I have a bunch of homework and just need to unwind. There is a lot of drama (like all the other ABC Family shows), but that's good because I don't experience much of that in my everyday life but do like to observe it every so often.

The relationships between all the characters, especially between Chloe and Alek, intrigue me. I also love the comedic relief that Amy and Paul provide. With them it doesn't seem like the viewer is always getting bombarded with hard-hitting, violent content. And Brian is super sweet; he is just the type of guy a father wants their daughter to date.

In conclusion, this show, unlike what my cousins repeatedly tell me, is actually quite good. For being yet another TV show adapted from a novel, I always look forward to my Tuesday nights because of this show, and it makes getting to Wednesday a lot easier.
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Shame...well deserved for a season 2
Deathracer8 September 2012
I hated this when I watched the first episode. The story sounded lame and characters were so dull, specially the guy who acts as Paul. But I kept watching and for me it really improved.

For me, this story had a poor start which failed to capture a mass audience leading to poor ratings. However the story really gets going when it comes to the last couple of episodes and when I really want to watch it, guess what the network do? they look at the stupid ratings and stopped at first season.

Now if you watched this down to the last episode, my guess is you want to kick the guy who stopped it, since the last episode was really good and needed a decent ending.
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Love it !!!!
Pugalicious5 July 2011
I watched the first episode and instantly loved it . This show is great i do not want to miss an episode ever but it's hard to go from week to week waiting to see what happens ! Plus their are characters that have been on other shows and movies I have seen . I like to see the different personalities of the characters in this show from other things they have been on . When you watch it you get lost in the show and lose track of your surroundings ! This show is a great version of a teen super human story . The show are a little time consuming but they are worth it to watch . My main point is this show is one of the best I have ever watched !
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Good potential gone too soon
SnoopyStyle28 September 2013
Chloe King (Skyler Samuels) isn't a normal teen. She just turn sixteen, and suddenly somebody is trying to kill her. Actually he succeeds in killing her except she has eight more lives. Mai is a race of cat people with superpowers. Chloe is a special Mai that's suppose to unite the world as its savior.

I like the human friends of Chloe and their relationships. The show needed more high school teen drama and less supernatural drama. If they could make this a group of teens facing evil, then they have a long lasting show. They didn't actually achieve that yet. However they deserve at least a full season to work to see if they could get there.
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Wisemasterbob25 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Less a review and more a general complaint... I'm so tired of finding shows that I legitimately enjoy only to have the idiots in charge of the network cancel them based on some antiquated ratings system. I liked The Gates (cancelled), so I followed Skyler Samuels over to The Nine Lives of Chloe King (cancelled). Let me guess... you're going to replace it with some mindless reality TV or idiotic comedy. Good job killing all the shows with any imagination. Maybe SYFY will pick it up. It's a lot better than their awful movie of the week or the cheesy graphics in Sanctuary. There: rant complete.

Skyler Samuels does a great job in this role, and I hope she continues to get similar acting roles. Maybe not quite so similar though. This is the second time in a row that she plays someone who can kill with a kiss after all. Skyler, find a better network that won't cancel your show at the drop of a hat.
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Starts off well but bombs by series end
PaxD751 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Note: Tried to generalize but may contain enough information to be considered spoiler material.

I really wanted to love this show. I thought the lead characters, centering around Chloe (Skyler Samuels), Amy (Gracie Gillam), Paul (Ki Hong Lee) and Jasmine (Alyssa Diaz) were outstanding and played their roles well. In particular, Gracie Gillam had tremendous range. Ki Hong Lee was just perfect as the supportive wannabe "sidekick" geek.

The series started off well with great potential. Where did it fail? The conspiracy simply got out of control, where every close contact was an enemy out to destroy the Mai or Chloe herself.

For a group of beings with cat-like powers, under attack by adversaries who played their hand early... this ancient group of (presumably) warriors did little to nothing to defend themselves.

They did not investigate Chloe's boyfriend, which would have begun to clue them in. They did not followup on Jasmine's boyfriend - simply accepting this very weird looking character at face value. They did not share knowledge - preferring to remain clueless. They insisted on creating an awkward love triangle where one of the main protectors was essentially a stalker - disinterested in piecing together the larger picture.

The leader of the Mai in that region also surrounded herself with children and also did little to share knowledge or even acquire it. She did this despite that fact that Chloe herself was under constant attack. While the enemies were tenacious, the "good guys" were oblivious.

While I enjoyed the first 3/4s of the series, by the last few episodes I was spent and frustrated. Many of the central characters just got dumber and dumber.

Rating this a 6 because of the characters, story concept and because it did start off well before self-destructing by series end.
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the ending from Hell --plus-- most outrageous Product Placement ever!
A_Different_Drummer29 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First a confession. This is my third draft of this review, each one written further along as I watched the first - and last - season. I have never done this before. And I have been writing reviews for a very long time. (Before computers. Back in an age when very few people did it, and those that did were paid for their work.) So, the question becomes, what is there about this seemingly innocent Disney-esque summer knockoff of Buffy that creates such confusion and bafflement? Simply this -- whatever meds the writers were on when they penned this fiasco (if ever there was a series that deserved to be cancelled, or euthanized, this was it) the FDA should investigate, and quickly. For the first nine episodes we have an awkward setup of a typical metaphysically-driven, teenage, coming of age, superpowers yet to be revealed, story. Nothing new, especially given the competition. And the awkwardness, the fact that the scripts can't seem to decide between whimsy and dark magic, between frolic and death, is not unexpected, given the producers and the delivery channel. Although I found the pacing uneven, by episode 9, I had come to view this production as more about relationships than plot, the harmonies/conflicts among the would-be Scoobies was, on average, entertaining. With standouts, such as Samuels, the lead, and Coppola, who mesmerizes in a supporting role. Then, just as I thought I had nailed the Zen of this series, along comes episode 10, the finale. And what a finale it is! Murder, mayhem, lying, weapons, poison, betrayal, WOW, false identities, gunshots, the death of the heroine -- a viewer would be forgiven for thinking they had tuned into the wrong show. Not only did it leave all (repeat ALL) plot threads un-resolved, but it opened up brand new ones. And the tone. So depressing that people on Prozac could backslide merely from watching a few minutes, even by accident. Could the writers possibly have imagined that by ambushing the viewer in the finale, they could somehow buy another year or two of production to make amends? Or, more likely, they were already tipped off that the series was not likely to be picked up, so they figured, hey, let's have some fun anyway? I will end with this -- there are Rob Zombie productions which, overall, are kinder to the audience than this was.

A footnote in time --> Chloe King may yet go down in history (for TV students of the far future) as the most OUTRAGEOUS PRODUCT PLACEMENT in the history of the medium. Which is really saying something, considering that most dramas of the 1950s were essentially excuses to sell a single brand of soap (hence the term, "soap opera"). You can almost hear the pitch by the adman, "See, we'll do something no one has ever done before, we'll have Skyler's character fall in love with a Kia, and then, after longing for a few episodes, her mother will pay half and she will get the car on screen. Sure it is only a few second of air time, but subliminally teenage girls all over the world will suddenly develop a craving for a new Kia and they'll expect their parents to pay half. If this works, we'll try it with ovens, hedge trimmers and maybe a Jacuzzi."
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The best show on TV. Haters need to watch the whole series!!
monkeysrawesome242 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Chloe ling is the best show on abc family. The chemistry between alek and chloe is unmistakable. But then, you throw in Brian, a man Chloe truly likes. It's a love triangle, and I find myself loving alek more and more with each episode. This show exhibits excellent acting and relatable characters! I truly love this show with all my heart!! Chloe king is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chloe king is a show everyone needs to give a chance! Much better than any other shows on abc family. This show is so interesting and captivating. I have always wanted to watch a catwoman resurrection and here it is!!!!!! Best show ever!!!!!!!! Please give this incredible show another time to shine abc!
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a message to ABC Family network
Okay, so this show isn't perfect. Far from it. But it held terrific promise. And ABC Family cancels it after the first season. The question is : Why?

More than a decade later, after not being able to find it on DVD, got it from the Net.

But here's the problem. There is no other way to watch it. There never was a DVD release. So, I'm stuck with watching it as I found it on the Net. A direct recording as it appeared on ABC Family. Which is a SISSY FAMILY SITE. People looking for a bit of adventure, don't go there Steer clear of ABC Family. Every two minutes, they throw an ad onto the screen advertising other shows. Never mind that you are trying to watch THE NINE LIVES OF CHLOE KING, they throw a reminder onto the screen, complete with moving pictures, that you are indeed watching The Nine Lives of Chloe King and then there appears a whole smorgasbord of their sissy shows as well, every fricking two minutes, over the action, over the drama... It's difficult to follow the story, there is this incessant nuisance.

And you AMERICANS stand for this bull!

Stop subscribing to stupid networks!

Demand better treatment!

How could THE NINE LIVES OF CHLOE KING have stood a fair chance? It's target audience surely wouldn't watch such a messy messy messy presentation!

It's ludicrous to have your viewing pleasure interrupted. Commercials are bad enough, but here you have your rights further infringed upon. I understand there are also weather reports and competitions thrown out onto your screens as well. It's pathetic!

Admittedly I haven't watched television in more than a decade, being a DVD nut. But I was dismayed to see how things are run in Big Land America. Yes, I am a South African, and in my country, everything sucks twelve times more, yes, but I'd have thought Americans had more sense! Stand up for your rights! Aren't you shelling out subscription fees?

As for this show, it could have been the BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER of the twenty-teens, but like it said, look where it got stuck.
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Waste of Time in My One Life
m-downhour21 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In the past, I have been pleasantly surprised by the quality of some ABC Family programs, most notably the recent "Switched at Birth", which explores the psychological issues that can be attached to adoption and/or deafness. Riding on that high, I decided to try out "Nine Lives". Oops.

Here's the gist: Chloe King is a 16-year-old cat woman with nine lives who is destined to be the savior of a race of super-humans.

I won't waste MORE of my time expounding on details of the plot. I found the acting of the lead actress to be rather vapid and frantic and somewhat insulting to girls of her general age group. Underscoring her uninspiring acting is the unoriginal "cat woman" concept. On top of all of that, the writers make the mistake of trying to draw in their audience too quickly. Before we even know who the main character is supposed to be, she is suffering an identity crisis, which, with no set persona, just comes off as a disheveled mess to the viewer.

Don't get me wrong; the show is well done, and it is perfectly appropriate for most of its base audience of preteen girls. As with hundreds of other shows, the cinematography and the rest of the casting are decent. So here's my advice: there are dozens of shows of equal quality AND originality. Save an hour or so and skip "Chloe King". After all, you only have one life to live.
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Bring it back
tprice-3181424 December 2018
I love The Nine Lives Of Chloe King. I hate when you like a series they end up cancelling the series. Why don't they cancel these reality shows. Bring The Nine Lives Of Chloe King BACK!!!
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Only new show I've watched this Season... ABC PLEASE RENEW SERIES!!!!
calliope_purple17 August 2011
I was hooked from the first episode, and it's only gotten better. This is a great show with likable characters and a new and exciting plot line. (It's not the same boring stuff with teenage girls in angst/lying clicks...Ugh.) I'm 49 and it appeals to me. Of course, I'm also a Harry Potter fan and totally agree that magical powers and special abilities are THE escape route when I choose to watching anything. Besides, I think all women need to dream about having super powers and being able to defend themselves. Come on ABC - don't disappoint us again by canceling a worthwhile series!!!!! There are so many loose ends and unanswered questions from the final episode...Hey we need to see what happens to Brian! Lol :o)
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chicitabnita2 August 2011
Alright so at first I thought the show looked stupid it wasn't until episode 4 that I started watching it. I was curling my hair and I was too lazy to change the channel after PLL. I instantly fell in love with it. I downloaded the pilot from i tunes for free and watched it like 5 times. The boys are hot, the girls are pretty, and the characters are hilarious. You fall into the story and you don't want the story to end. Not only is there action, and romance there is also friendship and a mother-daughter relationship I wish I had. Skyler Samuels, Benjamin Stone, and Grey Damon are absolutely amazing, and so is the rest of the cast. I've honestly never seen anything like it, definitely something worth watching!
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Personal Opinions! =p
sarah_janette002521 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched the whole season in two nights! I find this to be a great show! Not going to lie, I was COMPLETELY shocked in the end. And so disappointed with the fact that there may be no season two!? In all honesty, I believe the cast over all is great! Although new characters would make things interesting. Skylar is great as Chloe. She has that whole tough ass but sweet confused teen girl thing down. Benjamin plays a great Alek. Nice touch making him so arrogant but sweet. I absolutely love her friends! Grey plays a great love interest although not everyone loves this whole Alek, no wait Brian thing. Drag it out too long and it is like a teen soap opera. I would love to see a second season and I hope it is as good as this one. Oh, and so better answer the huge question mark hanging over my head about Zane! What is that all about? Talk about a mind twist! Good job!
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Skip it
davidin203214 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In a sea of poor shows on ABC Family, The Nine Lives of Chloe King is another poor addition to an already poor network. With a clichéd plot and poor comic relief, this show needs to be canceled and brought back with a better plan. ABC Family continues to target the teen audience with atrocious shows and, according to the ratings successes Secret Life and Pretty Little Liars, is working. Without giving away a big chunk of this disorganized plot; Chloe King, a teen girl, discovers that she's some kind of 'cat person' with nine lives and a 'destiny'. She then gets hunted by some secret organization. Sound bad yet? Let's review the shows with this plot-mold: Nikita, hunted by a secret organization; Heroes, people with superpowers hunted. There are countless others and this show brings nothing new. Skip it, unless you like poor science fiction dumbed down for teenage girls, who make up the main audience for ABC Family.
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Surprisingly good - don't understand all the hate
jewelia60616 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Chloe King reminds me a little of Buffy, her best friends Paul and Amy are expies of Xander and Cordelia, and Alek and Jasmine may as well be Faith and Giles. That being said, this is the perfect summer show. It's not too heavy on the sex/gore that most shows seem to be pushing, Chloe is a relatable young woman who reacts as most of us would in the same situation, she first goes for a little thrill ride with her new abilities, but quickly discovers the downside and is forced to face the sobering fact that like it or not, she's got new responsibilities, and people are going to try to kill her.

The one quibble I have with this show is the stereotypical portrayals of the bad guys - talking at night in suspicious black hoodies with their leader in a limousine. Other than that, it's a refreshing, wonderful show.
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lost me at sacred race
fy_nesh13 September 2011
the reason i give this show one star, is because there is no negative stars rating, seriously, its that bad, not enough that he whole premise of the show is weak, 90% of it revolves around the sordid love life of a 16 year old who has two hunks in love with her, a bunch of friends, a cool mom, super powers, and yeah..she is the one, Bella swan much? when will Hollywood stop profiting from the shallow and vain egos of American teen girls, can we have a show with some substance? would it kill them if the hero actually had to earn his status through some hardship and humility? and to top this off the ending is the worst cliff hanger of all time, with no second season even confirmed, and even if there is to be a second season of this insult to anyone with taste, the ending is still God awful. my advise don't waste your time, i did that for you so you wouldn't have to. cheers.
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Great Show with lots of potential.
cgroom24167 August 2011
Great show with lots of potential. Definitely needs more time for people to find this engaging new show. The characters are just beginning to grow into their potential. The chemistry between Benjamin Stone (Alek) and Skylar Samuels (Chloe) is Tangible. You can feel the tension between them on the show. I think that's why all the fans of the show would like to see more romance between them. There is more than enough "REALITY" on TV, sometimes we need a little fantasy and romance, where the good guys always win. And we all know how well the mythical characters-played by a couple of hot guys-involved in a love triangle over a cute girl concept has worked before. Can't wait to see what happens next!
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Great show, only getting better!
swtnblnde9 August 2011
I have been watching this show from episode one and honestly it did start out slow but it has only gotten better. I love Tuesday nights now and can't wait for Nine Lives to come on!There is plenty of action as far as fight scenes and there is plenty of romance to balance the show. I don't understand why they have such low ratings. I am 22 and a mom and I find myself squealing while watching this show like I'm 15 again. It's refreshing to watch a great show that everyone can enjoy that is not filled with curse words but is funny and actually entertaining for the right reasons. I hope this show is around for long while. I look forward to every episode, I love it!
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MiaShelley177 August 2011
I love this show. I have not missed one episode and i constantly watch them over and over again. This is such a great series. Its my all time favorite show, My sister & I love it. We were just talking about how upset we were about the rumors, please don't cancel the show. I bought the book and im so attached. Im so sad the finale is almost here. im going to cry. Im buying all the episodes on itunes! Continue the show Tuesdays are my favorite day of the week thanks to Pretty Little Liars & Nine Lives of Chloe King! <3 The ratings would be higher if people knew how to rate the show. thousands of people are in love with the show you can tell by twitter, facebook and the comments on abcfamily.
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This is wonderful! (well, if you are 13-15)
turnedgood13 January 2022
The title says it all... I managed to get half way through of episode 2, the drug dealer "fight". Yeah, that was enough...

This is one of those shows that people just turn dum when they have to make a decision, or do something that makes no sense or they don't understand what's going on, just to get the plot going.

So, yeah, if this is your cup of tea... go right ahead!
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