Wedding Daze (2006) Poster


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Great romance/comedy flick
dj_stv5 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know about you, but when I saw this movie I knew what to expect of it. I mean, what more can u expect from a movie that stars Jason Biggs and Isla Fisher and it's called "Wedding Daze" except another romance flick where two people run over some bumps, but in the end they straighten all up? And that's what this film has to offer: one hour and almost thirty minutes of pure relaxation and some laughs. By saying this I address all you uptight "movie critics" that take it way too seriously.

The plot isn't that very original, the acting is bearable, the funny situations that pop during the film are quite decent, Isla Fisher is great and it all ends well. To really have a treat out of it, see it with someone you care about, trust me, it'll do the job.
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Sort of Funny
britwrit3 June 2007
This is one of those movies where a lot depends on how you feel going in. If you're in a good mood and aren't looking for anything great, Wedding Daze will happily fill up an hour and a half. If you're looking for another American Pie or Clerks, though, I'd give this a miss.

Really, there are about a dozen hilarious moments scattered about this movie. Unfortunately, they're surrounded by underwritten characters, mediocre acting and a cookie-cutter plot. Jason Biggs is still playing the same character he did in American Pie. Isla Fisher has an extremely convincing American accent but that's about it. And despite flashes of brilliance, everyone else seems to be a little embarrassed to be here. Really, I'd say wait for the DVD.

(Oh, and for you dirty old men out there, there's a truly delightful scene of Isla Fisher early on parading around in her underwear. It makes absolutely no sense plot-wise but six months from now, a bunch of 13-year-old boys with cable are going to be very, very happy.)
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Surprisingly Funny
simonparker199030 May 2007
Wedding Daze was a movie I wasn't sure what to expect over, I wasn't really sure if this movie was going to be an American Pie rip off, or a cheesy romantic comedy that would have me throwing up for half the movie at the sheer horror of it all. My hopes were strictly average for the movie, I thought it might be a funny little movie, but by tomorrow I wouldn't remember it at all. Added to that my hopes wren't raised when it turned out the movie was only showing in a run down little screen in my cinema, while Pirates of the Caribbean took up nearly every other screen in the cinema. Anyway while watching Wedding Daze, and about an hour in I suddenly realised I was really enjoying the movie. Actually more than that, I was loving the movie! Shortly after that the movie hit a little dip and made my opinion lower a bit, but by the end I realised I had seen a movie that genuinely entertained me and I'm highly unlikely to forget it for a long time. The movie is your typical rom-com, and of course as tradition with rom-coms it has to have its overly sentimental moments dropped here and there. But the movie also contains the sexual humour from movies such as American Pie. The two blend perfectly and leaves the movie feeling fresh and funny. The lead characters played by Jason Biggs and Isla Fisher are brilliant. The pair have great chemistry, and one of the scenes between the pair, and involving tooth paste had me crying for about five minutes afterwards. I won't spoil the scene but it is just one of many great moments to be found in this surprisingly funny little movie.

As I've just said the lead pair are brilliant. I have never been the biggest fan of Jason Biggs. He was pretty good in American Pie, but after that movie I always felt he was recycling the same role over and over again. In this movie he has moments when he's essentially playing the same character as from American Pie, but thankfully his character does have notable changes along the way. The opening scene with him is very well performed and its a truly funny set piece, it was also surprising as well. Isla Fisher is one of the actresses who is very much upcoming in terms of popularity. Wedding Crashers obviously made her noticeable, and in her first leading role she does a great job. I think she might also be a great dramatic actress given the right material, but until that time comedy suits her just fine. What surprised me in Wedding Dze was the fact that nearly all the supporting cast worked very well. A couple start to grate very much after a while, especially Katue's friend Matador, who while being funny at first ends up just being plain odd by the end. The pairs parents are probably the best supporting characters. Katie's mum and dad, played by Joanna Gleason and Jon Pantoliano are brilliant, Pantoliano makes a brilliant character and his scenes towards the end are pure genius. Anderson's sex crazed parents are also welcome additions, the scene we meet them is another laugh out loud moment involving cream, its odd, sick and nasty, but brilliant all the same.

The comedy of Wedding Dze ranges from two sorts, the subtle, clever dialogue kind, and the other in your face sex antics kind. Usually sex jokes in a movie start to get very irritating after a while, sure they're funny at first but after you've had five jokes on ejaculation you start to roll your eyes. Thankfully the sex jokes are never constantly in your face in this movie. The scene that had me laughing most isn't really a sex joke at all, its not really a dialogue one either but its still brilliant. But this movie is not all about the comedy, and there are genuinely touching moments. Anderson's best friend has a very well written moment where he tells Katie not to hurt him, its small, its not funny, but for some reason its very well written and you can't help but be a bit touched by it. The movie has great pieces of humour and it very rarely misses, only Katie's friend Matador is the weak link for comedy, as I've said he's too odd to be really funny.

So what are the weaknesses of the movie? Well like all rom-coms it loves a good but of sentimentality, and apart from the good scenes that aren't funny, it does feel a bit forced at times. The ending is also as predictable as can be, I already knew the ending before the film began, and it didn't disappoint. Generally the comedy hits, but some stuff misses. But all in all its still a very funny and well written movie that I do highly recommend for people. Its a 9/10 movie, and I genuinely hope this gets a broader release over the world. I'm amazed to see it isn't actually out in America yet, nice to see us Brits get it first.
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The Pleasure of This Film
Chrysanthepop6 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know what to expect from 'Wedding Daze' aka 'The Pleasure of Your Company'. Then I saw that it starred Jason Biggs and Isla Fisher and I thought why not give it a go. At first I thought it was another American comedy with the usual toilet humour. It also started off real slow but soon it picks up and gets funnier. I ended up laughing a lot as I quite enjoyed the film.

Of course the story is a typical romantic comedy and all but the comedy is very situational and most of the jokes are funny. I personally enjoyed the sequence where the whole cast is in jail. You've got the sentimental fluffy humour and the sex comedy which mingle quite well. Perhaps some of the jokes could have been a little toned down, especially the sexual humour. Also a few of the jokes just aren't funny and some situations look forced. Some of the punchlines just miss the mark.

Jason Biggs and Isla Fisher form quite a likable fresh pair. There is a sweet chemistry and the actors blend quite well. However Biggs is a little in his 'American Pie' mode. From the supporting cast, I loved Joanna Gleeson. She was absolutely hilarious in the jail scene. The rest of the cast work well too.

This is quite an enjoyable flick and works well for a rainy day or as a date movie.
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A Nutshell Review: Wedding Daze
DICK STEEL19 July 2008
It seems that the success of the American Pie trilogy which starred Jason Biggs and spawned a franchise of spin off movies bearing the American Pie branding, had somewhat slapped an unfortunate tag on actor Biggs. Of all the movies to date that I recall him in, they inevitably revolve around teenagers, sex, or romantic comedies. He can't shake off this tag, and I will be curious to see him take a big leap out of this unwarranted comfort zone, unless of course these are roles that appeal to him, and pays his bills anyway. What makes it ideal for him in roles as these, is his average everyday man looks and attitude.

Isla Fisher on the other hand, I've got to admit, despite being in a similar boat as Biggs, has got that exuberant charm that I can't get enough of. I guess it was her infectious smile and laughter in The Wedding Crashers as the psycho babe Gloria stalking Vaughn's Jeremy that made me take notice, and her turn as the carefree, free-spirited April in Definitely, Maybe, had placed the movie as a contender for one of my favourites this year. Perhaps it is her relatively small frame that can always pass her off as a young adult, that she gets saddled with such roles, and again she repeats another rather conventional performance for Wedding Daze, but I'm not complaining.

Biggs stars as Anderson, a man in between jobs and who still cannot get over the death of his fiancé (who actually hasn't said yes), spending twice as long a duration to mourn her, than the time spent with her. On his good friend Ted's (Michael Weston) advice to go out there and meet people. In a spur of a moment during a dare, Anderson proposes to the waitress serving his table, and surprise, Katie (Fisher) says yes. But of course things are never smooth sailing, as the couple soon discovers what they should have discovered during courtship, thus putting numerous spins and surprises that made this comedy go way out of control in the last 30 minutes, reminiscent of some of 80s styled comedies in this film written and directed by Michael Ian Black.

Sometimes you wonder what it would like to just take that leap of faith and plunge into deep waters. Our forefathers probably did that with matchmaking being the requisite way in which to find a mate. They had no say and everything's arranged through parents and parental contacts when a suitable age is reached. While in this case it's not matchmaking, but you just wonder if it'll work out should two people eye each other across a crowded room, like who they see on the surface of course, and decide that's it, he/she's the one? It's a fantasy proposition, but one which becomes key in love at first sight stories. Either that, or the usual courtship route would likely be a journey where flaws surface, and you start to question if you could live with them. Nobody's perfect, but the former way already bound you to an institution, versus a fairly constant probe where you can opt out at any time.

While the supporting characters specifically are present to provide laughter, they do somehow epitomize different aspects of relationships. Katie's mom personifies the typical indecisive woman who flits toward who currently can provide her certain advantages, while her real dad (Joe Pantoliano) and stepdad provide some laughs with the jokes on the latter seemingly a little culturally insensitive at times. But political correctness usually goes out of the window these days (unlike those of old) as it is possibly the quickest way to elicit laughs from an audience, and even sexual deviant acts come courtesy of Anderson's parents. Supporting characters also involve the maligned fiancé of Katie's (but she didn't say yes too), and his finding of his soulmate, best friends of Katie who are into circus tricks, and the very perfect fiancé of Anderson, who would inspire Anderson to have one of the best, honest lines toward the end of the movie, no matter how sappy it sounded, but made a lot of sense.

You might think that you've seen a number of similar movies already like What Happens in Vegas and Just Married, but those seemed a little more polished than the raw, indie treatment that is Wedding Daze, where jokes fly rather fast and furious, employing a whole repertoire of methods to deliver its punch lines, from sight gags to my personal preferences of extreme wit in dialogue where you really have to be at attention to catch them all. It might not be a big budgeted movie, but its charm more compensates for everything else.
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Pretty good...
schrammbledeggs19 April 2009
I saw this movie on Netflix Instant Queue and saw Jason Biggs and Isla Fisher on the cover...two actors who I've never I gave this movie a shot. I walked in expecting a pretty terrible movie but I was pleasantly surprised. Basically, the movie is about how Jason Biggs randomly proposes to Isla Fisher on the basis of how spontaneous and romantic it is and Isla Fisher says yes. The rest of the movie is the "getting to know each other and falling in love" story. Now, in no way was this movie what I would call "amazing"; the plot was predictable, the acting was mediocre, and there was no evidence of outstanding direction, musical composition, or cinematography. But there's just a certain special magic present in the awkward, teen-oriented romantic comedy. Jason Biggs is just perfect at playing the role that made him famous...the awkward, embarrassing guy. Isla Fisher is gorgeous and funny...but mainly gorgeous and fills out her role well. Even Joey Pants (Joe Pantoliano) is in this movie. All in all, Wedding Daze is a fun romp that's worth 90 minutes of time you planned on wasting anyway.
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poorly written movie
trustgodprov35619 February 2008
Isla Fisher was great in this, but the movie itself, was simply not very good. What had the potential to be a nice romantic comedy storyline gets ruined with some really bizarre character developments. Though the movie had moments that were very funny, for the most part it was full of "humor" that was way too stupid to be funny. (juvenile humor -- some of it only "funny" because of the gross-out factor -- and if you're over 15 that kind of stuff isn't funny anymore.) It was hard to sit through to the end. It's worth watching if you're a fan of Fisher but otherwise, this one you can skip and you won't be missing much.
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Jason Biggs and Isla Fisher are funny together
SnoopyStyle4 May 2014
Anderson (Jason Biggs) is in love with love. He goes all out dressed as cupid to propose to girlfriend Vanessa in a restaurant. She is so shocked that she dies from a heart attack. He's left as a pathetic mess who can't get over Vanessa. His friend Ted tries to get him to try harder and he asks waitress Katie (Isla Fisher) to marry him. Katie's life isn't going so well. She's in a dead end job. Her father is in jail. Her boyfriend proposes and she can't take it. In exasperation, she accepts Anderson's proposal. It's a ridiculous idea at first, but after a lot of misadventures, they may have stumbled onto something real.

The setup is really awkward. Knowing Michael Ian Black's brand of comedy, it's not surprising that he goes so dark so soon. Jason Biggs and Isla Fisher are two of the most likable and funniest comedic actors around. They combine to have some really funny moments. Chris Diamantopoulos is ridiculous and funny. This is a case of really funny people with some really inappropriate jokes trying very hard with less than expert directions and editing.
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Terrible movie.
shelbylynn75-120 December 2007
If I could give zero stars I would. This movie was not funny at all. The performances were lacking terribly. Although who can blame them with this script? A good movie will make ridiculous situations believable...this movie failed miserably at doing so. All of the "funny" moments were merely stupid.

Isla Fisher's acting was terrible in this movie. It was like watching a bad junior high play performance. It was very disappointing.

I didn't laugh once during this movie, and I can usually find a laugh in even the worst comedies. The only thing this movie succeeded in doing was wasting my time, as well as the time of everyone involved.
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Love is best when it's spontaneous
myc497126 April 2010
Romcoms are a tricky genre because there's always the question of plausibility but at the same time it should be entertaining and genuinely funny. And while "Wedding Daze" (aka Pleasure of Your Company) has its share of flaws, it's definitely a movie that made me laugh and swoon! The screenplay is very careless and tends to manipulate the situation in several instances, there are a lot of scenes that drives a home run. Jason Biggs was hilarious in this one. Isla Fisher was more charming in this movie than the high profile "Confessions of a Shopaholic". The supporting cast especially Jason's mom & dad were a riot.

What makes this movie a cut above the rest of the romcoms is the fact that: (1) it doesn't try hard to be "logical" and it didn't stick with any known formula, in fact it threw all the rules out of the window... heck love is best when it's spontaneous and crazy! (2) it doesn't try to be charming. If this was marketed well, this could've been a hit! This is so much more fun than a lot of romcoms that have been coming out lately (ie The Back Up Plan, Leap Year, All About Steve, The Bounty Hunter, etc) 6.5/10
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Awful - total waste of time
snd200026 September 2009
Another movie I saw on a 15 hour flight - only reason to consider was Jason Biggs who was quite funny in American Pie series. The premise (that of a impromptu proposal and acceptance leading to a series of fights resulting in the eventual wedding), though beaten to death can be golden in the hands of a good director. But this movie was a complete disappointment. Where was the story/screenplay?

Jason Biggs plays a do-nothing loser (he is playing the same role over and over - Saving Silverman, Loser, Wedding Daze - all variations on a theme). Isla Fisher was nice in 'Confessions of a Shopaholic', and no doubt she looked hot (especially in lingerie) but that was about it. The families are shown as absurdly kooky. His parents are oversexed and her three parents are kooks in their own way - dad a convict-fugitive, step- dad a Jewish bore and mom a emotional shrew.

Do not waste your time.
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Pretty Funny
Iguano15 September 2006
I saw this film at the Toronto International Film Festival the other night and I have to say it was pretty funny. Different than I expected, and not really similar to Stella. Jason Biggs is exactly the character you expect him to be from his previous films, but he does it well. The rest of the cast is solid and Isla Fisher from the Wedding Crashers shows she can be a pretty good comic female lead. All the peripheral characters add something, especially the parents of Biggs and Fisher.

That being said, most of the film is pretty predictable and nothing terribly new is done here, but if you just want to sit back and laugh it does the job. Worth seeing.
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Pleasantly Surprising
slightlymad2224 September 2014
This is a pleasant little surprise of a movie, I had no real interest in seeing this as it just looked like an 'American Pie' rip off, with Jason Biggs playing Jim from 'American Pie'.

The movie stars Jason Biggs and Isla Fisher as two strangers who decide to get married on a whim. So they set off to meet each other's parents to share the good news.

So far, this sounds like a series of fairly predictable scenes. But they're redeemed by the writing and acting. There are some charming moments an some laugh out loud moments

The sequences involving the two sets of parents provide the heart of the movie, they strike just the right balance between affection and humour.

There were a lot of scenes I liked, but the movie seemed too tailored to Biggs' American Pie image.

Stand out performers for me were Ebon Moss Bachrach, Joe Pantoliano, Joanna Gleason, Edward Herrmann, Margo Martindale and the gorgeous Isla Fisher who I think deserves to be getting better offers than she seems to be.
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Dazed and confused (but not as to why this film sat on the shelves unreleased for so long)
movieman_kev25 January 2009
Michael Ian Black write and directs this forgettable piece of romantic comedy, with an emphasis on the comedy leaving the romance to simmer in the background, which I liked if only because I can't stand most Romcoms. In fact if this film wasn't on netflix via xbox 360, I sincerely doubt that I would've given it a chance. As it was and since my girl wanted to see it I decided to appease her movie (in)sensibilities.

Jason Biggs (American Pie) is Anderson a man who's just given up on love. His soul-mate has just died via heart attack due to his tomfoolery involving dressing up as Cupid and proposing to her. Needless to say he's down in the dumps when he half-heartedly and jokingly asks a waitress to marry him out of the blue. Unfortunately, for him (and the viewer), the waitress Katie (Isla Fisher, who acts just as nuts here as she did in The Wedding Crashers) says yes. They then have to contend with their respective parents (including Joe Pantoliano in the thankless supremely unfunny role of jailbird dad)

But my girl like it (even though I don't really like her taste in film) so it couldn't be all bad *shrugs*

My Grade: C-
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Wedding Daze
kosmasp29 July 2023
No pun intended - and just a gift to sometimes have "german" titles that are also ... well puns. Like this one here - I am not even sure that "daze" is a word(play) that the majority will get or rather did get over here. But they made it look like the American Pie title (letters) so I reckon it was ok ... well you get what I mean.

Having Jason Biggs in this who was quite big(gs) around that time surely helped. Add to that an amazing Isla Fisher - and you have a winning formula. Though I am not sure how famous she was at that time - probably not so much ... even better for the movie to have "discovered" someone like her.

You have to like the out there humor ... there is a lot of nonsensical and quite ... well things you would not expect to happen in real life (read: do not try this at home - or rather in a restaurant ... not just one of those things ... a lot of them) ... but it is a movie, so suspend your disbelief, cherish the chemistry of the two leads .. and just go with the flow ... you'll have fun ... promise!
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"Been Served"
Kamurai2510 March 2021
Good watch, could watch again, and can recommend.

If you like either Jason Biggs or Isla Fisher, then this is a lot of that: a lot of abusive humor to Jason Biggs and a lot of Isla Fisher being quirky but pretty.

The premise of being married too soon combined with traumatic experiences is fun, and everyone in the cast is good, but it's only so good.

It's nice to see modern day fables though where communication is necessary for happiness.
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The excruciating pain of their company
from_christmas_past23 June 2008
The thing about romantic comedies is that most of them are not memorable. Which is good because you would want to forget movies like 'Wedding Daze' in a hurry. The good romantic comedies run a very predetermined script and yet are enjoyable because of some good acting and comedy. This movie lacks both. Trying to start off on an innovative note, the movie degrades into cesspool of bad jokes. The director has no direction for the movie. As a result, the movie crawls along from one labored scene to another in search of elusive humor. Some of the jokes are corny, some are plain stupid and some are put in there just because anything related sex can be passed off as comedy these days. There is no attempt made to explore any chemistry between the lead pair, something even bad romantic movies do. It is hard to believe, as the plot 'advances' that two people would ever fall in love with each other without having a single decent conversation. Halfway through the movie, I lost whatever little expectations I had and instead decided to enjoy the sheer ridiculousness that each passing scene unfailingly brought. Even though I watched on a drab Sunday evening with no hopes, I still ended feeling completely brain numb.
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Very silly, but funny
neil-47610 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is a straightforward romcom based on the initial premise that Anderson (Jason Biggs) jokingly asks waitress and complete stranger Katie (Isla Fisher) to marry him, she accepts, and they find themselves forging ahead in a relationship which neither of them really meant to enter into.

Comedy is an odd business. It is often based around people behaving in ways in which they simply would not behave in real life. For instance, while Anderson might come out with a jokey proposal and Katie might accept, the acceptance would be equally jokey and the matter would go no further. She certainly wouldn't ditch her job and move in with him later that day. Films require suspension of disbelief to a greater or larger extent, and if you can't accept that initial unlikely action, then the film isn't going to work for you. I often have problems with this.

But the problems I have are usually character-based rather than events-based and, here, the characters are fine. Biggs is his usual amiable twit, and Fisher is engaging (in more ways than one, apparently). In fact, Fisher shows here a flair for physical comedy (and particularly facial comedy acting) which she has shown in other films, and which is a great strength of hers. I liked the characters, so I was happy to follow the trail of improbabilities.

Because what happens after the initial set up is every bit as daft and unlikely as that set up. It is populated with daft and unlikely characters, but they are all likable. And, importantly, the script, and most of the situations, are funny. There is some deft and amusing dialogue, and some laugh out loud moments (several involving Edward Herrmann and Margo Martindale) as Anderson's parents.

I sat in my living room at 2am, watching this on my own, staying up for the last half hour, knowing I had to get up for work in the morning, because it kept making me laugh. Make no mistake - it is ridiculous. But it is also funny.
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Great idea but poor execution
Stampsfightclub27 February 2008
Jason Biggs (American Pie) stars as Anderson, a depressed guy who lost his girlfriend by proposing to her. Pushed by his friend, he asks a random waitress to marry him, which she says yes.

The idea of this romantic comedy is there. I like the idea of spontaneity but the film lacks humour.

Jason Biggs is funny in other films, as is Isla Fisher (Wedding crashers) but this film lacks effort and purpose. It's as if there's no point.

Following many conventions of the genre, the film uses physical humour and some really cheesy lines to portray comedy, which is a shame because from the beginning it appeared to be heading somewhere.

Its flat, its predictable and repetitive and overall, just boring and familiar.

I don't like films which follow patterns and so the ending is scant consolation for that as it is slightly different from other romantic comedies.

The acting is average; none of the cast seemed too bothered to put their true potential into the characters.

At the end of the day it is a light hearted film which is sweet in its own way. The humour isn't brilliant, like the acting but the idea and the ending are quite interesting.
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Is it supposed to be funny or even romantic?
dvpumas13 January 2008
First, it seems that "the Next Girl I see", "The Pleasure of Your Company" and "Wedding Daze" are the same movie. It was quite boring and not really funny. I first thought it was going to be quite funny because they would have make this movie very unrealistic. I was wrong.

It wasn't funny and wasn't realistic. You don't get caught in the "romance" or drama at all and the jokes are quite lame; except if you are 12. Please accept my apologies if you are 12 and feel offended. I don't really know how to explain that but it's not tangible therefore you expect the rest of the movie to follow that idea. Then, at some point they tried to be serious. They tried to make the romance credible. But it doesn't work.

Many people left the cinema and we should have done the same. I was so bored that I even found myself enjoying salty pop corn (the sweet ones were finished)
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Good comedy ... not much of romance.
CboyMovieFan20 November 2008
Not great and not Bad either, "The pleasure off your company" is what is supposed to be, a "chick movie".

Went to watch this movie just for fun and didn't expected much, but it became a surprise because is not an ordinary romantic comedy, it as some of the greatest jokes i've ever seen in this kind of movies.

The awkward scenes between Jason and Isla, are really great, very light comedy but yet not cheap, my personal favorite is the one in the bus... memorable.

The cast is reasonable with Jason Biggs getting a very good lead, using is American Pie style, and Isla Fisher with is crazy performance resembling to her part in Wedding Crashers.Note for the Jason's parents, very hilarious moments.

So i'll give it a 6 because of the good "stand-up like comedy" parts, but nothing else, because like i said before is "chick movie"
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Situations without characters
Boris_G3 June 2007
This is a fairly decent bunch of actors coping as best they can with a horrible mish-mash of a script. Absolutely none of the characters are even believable types, let alone genuine individuals who can carry a story. The result is a series of 'situations' - one imagines the script writers saying 'wouldn't it be funny if the main character dreads introducing his parents because they're psychotics into kinky sex' - without any thought of how that situation may affect or influence the nature of that character. And almost none of the situations actually drove the story. But even that might have been OK if the situations weren't all entirely at a brainless teenage level ('The Bridge to Terabithia', also in cinemas at the moment and supposedly aimed at younger (8 years old and upwards) viewers, is leagues ahead in intelligence and the way it involves its audience in the characters).

I enjoy fairly silly comedies like 'Gremlins' - even the character types in that film are consistent and are given a believable context (the way they live, their relationships with other people etc) - but I came out of 'Wedding Daze' (as it's been marketed in the UK) feeling I'd wasted a good hour and a half and the price of three tickets (I went with my wife and son).
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Cute in an awkward sort of way...
electrofunk13816 July 2008
Finally! Something I don't more or less *hate* Jason Biggs in!! I was actually quite surprised at how funny this was. You never know what you're going to get when it comes to the "romantic comedy", and this is a breath of fresh air for the genre. Is the formula that new? Not really - but the off color humor, performances of the actors and actresses, and Michael Ian Black's writing more than make up for any flaws the movie might have. This is just the type of flick to see if you need a good laugh and don't mind your humor on the lowbrow side of things. If you're looking for a blockbuster, this movie won't be for you - but honestly, who needs anything that masterful when it comes to entertainment for entertainment's sake? Give it a watch...unless you've got no sense of humor, you'll at least get some good laughs out of it.
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fudittrisnar10 September 2019
Isla fisher is a goddest. Very beautiful she is. Love you isla
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Dazed and Totally Confused!
spookyrat114 May 2020
I don't know much about Michael Ian Black. He's supposed to have a pretty extensive background in television being involved in a heap of shows of which I've never heard. What I do know is that as the writer/director of Wedding Daze aka The Pleasure of Your Company aka The Next Girl I See, he's managed to create the most awkward "romantic comedy" I've ever seen and am probably ever likely to see. It's not that it's totally tasteless, or that it's too vulgar. It's just blandly crass.

All rom-coms play to a formula. The best ones have witty, funny scripts. Wedding Daze has cliched banalities. It may have possibly succeeded if it had fully committed to being a farce, which it kind of turns its hand too, in the second half, after plodding through the first half in TV situation unfunny comedy mode. By then it's way too late. If Black wanted to do a genuine farce, he should have cast his eye over the pond and observed some of the British fare. They do pure farce just about better than anyone and certainly light years ahead of this stuff.

One example will suffice. Anderson and Kate who have impetuously decided to marry 2 minutes after meeting one another, are on a bus, when Anderson politely stands for a seemingly pregnant woman, who sits beside Kate, who is impressed with Anderson's manners. She asks to feel the "baby bump" getting all maternal when she does, only to be told by the woman, as the bus arrives at her stop, that she's not pregnant, it's a roll of body fat. Boom! Boom! Ha, ha!

The movie is chock full of humourless set-ups like this.The very much B-list cast, many of whom I didn't recognise, don't have a lot with which to work. The best I can say, is that Isla Fisher tries hard and has the right look and the late Edward Herrmann, a very experienced character actor, looked as if he'd been in a good paddock, since I'd last seen him. The musical soundtrack isn't too bad and the final improvised cast credit line-up shots are arguably the funniest things in this chore of a movie to sit through. (Thus my score of 2/10.) Michael Ian Black should have been forced to pay us the price of admission.
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