The Slaughterhouse Massacre (Video 2005) Poster

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Another bottom feeder.
Ky-D17 October 2005
Low-budget films have always been a mixed bunch, ranging from the surprisingly good (Evil Dead) to the amazingly awful ( This entry along with many of it's modern brethren seem to exist somewhere near the bottom or even outside of the low-budget mythos; truly micro-budget films of disastrously poor quality. Someone make the bad man stop.

Stupid drunken youths get the idea that it would be fun to sneak into an abandoned slaughter house for some pranks, even though it's something like 30 miles from the party. The get in, an vengeful creature shows up, they die, blah blah blah...

Already you should know that the story is not a strong suit, or any of the writing for that matter. The dialogue is stilted, characters clique, scenarios are dumb; the even introduce characters that either vanish quickly or have no real bearing on the plot.

Not that it matters, as the actors are so bad no amount of writing genius could have pulled it through. Save for the fact that they are generally an attractive collection of youths there is nothing worth mentioning about them.

Production values are no better. A lame re-usage of sets is among the first things one will notice, but other things will follow. Like the bad lighting or maybe the laughable gore effects. How about the sloppy editing or the cheesy physical action in the murders. On and on it goes...

So why a 2 rating after all the bashing I've done? Well, I am a mortal male and the fare serving of nudity early in the film along with a raunchy (for an R-rated film) sex scene provided just that amount of entertainment.

In short, don't watch it.

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if you like bad lines and lots of girls running around naked rent this
flamezrulz23 July 2005
cheesy,cheesy,cheesy..............most predictable, if I were a 12 year old boy looking for cheap nudity and sex this would be my kind of movie. however I wasn't grossed out or scared and I knew before it happened who was gonna die. it was however good for a laugh. if you enjoy titles such as evil tunes this may be right up your alley. there are many shots of girls running around in undies and bras, sometimes less. I found myself wondering if a more stupid group of people on the planet ever existed. the set was pretty lame and the acting was way bad. this is one rental I want my money back for. if you are looking for laughs rent this, if you are looking for blood and gore look elsewhere.
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this movie needs warnings on how bad it is!
gelooo6916 May 2005
This is so bad its the funniest thing i have seen.

Nothing beats putting this on and speeding it up to the death scenes and watch in amazement asking yourself how and why the cast would act in something so horrible. Maybe because they contributed to the horrible factor.

Now i have seen a lot of heads get cut off in movies but i must say i have never imagined a movie to use a dummy head of a different monster when it rolls off. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. seriously, u have to watch the kill scenes to believe it.

But warning, do not watch it from start to finish because your eyes will bleed from such horrible acting. I mean horrible. But your stomach will definitely hurt from laughing.

I kind of hate ending up with trash like this, but then some times its that bad its worth it. But if you pay to see this, then you may feel the right for a refund. Just a warning.
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I want the 90mins back!!!!
rstc198124 August 2005
Please I want the 90mins of my life back!!!!This is probably the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life. I felt violated just watching the movie. If I will make a list of what went wrong with this movie it will probably take me a week, so i'll just state the obvious ones. Actors who doesn't have a clue about acting,awful!!!awful!!! effects and props used, a story line that jumps from A to Z then to C... sex scenes which are completely unrelated to the story.

This was an independent movie so I would have expected the poor lighting and the bad direction..but having a good plot and good actors could have been its saving grace.

Seriously to those who are planning to watch this movie.. I beg of you.. save yourself the agony.
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Sickle made me Sick
paul-clark198715 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Again another 1.50 spent on a film from me and Joe Swatman, OK where to begin with this film, withing 20 mins i thought we had bought a porn film, what party have u ever been to where girls get naked and kiss for 5 mins straight, buy this if u want a cheap thrill, not the thrill we were looking for. I couldn't take killer seriously daft voice and bad lines, sickle once, sickle twice, sickle made me take my OWN life. again the acting was very poor, some guy cheating on his girl then 10 mins later he loves her, the only good thing coming from this was stoner the only half decent actor, but he was probably too stoned to remember. Seriously don't see this film.
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Softcore Porn with some (bad) horror.
jgrayson_au1 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Take a porno, minus anything hardcore, downgrade the acting and insert really bad horror, and you get this movie.

Basic plot - Slight Spoilers Some guy rapes a girl at a slaughterhouse(not filmed, told in flashback), then is lynched. He either doesn't die or does but comes back in a Freddy Grueger style, and than kills anyone that goes to the slaughterhouse and/or says specific lines.

First in 1993? a couple go there to get it on (opening sequence). Guy dies and the chick beheads Sickle and flees (but his body disappears). Then the major part of the movie starts. A bunch of drunk teens years later go there for a prank, but they stumble upon 'Sickle'. There are some major incontinuities with what will / won't kill Sickle and what brings him out.

As for the porn: There were, from memory, 3 topless chicks in the movie, however 2 of them had a 5 minute lesbian kissing seen at a party that had no plot piece, just titillation. Other great points were when one chick (but to keep the surprise, I won't tell you who), ends up with her shirt ripped and runs around breasts a bouncing, later to remove her skirt luring the savage Sickle. Purely for titillation this movie delivers.

Final thoughts. The movie also set up some plot points that simply went nowhere. What was the go with the "town bike" chick, or that project the kids just HAD to pass at school? Nope, nothing red herrings or just empty nothings. The horror was incredibly bad, only to be beaten by the D-grade acting itself. The gore was, well, non existent and very very crude (digital animation at it's junior high school level). I think there may have been one or 2 drops of blood somewhere. The acting and "empty" scenes which weren't needed except to take up space were, basically, the entire film. Looks like, and probably was, filmed by a bunch of friends on a non existent budget.

You know what your getting here. A movie to watch with your mates, argue over the hot chicks and crack up as people get killed. It's a D grade version of what could have been a decent B grade movie, but watch it for what it is and you should be happy.

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this film is so BAD its actually good!!! best to watch it after copious amounts of vino.
jcard0729 June 2008
This is painfully bad!! but watch when you are moderately inebriated and laugh at the outrageous continuity errors.(i wont point them out as most of the entertainment is in counting them (you will have to remove your socks to keep up with the count!!!) I have seen oak trees that are not as wooden as some of the characters in this film. I'm just glad i only paid a quid for this DVD (just for the case of course!! Seriously though - this is a truly execrable film, it contains some of the worst acting in the history of bad acting, even the rat was better than its human counterparts ( he was so good they played his scene several times (it was played back in reverse once though!)).
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Not a bad movie...if it was meant to be a porno
jakielaj3 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK where to start when wasting oxygen on reviewing this movie. I guess the positives were that it only cost me 26 cents to rent this movie from family video, you have to love the half price rentals. But come on! The movie itself looks like the media club at some small university decided to shoot this movie for a project. And if this is the case I pray for the grade they may have received. The acting was pretty poor, but I wasn't expecting an Oscar worthy effort when I rented it. The scene/chapter changes we awful. At times it looked like they had forget that a change was coming and quickly had to cut to the desired scene. And at times there is even moments of complete darkness. Did someone in editing decide to leave extra time in between to extend the movies running time?

The idea behind the movie wasn't bad with the back ground information on killer and the typical urban legend that applies to the area. But the thing that tricked me into renting the movie was on the outside it actually looked as if it had some potential for a decent slasher film. The first opening minutes resemble that of a badly shot adult film. And then of course this is topped later on in the movie and much more film and time is wasted. It is a wonder how this project was even green lighted in the first place.

The digital effects probably were the last nail in this movies coffin. And in the scenes where the deaths do occur are either completely digital and wouldn't fool the common five year old or you can see that they used a dummy. (Watch when the killer gets his head chopped off at the end)

I wouldn't waste your time with this one folks. Sitting through this movie was probably the most painful thing I've done in a long time. I would glad break my arm again and deal with rehabbing the injury with pain medications than subjection my senses to this garbage.
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This is really bad
hot_nibbler17 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This has got to be the worst film i have ever seen in my entire life. It looks like a group of 10 year old film students made it with their pocket money. Who gives people permission to make films as bad as this one. The supposed " actors " cant actually act. In the middle of shots people just stop talking as if they have forgotten their lines and so they all just stand in silence for a while. And why is it when someone is attacked by the not scary killer they just stand their and don't scream and don't run. And why is it at the party which only has about five guests in an empty house that two girls just decide to get naked and stand in front of everyone and kiss for about five minutes. please people don't watch this, the directer should be shot ! there is no gore, no scares, no purpose. Please, instead go watch Bambi, its scarier.
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Bad, Bad, Bad... At least it was consistent
elkloc8ter12 December 2006
First of all I had a really hard time giving this video a rating of one. Since there were no zero's I will have to suffer. Secondly, thanks to Lions Gate I have officially wasted good hard earned dough and 90 minutes out of my life. I wasn't going to dignify this film with a review at all, until I noticed their GLORIOUS CLAIM on the DVD box cover "More frightening than The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" - "Independent Film Quarterly."

Now, I'm not sure who it was over there at IFQ or should I say "Lions Gate Affiliate"... But the critic should be "independently" drawn and "quartered" for the cash exchanging hands in that deal. Although, I can say that the critic might be right in one respect. I was very frightening that anyone picked this film up for distribution and had the brass to put it on a rental shelf. I can forgive the bad acting, the bad effects, the bad sound and the over all bad direction of the film. After all it is a slasher film.

I was a little lost at times in the story though, not because there was no real story to begin with. But, because they show a couple of the same shots over and over again throughout the film. So, I wasn't sure if my DVD player was having a fit because of the crap I put in it. Words to the filmmakers... Shoot coverage. I don't know might help in the future.

As for our Marty Sickle, I've been more frightened of the Telletubbies than I was of the comical sickle wielding Marty who was more annoying than scary. At least I can sort of understand what the telletubbies are saying. The effects in this film look like they were done on a second-generation etch-a-sketch. Eighty percent of this cast was pulled from the local strip club and the nudity and sex scenes were over the top and completely out of place in the story. At times I felt I was watching a really, really, really bad porn rather than just a really, really, really bad slasher film. At least get hot chicks if your going to go that route guys.

The audio in this picture is so terrible from bad mix levels that sixty-five percent of this video is completely inaudible. The acting was more than atrocious and the chase scenes in the slaughterhouse were comical to say the least, with four bumbling idiots running in circles from a corny run of the mill bad acting killer with... guess what?.... a sickle. Boy, the writer on this film must have felt so profound when he was pitching this. Oh wait, he must be profound. He wrote, directed, starred, and was a full time fluff girl on the set. I will however, say that the fake stuffed rat in the picture did a great job. I smell Oscar.

If you want to see scary, go into your kitchen, get out a dull butter knife and slit your own wrists with it. It's exactly what I wanted to do during this film. Congrats to the filmmakers and Lions Gate, you have added to the piles of crap the rest of us have to weed through to watch decent movies.

Hey, at least the DVD I returned to the rental shelves is now so scratched maybe they will just toss it... AVOID this film at all cost's.

P.S. Note to filmmaker. Never put a fake claim on a DVD box cover. It just sets yourself up for bad comments.
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Do not buy or rent this movie
coroner7812 August 2007
There are a whole lot better things to spend your money on and this should not be one of them.This is about as bad as it gets. Everything was horrible: music,acting,villain,"legend".The only good thing were the hot girls in the movie and some T&A, thats it. This film is full of dumb clichés and and cheesy lines. The villain looked like some small pox carrying bum. Way too many things were wrong with this movie and I don't know of anyone who would actually like this movie.Video stores should ban this movie from their selections and just burn whatever copies are left in this world.It should have never seen the light of day.
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This movie is a bunch of sorority kids daring to go out to an old slaughterhouse accidentally waking up the evil that lives there.
Jump_some_puddles26 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It's really gory and a great movie to watch with a bunch of people and a lot of drinks. It has terrible acting but great special FX. check it out. With a storyline that almost everyone has seen and a fair amount of nudity, it can be a riot or terrible. watch it just before a comedy, it's an interesting storyish. watched it expecting something corny, definitely not, you don't find that many movies like this anymore. No ghosts, just a zombie, that is after a bunch of good looking kids and girls in high heels, skirts and tube tops. The ending hardly makes sense but it's pretty great. You should watch it just to see what a real horror movie is like.
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They Just Don't Make It Like This Anymore
thundercaust2 August 2005
Well for the Die-Hard movie critic that look at films in a narrow minded way they would rip this up. BUT if your a serious "blood, guts, & gore fan your gonna love this. They just don't make these "B" class flicks anymore and there are people who like this sort of thing. In the tradition of "Pieces", "Slaughter High", "I Spit On Your Grave", "Slumber Party Massacre", you have a good ----GoreFest here. Yeah sure the acting is awful but who cares your watching it for the BG&G! Hollywood and Indies just don't make enough of these types anymore like they did in the early to mid 80's. Definitely not to be seen by young eyes but take a look and enjoy
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New low in an attempt at horror
stickler-227 September 2005
This has to be in the running for the worst of the worst. I'll put it this way- I can't even really comment on it because I'm speechless. Stay away- stay far away! The acting is so bad... you couldn't direct actors to intentionally be that bad. The script had to be written in a day with no rewrites. The lighting, the killer- every element of this one disgraces the horror genre. It has a slick box and DVD art so I guess this is a testament to the powers of marketing. That someone is making a dime off of this is astounding. I'm sure things can't get much worse. Seriously bad stuff! If Lion's Gate paid for this- they really have to rethink their policies.
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it's so bad
kingoftheworld_chrisjeri3 January 2007
I have never seen such a bad movie.... on the cover of the movie it says "better than the Texas chainsaw massacre... that's crap. this is a low budget(obviously) piece of crap. This movie is about some teenagers that go to this house that a guy is living in who is suppose to be dead... he then traps them and killes some of them....... not a bad plot line and story line...... but the way they did it it's like a 1970's stupid horror flick If anyone is thinking about buying this movie don't waste your money+time. I am so happy that I didn't pay for this movie, and I know thatt if anyone buys this movie they will regret it...

a lot..................................

steve pritchett.
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If you don't watch it for the nudity, you may feel really disappointed.
insomniac_rod23 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin? I really tried to be objective with this movie. The first time I watched it I wanted to bash it with bitter reviews so I decided to watch it again and the result isn't very different. Just to clear things up, I always support the B-movie production industry. I thank people who try to make "something different" with low budget.

Anyways, "The Slaughter House Massacre" is poorly produced, directed, and acted. A little effort wouldn't harm! The movie starts with the murder of a couple who entered a slaughter house. Both, while having sex are murdered (in the likes of "Friday the 13th part 2") by an unseen maniac. Of course, the death is off-screen but later is showed in flashbacks (it was better off-screen!). After that incident, sorority teens decide to go there for fun.. that's what I think because why would someone else would go to the exact same place where a murder was committed? And OF COURSE, one by one these dumb kids are killed by a maniac. Who is behind this murders and why? what's the secret behind the slaughter house?

Join our ill fated teens and discover it yourself. Now, this movie takes a lot of things from the obvious reference "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre". Sadly, it only copies the setting (which is pretty good) and some murder ideas. The rest of the movie is a disaster because it's boring; the situations lead to nowhere and the ending is really cheap. At least they could've used some imagination to resolve the situation! But no, we just get a stupid escape. On the positive side, we get gratuitous nudity and sex. This movie has really beautiful girls. Yes, each of them are really hot. So that may be the only reason to watch the movie. Who cares about the plot if there are some hot girls taking off their clothes?

Don't buy this movie please. Don't waste your money unless it's on a $1 bargain , or buy it used. This isn't a good B-movie or even a decent Slasher. Be honest, you are going to watch because of the nudity.
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Worst film ever? Maybe... This just isn't bad, it's REALLY bad.
poolandrews1 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The Slaughterhouse Massacre starts at a Dallas college during 2003 where everyone is about to break up for the spring break, two couples Bobby (Vaedynn Orland) & Tina (Stacey Denson) plus Justin (Maurizio Rasti) & Stacey (Shaila Vaidya) decide to have a party that night. At the party their friend Stoner (Jacob Baily) tells them about an urban myth revolving around a slaughterhouse in the town of Allen in Texas, apparently ten years ago this very night a worker called Marty Sickle (Paul Cagney) was killed by a gang of thugs & if you say his rhyme three times in the slaughterhouse Marty will come back from the dead & kill everyone. Justin & Bobby think it would be fun to take their girlfriends to the slaughterhouse & play a trick on them using the myth, unfortunately for them the myth turns out to be true & before they know it they are running for their lives as the undead Marty kills them one-by-one...

Known under the title Sickle here in the UK & in Australia while the Japanese apparently know it as Texas Slaughter this unbearably bad teen slasher was co-produced, written & directed by Paul Gagné & one really does have to say right from the start that The Slaughterhouse Massacre is a terrible film in every single way. To be honest after the first few minutes I thought it could have turned out to be a decent gory slasher, I mean a slasher set in a slaughterhouse has potential right? All the dark mucky corridors, all the animal carcasses & of course all the knives, bone saw's, meat hooks & various equipment used to slaughter & slice up the animals would have made for a great setting. Unfortunately I don't think the film was shot in a real slaughterhouse since it doesn't look like a slaughterhouse & everything about the film is uniformly terrible even for a low budget teen slasher, the character's are awful (after an expensive video camera falls into a tub of muddy water they just leave it, these are the sort of people who can't walk in a straight line with falling over, tripping over something, bumping into something or twisting their ankle & when one finally escapes instead of going for help she heads straight back to the slaughterhouse), the storyline rips-off various other slasher films like the rhyme from A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), the whole say his name three times & he will appear scenario from Candyman (1992) & the whole wise-cracking undead killer from beyond the grave has been done to death. At almost 100 minutes in length the film is also incredibly boring, most viewers will lose the will to live long before the end credits roll, I know I did.

The first five minutes or so had potential, first there's the title 'The Slaughterhouse Massacre' which is very evocative. I mean the word 'slaughterhouse' conjures up a place of blood, gore, suffering & death, the word 'massacre' again gives one the impression lots of people are going to die but I wouldn't exactly call four people killed a massacre, would you? Then there's that crazy chick at the start, the very first line of dialogue in the film is some teenage blonde girl saying 'I want to make love where they slaughter all of those animals', right lets just think about that statement. Why would anyone want to have sex in a slaughterhouse? At this point the film should go for a light hearted tone but the whole film takes itself very seriously & it just falls apart because of how moronic it is. The gore levels are disappointing, there's no slaughterhouse footage, two people are cut in half, one vertically the other horizontally, someone gets a sickle in the back, there are a couple of quick decapitations & that's about it.

With a supposed budget of about $250,000 The Slaughterhouse Massacere is extremely poorly made, the editing is horrible & it's sometimes impossible to work out whats happening although that could be down to the production team not shooting enough footage. The effects are poor, the cinematography is awful with huge changes in lighting between shots & camera angles which barely let you see anything. The acting is terrible too although the girls look quite nice I suppose.

The Slaughterhouse Massacre is a truly terrible film in every conceivable way, there are one or two unintentionally funny moments which made me chuckle but overall sitting through 100 odd minutes of this in one go turned out to be a painful experience. You have been warned.
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Appallingly bad.
badbones77714 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I would like to begin by saying that the above score is fully taking into account the low budget and host of other things that obviously can impact on the quality of a film. I am not bashing on it for being low budget (I enjoy far too many low budget films for that to be the case) I am bashing it for being awful. Things begin rather badly - Wafer thin characterisation is clearly going to be what damages this film far more than its budget. It would have been one thing if the people making this had decided to make a cheap, dumb slasher flick-lack of budget and effects being made up for by inventive killings. You don't even get that. I don't know if the cut aways before each murder are due to lack of budget or because it was felt that the effect would be heightened but in any case its poor. Arguably the best things about this film are the beginning - which stops just about short of a soft-core porn scene- and the final survivor running around in her pants at the end. Now, the fact that I am typing this and you are reading this means we both have access to the Internet and therefore enough porn to satisfy even the most jaded pervert. As such, a pair of reasonably attractive girls wearing very little just isn't enough to save the feeblest slasher action in living memory. I can only assume that the makers of this POS knew how awful the film was as the first and last sequences seem to involve jiggling bosoms rather than the full on horror masterpiece the blurb on the box was promising.

In a world where films such as Kevin Smiths Clerks can be made for a good $20 k less than this, cries of "but its so low budget" must surely fall on deaf ears.
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Just give up.
Boba_Fett11385 September 2010
A quick word of advice to everyone involved in this movie, just quit and learn another trade before it's too late, since the movie business is obviously not the right direction for you.

Yes, I'm really getting fed up with modern horror movies, with perfect looking teenagers, who of course aren't played by teenagers at all. The guys are all acting like arrogant jerks while the girls are just acting and looking slutty, thinking that they are all cool and the world is theirs. But seriously, this is not even why this movie is such a formulaic but above all things horrible one to watch.

What an enormous mess of a movie this is. There is actually literally nothing happening in the first halve and once the 'killer' enters into the story you at first don't even realize it because it all gets told so incredibly bad. seriously, half of the time I couldn't even tell what was happening because of the incredibly sloppy way this movie got shot and told in. And yes, it would had been nice if there was actually something interesting or tense happening in it.

The concept is as simple and weak as can be really about a bunch of lame drunk teens deciding to go to an old abandoned slaughterhouse were once the owner got killed in. And really, that is basically all that this movie is; a bunch of teenagers walking around an old abandoned slaughterhouse, being and looking all scared while nothing is ever happening. It seems that they randomly suddenly split up and end up getting wounded. Sorry but I just couldn't tell what was happening in this movie and why.

It gets so incredibly poorly brought to the screen by both the cast & crew that was involved with this movie. It obviously 'borrows' from many other genre movies but it even doesn't do this very well at all. I just couldn't believe how bad and silly this movie was looking at times. There are lots of clumsy moments in it and they seemed to have basically no idea how to make a decent horror movie, or just a movie in general. There are also some really awkward, supposedly dramatic, moments in this movie, that just seem to go on for ever. They don't know when to end certain stuff or how to keep a movie going and build up something.

Nothing good or half decent about this movie. Don't be like me and don't waste any of your time on this.

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Complete and utter crap
emmapollard-18 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The start is like something out of a soft porn shop, the lighting's crap, the acting's crap. Simple as - how people can give it a 9/10 I have no idea, I've just bought it from EBay for £2.99 - straight in the bin, I can assure you! Don't rent it, don't buy it - as soon as you open the case you see why. The front cover is deceptive, and looks as though it could be moderately good but the disk itself 'Sickle' and that's it. It looks fake. Awful, it really was. I know it's only £2.99 but I could have spent it on something GOOD! Another point - it has no adverts at the start. That tells you all! So my advice - don't rent it. Or buy it. Or go anywhere near it!
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Haha, this is funny
Hexagram19526 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is more of a comedy in my eyes, it was one of the worst movies I have seen. The cover Dragged me into buying this garbage. It might sound interesting, but the plot is VERY weak, Acting is horrible, effects are poor. Let's not forget the stupid and stereotypical American high school party that they attend with the stereotypical stoner.

Lets not mind that Marty is somehow superhuman, he gets shot, stabbed and even decapitated. yet he is somehow STILL alive. He isn't Freddy Krueger, so he should be dead. But he is a bad killer too, he takes so long to even kill somebody. And the worst part of this movie, is they're trying to use sex to sell it. The survivor loses her shirt, so runs around in a bra and skirt. then she climbs through the decapitator and for some reason has to lose her skirt. It makes no sense what-so-ever. and the fat Texan cop who has the over-the-top accent. This movie is nothing but a joke, with a better budget,actors and effects, it could've been good.
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not at all that bad
CherryPie23089 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
this movie isn't at all bad. granted the effects can be poor as well as the acting but lets face it, its a horror movie so this can be expected. the director didn't do bad considering the obvious low budget. and granted there does seem to be nudity which appears to be added afterwards as an attempt to bump up the ratings to something a lot higher than it really deserves, but for all the bad reviews its been getting no one seems to spot that it was reasonably well made with its tongue firmly in its cheek and some inadvertent comedy sections to it. Basically if you enjoy random horror rent it or buy it its makes for a semi decent night in
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There are a good amount of people that love this type of movie
dylansbox31 May 2005
The review that I saw of this movie from the guy from Australia I thought was way to harsh. I happen to love movies like this. These types of movies are the only reason besides soft core porn that cine-max is on TV and I don't see them going anywhere. I loved growing up watching horror movies like this. Your going to tell me that the classic slaughterhouse rock has the best special effects in history? No but it a movie that I love. I know that some people despise movies like this but in the same fashion as mom and dad save the world, I like this movie and a lot of people don't and thats fine. But there are some people out there that would kill for a movie like this.
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x_gorewhore23 September 2009
OK. I'll make this short and sweet;; this movie is horrible! It would be absolute heaven for a ten year old boy that has never seen boobs before and wants to brag to his friends bout it.

Seriously if a man comes to your door and offers you eternal life if you watch this junk tell him to clear off cause it's really not worth your energy. I'd rather be beaten by a corpse then watch this again.

Oh and for anyone that says it wasn't that bad did you fall asleep during this and dream you were watching a good movie with celebrities?

Only buy Slaughterhouse Massacre/Sickle if you have a death wish or your being held at gun point.

One * out of ten and I'm being generous.
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Jesus Christ
darkenchantment-18 December 2011
OMG oh god no. oh GOD NO.

Paul Gagné... what a horrible red-neck piece of garbage....

this man is a sleaze.. he created this film and used it as an excuse to basically exploit young girls int performing sex acts to the camera, and then just added a half-assed horror element... this man is a perve and just wanted to see naked girls have sex... the girls didn't get paid for it either... its very uncomfortable to watch, no element of professionalism at all... omg i feel sick watching it... please some one needs to stop this man, stop this man before he abuses more women.. he has to be stopped.. he has to be stopped....
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