The Condemned (2007) Poster


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An all round enjoyable action film
yogll31 March 2012
Simply put - if you like action films you'll enjoy The Condemned.

Following along similar lines of Battle Royal and the newly released The Hunger Games, a group of international death row inmates are sent to an island to fight to the death in order to win their freedom - with the whole thing broadcast live on the internet.

As highly unbelievable as this situation may seem, the moral repercussion are actually adequately addressed. The illegal show gains a mass following but not without attracting the attention of certain international agencies.

I'm not a huge fan of Steve Austin or WWE wrestling and so at first I was a bit sceptical about a WWE production with the lead role being given to a pro wrestler. But despite this he performs his role well, and the acting is of a pretty good standard throughout. The fight scenes are gritty and believable, and the sub-plot back story doesn't interfere too much with the action.

This is switch-your-brain-off entertainment. Enjoy it for what is is. 7/10
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Surprisingly decent
fatmaninatrenchcoat8 August 2007
So this flick was by no means great, but it did what it wanted to do, be a good bad action flick. Swearing, blood, fighting, no CGI, I had a great time watching it. Which really surprised me cause I HATE stone cold, but even he was pretty good. If you just wanna turn off your brain and watch a well done bad action flick, check this out. And yes I have seen battle royale and the running man, and yes this rips them both off fairly liberally, but what the hell, an action flick is an action flick, enjoy it for what it is. And Vinnie Jones is great as the super evil bad guy. And it even has some social commentary about the media's influence on our culture. Granted, its heavy handed and obvious, but seeing as I was expecting a movie on par with a Segal straight to DVD flick, any level of intelligence is appreciated.
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Good afternoon action movie
downundermoviegal7 October 2007
Hey, this is not going to test the gray matter but if you want an entertaining albeit violent movie to fill in a few hours this is not a bad choice. The plot is predictable but the main saving grace is Steve Austin as Jack Conrad as he comes across as a compassionate and somewhat likable hero who ended up in this predicament by trying to do the right thing for his country. He does not exactly have to stretch his acting muscle but you do end up hoping he will win through. Although much of the violence is not right in your face in parts it does carry on that bit long although this is used to separate the "no morals, no borders" team from the good guys within the production cast. This movie serves up exactly what it promises but is still an entertaining movie. I would recommend to a friend.
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Battle Royale Redux
Mark-12929 April 2007
A very popular Japanese film called Battle Royale concerns an entire class of bad tempered middle school students forced to fight to the last survivor on a deserted island for their transgressions. Considered too controversial for American audiences, it's never been released in the states. "The Condemned" is basically a remake of that film. Instead of unruly teenagers, death-row inmates from around the world forced to kill each other for the pleasure of an insane internet magnate's 30 hour snuff reality program.

Steve Austin joins 9 other on the island where they stalk and eliminate each other in some of the most violent ways imaginable.

This part of the story is fairly involving, but as the violence becomes more sadistic, it no longer seems entertaining. The sobering effect spreads to the movie characters as well, too late to help the combatants. Self righteously, the producers use this as a podium to speak down to the audience who bought tickets to watch the very entertainment they are presenting.

The movie is not helped by a stateside subplot involving Stone Cold's girlfriend who lives on a sprawling ranch and supports herself as a waitress.
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A Nutshell Review: The Condemned
DICK STEEL21 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
At first glance, the storyline looks like a distant cousin to the Japanese movie Battle Royale. Instead of having sent unruly students to an island and see them finish off one another, The Condemned follows the same lines of having 10 death row prisoners from around the world being brought to an island, and given a simple rule to kill everyone else in order to earn their survival, and freedom. They are similarly rigged with an explosive device which if tampered, or if they choose not to participate, they too will be blown to bits.

But there's where the similarity stops. There's no PA system to tell the scattered involuntary participants just how many survivors there are (thus leading to a loophole), and there are multiple camera rigs installed on the island, for the purpose of entertainment. The Condemned plays on some of our intrinsic nature of wanting to watch gladiatorial styled violence, and given that such content will probably never get on the TV networks, the fairly sci-fi turned reality TV over IP concept gets its airtime here. What networks refuse to screen and produce, you can, given the right equipment and personnel, and plenty of computing power.

Pay-per-view IPTV using credit cards is the road to riches for the game producer Ian Breckel (Robert Mammone), who champions the thought of producing content that audiences around the world want to watch. His argument was that these handpicked participants are going to die anyway, and here, he's giving one of them the chance to live, a noble gesture to him. The Condemned mocks today's reality TV format, in that sometimes, the game can be manipulated to satisfy the producers' objectives, and we see that in abundance here.

Violence it seems is high on the agenda here - how much can an audience stomach, especially if say hypothetically, Big Brother type of series allow violence to be met out live, unedited and raw. Or are you going to play to those who pay, and give in to the demand? There's a constant argument being played out early in the movie about dignity and decency, but that gets forgotten fairly easily in a film like this one, falling victim to its own preachy statements.

Especially so when Sports Entertainment companies like WWE are involved in this one. WWE had its fair share of stars lending their "acting talent" to Hollywood, and I can go as far back as the late Andre the Giant lending his physical presence in The Princess Bride. Then you have Hulk Hogan in various forgettable flicks, The Rock in some charismatic roles (though some are as cheesy as that in Be Cool), and Kane in the horrid See No Evil. Here, Stone Cold Steve Austin plays the lead role of Jack Conrad, an inmate with an unspecified past, who becomes someone more than anyone had bargained for.

But the star unfortunately is not Austin, as much as he plays the anti-hero. Vinny Jones, as British prisoner Ewan McStarley, clearly stole his thunder, and injected more personality into his maniacal character. While the format of the game had the prisoners from different parts of the world to allow everyone a chance to root for their home players, it was at times ironic that USA had to battle UK so prominently in the movie, and that the "with me or against me" line just brings to mind the many scenarios as played out ever so often. It's ra-ra for the USA in an in-your-face fashion, with eye-for-an-eye violence dished out for avenging the weak and wounded, and the showing of compassion to those who needs it.

The make up of the team of pla yers too is interesting on purpose, with female players up against male ones (and what happens is such an easy guess), and Survivor styled formation of alliances, outwitting, outlasting, outplaying all being key to survival, but the story, with so many characters, dictate that you cannot go beyond what is superficially shown. Of course the leads got a little more background to show for, but you find that these happen to be just cosmetics, unnecessarily inflating the screening duration.

The Condemned tried to be a little deep, but ended up tossing its attempts aside to settle for an all out action movie towards the end, and what I thought was bordering on the ridiculous at Austin's ability. For action junkies, the sequences here might be a little repetitive with its usual big explosions, and the extreme closeups of violence using the shaky hand-held camera technique just irritates. If the premise still excites you after all the mentioned flaws, then The Condemned managed to appeal to you with its in-movie concept - I think you'll pay US $49.95 should there be a channel like this on the internet.
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Did some people miss the clue?
rawiri4215 March 2013
There are lots of pretty negative reviews of this movie and one has to wonder why those people watched it in the first place. Did they miss the essential clue as to what they would get? The opening credits clearly tell everyone that this a WWE movie. It would seem, therefore, that those who don't like the fake, meticulously staged regular offerings of World Wrestling Entertainment wouldn't want to watch this either. That isn't rocket science - is it?

But no, the wowsers and wet-nellies just HAD to watch it anyway - and then grumble and whinge about gratuitous violence and sadism. If they don't like professional wrestling, then there's a pretty sure chance they're not going to like The Condemned so why did they watch it at all? Mind you, I wouldn't mind betting that, if the story were ever true, those wowsers and wet-nellies would be among the first to sign up to watch the programme on the Internet - and then still complain! It's a bit like the well-known fact that the most vociferous anti-porn campaigners also happen to own the biggest collections of porn! (Of course it's all kept as "proof" of just how corrupted the world is - or so they say!)

OK, getting to this movie for what it is. It is a B-grade action flick with mostly B-grade actors (although there ar a few exceptions to that). Personally, I thought the story concept was quite good. The real protagonist is an entrepreneurial guy who knows that an awful lot of people actually do like gratuitous violence (he probably did research on how many viewers professional wrestling gets) and decides to convert that into a reality show. The problem is that no self-respecting TV network would ever run it and so he resorts to the obvious and puts it, live streaming on the Internet.

Without wanting to introduce any spoilers, I will stick to what the film's own promos state, which is that ten convicted criminals from death-rows around the world (another clever ploy to ensure that the maximum audience can be secured to support "their" champion) are let loose on an island which is rigged with numerous cameras and told that they must each defend themselves against the other nine as only one of them can ultimately survive. The survivor will be freed with a new identity and a big wad of money to go and do whatever he likes. There are a few little "twists" thrown in for good measure and I'll leave those who want to watch it to find out what they are. I found that I was placing myself into the shoes of each of the criminals and wondering how I could make the best of the situation. Of course, the first thing I had to do was remember that I was already sentenced to death and then view the situation from that standpoint. Secondly, I had to remember that my opponents were also killers and thus there was no room for compassion on either their parts or mine.

With that frame-of-mind established, I found myself entering into the story with a different attitude than I would have had it been presented differently. I was reminded of "Running Man" as far as the plot went but the difference was that this movie is set in the present and, as such, was (with some imagination) "believable."

OK, 'nuff said. If you don't mind action with lots of violence, then you will probably enjoy The Condemned. If you like Mary Poppins and romances, then don't watch this movie. Simple really!
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Not bad , could of been better.
shadowman12324 September 2007
One has to bear in mind that The Condemend is wwe production so don't go expecting some massive work of art with lots drama, action and a deep plot that will make you think- NO! Since it is a WWE production with wrestlers that have belonged to that company it has them doing what they do best in their specialised field of entertainment. The plot in nothing too out of this world if you have seen Battle Royale then you shall understand the point but it is by no means a great movie like Battle Royale so be warned. However having said that it has got all the ingredients in it to keep fans of the action genre connected and the story just picks up and moves on at a good pace with action to keep you hooked in. Steve Austin was good giving what he had to work with although to be honest it did not really need any effort as this role is a mirror image of his tough guy persona in WWE , however it was funny watching try to play the silent tough guy who grunts quiet a bit! But the star of the show in my opinion was the proper English hard-man Vinnie Jones , he was entertaining! The action was great along with the over the top theatrics which we see in the WWE . My complaints were that it drag on a little longer than it should of done I mean it was filled up in a few dull moments between fight scenes which were not needed and a few parts which tried to show that the characters had depth - that was just silly. To conclude , The condemned is not nearly as bad as people are making out to be, its merely a time pass and it should not be compared to anything bigger or deeper like Battle Royale however if you would like to see it then make sure it is on one of your boring Monday nights. Fans of the action genre and WWE will be left feeling satisfied to a meek extent as it is not that bad but could of been better.


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Not the worst movie I've ever seen
southgarypl2 May 2007
Some of the other comments are way too harsh. This movie isn't trying to be the next Fletch Lives. Don't take this movie too seriously and it's mildly entertaining. The fight scenes are too choppy and tough to see and the plot is predictable, but Steve Austin is good. He has the same deadpan expression and delivery throughout and it works. The rest of the cast pretty much phones it in. A lot of these actors look familiar. Like you have seen them before, but you can't quite place them. If you like WWF, then you will probably be satisfied. I saw an afternoon show with about 15 other people and only a couple were asleep at the end. Better than Marie Antoinette.
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Decent action movie
BroadswordCallinDannyBoy22 September 2008
The concept is simple: 10 vicious felons are put onto an empty island and told that the last one standing after 30 hours will go free. To make their efforts to kill each other, weapons have been stashed in various places around the island. To make the effort pay itself off, the organizer of this event is airing it over the internet where viewers can subscribe and watch the mayhem. Naturally one of these felons is actually a good guy who's wrongly in prison.

As a setup for a testosterone packed action film it is hard to argue that it's bad since it does pretty much what it sets out to do. The whole subplot of violence as entertainment is also interesting enough. Naturally both of these things have been tackled on film before and in better form than this, but this by no means makes the film bomb by trying to out run itself and be too smart. Where the film does mess up is with another subplot involving the hero trying to get back to his wife. You see, he was a government agent and went to prison to keep his cover as a "badguy" and this kept him out of contact with his wife. Not only is this the most clichéd part of the film, it is the least interesting and the least relevant to the message that the main part of the film sets up. Sure, there needs to be some audience sympathy for the protagonist in a film like this, but it shouldn't interfere with the rest of the movie.

Another thing is the shaky cam, as it has come to be called. Is this some sort of budget cutting device? The production doesn't use dollies and camera rigs any more to cut down costs? The fight scenes here are pretty good, and they should be in an action film, but with such messy camera work they are not shown very well. Some films manage to have good shaky cam scenes as they give it a certain edge, but many films either get the rhythm wrong or go to far and it doesn't look as good as it could have looked. --- 6/10

BsCDb Classification: 13+ --- violence, profanity
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The Condemned manages to keep you entertained but fails to keep you interested
michaelamurphy28 April 2007
"The Condemned" has a very straightforward plot. It tells the story of John Conrad (Stone Cold Steve Austin) who is purchased from a Central American prison. The buyer is a TV producer named Ian Breckel who has purchased 9 others just like Conrad; mass murders who are awaiting death penalties in their respective prisons. Breckel has the idea to transport these 10 "contestants" to an island near New Guinea where they will fight to the death, the last remaining person after 30 hours will be set free. But there are catches, all contestants have an ankle brace that carries multiple C4 bombs that will explode if the tag is pulled out or if the 30 hour time limit is up and not 9 other contestants are dead.

That might sound entertaining, and it is. The film is filled with brutal violence that you can't feel guilty about. Another positive is that it doesn't try to become smart, it stays at it's level and never drifts away from it's unoriginal plot. The last positive is, surprisingly,Steve Austin is not half bad as the star. Despite being a wrestler with no movie talent, he says as much dialogue as Clint Eastwood in "Dirty Harry" and the majority of his time on screen is him fighting other opponents. I can also say he is much better than John Cena in "The Marine." Unfortunately, there are undeniable negatives. Including the entertaining violence getting uncontrollably repetitive, the abrupt ending, and the everything that happens outside of the violence. Whenever the film cuts to the audience or the people running the show, the film slows down. (That is the perfect time to go to the bathroom).

If you were going to see this film, wait till DVD. It may look interesting, but it's not. It just keeps rambling on with violence and gore and the film never goes higher than an ATTEMPT to make a decent film. When the film begins, the WWE films logo comes up and that right there brings it down a few notches, and the negative elements don't help it's cause.

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Not nearly as bad as a lot of you are making it out to be.
js_ravinstorm6 October 2007
Honestly, I really enjoyed this film. It reminded me of the good old days of action films such as Commando, Demolition Man, etc. Anyone who can endure/enjoy Stallone or Arnold in action movies certainly shouldn't have a problem with Steve Austin's acting.

I think this film just gets a bad rap from critics because WWE is associated with it and no one wants to be the guy that gives them a break. It certainly won't win an Oscar, but if you enjoy action films then I'd definitely give this a chance. Just try & forget WWE is associated with it, let it stand on it's own two feet and judge it for yourself with an open mind.
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Nothing original, but pretty good fun
bowmanblue21 December 2014
Some movies never were meant to be good, but that doesn't mean that they're not enjoyable. If you like your action flicks bl**dy and daft then this is the one for you.

The Condemned is about a new type of reality TV show, broadcast on the internet which takes ten convicted killers and makes them fight to the death on an island - all for the public's entertainment. There are shades here and there of other similar movies such as Battle Royale and The Tournament (but not The Hunger Games, which is primarily aimed at kids), which lowers its originality factor, but that doesn't really matter if you're just in the mood for some mindless action.

In the eighties The Condemned might even have been a vehicle for Stallone or Schwarzenegger. As it's made today, we're given a new hard-man to root for: 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. Now, anyone who's seen wrestlers act will be prepared to lower their expectations of what they're about to see. And they'd be right, but only just. Steve Austin actually puts in quite a believable performance. Yes, he doesn't have that many emotionally challenging scenes, but he plays the tough ex-special forces agent pretty well (in the same way that Arnie played a cold-blooded cyborg to perfection). Then add Vinnie - ex footballer - Jones into the mix, again someone hardly noted for his Oscar-winning acting abilities. However, even the former Wimbledon hardman puts in a fine performance (as a complete psycho, so some cynics may say he didn't have to stretch his range too far).

The Condemned is far from perfect. There are enough plot holes to talk about if you really hate it and want to pick it apart. However, if you're in the mood for some 'old school' action and decent - if brutal - fight scenes, then give this a go.
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Surprising actually
RoninDeVamas29 September 2007
This is my first review after over a year of not writing reviews, but it feels good to be back.

Now on to "The Condemned":

I had low expectations for this movie, mainly because it was advertised as a purely action genre. The plot of televising people fighting one another for survival has been used before, and usually end up the same way.

This film wasn't so different from that formula, but it surprised me the emotion that pervaded the film. It was rough and unrelenting, and I actually felt anxious during certain scenes.

Stone Cold Steve Austin was actually impressive in this film. Although it wasn't Oscar-worthy material, he showed a surprising ability to convey a caring, yet sarcastic humanity behind his character. Austin didn't make this movie entirely, though, as several of the supporting characters also gave an impression of depression and intensity -- intensity of which must be given to Vinnie Jones.

The conclusion of the film is, surprisingly, also fulfilling. It is really intense and brings out just how faulty and violence-oriented we as human beings really are.

Although it didn't possess the deeply involving storyline and deep character relationships and development that I usually look for in a good movie, I find "The Condemned" to be a rather enjoyable and provoking film.

Rating: ** out of five

New Dinoman214 rating system:

***** - Absolutely Must-See

**** - Great

*** - Good

** - Fair

* - Poor

  • Do not see for the sake of your sanity and savings account
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You know, I don't know who you are, and I don't care. But I don't play games.
lastliberal17 August 2008
There is something about those WWE films that just grab me and make me want to watch. There is always plenty of action, even if they emphasize violence and dismiss the sex to placate their fans.

It doesn't matter whether it is The Rock, John Cena, or, in this case, Stone Cold Steve Austin, they deliver movies that are just fun to watch. No thought required; it is just guilty pleasure.

Besides Steve Austin, we also have Rick Hoffman (Hostel), Masa Yamaguchi, and Vinnie Jones, who we first saw in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. It was a good cast that kept us interested until the very end, even though we knew the hero would go home to momma.

Keep them coming.
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Great Guy Flick!
TheJonesBones10 September 2021
This one won't win any serious awards and it's not for your mother, but if you're into solid guy-flicks, then this picture is for you. Steve Austin does an excellent job playing a hunted criminal (as does the rest of the cast), and while the story is a bit of a stretch it also has a fantasy element to it, which compensates.

Don't think that you're watching a pure fantasy though, because actions have real-world consequences for the characters in this film and their change of mood as the violence progresses speaks to a human element that is largely missing from similar efforts. Simply put, this movie has a heart and a soul! Seriously.

Watch Steve Austin (awesome name, BTW) and his fellow condemned prisoners fight for their lives, Colosseum style, but pop some corn and get your soda first. You won't want to get up for fear of missing something!
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Confused between good and bad
groopz20 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In spite so many negative reviews, I watched the movie. I am glad I did, cause till end, I had a good time.

First with the good things. I have seen "Tournament", "Death Race", Hunger Games" etc. before and I kind of like these movies. When I started watching this, I did not expect much. But I was surprised to find out that the movie had elements, that were quite entertaining. The story was good enough. The performances of actors were more than what was expected. The cinematography was good. The speed was satisfactory. Lastly the direction was great, and I would love to see a few more from Scott Wiper.

But there were a few loose ends too. The story line had great opportunities for Breckel, our villain no. 1, but I feel he could not be as cool as there was scope. And then, if he was so choosy about his contestants as we could see at the beginning of the film, what made him select Paco and his wife and Yasantwa? I don't know. Also near the climax, Jack died on camera, but came back off camera. Then how come his wife seemed expecting him when he returned at the last scene? Also I feel her character did not deserve that much of screen space. Lastly, during the fight scenes, I did not understand why there were so many cuts, why the camera shook so much with so many close shots.
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Good action film
deannie-989839 April 2019
Interesting plot. Good action. The violence is not glorified. It can be rough to watch. Stone Cold Steve & Vinny Jones put on a good show. I did not like the use of shaky cam. The character development was lacking. Otherwise I enjoyed this movie...😊
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Worth a rent!
slothmister10 May 2007
My first post so forgive me if I mess it up!

I saw this film last weekend and in my opinion it is worth seeing as a rental, not worth buying or paying the extra for the cinema tickets.

The only really good thing about the film is Austin getting beat up by Vinne Jones (a true hard man! Just watch any of his Wimbeldon FC football games!).

Other than that, it is quite predictable, there are a few surprises, but you see 9/10 things coming a mile away!

Rent it, purely for the Vinnie Vs Austin scene's.

Oh, for the wrestling fans wondering if Austin can "make" a film just like he used to "make" matches, he can not! The film is bad but not terrible!
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unapologetic fun
nieltaylor26 August 2008
There aren't really any WOW moments in this film and it's difficult to pay attention when Steve Austin and Vinnie Jones aren't on screen but still it's got something that keeps you watching.

I'm not a wrestling fan but i'm aware of who Austin is and he has presence. You find yourself rooting for this guy even though you know very little of his characters background. Part of this might possibly have to do with the fact that Vinnie Jones plays such a hammy over the top right git of a villain and you can't wait to see him get his butt kicked. He's Funny and nasty in equal measure.

However, take these 2 guys out of the picture and there's not really anything else going on to get your teeth into. Fear not though they don't go away for long and you can guiltily smirk again. It's also good that the humour in this film actually works and doesn't make you cringe.

Worth noting, this is a huge cut above your usual action fare which gets farted out on to DVD with annoyingly persistent regularity. So if you've been waiting endlessly for a good old fashioned bruising action movie like we used to get in the 80's and 90's then this might just begin to restore your faith in this genre.
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There is no reason to see this movie...
KissMyBoomstick66628 April 2007
This movie started out with a few interesting scenes, and then shot through the floor and buried itself in horrible film-making. The fights are all shot close up and shaky, along with obvious punch pulling and uninventive deaths. Very quickly the numbers drop and you find yourself having to go back and count to even notice how many are left. The dialogue is terrible, with a message about violence hidden in it like an elephant behind a hot-wheels car. Its an unoriginal story, and its got so many plot holes I can't even pretend they get answered. It's going to disappoint even Stone Cold fans, because he could have torn people up so much better, and it will disappoint regular movie goers with its sub-par story, and worse storytelling. This movie is not what you are expecting it to be, and I strongly urge you not to spend your money on it when that same money would be better spent buying a stun gun and buzzing your head for an hour and a half.
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The best WWE movie up to date
johnnie0223 November 2008
We were really surprised when me & my friends watched this movie; it was really the best WWE movie ever, taking into consideration that we all don't enjoy wrestling, but we gave it a try, as it was thought to be as "Battle Royal", not a wrestling movie, & in fact, it surprised us all. All the acting was excellent, especially Steve Austin & Vinnie Jones, & surprisingly sometimes emotional acting was there even from the male characters!! The plot was so simple but extremely good (for a WWE movie!), also the shooting was very fine. I recommend you watch this movie, especially with a group of friends, you will be very surprised & will have a lot of fun !
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Better than expected
MAYESY-4413 July 2020
Really though this was a good movie in the end, thought this may just be a knuckle head movie with no story but the back story on Conrad sets the film up nicely and the action was enough and not too much. The Film was really well done all round.
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I almost feel silly - even guilty - in trashing a dumb action film. It's a pushover.
fedor822 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Ten action-movie film-makers (John Woo and the like) are sent on ten separate deserted islands and given an assignment: to write a proper script each. The conditions are that the script is intelligent, basically logical, fairly realistic, and the characters reflect real people at least to a healthy extent. Can they do it? They are given a life-time to complete the goal, but can they actually switch on their brains, and will at least one of them succeed in coming up with something other than moronic garbage? That's the real-life reality show I wanna watch. And laugh to.

I just found out that "The Condemned" is a remake of a Japanese film with a similar premise (with students, i.e. perhaps even dumber), and am not really surprised. Hollywood has become so decadently lacking in ideas and inspiration that remakes and idea-theft is practically all that's left.

TC basically has a wrestler, Steve Austin (even if you never saw him, you'll immediately know he's a wrestler; the face, the body, and the strange line-delivery are a dead giveaway), who plays an appallingly dumb ex-navy guy/marine/whatever. He makes bad decisions CONSTANTLY: 1) he refuses the key for his handcuffs, in what is meant to show his defiance toward his captors (there are much smarter ways to defy someone than by shooting yourself in the foot; that's the Bin Laden school of thought). 2) He gets a chance to telephone somebody - not exactly the norm in such a situation - and who does he call? His ex. What do they discuss? Her feelings. Only 5 minutes later does it dawn on him (after his ex asks for his location) that he should find out the co-ordinates for the island i.e. help the U.S. rescue team find him. 3) His refusal to kill Vinnie Jones, which comes back like a boomerang. In fact, the pacifistic aspect of Austin's character is laughable; here we have a guy who "killed more people than all the other 9 combined", and yet he keeps sparing lives of murderers who threaten his own. So what is he, an assassin-with-the-heart-of-gold? A wrestler-with-the-heart-of-Gandhi? More like the killer-with-the-peanut-brain.

There are many far-fetched and just outright dumb things about TC. We have a multi-millionaire, who for some strange reason known only to himself i.e. which he refuses to share with the audience, decides to become America's or even the world's most-wanted man by organizing a highly illegal game of "Ten Little Indians". Why would he do that? We are told he is intelligent, and we are told that he can sell a used chewing-gum to a university professor. So why do this? How could he possibly think he could get away with it? Or be in hiding for the rest of his life? The assumption, of course, is that all multi-millionaires (let alone billionaires) are corrupt, immoral swine, which is very rich - coming from fat, decadent, RICH Hollywood film-makers.

The game starts off with the ten "contestants" being thrown out of a helicopter. WHY??? It's obvious that the organizers went through great pains and spent tons of money on getting all these murderers released (a harmless bit of idiocy, by comparison) so WHY would they want to risk having them all killed before the game even begins!? One of the ten actually does die straight away; he is mistakenly thrown on the ground and impaled. Austin, the wrestler, is thrown on land, too, and survives because obviously wrestlers fall from 100 meters height every day and live to tell the tale. We've even got two females in the 10. We've even got a married couple! A married couple of serial-killers who behave like a regular, non-psychopathic pair! Full of love and tears for each other: I think I'm gonna sob now! Tell you what. I don't even see any moral problem with taking 10 psychopaths condemned to death and letting them fight it out. Actually, that would be poetic justice, wouldn't it, because most murderers are cowards and kill only from a position of physical strength and by surprise. Hence, experiencing actual pain, as opposed to merely getting hanged and dying quickly would be more just. However, the problem in this silly movie is that the convicts do NOT all behave like psychopaths, which they should logically be (apart from Austin, who predictably is jailed wrongly).

I also have to address the laughable hypocrisy in the film-makers trying to make a message (you read that right) at the end of the movie. The message is violence in society, reality shows going overboard, bla bla bla. The only problem is that this very movie caters to the public's insatiable appetite for violence, as well! Ridiculous, and so transparent.

One of the most illogical moments in the film is when Young and the Japanese guy decide to fight each other, thinking/knowing that they're the last ones left. One question: HOW could either of them possibly have known that the others were all dead (well, apart from Austin)?? TC doesn't start so badly, has an okay cast of "killers" (Austin can't act but he's likable enough, plus Jones is always fun to have) and could have been a fun mindless action film, if it had stuck solely to the action, and if there had been an iota of an effort not to have so much nonsense in it. Like the dull malarkey surrounding the millionaire's film-crew rebellion against the show.

A movie made by idiots for idiots.
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Complete waste of time and money
splotchcat29 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I just went to see this movie and was very disappointed that I spent money on it. The movie is very predictable. The acting, what acting? Steve Austin, needs to stick to wrestling. The other characters were almost blank sheets. The only other ones they even tried to develop were the producer and his main assistant. The cinematography is very lacking, they could have used steady-cams in a few places. The violence is extreme and repetitive.

Spoiler Warning: After All how many different ways can you come up with to kill people with an anklet bracelet bomb. I could see how the movie was going to end almost before it started. Please do not see this movie in the theater. I would not even bother with the DVD.
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It's largely a fun watch if you don't take it too seriously
r96sk2 May 2020
'The Condemned' simply isn't a great film, due to its subpar acting, mostly predictable plot and average other aspects like the cinematography. However, I can't deny it still makes for solid action viewing. Just to be enjoyed for what it is.

With that said, it actually does have an interesting concept - one that is kinda fascinating. The film commits to it fairly well, hitting many correct notes in regards to the morality of the matters at hand. I also didn't think it would take such a dark-ish tone with it all.

Steve Austin is decent in the main role, he is no Dwayne Johnson or even John Cena but he has the right look for a beefed up protagonist. Vinnie Jones is Vinnie Jones in this, he's exactly how you'd expect him to be. The rest of the cast are largely forgettable, though Madeleine West actually gives the film's best performance as Sarah - despite only appearing in a minor part, I felt her character's feelings. It's also cool to see Rick Hoffman in a role pre-'Suits'.

If you just want pure action with loads of fighting, this is one for you. The second act and the last remnants of the ending drag, but it's largely a fun watch if you don't take it too seriously.
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