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The Lost Boys & Girls...
Xstal27 August 2022
Beneath the surface, in the shadows, a dark sphere; two hostile factions, scythe and rip, and claw and shear; a battle born of ages, a perpetual war rages, without forgiveness, without compassion, just hate sincere.

A warring vampire makes a link to treachery, this wolf assassin's stalked Lycans for centuries, hidden secrets are revealed, open wounds that never healed, genes are diced and spliced to halt adversaries.

It's only downhill from now on, as the franchise ruptures, the bloods gone, not quite knowing when to stop, perpetually draining a good plot, leaving a husk, a shallow spectre of what was.
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Still one of the best action horrors ever made!
paulclaassen17 November 2020
Wow, wow, wow! 'Underworld' is an action-packed, visually stunning spectacle!

As mentioned in my 'Underworld: Rise of the Lycans' review, it is best to view 'Rise' first, and then 'Underworld' - although 'Underworld' was the first film in the series. It makes more sense, since you will now have a much better background on Lucian. Lucian is the leader of the werewolves, and the antagonist (he was the protagonist in 'Rise of the Lycans').

Centuries after Lucian became the Werewolf (Lycan) leader, the feud between vampires and werewolves still rages on. Lucian is trying to join vampire and werewolf blood to create a super species, but he needs the blood of a human, Michael Corvino, who is the direct descendent of the vampire/werewolf ancestor.

'Underworld' features excellent performances from a very good cast - especially Bill Nighy as Viktor, and Kate Beckinsale as Selene. The make-up and visual effects are fantastic. There's loads of action, and incredible chase sequences, with stunning photography. This truly is a perfectly polished production. There never really is a dull moment - considering the film runs 132 minutes (I watched the extended version).

This is non-stop action and entertainment from beginning to end. There's also more than enough suspense and horror for the horror buffs. 'Underworld' is an incredible action horror like no other. And the ending leaves you hungry for more!
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Surprisingly good! I'm impressed!
lotus_chief4 February 2004
As soon as I saw the preview to this film I wrote it off as a silly Matrix rip-off trying to attack a subject that is so tired (vampires/werewolves). I really never had any intention of seeing Underworld until my girlfriend, who saw it in theaters, repeatedly suggested I watch it. After watching the DVD just now I must say that I enjoyed it a lot. I was completely into the story, which is surprisingly rich and engaging. One would have to be a bit naïve not to admit that Underworld does indeed borrow from a variety of action films, most notably The Matrix. It should be obvious to any free-thinking person that none of the ideas present in Underworld are original, but what this film does well is take ideas that were established in the past and build on them more. This is by no means a carbon copy of any of the films from which it borrows from. Slow motion gun battles didn't originate with the Matrix films. The most refreshing aspect of this movie is the story, which surprisingly has many layers and puts a totally fresh new spin on the vampire/werewolf stories. This aspect, along with the excellent visual effects makes Underworld an enjoyable experience. A sequel for this is inevitable, and I must say that I'm really looking forward to it. Underworld was a very pleasant surprise.

*** out of **** stars
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possiblegod3 November 2005
Everything you've heard from the critics, everything you know about vampires and werewolves, everything that is standard in most fantasy/action films. Then you'll enjoy this film. I, unlike a lot of fans, will not claim that this is a move masterpiece, I will not claim that this will change movie making history. I, however, will go against the critics and say that this is a good film. Not getting a chance to see this in the cinema, when it came out on video I rented it out immediately. Now, at first, I could see what the critics meant it wasn't how the trailers depicted it and the script and acting in places was a bit rusty. I put it back and gave no more thought to it. However I soon found myself thinking about the film and the bits I'd enjoyed. I soon realised that this was good because it wasn't conventional and I couldn't stop thinking about it. There had been so many plot twists, so much to take in that I knew I had to see it a second time. This time I bought it, on DVD, and I found myself watching it again and again. This film gives you wonderful villains and just when you start to hate them something nastier comes along or they give you a motive which makes you confused. In one film the world which you are presented with at the beginning, Lycans (Werewolves) vrs. Vampires, is thrown into doubt. There are no longer good and evil, it is no longer this side versus this side and our hero Selene is stuck in the middle. The thing is every villain in this film seems to be fully justifiable in their actions yet completely nasty. I was trying, after falling in love with this film, to work out where it went wrong. I realised there was too much. You are thrown into this world and you have to keep up, there is no chance to sit down and work things out. That comes after seeing the film, this world explains itself through the characters actions. It is as if this world is real and we are meant to know about it already. Their is a history, their is a false history, their are legendary characters and not all of it is gone into in particular detail. Pieces of the world's history are just thrown in by the characters, as they would be in real life, with no long detailed explanation. That mixed with the cliff hanger ending, the promise of more characters from the past. MEans that even if you weren't sure about this film, the sequel Underworld: Evolution looks like it will be amazing.
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Fantastic film about facing between vampires and werewolves
ma-cortes26 July 2004
The movie deals with vampires and werewolves , each other taking on , vampires led by Kate Beckinsale and wolves ruled by Michael Sheen . There is a third starring Scott Speedman, a human whose blood has a terrible secret .

Both groups ,vampires and wolves will confront to obtain their purposes , the fighting will be to death.

The film blends horror ,suspense, struggles , rip-roaring action, thrills, and a little bit of gore and guts.

Set design is of first class , settings are stylized , Gothic buildings, shading slums , all of them originate a spooky and ghoulish atmosphere.

Specials effects are breathtaking , part is made by means of computer generator and part by make-up.

Cinematography is glimmer likeness to stirring soundtrack however has too much rock music and little symphonic music.

Kate Beckinsale is wonderful , she is a true action warrior women, Scott Speedman is nice but is shaded for her.

The flick will appeal to emotion buffs and spooky action lovers.

Rating: 7/10 , good . Well worth seeing.
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Sergiodave26 September 2020
Don't know why I never got around to watching this. Good solid fantasy about the war between Vampires and Werewolves. The feel of the movie is great, Dark and Gothic, good music, and the cast is superb led by a very sexy Kate Beckinsale. Looking forward to seeing the rest.
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The most stylish action-horror movie ever made
kluseba27 November 2020
I'm currently revisiting the Underworld series and have to state that the first movie has aged particuarly well. The stylish costumes still look incredibly sharp. The special effects don't look dated at all but rather have a timeless flow. The locations are perfect for an action movie with horror creatures. The lighting, sound and visual effects still offer a cinematic experience of the greatest kind. Even the nu metal soundtrack still blends in perfectly. This film represents the stylistics of its time while having achieved an outstanding legacy that has lead to the creation of four sequels so far.

The story revolves around a human medical student named Michael who gets stalked, observed and attacked by a group of werewolves in a dark metro station. Vampire Selene intervenes and saves his life. She wonders why the werewolves have been following the young man while her immediate superior Kraven who fancies her is jealous of her sudden interest for a human being. Selene starts investigating on her own and saves Michael's life once more but he gets bitten by a werewolf. Despite the ongoing conflict between werewolves and vampires, Selene helps him once again as she is slowly falling in love with him. She soon discovers that Michael has a unique genetic strain that could allow him to become a vampire-werewolf hybrid. When Selene starts suspecting that Kraven is involved in a conspiracy with the pack of werewolves, she decides to awaken hibernating vampire elder Viktor who has always been a father figure for her as she seeks his advice. The growing conflicts quickly spiral out of control as Selene learns that nothing is as it appears to be.

To keep it short, Underworld has stood the test of time and is one of the best action-horror movies ever made. Vampires and werewolves have never looked as stylish as in this franchise. The first entry oozes with atmosphere, convinces with a strong cast and features special effects that are still breathtaking nowadays. No matter if you are familiar with this franchise or haven't heard about it yet, now would be a good time to enjoy this timeless franchise that should immediately appeal both to fans of action and horror movies.
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0U22 February 2020
Movies like Underworld just don't end up with the calibre of actor that Underworld has under normal circumstances. Somehow, Underworld did though, and yes, it's very much a product of that early '00s industrial inspired age, but it is a solid, solid take on some realistic(ish) aspects of supernatural monster mythos.
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New Blood For Vampire Legends
EmperorNortonII10 April 2004
"Underworld" is no ordinary horror movie. It tells the tale of a secret war between vampires and werewolves (or as they're called here, lycans). Kate Beckinsale stars as Selene, a lethal assassin on the vampire side. Scott Speedman plays Michael Corvin, a man who finds himself wrapped up in this brutal war. This movie is rather well done, despite all the blood and graphic violence. The look of the movie is dark, Gothic and brooding, which fits very well with the story. The script is interesting, using science to bring the vampire and werewolf legends into the modern age (such as saying the lycans are allergic to silver). The story of the bitter rivalry between to two mythic characters would make a fascinating prequel, and the sequel should follow "Underworld" with real impact as well.
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fuad_tarin_5828 January 2021
One of the best movies ive ever watched. Let me just say before i watched this i wasnt even fan of vampire/ww movies. But this just took me by suprize with amazing storyline and characterstoryline.

If u havent watched the underwold movies i recommend them very strongly.
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Better than people want to admit
wnterstar11 January 2005
I can understand why some people were unwilling to give this movie a chance. I started out thinking, OK, so Anna Valerious from Van Helsing is now a female Blade! I was wrong! I also went in thinking it was going to be a push button movie with no real twists.

Again I was wrong.

I didn't really see the twist coming at the end (surprising, since I figured out who Kaiser Sosay was!) I liked this move for a lot of reasons. The darkness in the movie wasn't oppressive. The acting was good, and the story strong.

I give it a 7 out of 10.
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The genesis of the series franchise is really good. Selene is badassed. Great for those that love the fantasy vampire goth genre. Lots of awesome action.
reb-warrior4 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I still love this movie after all these years. The writers came up with a whole history of the war between the Lycans and Vampires. They really fleshed it out really well in the first three movies starting with this one. In fact, in this movie, you hear how Vampires and Lycans even came into existence, via Alexander Corvinus. The plot is absolutely there.

Kate Beckinsale and Scott Speedman, have great chemistry. Selene is the "star character" of the movie and of the franchise. Wanting revenge against the Lycans for killing her entire family 600 hundred earlier. However, she finds out a few truths that change everything. Beckinsale really delivers everything that is needed for this character, including lots of awesome action.

You may think there are weak points, like how the Vampires/Lycans are getting with all this stuff without being found out by humans, but later in the franchise series, you find out why that is. There is an established setting already. So sometimes you hear characters talk about other characters or events that happened. You almost feel like there could be several more prequels if they wanted. But they did a good job explaining everything as part of the plot.

This movie serves the more modern goth-ish era when bands like Evanescence, Nightwish, Within Temptation were at the height of their careers. Selene in all black, long black coat, black hair, dark eyelashes, pale white skin fits the bill. I recommend it for people that like fantasy, vampire, goth, genre. This is the beginning of a continuing story. 10/10
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Blood, bullets & Beckinsale
lekgolah1 September 2010
This is another one of those types of films that should not be taken too seriously. If you watch the film from a critical standpoint then you will miss how enjoyable the film can be.

Those who have no interest in vampires etc will not like this film but for those who do, this film is well worth watching. While the script may not be perfect, the actors manage to keep a straight face and are entertaining to watch.

What many will like is the back story of Kate Beckinsale's character and the history between the vampires and the lycans. This may not add a lot of depth to the characters but it succeeds in progressing the story.Both Michael Sheen and Bill Nighy are great as the leaders of two opposing forces. The two steel the film whenever they are on screen.

Since the film is about vampires vs lycans, you can expect a lot of bloody action. The actions scenes can be compared to The Matrix and Equilibrium but they are still fun to watch. Even though some scenes do look dated (the lycans often look like puppets at times) they are still enjoyable to watch.

The sequel may have improved CGI effects but that is not enough for it to triumph over the original.
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A Waste of Time
Darkest_Rose20 September 2003
Selene(Kate Beckinsale) a vampire warrior and a death dealer, along with the rest of her kind, is in a war with the lycans and hunts them down and kills them. But things get complicated when a human(Scott Speedman) gets bitten by a lycan and Selene falls in love with him. Slowly she starts finding out about her past, how she became a vampire in the first place and why vampires and lycans hate each other. Now, this movie may sound and look good in the trailer but it definitely isn't. I like old-fashioned vampires, not vampires who wear leather pants, own guns and spend time on the internet. There was way to much action going on but not much of a story. This movie was very boring and too long and just a big waste of time. I would give Underworld 4/10, for some good scenes and because it could have been a better movie if it tried.
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Features on the 2 Disc DVD Make It the Way to Go
aimless-461 November 2005
The "Underworld" sequel will soon be out so now is a good time to revisit the original. Personally I enjoyed this film more than any high budget "mainstream movie" I have seen in years years. But I can see many of the problems others have pointed out. Although the small action scenes work very well, the more elaborate scenes are disjointed, confused, and somewhat silly. If you compare the opening subway sequence to the train station sequence in "The Untouchables", you see an illustration of why less is better; and "Underworld" expends more ammo for less effect than anything this side of a "Godzilla" film.

Along with too much aggressive confusion is the silliest head-splitting in cinema history. Similar to the way Tarentino dispatched Lucy Lie in "Kill Bill Vol.1" (i.e. a delay in the actual detachment-I don't know which film did it first but Tarentine did it way better), the effects editor overlooked the need to show a slice in the head before it topples off. Surely this was just simple incompetence and not deliberate, because there are ways to show this (i.e. a line) that would still make it a relatively shocking scene.

The story itself breaks too many horror genre conventions and fails to generate much real suspense (although the climax is somewhat surprising). But ultimately these problems did not interfere with my enjoyment of the movie.

This was because it is first and foremost a Kate Beckensale's vehicle, as emphasized by recent trailer for the sequel. It is likely that your feeling about the film will depend on your impression of Beckensale. She has never looked better and I'm just talking about her face which I could watch in closeup for two hours without the slightest complaint. She is increasingly an absolute ringer for a 1940-ish Loretta Young. An earlier comment noted that: "This 30 year old has the figure and face of a magazine model, with the bored flat expression to match. Pour this tight little body into a rubber suit with especially reflective pants and you have something to anchor your movie". All this is very true but add intelligence, subtlety and nuance not seen since Diana Rigg was playing Mrs. Peel. The film does not demonstrate her range (you have to watch "Alice Through the Looking Glass" for the best evidence of that) but it is one of those rare cases where you can't imagine anyone but her in the role.

The production design, lighting, and cinematography are all excellent and the DVD has some great features explaining these aspects of the production.

The film has a nice consistent look that fits very well with the story. I don't understand the comments that are negative overall, or what films these people are unfavorably comparing it to, can't be the garbage films that have been coming to mainstream theaters over the past few years. Bottom line, if you like the genre, appreciate stylish production design, and think highly of Ms. Beckensale you should make it a point to see this movie.
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Expect Nothing, get a little more
mstomaso3 January 2006
I enjoyed Underworld. I expected it to be absurd, awful, plot-less and pointless. While it is certainly not the most brilliant and original story, nor does it teem with insight about the human condition, its not awful, its plot heavy, and it really isn't pointless. It's just a tad absurd, though.

This is the story of a human (Scott Speedman) entangled in a six hundred year old war between vampires and werewolves, and the vampire death dealer (Beckinsale) whose compassion for him permits her to seek the truth in ways that few of her species have before.

The acting is of variable quality. Kate Beckinsale is wonderfully cute, and does a pretty fair job of acting when she's not doing a Keanu Reeves/Neo impression. Michael Sheen provides a great supporting performance. Shane Brolly isn't really up to the task, in my opinion.

The script is good, although it's full of clichés. The editing and directing are both impeccable, and help to move everything along at an entertaining and brisk pace.

This is a fun action-oriented film, with stylish darkness and enough originality to make it worth seeing. Mildly recommended for vampire and werewolf fans.
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I'm "Lycan" the leather
Darkside-Reviewer23 January 2021
I first saw Underworld upon it's release in 2003 and honestly upon my first viewing of the film I thought it was just another generic vampire/werewolf action movie. A few years later the sequel (Underworld Evolution) (2006) was released and again I didn't really enjoy it all that much. Over the years more sequels were made that I didn't even bother watching after the first two. Since it's been almost eighteen years since I first watched Underworld. I decided to give the movie a second chance and watch the extended special edition on Blu Ray.

Underworld tells the story of a modern coven of Vampires who after over one thousand years of war with their arch enemies the Lycan (Werewolves). The Vampires have hunted the Lycan to the brink of extinction. A vampire named Selena (Kate Beckinsale) uncovers a secret nest of Lycans hiding in the sewer lead by a powerful Lycan named Lucian (Michael Sheen) who was thought to be long dead. Selena brings the news to the Vampire leader who doesn't believe her leading to Selena breaking the rules and going solo so she can uncover the truth behind how Lucian survived and how he plans to end the war between the Vampires and the Lycan.

Underworld is filled great looking action scenes of Vampires and Werewolves fighting with fangs and claws. Instead of using old fashioned weapons like wooden stakes and silver daggers. The Vampires shoot the Lycans with siliver bullets from modern day weapons like handguns and machine guns. They also use bullets with liquid silver in them that slowly kill the Lycans by entering silver into their bloodstream. Aswell as transforming into their Werewolf form and using their claws and teeth to kill the Vampires. The Lycans also use modern day guns with Ultraviolet bullets that burn the Vampires from the inside.

There's plenty of blood and gore throughout the movie including things like decapitations, severed limbs, Werewolves being blown up leaving chucks of meat and body parts everywhere aswell as Vampires and Werewolves biting each other and humans. The body transformation from the Lycans human form to their Werewolf form is done well with great looking special effects and CGI especially by 2003 CGI standards. The Lycans always look like they are in extreme pain when transforming which adds to the transformation making it look and feel more intense and frightening.

Kate Beckinsale is dressed in leather in every scene of the movie even when there's no action going on and she's just using a computer. The same goes for practically every character in this movie they all wear leather or black shirts with leather pants. The only time a character is without leather is when they take their shirt off or transform into a Werewolf.

I'm not sure if it's due to nostalgia or my taste in movies changing over the years but upon my second viewing of Underworld after almost eighteen years I actually really enjoyed the movie this time around. I grew up in the late 90s early 2000s when movie's like (Blade) (1998) and (The Matrix) (1999) were extremely popular. That particular era of movies can be defined by four simple words leather, guns, brooding, angst. Watching Underworld now in 2021 I realise just how much this movie is a product of it's time and really if it was released just a few years earlier in the year 2000 this movie would of been a lot more popular. Sadly by 2003 these kind of movies had started to become all to familiar with audiences including myself.

I highly recommend watching Underworld especially if you have never seen it before. If you have seen it before and you didn't enjoy it the first time around I recommend giving it a second chance especially if you grew up in the early 2000s.
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Much Better Than You Think Its Going To Be
damianphelps24 February 2022
Its a great movie but Kate in leather makes it a better movie, she is smoking in this.

The story is pretty cool and gets well expanded upon throughout the sequels.

Bill Nighy is tremendous.

Its fun, sexy and full of marvellous monsters :)
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Iconic Vampire Lady
Tweetienator16 March 2022
Kate Beckinsale rocks this one - fine visuals, a lot of well choreographed action scenes and that epic story idea of werewolves fighting vampires. On top, like Matrix and Blade, Underworld made wearing black clothes en vogue. Last note: the first movie of the Underworld series is in my opinion by far the best one of the five Underworld movies made to the day.
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zhongweiwu16 June 2020
That's why I watched it. The rest is, well, doesn't really matter, does it? If it matters to you, then well, it doesn't add up, not very interesting, and well, many parts should be removed for all I care.
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a gun-happy, panther-paced, werewolf wrecking, vampire neckin', hyped-up horror hootenanny!
Weirdling_Wolf10 May 2021
The dazzling introduction to preternaturally perky, PVC-clad Death Dealing scream queen, Selene and her ceaseless battle against nocturnal, plague-spawned mythical beasts proved addictive! Villainously voluptuous Vamps and lurid Lycans throw down gruesomely in director, Les Wiseman's plasma pumped, super-slick S&M shoot 'em up! Tight buts, rifle butts and forbidden lusts abound decadently in this explosive, gloomily glamorous, darkly decorous 'Underworld', wherein grievously goring, sexily black-draped devilish divas and their hirsute, silver bullet-shredded nemeses vie bloodily for Alpha dominance!

The creepy clique of elite, drop-dead gorgeous ghouls nightly alight for a fang-tastic, full-throttled, fur-flinging fight to the death! Kinky Kool killer, Kate Beckinsale's sinfully sinuous, Selene continually preys for high stakes in this toothsome game of thrones! Accept no pale imitations, 'Underworld' is a gun-happy, panther-paced, werewolf wrecking, vampire neckin', hyped-up horror hootenanny! The sinister spoils of this nocturnal war eludes the vainglorious vampire, Viktor (Bill Nighy), and previously enslaved, lower caste Lycans plan to shatter the sinister shackles of their servitude, to once again dominate the moonlit night! The Lycans brutal ascension being gorily kept in check by the bravura ballistic death-dealing of deliciously deadly death dealer, Selene.
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Not as bad as the reviews suggest...
Fists_of_stone21 December 2005
Not to damn it with faint praise or anything: but this really ain't that bad.

Things certainly could have been worse - as it is you get solid performances (a surprise right there), an interesting story which keeps you guessing till the end, some good action sequences and some cool looking creature effects (Bill Nighy looks cool!).

Underworlds biggest fault is probably it's over reliance on a sense of style filched from better films like Dark City and the Matrix. Am I the only one out there who is bored with characters skulking round blue lit, rain soaked streets in figure hugging black PVC, dark sunglasses and trench coats? Well worth a look if you need to see vampires fighting werewolves, and definitely a lot better than it probably should have been.
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A lot Better Than Expected
aran_turgon29 May 2005
When Underworld was release in the theaters I didn't bother seeing it, because of the bad reviews. I recently rented it because the video store didn't have anything better to offer, that I had not already seen, and I must say that I was very much surprised. It was far better than expected. I especially liked the acting of Bill Nighy as the vampire lord Viktor, and Micheal Sheen as the werewolf leader Lucian. I think that the plot is quite strong, and it does not ruin the vampire or werewolf legend. What i didn't like as much was the werewolf costumes. I didn't find the convincing. But apart from that, it was very entertaining, and I am looking forward to see the sequel i the theaters.
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An underrated title
Keyan-the-Eagle14412 July 2018
I'd heard so many negative reviews about this movie but I actually saw it in theaters with a friend. This was the first Kate Beckinsale film I actually liked. She made a good vampire she-warrior. It's no longer good versus evil but a story of survival. Who are the true villains? Vampires or werewolves? Or is there something darker at work? There's a lot going on and I found myself wondering who was who and what was going on throughout the film. It went pretty quickly. But in the end, it was a satisfying story that ended with an opening for a sequel. I remember coming out of the theater and hearing two people, a man and a woman, talking about it. They were both older than me, and the man apparently enjoyed it, but the woman said it was stupid. Or something like that. But as for me, it wasn't the worst film I had seen. It's no Oscar contender either but most movies aren't Oscar worthy. I mean, who really needs the Oscars? It's just a clique. Anyway, back to the movie. I was entertained and I especially liked how the makeup was done on the characters. Really creepy but cool. If you want action and vampires and werewolves, try this.
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If They Show Movies In Hell...
khoekstra23 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
...Underworld will be on the Ultra Screen. *shudder*

Oh my God is this movie awful. One of the most worthless pieces of mindless, plodding drivel ever committed to celluloid. How is it that people on this board can actually LIKE this film? Did you watch the same POS that I did?



What's the point of being a Vampire when you don't have to worry about drinking blood? Hey, it's cloned now so no worries, eh? Why? Vampires do nothing "Vampiric" in this trash heap of a movie at all...they don't drink blood, they don't sleep during the day (because there is no "day" in this movie), no super speed, no hypnotic gaze, no transformation into wolf or bat, no flight, not affected by holy symbols...and they CAST SHADOWS AND REFLECTIONS!!! WTF?

At one point, Kate Beckinsdale's Vampire character gets stabbed with a knife (and passes out from blood loss (seriously...I'm not making this up) and rolls her car!?!!? Um...gee...last I checked, Vampires REGENERATED! Blood loss? Agggghhhh...

Werewolves climb on the walls instead of bounding after you? Why not call them Spider-Wolves? They seem to be totally inferior to the Vampires in every way, even though the Vampires are nothing special. What's the point of this conflict if the Werewolves have no chance? If you were a Werewolf, wouldn't you try to fight back against the Vampires during the day??? Oh, wait... I forgot. There is NO DAY!

I wouldn't have problems with any of these things if they even TRIED to explain ANY of it. Bottom Line: The worst Vampires and Werewolves in cinematic history.

The end fight scene is an absolute joke, too. I won't ruin it, though. You have to SEE it to believe it. Ugh.

***End Spoilers***

Acting was sub-par...especially the guy who played "Kraven." Logical leaps abounded. Nothing was explained satisfactorily at all. What was explained was done so in single, throw-away lines or long, drawn out boring flashback speeches. No middle ground at all.


  • Kate Beckinsdale is easy on the eyes (only reason I didn't turn it off) - Cinematography is nice. - Some pretty cool direction at times...a handful of cool shots.

In short, if you care nothing about plot, dialogue, story, acting, pacing or Vampiric and Lycan mythology, this is YOUR movie.

I gave this movie a 1 out of 10 on the IMDB scale. Why? Because it wouldn't let me rate it any lower than that. Strike one. Two. Three.
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