Undergrads (TV Series 2001) Poster


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Overlooked and misunderstood survival guide to school
gizmomogwai12 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
A combined Canadian and MTV production, Undergrads is an adult cartoon that got mixed reviews and no ratings. It was subsequently cancelled after only 13 episodes. Which is a shame, because this show had overlooked merit. The show dealt with university and college life, as experienced by a group of four friends who grew up together.

The four main characters each represent a major personality type. There's the main character Nitz, who's socially challenged in many respects. There's Gimpy, who lives on computers and loves Star Wars. There's Cal, the dimwitted but well-meaning guy who gets more action than anyone on campus. Then there's Rocko, who's got the worst habits. In addition we have a ditsy girl and a cool girl (Kimmy and Jessie, respectively). These colourful characters (literally, since Jessie has purple hair) are a good reason to keep watching.

I first watched the show enthusiastically in 2002. I was in high school at the time, but I really related to Nitz, who was a loser but a good guy, and also to Gimpy, who was a nerd. The soundtrack was hip, the show's look was solid, and the jokes were good. The jokes weren't over the top bathroom humour, although many were sexual in nature. At times they could be sharp and right on- Rocko saying he drinks and smashes because he loves, or Rocko challenging Nitz, Gimpy and Mump to describe kissing, or Nitz's terrible job description, or Jessie's "kung fu Jew" fake ID. At the core of these jokes there was both heart and honesty. Undergrads taught me about university life, which I later experienced, and I'd have to say the show is in many respects true to life. Nitz's terrible job at the library mirrored some jobs of my own, for example.

Alas, there were only 13 episodes and the show was on four days a week, so eventually I watched the show so much that I got tired of it. I never returned to watching it until recently, 8 years later. After the long break, it's good again, and I can say it holds up nicely. The two best episodes are the third and sixth, Virgins and Roommates. These skillfully deal with self-consciousness, sexual tension, roommate troubles, humiliation and misunderstandings. And, Gimpy and She-Prime were neighbours. How cool was that?
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A relatable and fun show.
MC_Icy23 February 2021
Undergrads was definitely a criminally underrated adult cartoon. The characters are really likable, the comedy is consistent and goes well practically every time, and the episodes all seem to have their own set of good morals with a clever twist put onto it. It sucks that this never received a second season because this was a really entertaining and intriguingly riveting show. It had a lot of good things going for it and it sucks that the series just abruptly ends on an unintended cliff hanger. At least there's still hope left with an Undergrads movie being in development thanks to a successful Kickstarter, so hopefully, this show will get the ending it truly deserved.
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Unerrated Undergrade
ThunderKing615 September 2021
A great adult cartoon that is basically flawless. This show is mellow, smooth and mature. It is what adult cartoons should be. Underrated Undergrad is better than most shows that have multiple seasons.

Last Words: Quality over Quantity.
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A Truly Under-appreciated Show
Raven_Z24 July 2004
Undergrads follows the life of "Nitz" Walsh during his first year in state university. The camera focuses not only on Nitz, however, but also on his three friend from high school - Nitz's roommate, the clueless womanizing Cal, drunken frat boy attending community college Rocko, and antisocial elitist Gimpy, who attends "Teckerson Tech."

All of these characters are funny and likable, and are only enhanced by the supporting characters - "The Dougster," the helpless loser RA, Jesse, Nitz's new sarcastic friend, Gimpy's legion of loyal followers, and of course, Kimmy - Nitz's long-time crush from high school, whom he followed to SU.

Undergrads is a show to be loved and cherished, not only because it's a funny, quirky cartoon, but also because of it's realism. Undergrads is, ironically, far more realistic than shows such as Dawson's Creek and Felicity, which is often parodied on the show - it deals with many of the real experiences students go through in university, everything from having to deal with the student loans people to the infamous "Freshman 15."

Sadly enough, Undergrads is an amazing show with incredible potential - meaning MTV canceled it. Like other priceless gems such as Downtown and Clone High, Undergrads was canceled after the first season, leaving only thirteen precious episodes. My advice - watch this show whenever the opportunity comes up, and by all means, buy the DVD.
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You see undergrads not only with your eyes, but with your heart
roark-198 December 2007
Some of you might boast about how this show is hilarious, and pretty good for a cartoon, but it is just so much more. This glorious show not only manages to have me quoting every line and laughing, but thinking about the characters after i watch it. I relate to every character in their own way, and thats how all shows should be. Not many cartoons can make me cry at the last episode, or make me fiend out the songs from every episode from crappy music download site to crappy music download site.

i love this show..i hope you can too

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Funniest and Best animated series in years
dancinlukey16 July 2002
This show is smart, fun and hilarious. I for one hope they release it on DVD sometime in the very near future! The show has very likable characters great animation, wonderful dialogue and great storylines. I can't praise it enough and like I said... I HOPE THEY RELEASE IT ON DVD!!!
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So Boring It Could Have Been Canadian
MVictorPjinsiste23 August 2010
Did we really needed "Undergrads", a show about high school among a thousand thousand other? Well, maybe, if the show brings in some much-needed novelty. Does "Undergrad" delivers? No, of course, it doesn't deliver. The humour is scatologic, previsible and first degree, barely worthy a snicker. The situations are exactly what to expect from that kind of show. The skin-deep characters are unlikeable, and even irritating. The music, indy pop, is so middle-of-the-road one could cry - but at least, it's the only thing that's original on the show.

Whenever the show tries to be funny, it fails; Whenever it tries to be deep, it only achieves superficiality. I just can't stand this mediocre show, that is just that, mediocre. Not good, and neither bad enough to be enjoyable. Heck, it could have been a Canadian production!

Sorry to pisss on the parade that seems to be going on here.
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A true delight.
barryshaft16 November 2001
After having just seen the last episode for the first season (perhaps the last ever) I realize what a great show Undergrads truly is. The characters are so rich and entertaining that you find yourself laughing at their antics but also seeing a little bit of you and your friends in each of them. This makes for a rewarding experience in television viewing.

The story focuses on four friends (members of The Clique) Nitz, Cal, Rocko, and Gimpy who all attend different colleges in the same town, they've been friends since birth and nothing is going to change that now. Each of the characters fits a stereotype but also breaks it. Nitz is the nice quite nerdy guy that always feels a constant embarrassment towards the friends he has but also a great bit of love towards. Rocko is the tough guy that basically excels at being an ass, especially to Cal who truly steals the show as the quiet annoying yet good looking babe magnet...its Cal that comes in with the great lines that cause you to burst into laughter "Sorry guy time for my late afternoon sex". Another true gem in the show is Gimpy the shut in from Techerson Tech college, he barely ever leaves his room and lives his life according to Star Wars.

Nitz is constantly the folly of his friend's exploits but also of his own lust for Kimmy Burton, the girl that he's had a crush on for four years. The season truly comes full circle at the end.

The secondary characters also bring out the best in Undergrads, from wise ass Jesse to movie talking Brodie and the $@%@ing trash talker Kruger, the show's writers truly display their abilities of interpreting real life into an animated sitcom. I see everyone of these characters in every day life and truly hope to see the show continue next year..so please MTV execs listen to my call...as well as the call of many fans..keep Undergrads on the air.
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Love this show!
eshearin30 March 2003
Now, this show only runs late on Comedy Central along with several other overlooked gems like The Critic, Duckman, and Gary and Mike. This show really does deserve a better time slot, as it is really great. Speaking as an Undergrad, it is just the right of amount of fiction and 'it's funny 'cause it's true' humor.
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Come And Talk To Me On My Computer Screen.
blackarachnia214 April 2003
I catch this show almost every night on Teletoon up here in Canada. Nitz is the character that I really relate to. A mixed up kid with no social life and few friends and friends from high school that he can barely deal with.

I almost always laugh at Rocko. The poor guy never really gets a break from anything. Ending up in jail for being drunk and disorderly, smashing things. It's almost as if Rocko's only goal in life is to get drunk and smash things.

It's a great show and it should continue. :)
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A really funny show
yyarmen3 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I really like this show as it is funny,which seems to be more than most shows can offer.My favorite character is Gimpy,because he's a TV character whom I can relate to.{Upcoming Spoiler}He his at his best at Prank Week,as his exploits as G Prime.I hope they put the series on VHS!
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A masterpiece of writing and animation
J-Spot7 December 2005
There is nothing quite like "Undergrads". Although tragically cut off after its first season, it was and continues to be (in my opinion) one of the best cartoons ever made.

With only 13 episodes, it develops its characters better than most shows that have run for years -- and surprisingly enough, for a "teen" animated series about college, really makes you care about them.

Truth be told, it actually blends its outrageous (and often what would be considered in "polite" circles as vulgar) teen humour nearly seamlessly with ample wit, homages, drama, heart, and a true-to-life unpretentiousness (is that a word?) -- and does it without coming off as being at all kitschy.

It paints a picture of teenage life, but paints it so vividly that it's hard to take your eyes off it. And all with the accessibility and quotability of Family Guy.

Granted, it has its share of absurd situations and hyperbole, but it is a cartoon after all... And either way, it more than makes of for it with its writing and a solid soundtrack.

A must-see particularly for fans of Clone High, Mission Hill, Family Guy or Drawn Together (and from what I hear, Daria as well).
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This show rocks!!!!=OD
goodcharlotte_gal11 January 2002
The undergrads is one of the best shows i have ever seen.With its realistic yet funny antics its packed with laughter!!Theres cal-the slick,hip babe magnet,rocko-the one who makes an ass of himself,gimpy-the star wars fanatic who will never leave his room and nitz-the one who seems to usually be embarrased by his friends but still sticks by them,not to mention the crush he has had on kimmy since high school.These guys have known each other since well birth.They have just started collage and as freshmen try to cope with the wierd traditions and being accepted,like i said this is realistic yey full of funny,wierd antics.

This show just started about a week ago in australia on the comedy channel,so if the makers of this show is reading this please keep making more undergrads as i would love to see more and more,i just cant get enough!!

And the tunes for the show!!OMG what can i say...THEY ROCK!!!GOOD CHARLOTTE ROCK!!im sooooo GLAD they do the theme and are involved with the show,its because of Good Charlotte that i know about the show,if it wasnt for Good Charlotte i would have never known undergrads was on.

Well this show is one of the best i have ever seen,so please keep supporting the undergrads pplz!!ill try and do my part by getting as many pll as possible into it here in aus. Well,keep supporting undergrads,good charlotte and keep the pride alive,Peace out,amanda!!!=OD
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Man, do I love this show.
flagsmasher2 December 2001
I just started watching undergrads a few months ago and have seen almost all of the first seasons 13 episodes, which I hope will not be the only ones. Some people may say that the characters on the show are stereotypical, but they have much more depth than mere stereotypes. I see parts of myself and my friends in all four of the main characters (Nitz is so much like me it's frightening). The four main characters (Nitz, Rocko, Cal and Gimpy) are so good it's hard to pick a favourite. It also has a fabulous supporting cast too. One thing I admire about the show is that it depicts friends who are seemingly so different from each other but still remain friends, and that it shows that clicks and groups sometimes overlap into each other. I sincerely hope that MTV decides to keep the show going.
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an animated show so funny it's...disturbing
telepinus152528 August 2002
Thanks to MTV's moronic habit of shifting schedules around, I was only able to catch the first few episodes of this before it was cancelled. I can only say to the MTV execs...YOU D+*#HEADS! You just can't leave a good thing be, can you? This was a show so hilariously familiar, it was disturbing. It reminded me of Henry Rollins' rant on seeing a good movie about disturbed people with a big audience. "I know that psycho!" says the guy next to you; farther back in the theater, you hear: "Know him? Hell, I AM that psycho!" Yes we ALL knew (or know) somebody like this gang from our earlier days. I just hope that I and a whole lot of other folks can--someday--catch the whole series on dvd.
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TheOutcast0520 March 2002
My summary says it all. I saw a bunch of these episodes then downloaded them. The characters and the stories work perfectly! They better make a second season of this show
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Good Charlotte does the theme song, "The Click" and it's the perfect band and song for a show like this!!!
double_d_854 May 2002
The show is da bomb! It may sound unusual, but that's how the creators made it, and you gotta love this show. The "clique" is cool because of their diversity. Nitz is a normal guy, Cal is the chick magnet, Rocko is the jerk, and Gimpy is a nerd/computer geek dude, I mean every group has a smart guy or two. The guys also keep up a good relationship with each other, even though they are away, and they contradict each other. One cool thing is the analogies of Gimpy. He is obsessed with Star Wars, old or new, and he uses them in his comparisons or what he says (i.e. comparing differences, "Jedis and Siths."). People actually understand what he's talking about. People expect Rocko to be a jerky, buff guy that would make a good jock. Yah, he brags about his "experiences" with girls, and hopes he's successful. Nitz is da bomb, most people like him, but sometimes he isn't a social type of guy. He's laid back, and does what a normal guy should do in college. Cal, what can I say, he's got the looks for the girls. There might be one in every clique too. It's wierd how different guys can make a good clique like this, usually people expect many contradictions and civil disorder, but these guys have been tight for their lives, and speak highly of each other. Watch this show whenever!!! The makers must have high creativity points!!!
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Unfunny and cliche
Zeio_Man29 June 2003
Undergrads is an MTV animated show, showcaseing the adventures and antics of Nitz, A regular guy, Gimpy, The Star Wars Geek, Rocco, Dumb drunk, and Cal, a dumb womanizer, all in College (Although 3 different ones.).

Let me start off by saying that THIS SHOW IS UNFUNNY. The jokes are forced, and you can predict the punchline to the joke with incredible ease. Case in point: Gimpy wants to recruit Rocco and Cal for a First Person Shooter game much in the spirit of Counter-Strike, Doom, etc. So he trains them in the use of their joysticks. ..you see? You know the masturbation joke will come up once they show the joysticks. And so, with the predictability of a Pam Anderson STD test and with as much force as a pack of Elephants, Gimpy tries to find Cal, and finds him in a bathroom stall, sweaty, and quote "Hey Guy (The most annoying catchphrase unleashed on Earth, by the way.), I was just practicing with my joystick." as the picture pans out to show, why, oh my gosh, he wasn't jerking off, he was just playing with his joystick! Ha ha ha, isn't it a comedy goldmine? ... ... ...My thoughts exactly. I WOULD give this show an incredibly low and incredibly generous .5/4, but since the show smashes you upside the head with it's pop music soundtrack (The openning credits are the worse I've seen in years. I just cringe at the sight of them.), I am giving this show a big goose-egg.

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Amusing, but a little troubling...
Damaged3 December 2004
There's something fundamentally dishonest about a show that tries to portray college life, in which for its entire run nobody went to a single class or was seen studying, or had any issues with grades. I think one guy mentioned film class, and he wasn't even one of the main four. Trivia page mentions that its creator dropped out of college to work on it - why doesn't that surprise me?

Still, it made for a number of chuckle-filled evenings on Teletoon, and I'd always hoped for a second season to correct on the first season's limited scope.

Bloody hell what's with this "you must submit 10 lines for approval" crap?
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