Crocodile 2: Death Swamp (2002) Poster

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Hearing impaired
bl-639749 July 2020
The movie is what you'd expect, no disappointment there. But it was very hard to listen to. The audio Quality was horrible. you were always hearing it in kind of an echo.
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Almost Ruined by One Extremely Absurd Scene
Uriah439 August 2014
This movie begins with 4 men robbing a bank and killing several policemen as they make their escape. As part of their plan they then board a flight to Acapulco where they hope to live a life of luxury. Unfortunately, when they are told by the pilot that the flight has to turn back to the United States because of a terrible storm they decide to take over the airplane and continue on the original course. One thing leads to another and soon the airplane crashes in a swamp about 50 miles from their intended destination. One of the crooks dies in the process along with most of the other passengers. However, the few people who survive now have to contend with a giant crocodile who seeks vengeance upon everybody in the group for killing one of its offspring. Now, as far as this movie is concerned I thought that this was a dynamite film up until about the last 15 minutes or so when it was almost ruined by one extremely absurd scene copied right out of "Jaws 2". If not for that--and the excessive use of profanity--I would have rated this film higher. So, for what it's worth, even though it is better than the original I feel compelled to give it just average marks.
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Better than the first movie...
paul_haakonsen25 April 2019
With the limited impact the first "Crocodile" movie had and its limitations in terms of enjoyment and entertainment, then it was somewhat of a gamble to sit down and watch "Crocodile 2: Death Swamp".

Still, I have done so. And I must admit, that while "Crocodile 2: Death Swamp" by no means is a masterpiece, then it definitely turned out to be slightly more enjoyable than the first movie. Why? Well, because they upped their game significantly on the special effects department, and for the most parts throughout the entire movie, the crocodile was realistic and actually turned out quite well in favor of the movie.

As for the storyline in "Crocodile 2: Death Swamp", well... Let's just say it is subpar to the storyline in the first movie. The storyline, plot and script in this sequel was more generic and predictable, to the point where the storyline itself was an abomination.

The characters in the movie were even worse than in the first movie, especially the bad guys. Seriously? They were just laughable and seemed like something taken out of a very bad comic book.

The acting in the movie was adequate, taking into consideration that the actors and actresses had next to nothing to work with in terms of a proper script, storyline and plot.

What sets "Crocodile 2: Death Swamp" aside from the first "Crocodile" movie was the special effects which really lifted the movie up to a higher level and made it all the more enjoyable to sit through. Sure, this is the type of movie where you just dislodge your brain, sit back and enjoy the ride.
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Not as bad as you might imagine
David_Mark2 March 2004
If you are a fan of B-grade monster movies, this one is absolutely watchable, especially Heidi Lenhart. I may not know art, but I know what I like!

The plot is stupid, the acting terrible. Continuity and production values are non-existent. The budget appears to have been the change from inside the producers' car-seats. In short, it is everything you would expect from a straight-to-video creature feature. The film succeeds on its own terms.

Some reviewers complain about the obviously ersatz crocodile, but I enjoyed this low-budget quickie more than "The Matrix Reloaded" and "Scooby-Doo" combined (two recent CGI-laden Hollywood debacles.)

You can catch this on late-night cable as "Crocodile 2: Death Roll."
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What Strange Names
Theo Robertson14 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
!!!!! SPOILERS !!!!!

There`s two things that guarantee you`re going be watching a really bad movie . One is the name Victor Salva appearing in the credits and the other is the movie starting off in a way that seems to go against the movie`s title . Take CROCODILE 2 : DEATH SWAMP , with a title like that you`d expect either a crocodile or a swamp in the opening hook wouldn`t you ? Well you`d be wrong because this film starts with a bank robbery . But it`s not just any bank , no siree , it`s a bank where all the staff and customers are named Motherf***er as in " Hand over he money Motherf***er , on the ground Motherf***er , don`t look at me Motherf***er " . One thing that puzzled me about the robbers - Apart from them knowing everyone was named Motherf***er - was that they had a broad range of accents , but it`s suggested they`re in a band . Or something . Whatever . So the robbers ( And what a great name for a band ) decide to go on tour and hijack a plane which is in extremely poor taste . Before September 11 2001 it was only bad movies that featured people hijacking planes , post 9/11 there`s something offensive about this plot line . Oh and strangely all the passengers and crew in this aircraft are also called Motherf***er . Can someone in the States send me a private message and tell me how common the name Motherf***er is ? because that seems to be the only name the characters in this film are called . After the plane crashes ( Hope I didn`t spoil any plot twists there ) the survivors start getting eaten one by one by a crocodile and guess what its name is ? That`s right it`s called Motherf***er too . You really have to worry about the screenwriters naming every single character - Human or otherwise - with the exact same name .

I do have one good thing to say about CROCODILE 2 : DEATH SWAMP and that is Heidi Lenhart looks great in a bikini

One Shocking Trivia Point : The crocodile realization in this film was achieved via a combination of CGI and a rubber dummy . I`m sure no one noticed this untill I pointed it out
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Croc of Sh1te
ellis_craig24 December 2002
Had the misfortune to watch this on Sky TV. Awful acting and story line. Not worth the price of the video tape. Don't bother its totally lame.
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Dreadful but fun (if you can ignore the swearing)
categreen200020 February 2003
I agree completely with everyone who says this is a truly dreadful movie (and I'm pretty sure the guy who said it was better than CITIZEN KANE was joking). But... but... I had quite a fun time watching it (after the sub-KILLING ZOE bank job and its home-video titles)! I got this movie in a pack of 12 DVDs for £12 (Croc I and II; Octopus I and II; Spider I and II etc etc etc) -- all Nu Image releases, the same company that completely dismembered WILD SIDE when Donald Cammell handed it in (if you saw it and hated it, try and get hold of the recent reconstruction of it: a totally different -- and genuinely decent -- film. It just goes to show how important editing is in the movie-making process).

No, it's not KANE or AMBERSONS or even AMERICAN BEAUTY (an over-rated film if ever there was one -- if you want the edgy dark-side of US suburbia, watch BLUE VELVET; if you want slightly pretentious Oscar-bait, watch BEAUTY). Heck, I can't justify giving it more than 2/10 -- it's that poor! Neverthless I had a good time watching it (and the illustrious Tobe Hooper directed first instalment) and I reckon most other folks will too, just so long as they disengage their critical brains, open a beer, and can see through the tears of laughter caused by the awful acting and CGI!
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Big Croc Chomps Insignificant People
patrick-green8 May 2006
Right, the plot is as follows: a plane crashes in a swamp after some weird bank robbers kill the pilot to save their loot. A pathetic bunch of survivors then tramps around the swamp with a ludicrously fake-looking croc in pursuit. O-k what's the big deal? The film certainly does not answer the description I had from the video club: "I warn you kid, this film is traumatizing", traumatizingly bad more like it. The acting was awful and the croc looked VERY fake, even faker than in the first Crocodile. But in some bits they used an animatronic crocodile and it looked pretty impressive. As for the characters, I was quite glad when the croc started to use them as chew toys, they were sickeningly pathetic. Well, in all, I say DO NOT watch this movie. If you are looking for real entertainment rent another one.
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F-word attack!
natascha-vanrennes27 March 2003
I really enjoyed the first Crocodile, which was funny and amusing. But unfortunately Croc 2 is not that funny.

The first 30 minutes it's like watching Turbulence part IIV (meets Passenger 57). Some bad criminals (and they ARE bad because they carry a gun and they use the F-word in almost every phrase) are hijacking a plane and make it crash into a swamp where a hungry crocodile is waiting for dinner. Sounds exciting so far...

But what makes this movie dull is the fact that you see more 'bad guy is shooting hostage'-stuff than crocodile-attacks. And this storyline makes it all very predictable, too bad.

This movie is not completely terrible, but it's nothing special.

If you did enjoy this movie I recommend Blood Surf and Octopus.
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From the people that brought you Shark Attack 2 (2001), Spiders 2 (2001) and Octopus 2 (2001)
filmnut112 March 2011
While Tobe Hooper's Crocodile (2000) was very much a poor relation his Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974), in both a bunch of teens in the middle of nowhere encounter a deadly local threat, the sequel is more akin to the likes of Anaconda (1997), with a mature cast and the added presence of a human threat.

This time instead of partying youths, the protagonists are bank robbers and hostages. During a storm the desperate criminals hijack their flight to Acapulco and it crashes as a result. Exploiting weaknesses in airport security, pre-9/11, the thieves had been able to smuggle aboard weapons with laughable ease.

Stranded in a Mexican swamp, the thieves hold fellow survivors captive as they attempt to make their journey to safety with their loot. Unfortunately they have landed in the feeding ground of a ridiculously large crocodile. As they are eaten one by one, a plucky young heroine attempts to overcome the human and reptile threat to be united with her boyfriend.

A parallel plot in which the boyfriend becomes aware of his girlfriend's danger and sets out to find her fills out the running time and seems copied from I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (1998). There's nothing original in this movie and even the shocking denouement is a steal from Carrie (1976).

Stage scenes evoke the kind of creature features shot in the 1950s and Martin Kove lends quality support to a cast of unknowns doing a Harrison Ford impersonation with shades of Robert Shaw. Intertextual elements such as these mean that there is never a dull moment for genre fans.

While the settings for the film are the United States and Acapulco, it is quite clear from the closing credits that this film was made far beyond the fringes of Hollywood. Prolific production company Nu Image, who churned out a number of creature features in the early 00s, have made many of their films in South Africa and Bulgaria, but this was shot in India.

How much you enjoy Crocodile 2 will largely depend on your expectations and mood. I loved this when I first saw it and found it very bland the next. There's a modest amount of gore to please post-pub viewers of all ages but there's little that's memorable.
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Pretty silly b-movie horror
hellholehorror5 October 2017
This was pretty bad. The crocodile isn't even seen until near the end. It was not even seen enough after that. It is slightly worse than the first film due to a lack of nudity and a tone that was too serious. The effects are generally alright but in places good and other places bad. Basically a slow and pretty silly b-movie horror. Only for tatty horror fans.
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xah-27 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers

Once you accept that this is supposed to be a bad movie, you will realize you have a great one on your hands.

The vastly preferable title is "Crocodile 2: Death Roll." This becomes apparent when the first crocodile is killed, and then rolls over in imitation of a cockroach.

The twists and turns are outrageously hilarious. The beeper inside the second crocodile was an excellent touch, especially at the end when it helped preserve suspense about whether the second croc was killed by the explosion of swamp gas.
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It's entertaining
Jester6928 August 2002
Why do we watch movies??? To be entertained. This is a bad movie but I had a blast watching it. A movie can have bad acting,effects,story and more but if it keeps my attention, it works!!! If you aren't looking for the next Academy Award winner and just like to be entertained, this movie will do the job. If you are someone who's just into art and good acting, stay away!!! This is for beer drinking movie night!!!!
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Goofs Galore
TheDimReaper20 February 2003
Just go find them. This film is enjoyable for that feature alone. It redefines the meaning of "B" Movie. Enjoy! When I started watching this "Masterpiece of Mayhem", it was with open eyes and a heart full of expectations. I did and it did....NOT! Just watch it for plot holes and goofs and it becomes entertaining, the only reason for keeping one eye open.

Have fun with friends and lots of booze to see who can find the most goofs and continuity holes. The winner gets to send me a six pack!


Without these gems where would the bottom of the IMDB lists go?
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load of rubbish
wemonkey518 March 2003
what a load of rubbish i saw crocodile one and quite liked it although it was tacky and a bit predictable it was still good watching, Crocodile 2 however was a load of rubbish, the lead bad man was so false and I lost count of how many times he said the same swear word over and over mother**** the plot was very predictable and not worth the cost of making the movie the crocodile looked less real than the last film The video shop should have paid me to hire it
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drider198021 August 2002
I hope you're not that naive to believe our fellow reviewer below who claims this movie is better than "Citizen Kane" and "American Beauty." This movie is the sort that you'll find in the $1.99 bin at Blockbuster next month, or playing on the USA network at 3 in the morning. The special effects are horrible, the film is flat and there's nothing of any importance in this movie - a total waste of time. Don't even bother...please?

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I have seen some crappy flicks in my lifetime ...
RoaringFourties25 September 2005
... but this one takes the cake!

First of all, if people tell you this is a B-flick, ignore them. This isn't even a D-flick. The special affects of the monster are pretty much the cheapest you will ever see, unless your nephew makes a horror movie with Dad's camcorder.

OK, so it was bad. Let's focus on what was good. Nothing.

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, let's look at some details. I am not even going to mention that idiot who gets up after being soaked in water about a dozen times and lights a dry cigar. Probably Cuban. So, I mentioned him anyway. Sue me.

What else is there to say? I cannot believe Jeffrey Combs played in this movie - he played all sorts of frucks on Star Trek (just as badly I might add! Just imagine he was once considered as Commander Riker. Barf!). In this one he was the master thespian who portrayed 'Jack - gimme that Wiskey with the blond's pills in it', the really vicious bad guy who - big surprise - gets eaten. You'll probably sleep when he appears, so you won't remember.

Any other details that will go down in the annals of movie history? Oh, yes. I almost forgot. Wanna see a croc jump out of the water and eat a helicopter? Well, this movie is for you!

This super duper monster croc dies because the lead ditch (I think that should be spelled with a 'b') spills about 5 gallons of fuel on the water. What a devious plan. And high tech, too! Seriously, they spill a little fuel on the water and the darn thing goes splat. It was probably glad the movie was over. If it hadn't been, I would have doused myself in a little fuel.

Sometimes you see a movie and it makes you understand things. I now know what that silly monk in Vietnam was thinking those many years ago, when he lit himself on fire. He saw this movie coming. I guarantee it, no matter how that is spelled!

Well, I feel much better now. Mike

P.s.: OK, I take back that stuff about the lead ditch and needing to spell that with a 'b'. Heidi Lenhart deserves better work than this. And she is pretty!
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Alright- This was one of the most awesome movies i have ever seen(on sci-fi)
witchsmeller-14 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Even though it was pretty horrible, it was still awesome in the campy terrible over-acted sense of the word. Much like Skeleton man. If you like to poke fun at crappy movies, this is a goldmine. From the stereotypical angry black man(AWESOME)to the really terrible acting, this movie is hilarious. Yet, in comparison to the rest of the tripe lining the festering stomach that is sci-fi channel, i saw it as quite clear that this movie actually tried, and the effects weren't that bad (except for when the black guy gets shot out of the helicopter. All in all, this movie is your standard b-movie, and while i cannot tell you to go rent it, because it is not a groundbreaking b-movie like Plan nine from outer space, if you see it on sci-fi channel, i would recommend watching it if you have nothing else to do. However, be warned, this movie's first prominent death (prominent meaning death by crocodile) is a black man, which i found to be an unnecessary death.
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Not Horror nor Action. Just a mess but it's still entertaining.
insomniac_rod18 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin? I thought I was watching a B-movie Thriller after 20 minutes. The opening scene made me think if I was watching a "B-Horror Crodocile Flick".

Then, the whole plane crash scene could've been done in 10 minutes without all the cursing and violent scenes. A Horror movie needs violence but "Horror oriented", not plain violence that isn't common in the genre.

Anyways, it took several minutes for the real plot to develop. You know, the big crocodile attacking the survivors of the plane crash. Then, it takes too long before the crocodile appears on screen again and that means that there aren't many death scenes. By the time I stopped caring about the plot, the characters were getting dumber and dumber so the movie got interesting.

The ending didn't surprise me or provoke any reaction, because it seems that it was very rushed. I just wasted 90 minutes of my life in something that I didn't pay for, at least. I mean, this is far from being a "quality" low budget Horror flick.

The best features about Crocodile 2: -Mia. Heidi Lenhart is really, really hot. She has a spectacular body and you can witness at the end where she wears a sexy bikini. I wonder she hasn't starred in more B-flicks.

That's it.

The worst features: -The non sense dialogs.

-The cursing is exaggerated. The word "bitch" is probably 50% the whole dialogs in the movie.

-The acting. All the actors were terrible! This is probably the worst acted movie from 2002. Special recognition for the guy who gets killed for yelling. The guy provided the worst acting I've recently seen.

Memorable (for the wrong reasons) scenes include the fake, cheap CGI crocodile jumping about 10 meters and eat a guy who was giving the finger to him. Also, why would the tough black guy have his shirt ripped and reveal ONE nipple through all the movie? You can't get much worse that this movie.

Anyways, watch this movie only if you are HUNGRY, really hungry for a B-movie in all the sense of the term. Don't pay for it, don't rent it, just wait until it shows on cable.
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Terrible, but better than the first.
gridoon18 August 2003
It seems hard to believe, but this in-name-only "sequel" is actually slightly more fun than the original "Crocodile". Sure, the digital version of the croc looks as embarrassingly fake as it did the first time around (Jesus does it look fake), though the animatronic model looks OK. And the characters are equally unappealing and/or moronic, but at least some of them have an excuse this time - they're robbers, after all (one of them even looks like David Hess!). By the way, I spotted at least two references to Tarantino's movies, which must have been intentional. (*1/2)
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chewbar717 March 2003
This has got to be one of the worst films i've ever seen in in my entire life. It was absolutely diabolical. Crappy acting [at best] and a terrible script - This film only deserved a 1/10, although i was left laughing at the deaths which convinced me to push it up to a 2/10.
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Not the worst
Leofwine_draca10 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A mildly enjoyable B-movie sequel with a lot of high drama and tension ladled in throughout. The story is about a group of violent robbers whose escape plane crashlands in a Mexican swamp, at which point they're picked off one by one by a giant crocodile. It's as violent as you'd expect, but also quite well shot and certainly larger than life complete with a Samuel L. Jackson impersonator and KARATE KID villain Martin Kove as the pro hunter. Not the worst and of a higher quality than a lot of SyFy Channel and Asylum fare.
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Really good
simon-crock24 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Crocodile 2 Death Swamp is a really good movie. This movie is fun to watch and it got a lot of action in it to.This is the sequel to Tobe Hoopers Crocodile.Warning the first Crocodile is not so good.Crocodile 2 Death Swamp is not scary but it's a really cool movie with a lot of action. The movie is 90 minutes. The Directors name is Gary Jones (Musquito,Spiders,Raptor Planet). If you want to see other good Croc/Alligator movies i recommend. Lake Placid , Chorake (Crocodile1981),Dark Age, Alligator, Alligator2 , The Big Alligator River, Blood Surf(Krocodylus), Crocodile Fury , Brutal River. Have a nice day.
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Quite Good
knight_armour12 November 2005
I give this movie a '7 out of 10' on a 'B' movie scale. It was more entertaining than I expected and contained some twists and turns to the story that kept me watching it without getting bored. There is a good balance between action and character development as well. The special effects are as good as they come for this kind of movie but you won't be so concerned about that because the setting and story will keep you entertained. Acting is good with the main female character doing a great job. The bad guys are also pretty convincing with focus on mainly just two of them. Strangely, I would say this movie is as much about humans as it is about the crocodile.
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joshmorgan23 April 2013
While the first movie was no masterpiece - it at least TRIED to be entertaining. This Tobe Hooper-less sequel finds a bevy of plane crash survivors who are hunted by killer crocs. I'd go on further, but a self-defense mechanism kicked in (meaning - my brain erased the memory of watching this immediately after completion). Hey, at least I'm honest - which is more than can be said for the producers. There's not even a crocodile in the film! Just the occasional close up of a snout and tail. From the director of the far superior Spiders (the 2001 movie - NOT the remake). This is one of those straight to video titles that helped put Trimark out of business (hence their catalog is now being distributed by Lions Gate).
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