Scary Movie 2 (2001) Poster


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Look, I love it!
alexscott-3529911 July 2021
I totally understand that this film and all of the scary movie films are pretty terrible films but I just can't help but love them! The comedy in this film is right up my street, it's ridiculous and it makes fun of all the classic horror films that I love. The comedy is just pure crude and I find it absolutely hilarious and will always film it funny. This is a great film to watch with friends and have a good laugh with, it's just contagious once one person if laughing. I will forever think that this movie is the best of the series and I think that is hands down because of the cast, how did they get Tim Curry in this thing? I will never know! Overall though I just love this movie and I don't care what anyone says as this will always be up there for movies to have a laugh to. I love it!
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Mindless fun
Notraxxs4 July 2001
Is there a plot? Not really. Do we care? Not really. Scary Movie 2 strings the audience along from one gag after another. There are some big laughs in this film but sometimes it's tedious getting to them. See this late at night with a full theatre and you're going to have a good time. It's just as raunchy as the first one and just as tasteless. That's why the first one was so popular. It's a mouth full of laughs (just ask Tori Spelling).
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It has moments of classic toilet humor.
victor775426 March 2006
Scary Movie 2 has some very funny moments but overall the film is a generic mock film.

Chris Elliot's portrayal of the butler in this trivial sequel is gut splitting. Saturday Night Live would benefit with a skit using Elliot's Character. Anna Farris somehow keeps a comical sisterly approach throughout the movie. Marlon Waylan's homosexual tendencies are amusing. The cat fight has one holding back tears.

There's not much going on here except mocking popular horror films. It's a light amusing film that somehow leaves you feeling good. A mindless romp through a popular formula. It works. It's stupid but good stupid.
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Clever and Witty but Mixed Emotions.
remember_the_daze15 October 2002
I have various mixed emotions about this sequel to the hit SCARY MOVIE. It wasn't as good but it delivered many laughs and slap-on-knees. I was a little surprised at this one on how they could spoof any movie right after the other. If you really liked the first one, you could be disappointed or satisfied with this one. I was satisfied. 7/10

My MPAA rating: R for strong crude sexual content and humor, drug use and language.
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Makes "pull my finger" seem like sophisticated wit
Asteri-Atypical21 August 2002
I can only imagine this movie being enjoyed by teenagers who find "pull my finger" to be "mature, sophisticated" humour.

It's remarkably childish - but not in a funny way. No clever ironies, no "just plain fun" moments. Merely jokes that are of the ilk of those which you might hear in junior high beting uttered by pre-teens just discovering certain body parts. The few moments which might have been slightly funny could not be enjoyed because we've heard it all before in junior high.

If you think passing gas in an elevator is quite amusing, you may enjoy parts of this movie. Otherwise avoid it like the plague.
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Oh, come on! Let go! Trust me, it's not that bad!
Smells_Like_Cheese5 August 2001
OK, not Oscar material and this was pretty badly made. But again like most brainless comedies, I walked in the theater with a good mood and expecting a laugh and I got that with "Scary Movie 2". I mean people are being so harsh on this film, I understand, I know this isn't the greatest movie or comedy. But if you aren't expecting fun and laughter, I think normally you just feel like bashing the movie then.

We have some of the old cast members from the original Scary Movie: Anna Farris, a surprising return of Regina Hall, and Marlon and Shawn Wayne. This Scary Movie took on the films like The Exorcist(hilarious scene by the way), Poltergeist, The Haunting, Mission Impossible, Charlie's Angels, and What lies beneath. With some great add ons like Tim Curry, I just had a great time. Tori Spelling, yeah, she's a bit scary, but for some reason she still gets her equal share of laughs.

The Butler just killed me with the hand. Yes, it was gross, but I think you just have to let go and just go with the joke. Scary Movie 2 isn't the best comedy ever, but it's a decent one with your brain turned off. Sick jokes, yes, and very crude one's, this movie isn't for everyone. But I think if you enjoyed the first Scary Movie, you'll enjoy this one too!

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Ridiculously and painfully bad... they should have kept their promise.
imlanglois12 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
A quick warning. Some things I say here might be construed as spoilers. So if you're really worried about me giving away some joke or plot point of Scary

Movie 2, beware my spoilers and read no further. But personally, I don't think anything could spoil this movie any more than it has spoiled itself.

Part of the advertising campaign for Scary Movie was that there would be no

sequel. I wish with every fiber of my critical mind that the Wayans had been true to their word.

Scary Movie was quite funny. Somehow, they managed to successfully parody

a self-parodying genre. This, I think, is mostly because the creative team wasn't afraid to push limits of tastefulness (-lessness), and there was a certain

innocence to their humour. A crass innocence, lacking in the sophistication of a Zucker/Abrahams production like Airplane! or The Naked Gun, but a simplicity of style in the way the jokes were told. While neither film has a grasp on comic pacing, the jokes of the first film still landed. And I laughed.

Scary Movie 2, however, is a complete and total failure on all levels. Riding the success of the first, the Wayans pump up the bodily-fluid jokes, none of which are amusing. Some, in fact, are direct replicas of the jokes in the first. They also seem to believe that it is funny when someone says "motherf***er" for no

reason, in an inappropriate instance. And it can be funny. When used

sparingly, the shock value of that kind of gag breaks the tension of a scene, and with a proper set up, will illicit laughter. It is not funny, however, when that is the punch line of literally every other exchange of dialogue (variations include

characters saying: "f*** this," and "shut the f*** up," among others).

This relates directly to one of the fundamental flaws of the film, which is that there is never any tension, or solid foundation of a joke, ever established. A great joke starts out like a string pulled tighter and tighter until one of two things happens: either it breaks from its own tension or it is cut. Mike Myers is the master of pulling the string until it snaps of its own accord; as in the Austin Powers movies, he holds off on a punch line, or drags one out, for so long that it eventually becomes funny (consider his villains laughing diabolically for two whole minutes in the first film). Either that, or the setup, with no superfluous distractions, is clean, taut, and then cut at the appropriate moment. In Scary Movie 2, the Wayans try and fit so many stupid things into one scene or one

joke, that, as a result, the setup is never clean, and the punch line never lands. Rarely, in fact, is there a punch line. Also, we see characters repeatedly cutting the tension by commenting on their surroundings (self-reference is dangerous

in comedy... it fails as often as it works). At one moment, a character can deliver an absurd line with no one noticing it, and then in the next, a character might comment on a similar line by saying "that's a stupid thing to say." Consider two situations: in the first, the audience sees some food tampered with, or tainted in a disgusting manner, which is then consumed by a character in the film. In the second, the character sees the food tainted, is obviously and vocally disgusted, and simply does not eat. The first can be (though not always) funny because

the reaction is elicited on the part of the AUDIENCE. The AUDIENCE should

feel disgusted, or should laugh at the situation, not the characters. We know something the characters do not. This creates the tension and the release for us. Scary Movie 2 repeatedly opts for the second type of joke. There is no

tension, no mystery, and absolutely no funny. Likewise, half the time, the

characters are scared and the other half they recognize that their world is one of parody and comedy. Characters in a parody must accept and address their

predicament with life or death seriousness, or it kills the comedy. Consider Leslie Nielsen in the Naked Gun films. To Frank Drebin, everything was

serious. It was how seriously he treated absurd situations that made it funny.

There is also very little effective parody, if any. Movies are not parodied here. They are merely referenced. Just because I recognize variances on scenes

from the Exorcist, Mission Impossible 2, Charlie's Angels, etc. doesn't mean

they're funny. The source material is not mocked, commented on, or made light of in any capacity at all. They are merely replicated with swearing and sex- jokes tacked on.

Finally, the film can't settle on a tone. In one scene (in fact, in many scenes), a character is sprayed or covered in some disgusting substance, only to be clean and rid of it in the next. Fine. Perfect. That's the way these movies work. But in another scene, ridiculous occurrences (such as getting in a fistfight with a

possessed cat who handles a broken bottle) are treated with a seriousness and meaning by the characters involved. One character supposedly has carnal

interactions with a ghost/monster, and the issue is dropped. Another does the same thing, and it becomes a plot point. Either this is a movie that exists as a coherent story or exists as essentially a series of sketches with punch lines, but it can't be both. Actually, that's not true. Films made by brilliant comedians can do both, because they understand the nuances of their craft. The Scary Movies are not made by craftsmen. They are made by fart-joke purveyors. The first film embraced that.

The second film is a little too ambitious, an 82-minute marathon of poor setups and no laughs, all the while wishing it could be a real movie that tells a story. What scares me the most is that Scary Movie 2 is part of a trilogy. May the

movie gods save us all. Rating (1/10)
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Phoenix-10720 July 2001
Although not quite as funny as the original, I still enjoyed Scary Movie 2 very much. While some bits are downright idiotic, some are genuinely hilarious, and will have you rolling in the aisles. If you're not a fan of Scary Movie, you won't like this one either, however. But, if you enjoyed the first, come back to see this one too.
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Oh dear.
darthgnu15 February 2006
About as funny as having ones testes chewed by a mutant army of rabid goats. Not even so bad it's funny. Gone so far past not funny that it overshot so bad it's funny and instead emerged in the murky and not oft explored world of absolute, unmitigated, unwatchable tripe. Run for your Lives! I was once involved in a minor car accident. It was much more fun than Scary Movie II. Please don't watch this. This plot is non-existent, not really a problem for a well scripted entertaining comedy, but this isn't one. From beginning to thankless end this monstrosity does not contain a single even mildly amusing moment. I laughed more in Brief Encounter. The acting is so bad it hurts, the script was written by diabetic gibbons with Tourettes and the general tone of this crime against humanity is so painfully patronising i was forced to jump up and down on my DVD until it was rendered conclusively unwatchable, avoiding any possible future chance that i might one day trip on a children's toy and accidentally drop the DVD into the player again, forcing me, God forbid, to sit before some of its cringeingly, achingly dull content again. Do anything to avoid ever seeing this abhorration. Take any necessary steps. Murder? Worth it. The only aspect of this movie that has any merit whatsoever is the title, which is fittingly apt. As the epithet suggests, this is indeed a Scary Movie, terrifyingly, spine-chillingly bad. Don't Do It.
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Stupid pothead humor
mikayakatnt18 February 2020
It was good when I was a kid. But it aged like moldy cheese.

2.5/5 + 1 for the golden days of cheap early 2000s comedy.
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Loved Scary movie 1, sequel is TERRIBLE. STAY AWAY
tombell16 July 2001
I can't believe how bad this movie is. The entire movie revolves around extremely crude stupid sexual jokes, anything somewhat funny is already covered in the trailers. I would give this movie a - 4 if it were possible. Please try to avoid this movie at all costs. It is one of the worst i have ever seen.
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Hilarious! very crude and edgy.
insomniac_rod18 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is the raunchiest of the Scary Movies. If you thought the original was "too much", well, this one will truly give you more reasons to avoid it for it's vulgar content and crude sex jokes. That's for you, easily offended people.

I had a great time with it when it first came out in theaters. I really liked the crude sex humor and vulgar spoofs. So for those who are into sex jokes and scatological humor, you will be amused.

The opening sequence is truly hilarious and in my opinion, the best part of the movie. It was about time that the "Scary Movie" franchise had an Exorcist spoof! It was great. James Woods in the role of Father Merrin delivers a hysterical performance relying most of his scenes on scatological humor and profanity. For example, when Reagan says "f*** me" and he immediately jumps into her and simulates to be penetrating her. Another example is the line where Reagan's mother says "she won't even let me touch her!" and the priest responds "yeah sometimes that happens, you have to give candy to the children" (or something like that); obviously referring to recent pederastry cases. On the other side, the movie also has "classical" but always effective teen humor . For example, when entering the room for the first time, he gets scared and runs away when Reagan turns her head on 180º; and the always effective vomiting cycle.

After the Exorcist spoof, the movie centers on the Poltergeist and Entity spoofs. That's when the movie takes a new direction and does not changes from it. Expect spoofs from popular t.v. commercials, songs (Vitamin C), and even racist and homophobic jokes. The sex jokes worth a watch specially on the infamous clown scene, and the sex ghost.

"Scary Movie 2" does not "cross" the line on the vulgar factor. It's just a good rated R movie with spoofs for all tastes; of course, if you are not easily offended. But be sure to watch it on DVD; do not watch the t.v. version because it's very cut (specially on dialogs).

This is in my opinion the best of the "Scary Movies".
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Classic Wayans Bros.
rradosti26 February 2020










This movie is great and what I think is an awesome installment. This is a film I watched over and over at one point in my life when I was younger. I love the comedy and the differing cast! I don't like how at times the sketches/scenes can feel stitched together or out of place. This sequel technically makes no sense due to Ray being a villain in the first Scary Movie, but I guess they let bygones be bygones. Over all a great addition!
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Someone remind me why I wasted 99 cents on this??!
phrosty2012 March 2003
Wow, as bad as "Scary Movie" was, I didn't expect it could get much worse. "Scary Movie 2" is exponentially worse, though there is something to be said for utter stupidity with no clever humor involved whatsoever. I just can't remember what it is at this moment...

If you hated Beverly Hills 90210, however, you'll get to see Tori Spelling in one of her finest roles yet: cheap ho for a polergeist.
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Bottom of the Barrel
Tom Schulz17 July 2001
I might have to do some checking up on this, but I'm pretty sure that seven writers is a record high for a non-anthology film. And just what is this cinematic treat scripted with so many pens? It's probably really good, right? I mean, with seven writers, it would have to be extremely good…or very, very bad. Unfortunately, it is the latter, and the movie is `Scary Movie 2.' This sequel of the funny teen-horror spoof `Scary Movie' has none of the subtleties, parodies, or even big laughs the original film did. Instead, it digresses to overtly sexual and gross-out humor which doesn't even work on a gut level. I feel sorry for every person associated with this project.

The story line is actually a little more involved for `Scary Movie 2,' as if you needed a plot to set up the horrendous `laugh scenes,' which are fewer and far between this time. Classic camp actor Tim Curry is Professor Oldman, a college teacher who recruits a group of students to spend the night in a haunted house so he can conduct some sort of experiment (though we never really understand what that experiment is all about). Of course, this group contains most of the kids from the first `Scary Movie,' including innocent Cindy (Anna Faris), loud-mouthed Brenda (Regina Hall), marijuana-obsessed Shorty (Marlon Wayans), and sexually questionable Ray (Shawn Wayans). New this time is straight-arrow Clark (Christopher Masterson). The house is inhabited by the twisted butler Hanson (Chris Elliot) and even a ghost (`Night Court's' Richard Moll). The kids slowly discover the mysteries and secrets of the house, and make every bodily function, sexually oriented, inappropriate joke along the way.

There are those who complain about this style of humor in general, and therefor will not see this movie. However, sometimes it works, such as in the original `Scary Movie,' `American Pie,' and even at the far end of the scale, `There's Something About Mary.' There, the gross out is permissible because there are characters we mildly care about, or there are other types of humor going on as well.

However, `Scary Movie 2' is the prime example of where gross out humor can go wrong. Instead of playing up some of the humorous character stereotypes, or mixing in some creative horror movie parodies with the gross-out humor, `Scary Movie 2' relies solely on it. It seems to me that many scenes in the film were robbed of their comic potential so our seven scriptwriters could fit more vomit, feces, and other unmentionable bodily concoctions into the film.

There are a few laughs that harked back to `Scary Movie,' and those scenes always feature one of the two Wayans brother's characters. Even though they had five other folks working with them, its clear that this is their project. Maybe those other five scriptwriters fought back and added in the gross-out stuff.

As for performances, the same can be said. Both Wayans seem to have more comedic experience than their fellow teen-age counterparts. Faris is better than she was in the first `Scary Movie,' but nowhere near as funny. Plus, she still looks and sounds just a little too odd for me. Curry hasn't had a good role since the mid 80's, and its sad that this is the caliber of film he works in. There are other famous cameos including James Woods as a priest and former Conan O'Brien sidekick Andy Richter as his assistant, but one must wonder what they are doing slumming around in this film. After watching Woods in his worst performance to date, it frightened me to realize that Marlon Brando was originally cast in the role. There would be no saving his career had he gone through with this.

If you have any desire to be thoroughly disgusted, or like your humor from the bottom of the barrel (and I mean bottom!) then check out `Scary Movie 2.' Otherwise, go on living your life with the knowledge than unlike myself, you managed to escape this waste of a sequel.
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Such a let-down from the first one! (Spoilers)
JadeEagle22419 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I *loved* the original Scary Movie. I'm a huge fan of parody- it is my favorite form of humor. It is sometimes regarded as the most intelligent form of humor. The Wayans boys seemed to grasp that concept perfectly in the original film, then temporarily forgot it when making the sequel. I think the Wayans' are a family of comical geniuses. Alas, even geniuses make mistakes.

The movie begins with promise. I liked "The Exorcist" parody, especially the "come on out, ma" gag. Now, that's Wayans-quality material. But, other than that, I can only think of two other times I laughed: 1) when Tori Spelling is seduced in the middle of the night by a spirit, then becomes clingy and starts talking about marriage with him. Meanwhile, he's saying, "It was just a booty call!!" That was kinda funny. 2) The "Save the Last Dance" parody where the Cindy character inadvertently beats up a girl while practicing her new moves. But even the short-lived giggles are no match for the side-splitting laughs of the first Scary Movie.

The rest of the movie is pure trash, filled with cheap gross-out gags. Jokes from the first movie which were subtle or implied are magnified and overdone. For example, in Scary Movie I, several innuendos are made to imply that the character Ray is gay. This was hilarious. But, in Scary Movie II, the whole penis-strangulation scene with Ray under the bed was mind-numbing and incredibly unfunny. This is the pattern of the whole film. Shock humor *alone* doesn't take a movie very far. This was a trend in 2000 and 2001, unfortunately.

As much as it pains me to rate a Wayans movie so low, I have to give this one a 2 out of 10.
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Doesn't beat the first, but still has a lot of potential.
moviemaniac00814 June 2008
Scary Movie 2 is way badder than the first. Scary Movie 1 had laughs every single minute of the movie, but the second one is less funny. The interpretation was still very good, and Keenan Ivory Williams is still able to direct his movie, but let's just say it's not as funny and as organized as the first Scary Movie. Yeah, you get a laugh every once a while, but still, that's not enough to make this movie one of my favourites. It's watchable, but still, as I said many times, Scary Movie 1 is way much better. The Wayans brothers are still pretty good, but I've seen a lot better (and funnier) results from them than from Scary Movie 2.
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The weakest parody I've ever seen
bootjangler8 April 2006
This movie is terrible.

I struggle to understand how this got commissioned at all. The 'movie parody' parts are hardly parodies at all, and the scenes outside of this are weak, weak, weak on comedy.

The very first movie parody is of The Exorcist and I'd love the writers to explain to me how they have expanded the original to make it funny.

Whereas movies like Airplane or Naked Gun used killer humour, this goes for a simple 'pie in the face' or 'fart' scenes, some of which are unintelligible to anyone outside of American sub culture.

The Wayan brothers certainly have a charmed life in Hollywood.

'Airplane' started all of this - but at least that was funny, witty and had some sort of plot.
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Stupid but a lot of fun.
becky-9234624 March 2022
Scary Movie 2 (2001) follows four teens who are tricked into staying at a haunted mansion for a school research project. This film isn't good per say, but it is a lot of fun and definitely one to watch with friends.

The humour was ridiculous yet charming, very stereotypically 2000s. It had me laughing out loud from the very start but, there again, I have a broken sense of humour! The references to pop culture really added to the humour and made it funnier in my opinion. However, I wasn't a fan of the gross visual jokes and I found myself unable to watch them.

The film didn't have much interesting cinematography and visuals but I don't think it needed it. Plus the set designs were quite good, and there genuinely were some decent colour palettes throughout.

The acting was poor but this was definitely intentional, and the characters were strangely loveable in a way. All the acting was over exaggerated and the characters followed stereotypes that mock other horror films. There were some fun and unexpected cameos too, for example I didn't expect Tim Curry to be in it, and found his character very funny.

Lastly, the pacing worked well for this type of film as it was fast and witty, never dwelling on one moment for too long. Also, something I really didn't expect was that the story was actually pretty engaging.
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Cinematic vomit!
whatisitskip5622 February 2006
This is easily the worst film I have ever seen. When I saw the first I was 15 and like most low to mid teen males I found it funny although looking back it really was a stupid waste of time. This sequel, however, is absolute tosh. The production values are unbelievably atrocious and not in a funny or camp way. Everything looks as though it was strapped together with duct-tape. The jokes are not funny in the slightest. The spoofs are unjustified and every single gag is just plain gross, opting for the lowest common denominator every time. Toilet humour is the name of the game and toilet humour is practically all you are going to get. I actually felt sorry for the actors in this film as I can not imagine how degrading and career destroying it must have been to appear on such unbridled trash. It is a sad tragedy that such films can make it to cinemas. Do not see this film, it physically hurts your eyes and brain to do so.
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Gross, albeit funny
Unabashedly hilarious at times and self-aware despite its reliance on grossness, Scary Movie 2 only works as far as you can tolerate it.

Scary Movie 2 is a fun time for the most part and i like some of the limits its willing to trespass to achieve these laughs. It feels aware of itself and for a good chunk of the film, it doesn't try to be something that it isn't. The final act of the film balances a lot of adventure and comedy and i felt these sequences betrayed a lot of what the film stood for and wasn't all that exciting or well-done. The grossness depicted as well as the characters depicted feel over-the top and too slimey.
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Do Not Waste Your Time or Money
movie_watcher8 July 2001
The first one was different and funny. This attempt should have never left the studio. This movie does not make you laugh. It is a weak attempt at gross out humor. The movie picks out current and old movies to rip-off. This time the jokes seem used and overdone. The audience that I saw it with only re-acted to Hannibal dinner scene and was otherwise asleep.
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Forget the professional whiners here, plenty to laugh at here.
stevencasey15 April 2020
A proper laugh riot all the way from beginning to end. Plenty of stuff to miss and catch on a second or third watch. Tim Curry is a delight as always, as is Veronica Cartwright. Even James Woods manages to be watchable.
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Scary Movie 2
IceCream-5720 January 2024
This movie has some funny parts, but not as many as the original just being perfectly honest. It has some parts here and there but just wasn't the same. The story centers around many characters from the original film, some that actually died in the original, but hey who is asking lol. The characters are now in college and get invited to a mansion which turns out to be haunted. That is pretty much it with the story. Just horny ghosts from there and silly fart and seman jokes after that. The Wayans Brothers are very talented but this one os just ok. I would recommend seeing it just to watch because it is still the original characters.
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God Help Us
MrTommyMazur19 August 2003
I saw this movie cause I like the first one. But this was bad. It was like they tried to hard to make the us laugh. The typical sex jokes and "Hey lets make fun of disabled people". The best part of the movie was when it was over.

Rating: One Thumb Up
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