Sweet Home Alabama (2002) Poster

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Does Your Conscience Bother You? (Tell Me True)
RJBose18 November 2002
"Sweet Home Alabama" conceived as a simple "star vehicle" for Reese Witherspoon is advertised as a "romantic comedy". It's is quite formulaic, and surely no one entering the theater (or renting the video or DVD)has any doubt as to with whom Reese's Melanie Charmichael (Smooter) will end up with when the closing credits start to roll.

Herein lies the basic fault, however, with this interpretation of a tried and true plotline: by the end of the film it seems apparent that both of the two men in Melanie's life would be far better off without her. After accepting a proposal of marriage by the handsome and ambitious son of the May of New York City, Melanie proceeds back home to Alabama to finalize her divorce from her high school (and childhood) sweetheart, whom she abandoned seven years before, but has refused to sign the divorce papers. Upon returning to her modest roots (at variance with the more gentile upbringing she has led her New York friends and followers to believe) she insults her parents and old friends, becomes drunk (and mean) and vomits into her former husband's truck; let the hilarity ensue! In the meantime, in the part of the movie where the new fiancee is supposed to be revealed as boorish, vain and superficial, quite the opposite occurs, and the viewer is left with a very sympathetic view of the upperclass New York society man, who truly loves Melanie, and forgives her untruthfulness. Melanie's former husband, having set out to win Melanie back by making a success of himself in the intervening years discovers her to be the shallow superficial snob of the movie. Why then, would he want her back? Why did Melanie make up the story of a plantation upbringing anyway? She's just a conniving, lying, scheming, mean drunk.Where is the romance? Where is the comedy? Certainly not in Alabama.
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Reese Witherspoon as a smart, sassy blonde? Hard to believe, I know.
daddyfads8 December 2004
I cannot envision anyone but Reese Witherspoon as Melanie, a snooty-but-lovable up-and-coming New York City fashion designer from Alabama who receives a marriage proposal from the prominent, well-bred son of the mayor of New York. Of course, this means that she must go back to the small town where she was raised to demand a divorce from Jake (Josh Lucas) - seven years after walking out on him.

Aside from being a love story, this film shows us that you cannot escape your past, no matter how hard you try. Everywhere she turns Reese's character is beset by the people and events of her youth. Old friends seem almost compelled to reminisce about their youthful escapades. She just cannot seem to get away from it. You really get a sense of how she must feel when you see her in the honky-tonk bar, surrounded by rednecks with no visible exit.

Witherspoon is right at home in the role as a smart, sassy young woman ala 'Legally Blonde'. However the real star of the show is Josh Lucas. His expressive face lends an authenticity to Jake that transcends the stereotypical former football star and produces a charismatic, likable guy who just wants to win back his girl. But if it is stereotypes that you want, they are there to be found. Most prominent is the mother of Reese's fiancé, played by Candice Bergen. She is one tough politician who is as cold as ice and predictably obsessed with her public image. Others include the independent, feminist girlfriend, the redneck buddies and a gay fashion designer.

Director Andy Tennant also likes to deal with some classic historical and societal conflicts in this movie, such as the North versus the South. In addition to numerous Yankee/redneck jokes, Witherspoon's dad (Fred Ward) is involved in the regular reenactment of a Civil War battle. Tennant also seems to be a fan of love's ability to prevail in the face of these conflicts. His film 'Ever After' has a similar theme – it deals with the struggle between nobility and commoner during medieval times. Specifically, it is about a Prince who falls in love with a peasant girl. Despite the odds, their love overcomes this obstacle.

If you like romantic comedies, you should like this film. Despite its flaws this movie is upbeat, entertaining and it comes with a lesson about the futility of trying to escape your past that might prove invaluable to some audience members.
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Home is where the heart is
Smells_Like_Cheese27 October 2006
I found Sweet Home Alabama to be a very sweet romantic comedy, Reese Witherspoon was just so adorable in this film. I wanted to see Sweet Home Alabama because I love Reese and remember hearing so much about it when it was released. So, of course, I figured now would be a good time to rent it and find out what this movie was about. Over all, I'd say it was a bit over rated(everyone I knew who saw this movie loved it), but still a watchable romantic comedy.

Sweet Home Alabama is about a girl, Melanie, she is about to marry the mayor of New York city's son. But she has a bit of a bumpy past in the south where her family and old friends are, she's still married to Jake, her high school sweetheart. Without trying to bring up her embarrassing past to her fiancée, she has to get things done and settled with everyone, including her husband. But she slowly discovers how much she missed her true home and how much of a wonderful guy that Jake is.

A bit predictable and silly, but over all I would recommend Sweet Home Alabama for a lite comedy that most could enjoy. Like I said, it's not that big of a deal, but I love Reese Witherspoon personally, so you might disagree, but then again, how will you know if you don't give the movie a shot? So, sit back and just have fun!

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Glad I listened to my instinct, not the critics. A fine and funny movie!
TxMike6 February 2003
Ever hear of the story of crying "wolf?" Most of the extra forceful reviews of "Sweet Home Alabama" are the professional and amateur reviewers that try to tell us, "stay away, this is a waste of your time, do not see it." Bull-dinkey! They are just crying "wolf" for some unknown reason. This is a fine, funny movie that relies more on an ensemble cast than just on Reese Witherspoon. The writing is smart and funny, the directing fits the comedic mood of the story, and the acting is just right. Although it is a quite different film from "Legally Blonde" and "Election", I enjoyed it just as much, and will enjoy it upon repeat viewings.

no SPOILERS here...

Critic Ebert has a good summary of the story so I won't repeat any of it here. For those who may see the film and wonder how much the small town life is exaggerated, let me tell you "not much!" I grew up in a very small southern town, and I go back on occasions for high school reunions. What is depicted in this film is pretty darned close to reality, with some license taken for making the story a bit more interesting. Pay special attention to the story with the cat, and its burned tail, and watch closely at the end. :-)

The DVD is fine but the picture is not "reference" quality. The sound is Dolby 5.1 but surround channels are not very dynamic. The "extras" has several deleted scenes, and also includes the original ending that was scrapped after comments from test screenings. They had to re-shoot and I think the eventual ending is very appropriate. The first and last scenes complement each other very well.

"Sweet Home Alabama" - a fine movie for those who enjoy a good comedy, and especially those who like Reese Witherspoon.
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A charming and funny comedy movie.
cineasten8921 March 2005
I am glad I didn't listen to critics and watched this movie! It is a very good movie with charm, humor, sadness and most of all, genial acting! Reese Witherspoon and Josh Lucas are the two characters that you can relate to. Especially the dog part is very fun. I think what makes this movie good is that it is a story you can relate to, but made with humor. Yet there are a part sadness in the story.

It begins with that Melanie is asked by the son of the mayor if she wants to marry him. Then she says yes, but she has things to make up and decides to go down to her hometown in Alabama to get a divorce from her husband who she hasn't met for years, not after she lost her child and he was drunk on their wedding.

The concept and plot is very smart, when the tone is told with humour even in situations that are serious. In fact, if the movie hadn't humor, it had been falling apart. The humor is lifting the story to a little more than just good. It is so fun, so full of genial and amusing characters, excellent acting and an excellent ending. Maybe a movie that mostly girls like to watch, but anyway a good movie.
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Predictable but still enjoyable
stevebintley20 January 2021
It's pretty easy to see where the storyline is going from the outset but it remains an enjoyable story with plenty of smiling throughout and entertaining moments. An easy going film which I've been able to watch a few times now and still enjoy, so it must be doing something right!
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A Good Movie With a Ridiculous and Corny Conclusion
claudio_carvalho27 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Melanie Carmichael (Reese Witerspoon) is a successful designer in New York. His fiancée Andrew Hennings (Patrick Dempsey) is the son of the Major Kate Hennings (Candice Bergen) and the most disputed man in New York. Her Cinderella dream is not complete because she has some `skeletons in her closet': she is still married in Alabama with Jake Perry (Josh Lucas). She goes to her hometown and asks for the divorce to Jake. He refuses and she makes his life a hell. In the end, Jake, who is still in love with her, agrees with the divorce and Melanie is able to marry Andrew. In order to avoid spoiler, I finish my summary in this point. This film is very funny until the marriage of Melanie and Andrew. However, the conclusion of the story is ridiculous and corny. It is a shame how some directors have to use cliches and commercial ends, killing a good story. My vote is six.
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Sweet my a$$-typical Hollywood schlock
girlgeek10 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
How could anyone like this movie? I avoided this movie because I thought it would be merely fluff, but a girlfriend brought it over for movie night, so I decided to give it a try. While I generally love Reese Witherspoon in many movies (Election and Freeway are awesome) neither she nor the other good actors could rescue the bad story, two-dimensional characters and poor writing in this trite movie. C'mon gals, do women really act like this? Would you treat good people who love you like that? No way. Why do male screenwriters decide to portray us like this anyway? At the end of the movie I said out loud, "This must have been written by a man". Sure enough: (Story By, Screenplay By, Directed By) all men.

**SPOILER** Additionally, I am getting sick and tired of the leave-them-at-the-alter-but-we-can-still-be-friends? overused storyline. Why is it considered romantic to treat another good person who loves you in such a cruel manner? It seems that disregard for kindness, decency and public humiliation is the best romantic story in today's vapid Hollywood boardrooms. This woman is rude and cruel to good people. She says and treats people horribly and we are supposed to believe that if she says "I'm sorry y'all" or gets a little weepy that this is good enough for 100% redemption? As a viewer, this was a hard pill to swallow. She lies to the man she loves in both cases; runs away when times are tough ("for good times and bad, til death do us part" yeah right); publicly humiliates her friends (several times); betrays confidences that in the deep south could mean life or death--Give me a break! I believe that you should be able to empathize with the protagonist, but I found that I hated her and the story. Why do we choose to be spoon-fed this insipid crap? I think that as moviegoers paying good money that we need to be a little more critical when a bad story, bad dialog and unbelievable situations arise in movies.
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I can't seem to stop watching this film...
azey1319 September 2005
I was surprised to find the rating when I first checked it out, but I suppose it's a matter of personal experience and the taste that goes with it. I like to be reminded of my own personal experience (which is similar) and compare it to what the main character goes through in the movie. I suppose you'll like it if it means something to you, so if you've got issues with your past (relationships, particularly) and you like happy endings, give this film a shot. There's a bit of stereotyping in the film though, but they're presented humorously, so I didn't really mind. Besides, they aren't very damaging stereotypes (at least in my view), nor very annoying ones.
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Full of Southern Charm
anemone9021030 April 2018
Sweet Home Alabama is a rom-com that stands the test of time. It's one of Reese Witherspoon's most endearing (yet sassy) roles, and it's Josh Lucas in his prime rom-com hero days. Which I guess didn't last all that long, but still, this is the movie that introduced many to him. The chemistry between these two is great and the witty banter and arguing is quite fun. While all in all, it's a silly movie not to be taken too seriously, it does have some shining moments where more serious themes factor in: divorce, loss, homosexuality, identity, roots, family loyalty, and acceptance. Pre-Greys Anatomy Patrick Dempsey is funny is it as the third point in the love triangle.
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I was rooting against the lead.
EpeeBill14 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
By the 30 minute mark of this movie, I was completely revolted with the lead character. She was condescending and manipulative from the beginning, which is fine, a romantic comedy often has a story arch where a character learns and becomes a better person, thereby 'deserving' the love of their life.

But, after her big epiphany, the Melanie's big break through was that she was only manipulative. That's it. Still self-centered, still disinterested in anybody's feelings but her own. Still somebody I was rooting against.

I don't hold this against Reese Witherspoon, she did her best to make Melanie likable, but I just couldn't. The script was just that ridiculous. They had to turn Candace Bergan loose in full cartoon villain mode in order to make Melanie sympathetic, but it just didn't work. I found her characters motivations more honest, however misplaced, than Melanie's.
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favorite movie!!!
lol21t21 July 2004
Everyone is taking this movie too seriously. It's my favorite chick flick movie. There is no violence, except when she hits the mayor, no drugs, sex and only a little bit of questionable language. And some of the accents are accurate, at least the ones from the people I know from Alabama. Plus, it's a MOVIE. It's so funny! I'm from NJ and I don't think it portrays the South in a bad light. It's not meant to be a serious movie, just something to make you laugh go awwwww. If anything it portrays New York as a crowded dirty place...and it is..but not everyone in New York is rude...um OK, maybe I take that one back. Anyway don't criticize it, it's just a romantic comedy and how many of them are actually worth watching??? Go Ethan Embry and Josh Lucas!!!
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Not a bad rom-com.
bbewnylorac16 January 2020
Reese Witherspoon (as stubborn, sassy lapsed southern belle Mel) could play this role in her sleep, and essentially she plays Reese Witherspoon, which is OK if you like her. At least she's intelligent, and not a bimbo. To me, the star of the film is Josh Lucas, as her estranged husband Jake, who stayed in Alabama years ago while she left to forge a corporate career. Mel is about to marry her handsome Yankie beau Andrew (Patrick Dempsey), but she returns home to ask Jake for a divorce. Cue lots of rather insulting cliches about southerners: they drink a lot, they're hillbillies, they're uneducated, they have kids very young, etc, etc, etc. Plus about five renditions of the rock hit Sweet Home Alabama, which admittedly is still a great song. Jake, however, comes across as very smart, and he's portrayed as genuinely puzzled about why Mel left, and what she expects of him. The couple really do have stuff to work through - haven't they heard of couples therapy? But it's believable, the way it's written. And he and Witherspoon have great chemistry. The supporting cast including Candice Bergen - as Andrew's very stubborn and sassy (and snobby) mother, who's mayor of New York - are good. There's some nice scenes, such as showing Mel's father's Civil War re-enactment group. There is no doubt, whatsoever, how this film is going to end, and did they really need the other stock rom-com staples - the gay friend and the cute dog? But if you're stuck inside on a rainy day, it's a good way to pass the time.
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cute movie but not very ethical
yingxingz13 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
So the girl just dumped her fiancee like that and ran to another guy on the wedding day? Not forget to mention, after all the things her fiancee has done for her and all the happiness he has brought to her life, she just DUMPED him like a garbage and punched his mother? YEAH RIGHT! I DON"T BELIEVE IT. This is a very cute movie, but overall, I didn't enjoy it very much.
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Reese Witherspoon sweet performance makes this work
DunnDeeDaGreat21 February 2003
Reese Witherspoon terrific heartfelt performance makes this movie work. I originally had my doubts about seeing this one but I bought the DVD and I highly enjoyed the movie. Reese Witherspoon has good chemistry with both Patrick Dempsey and Josh Lucas. The film although predictable is full of funny moments and a lot of heart.
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Predictable and a little sluggish in place but essentially a pleasant romantic comedy
TheLittleSongbird2 February 2010
"Sweet Home Alabama" was a nice pleasant romantic comedy. What made this film I think was the performance of Resse Witherspoon, her character starts off unlikeable, but in the latter half of the film we see a change of heart to her being more sympathetic. Witherspoon played her very convincingly, being her usual likable self, and she is amiably supported by Patrick Dempsey, Candice Bergen and Josh Lucas. There is also a nice soundtrack, good direction, beautiful scenery and good cinematography. While essentially a pleasant film, the film is let down by some sluggish pacing and a slow and sometimes predictable story that meanders at the end. Also one or two characters are a little clichéd. In conclusion, this is not perfect by all means but it is worth watching and pleasant. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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You can take the girl out of Alabama.........................................
bkoganbing3 August 2019
Together with Elle Woods in the Legally Blonde movies Reese Witherspoon got her career role in Sweet Home Alabama, This one must have been real popular in the red states.

Witherspoon is a highly successful and up and coming close designer in New York and she's just gotten rather publicly engaged to Patrick Dempsey whose character is no doubt based on JFK, Jr. It's a dream come true, but there's one small hitch in the design. Seems like she never quite got around to divorcing her good old boy husband from her hometown.

So it's back to Alabama to get Josh Lucas to sign the decree. But he's not willing at least not yet. And while she's now Ms. New York sophisticate it doesn't take long for Witherspoon let's the Alabama flow in her.

This is a most old fashioned type of film and I'm not surprised that Buena Vista the distribution arm of Walt Disney films brought this one out. Witherspoon is winning and wonderful and Alabama has it's best foot forward in this film.

Candice Bergen is in this film as Dempsey's mother who is the Mayor of New York and she's clearly modeled on a most unflattering portrait of Hillary Clinton. She should have gotten some Oscar recognition for her work here.

A nice score of country music is part of the soundtrack. Sweet Home Alabama is a winner for Reese Witherspoon and the audience.
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Designing woman...
jotix10030 October 2002
Hollywood sometimes asks a lot of the movie going public by showing something as obvious and silly as this film.

I mean, this New York based, Alabama born designer, is a product of someone's imagination not dealing with reality. Would you buy anything this tacky? I don't think so. Donna Karan or Ralph Lauren she is not. Would anyone in her right mind buy any of those 'creations'? I wouldn't be caught dead in one of them!

What about her past? How conveniently to forget in New York the reasons she left the small town in the first place. Didn't she think the past was going to catch up with her? How about marrying the son of the bitchy Candice Bergen? I would like to know how she was going to get away from coming up clean.

Well, if after all the mind stretching on one's part, one has a laugh or two, then it was well worth seeing this piece of fluff.

The best thing going in the film is the presence of Reese Witherspoon. She's a born charmer and the only reason for seeing this predictable movie. The other good reason is Josh Lucas who makes a very manly Jake. He plays very well against Ms Witherspoon.
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cam6124713 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film had good intentions I guess, but it didn't really come off that way to me. This film is about a woman who is about to marry a nice guy politician from New York but has to go home and divorce her ex-husband who refuses to sign the papers. The films general message is that success and being rich in life aren't important, having babies, cooking, getting drunk and pottering about doing not much is what life's about. I'm not so arrogant as to say it's a wrong message, I am a lazy person, it agrees with me! But the problem starts with the fact you are supposed to love this up herself girl who comes back and insults her former friends and you just don't find that happening. This film tries to twist and surprise you which it doesn't do and you find her transition, jumpy and forced, instead of a steadily realisation she just seems to wake up or click instantly into this next stage of realisation (after punching a woman in the face.. hmmm.. our heroine suddenly develops a very strong south American accent and this quick transition comes across as purely ridiculous.

You find yourself majorly worried by the immoral (inevitable) walking out on a really nice guy at the altar, who is just supposed to accept that because of Witherspoon's nice smile (which he does "oh my heart's broken I think I am OK with you leaving bye"). Classic old school romantic comedies at least had the decency to make the other man a git, or at least plotting or not wanting to marry her themselves. I would comment on the blatant racist north America south America overtones but I don't really know enough about this to comment. Not bad acting performances from all the cast despite the script and plot.

Life is short but not so short you should avoid watching this film, after all it's a feel good film.
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Felony Melanie!!
dracosbitch7830 October 2005
Where do i start with this movie? Fantastic, had me hooked from the start, they were on to a winner as soon as they cast Dakota Fanning as 'young' Melanie. Now i'm a sucker for good 'chick Flicks' and this one tops my list, Reese shines as Melanie, the girl who realises that what she's been looking for was right there at home waiting for her. Josh Lucas makes a fabulous performance as Jake, her estranged high school Hubby who's never got her out of his mind. If you are in the mood for a good old fashioned romance with some great country thrown in then this is the one for you, i've lost count how many times i have seen this now and i'll never tire of it. Even if this isn't your kind of film i challenge you to watch it and not feel good, practically impossible.
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review on settings
carolinevaniska1 October 2014
I was born in Boston, Massachusetts, but grew up in South Carolina. Being able to call myself both a New Englander and Southerner, I believe Sweet Home Alabama did a good job portraying the settings of the north and south during the movie. A setting of a film is the time, location, and everything else that makes up the backdrop and mood. The movie was released in September 2002, making the movie set in early 2000s. In Sweet Home Alabama there are two main settings: New York City, New York and in the town of Pigeon Creek, Alabama. Since Pigeon Creek is not a real town, most of the scenes where shot in Georgia. The movie does a respectable job of representing both moods of these two different places.

The movie starts with Melanie Carmichael (Reese Witherspoon) living in New York City following her dream of being a big fashion designer. You can tell even from her just being in the studio that New York has a rushed mood. People are scrambling around trying to get every last detail perfect before they send the clothes down the runway. The busy life of a New Yorker is again portrayed during the fashion show when people are running around backstage. People are going crazy because either the color is not the right shade or some of the clothes do not fit properly. Melanie during this time is calm and fixes the problems without really breaking her composure. This type of behavior is not seen often in big cities, definitely a southern trait she learned from growing up. It seems like no one has time to stop and think. That is exactly how living in a city up North is like especially New York City. It is fast pace and no one slows down because they always have something to do and somewhere to be. The way these people act makes up the mood of New York as well. The movie portrays New Yorkers as being cold and fast-talking. During the movie Andrew's mom, the mayor of New York City is asked a question regarding how she feels that some people do not agree with her position on repaving a road. She tells the reporter that they should drive down the road and they hopefully will fall in a pothole. That is the stereotypically personality of a New Yorker, tough and stubborn. I believe the movie did a fantastic job representing the big city, making the viewer feel so small compared to it.

When the setting switches over to Pigeon Creek, Alabama, the mood changes also. Everything feels more peaceful and calmer. When she goes home to see her parents they are so happy to see her and make her feel welcomed even though they have not seen each other in many years. When Melanie walks down the street while going to the bank, the people walking around are taking their time and stop to say hello to their friends. Everyone in this town is friendly for the most part. Even though Melanie left to go and pursue her dreams, they welcome her back with open arms. From the scenes of the town people in the bar and carnival, the viewer can tell that these people are close, almost like family. They shared many memories together growing up binding them together. Even the way the writers make the towns people is on point to how most southerners are. They talk slower and are more respectable to others. Even Jake says, " Honey, just cuz I talk slow doesn't mean I'm stupid"(Sweet Home Alabama). That shows that is just the way they were raised. The movie also shows how much they love their history. The American civil war was a significant event in Alabama's history. They join the rest of the southern states to create the confederate army and went to war against the northern. Actually no battles were brought to Alabama until 1863, two years after the beginning of the war. The most notable battle in Alabama was the battle of Mobile Bay fought in 1864. This was a victory for the union combining both naval and land attacks (Friend). Even though the confederate army lost the war in the end, the people of Alabama come to identify themselves as southerners, not just Americans. There love for their past is shown at the end of the movie when Melanie's father dresses up in a confederate uniform to reenact one of the battles fought during the war. Sweet Home Alabama did an excellent job making the viewer feel at home when they are in Pigeon Creek.

Sweet Home Alabama not only did an amazing job with the setting and they also were successful in choosing the people to play the characters. Melanie Carmichael was played by Reese Witherspoon who herself was born in New Orleans, Louisiana (Reese Witherspoon). Her southern charm came out during this role, which made her performance even better. Josh Lucas who plays Jake also has the southern roots to help him with the role. Patrick Dempsey as Andrew had the northern character on point since he too was born in the New England area. The casting director did an outstanding job finding the actors to bring these characters to life. Overall, this was a very good movie and I would recommend it to any of my friends.
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OMG I hate this movie
lajwrites10 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First let me say that I WANT to like this movie. I adore Reese Witherspoon, and I think she does a terrific job in this movie, and for that I want to like it. But OMG the storyline! It's infuriating! Truly, truly infuriating. I agree with another reviewer who wrote that this could only have been written by a man (and it was). Essentially, there's a girl who lives in a tiny town which would be best described as Dirthole, Alabama. She longs for a different life, so she leaves her husband (whom she married just out of high school because she was pregnant (lost the child, so no baby character to worry about)), she trots off to NY, makes a big name for herself as a fashion designer, and gets engaged to the mayor's son, who is not only sexy and hot but also exceedingly kind, generous, and nice. She has to journey back to AL to force her no good husband to sign the divorce papers she's been sending him for the past 7 years and which he has repeatedly refused to sign. While there, wouldn't you know it, she gets sucked back into the 'charm' of the crap hole that she left and the siren call of her ex's blue eyes. This movie totally ignores the fact that maybe this girl really does need something bigger and better than the miserable little town she came from, and it also totally ignores the fact that she managed to make something incredible of her dream. For that alone the authors should be punished. Furthermore, they imply that she's going to throw it all down the drain to return to Hillbilly land in order to reunite with her ex and his hound dog. WHY, is what I want to know. By writing this storyline, the authors suggest that Melanie's dream wasn't really a big deal, and they expect us to just accept their claim that her ex Mr. Blue-eyes is really the love of her life. Well, I never saw it, I don't accept it, and it just infuriates me that Melanie's character so lightly and easily tosses away everything she worked her butt off for over seven years. And don't get me started on the abominable way she treats her fiancé, who is probably the most decent character in the movie. Gaaahhhh! This Melanie character makes women look either idiotic or like big fat liars.
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Charming chick flick with great dialogue
UniqueParticle29 April 2020
Delightful characters throughout and constantly entertaining! Reese Witherspoon can't do much wrong at least most cases. I love the southern vibe, scenery, and clothes! Very sweet with a nice balance of comedy but more of a romance than anything to me. I really enjoy anything with Ethan Embry he's great in Can't Hardly Wait, Cheap Thrills, and Devils Candy. Also Andy Tennent makes a lot of great feel-good flicks, I should watch more of his projects.
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If You Love Somebody Set Them Free
SnoopyStyle13 December 2013
Melanie (Reese Witherspoon) is a new fashion designer slash southern belle trying to make it in New York. Things are going well when Andrew Hennings (Patrick Dempsey) proposes to her. He's the son of the Mayor and is quite a charming successful guy. Only she has a secret. She is still married to her childhood love (Josh Lucas) back home in Alabama.

This movie faces two challenges from the standard rom-com point of view. The mayor's son is actually very charming, very nice, and a great guy overall. There's no way to make him a bad guy. So Josh Lucas has to really sell it in this movie. Except he has a handicap from the second challenge. She's begging for a divorce, and he's a big fat jerk who keeps refusing her. They fight and he doesn't give her a divorce. He angers her and he doesn't give her a divorce. It brings to mind the lyrics "If You Love Somebody Set Them Free".

There really isn't a mean spirit in this movie. The characters are all generally nice people. There is a good notion of big city versus small town values. But none of it is too compelling. It's an unassuming rom-com.
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Big disappointment.
amonamarther29 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I do not know where to start, I was liking this movie, but I didn't think it was going to be so cliché and cheesy at the end, I was very disappointed. The movie has quite funny parts that made me laugh out loud, it starts very well and the plot unfolds in a more or less coherent and entertaining way.

Melanie (the protagonist) gets engaged to her McDreamy 'yankee' boyfriend (Andrew) who is madly in love with her, despite the fact that his mom does not agree with their relationship. Once they are engaged, she travels to her native Alabama to ask her husband (surprise!) to finally sign the divorce papers (she's been asking him for 7 years). Jake -her husband- doesn't want a divorce and they spend at least 20 minutes of the film fighting and hating each other for that, which would make you assume what caused their marriage to fail... After that, Melanie reunites with some of her old friends and one night while she is drunk, she insults them by telling them, in other words, they're some big losers with stagnant lives.

The morning after, Melanie regrets what she said and has a wake-up call; she begins to consider her family and childhood friends more and thanks to that new appreciation, she falls in love with her husband again (this fact is shown in a very vague way, in just a 5 minute scene - actually, the movie focuses more on the relationship of Melanie and Andrew).

At the same time, Melanie's fiancé travels to Alabama to surprise her but there he finds out his fiancée lied to him about her family name, her story, never told him that she was still married or that she had been pregnant... I mean, some details to reconsider something as big as a marriage, but, no, it does not take him a day to decide he was going to marry her despite 'her past'. They were going to celebrate the wedding in Alabama.

In the last scenes, we see a more sentimental Jake, who still loves Melanie and is hurt that she's going to get married (dude, it's been 7 years without you guys talking to each other). In the end, at the wedding and in front of all the guests (something very realistic), Melanie's lawyer breaks in to tell her that she forgot to sign her part on the divorce paper... Once she is holding the pen to sign it, she changes her mind and tells Andrew that she doesn't love him and can't marry him.

Andrew smiles and says that he understands, then leaves the place, but not before kissing Melanie in the hand (wtf?). Apparently, the only person outraged by the humiliation Andrew had just suffered and by how terrible Melanie acted was Andrew's mom, but, when she was expressing her outrage, she gets punched in the face by Melanie, yup.

After that, Melanie runs to find her first, true love, they kiss under the rain and live happily ever after.

Man, this film has so many mistakes, I was disappointed because I thought the message was going to be different, that despite having had a first love, you can love again and leave those beautiful memories of the past behind. I thought Melanie would continue her life with her fiancé who loved her and was going to reconcile with her old friends, maintaining a good relation with them, accepting their lifestyles and traveling back to Alabama once in a while. I assumed the movie was going to be more realistic; it started very well, it had good comedy parts, but the way it ended was illogical, cliché, fanciful and even outrageous (did Andrew deserve that? - so Andrew's mom was always right?)

Ok, yes, I seem to be the only one who cared about Andrew's feelings, that's why I did not fall for the cliché ending of the movie.

Wtf was that "So, this is what this feels like" from Andrew while he was being humiliated at his wedding? That's a 5/10. P.S.: Sweet Home Alabama (by Lynyrd Skynyrd) rocks, though!
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