Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman (Video 2000) Poster

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Very different than the first one.
13Funbags17 January 2019
This time they tried to actually make it funny. They failed, but they tried. There are so many things that don't make sense but what would you expect? The budget is almost non-existent. They are clearly not on an island and every indoor scene was probably in the same building. At least Jennifer Lyons was in it.
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What a trip!
Cobra-1018 December 2000
Having already seen the original "Jack Frost", I never thought that "Jack Frost 2" would be as absurd as it is. Boy was I wrong! Then again, A-PIX movies have a way of showing unbelievably bad material, even worse than you might expect. I believe this is the first A-PIX sequel, and it may be an indication of what to expect in the future: more A-PIX sequels.

It's hard to watch this without laughing, especially during the later parts of the movie in which Jack Frost's offspring (which are essentially snowballs with eyes, arms, a mouth and sharp teeth) start killing people with the typical comedic dialogue and silly voices to go with it. They are shown both as puppets (with a stick underneath to move them) and as computer animation, which I have to say looks very cheesy. The computer animation surprised me, as the first "Jack Frost" had no such effects.

I'd strongly recommend that you see the original "Jack Frost" before seeing this one (both of which it would be preferable to watch with a group of friends) to get the full amusement out of it, and because it would make more sense ("sense" being a relative term).

Now only if there was "Uncle Sam 2"...
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Chillingly Bad
Minus_The_Beer21 December 2017
This frost-bitten sequel to 1997's surprisingly clever and enjoyable "Jack Frost" finds the titular killer snowman (voiced by Scott MacDonald) traversing to a tropical resort to harass shell-shocked Sheriff Tiler (Christopher Allport, looking like he'd rather have a recurring role on "7th Heaven" than do this again) and company once more. "Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman" is every bit as ridiculous as you'd expect, but is also even cheaper and dopier than you may be anticipating.

Opening with a title in the coolest of cool Windows '98 fonts, 'Chiller,' the chintzy look and feel of the film is established almost immediately, as if to warn you to turn it off before it's too late. Likewise, the cinematography is virtually non existent. "Jack Frost 2" has all the production value of a turn-of-the-century Comedy Central sitcom, but with hardly a fraction of the wit. Michael Cooney returns to the director's chair for this direct-to-video cheapie and although he tries to bring the same humor and energy from the first, it just doesn't translate. Just like snow can't hold up in a warm environment, neither can the original's charms redeem this sorry affair. Jack will try to make you smile time and time again, but his water-logged puns aren't enough to break the ice.

On the upside, the fast and loose feel of the production means that no one is taking this terribly seriously, and neither should you. Midway through the film, Jack sprouts a few dozen snowball offspring who wreak havoc on the resort, "Gremlins" style. These slightly entertaining bits, culminating in the film's deus ex banana (see it to believe it), offer moments of semi-inspired silliness, but by then, most of its cool has melted away. Take this one with a grain of rock salt.
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It's not SUPPOSED to be bad... but it is
Wizard-811 November 2009
If you have been reading my user comments, you will have seen that I enjoyed the original "Jack Frost" movie. I thought it was a pretty funny black comedy. So when I heard they had made a sequel, I was set to rent it. However, none of the video stores in my city got it (knowing that video stores watch screeners, that should have been my first warning.) It took years for me to get a copy, which I did by my Internet DVD renting service. On the DVD, I saw that there was a 3 year gap between the film copyright and when it was released on DVD - which should have been my second warning.

Anyway, I watched the movie, and I was sorely disappointed. The movie looks like it was made on a budget much smaller than the first movie (if that's possible). While the cheapness occasionally gets a laugh (check out the "airport" near the beginning), most of the time the movie looks very tacky. Some parts look like they were shot on videotape and not film!

Despite the cheapness, I might have still enjoyed the movie had it the wit of the first movie, but it doesn't. The humor this time around seems very forced, with (among other things) too many lame wisecracks by the snowman. The script also suffers from having a number of boring stretches, a lame climax, and the movie having to resort to ripping off "Gremlins".

Is there anything good about this sequel? Well, I thought that there were a few decent splatter scenes, which managed to be gory and amusing at the same time. But they are not enough to make it worthwhile to slog through the boredom and lameness in the rest of the movie.
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Very Dumb But Entertaining
pulpnicktion26 March 2008
Jack Frost 2 Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman is a very dumb movie but not a boring one.

Jack Frost 2 is about that killer snowman who is trying to kill the sheriff that caught him. Jack follows him to the tropics where again Jack starts to kill. This time he has help with little mutant snowball he creates.

The look of Jack Frost and the snowballs is poor looking. Jack Frost 2 is entertaining but not a what I would call that good of a b horror movie.

If you really want to enjoy it don't take it seriously.
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kev_mccullagh24 November 2005
This is the worst film I have ever seen, bar none. From the flimsy-looking, poorly lit sets, to the laughable acting, to the infantile plot and shoddy, drawn-out action sequences, this film is so bad, its hilarious. For about ten minutes. After which you will be reaching for the remote or the power socket to end this film non-experience. Although it was obviously made with the entire production and acting staff's collective tongue rammed in cheek (please God), I found Jack Frost 2 so dreadful as to be unwatchable for more than a quarter of an hour. If you have not had enough of it after this time, you must be indulging in drug abuse.
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Brilliant Rubbish
nearvanaman5 October 2001
Title: Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman; Genre: Horror; Certificate: 18; Year: 2000; Director: Michael Cooney

Starring: Christopher Allport, Eileen Seeley, Chip Heller, Ray Cooney

Once in a while, a movie comes along that redefines the way you look at celluloid entertainment, if only for a short time. When flashy directors spend millions soaking their movies with state-of-the-art special effects, it supposedly increases the entertainment value of their work. Takes flicks like "The Matrix", "The 6th Day" and "Independence Day". I can honestly say that the entertainment ascertained from all the above movies paled in comparison to dismal B-movie "Jack Frost 2".

Yes, you heard me right. "Jack Frost 2" is utterly dismal. It is a B-movie in every sense of the phrase, looks like it was made with an expensive camcorder and stars actors who could very well be your neighbours. But despite this, it still managed to make me laugh so hard I thought I'd cough my lungs up right there.

The premise of "Jack Frost 2" follows similarly to the 1997 prequel. In the original, a serial killer is killed in a car wreck, but he somehow mutates into a snowman and seeks revenge on the sheriff who caught him. The sequel sees a lab expirement go wrong, and once again Jack Frost's remains mutate and he goes on a killing spree on a tropical island where our unfortunate Sheriff Tiler (Christopher Allport) and his wife are attending their friends wedding party.

But the beauty in this movie is not the storyline (as brilliant as a killer snowman on a tropical island is), or the script (which although generally awful, has some humorous and very witty lines). It could be attributed to any of a number of things. Perhaps the memorably bad acting and performances. Maybe the laughable special-effects and settings. The complete lack of editing, direction and production also help make this movie unforgettable. And finally the injection of Jack's "children" - a blatant rip-off of Gremlins, but hilarious all the same.

Not everyone is going to view this movie the way I did. Some will probably switch it off after 15 minutes. But if you like complete and utter rubbish, this is as good as it gets.

How about "Jack Frost 3: Jack vs Worzel Gummidge".

Rating: ***
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Why, oh, why did I have to do this?
Vomitron_G30 April 2006
Why did I have to go out and buy (yes buy!) JACK FROST 2: REVENGE OF THE MUTANT KILLER SNOWMAN??? Maybe it was a burst of temporary mental derangement? But I'm guessing it's because I kind of enjoyed the first JACK FROST. It was a silly but funny horror-comedy which had some okay effects by Screaming Mad George. That and the fact that on the back-cover of the sequel there was this nice picture of this guy impaled by this giant icicle (coming out of his mouth with a lot of blood and all). So I thought: if it's as idiotic as the first and has some nice splatter/gore in it, it should be fun, right? Well, I was so dead wrong!

Let me first say that the movie deserves some credit for having an immensely insane and retarded plot. I mean, a mutant killer snowman on a tropical island that spawns mutant killer baby snowballs which can only be killed or harmed by bananas??? As much as I love the premise, I really hated the movie. First of all: while the first JACK FROST looked like an actual movie (seemingly being shot on real film and all), this sequel has the look and feel of a third-rate soap-opera. It has this way too slick shot-on-video look. The lighting is just plain awful (bright white spots for the day look, and stupid colors like blue and green at night). The acting... well don't even go there. The dialogues range from stiff to extremely senile (that Jamaican man was just moronic, saying "man" after every sentence). And when it comes to the voice of the killer snowman, all I could think of was a seventh-rate Chucky from CHILD'S PLAY spewing dumb and supposedly witty one-liners before he kills someone.

The best joke was were one guy asks "Why are you talking to your watch?". And the best scene was undoubtedly the one with that beautiful Asian chick popping up out of nowhere and taking a swim in the pool totally naked (thank god for that!). Oh, yeah, and that little scene over the end-credits with those two Japanese dudes on a miniature ship being badly dubbed had me laughing too. But the worst thing about this movie was: Where was the gore and splatter action everyone is talking about? There were plenty of occasions to show some decent gory killings. A lot of people were killed off in original ways here, but all off-screen. Like I've read in many other comments, there were indeed nice set-ups to a head explosion, a crushed body, eyes being poked out, tongue ripped out,... but on the crucial moments the editor cuts away to some blood splatters on the floor or nothing at all. That frontal shot of that British guy being impaled (from the back-cover of the DVD) wasn't even in the movie. I only saw that particular killing filmed from the back (meaning I didn't see sh!t!). I was waiting throughout the whole movie for that to happen, and then I get to see nothing?!?! What a let-down! Could it be that I saw a cut version of the movie? That would be a shame, 'cause only a decent amount of splatter-fun could have saved this movie if you ask me. Seeing a lot of killer snowballs reduced to bloody pulp just didn't cut it for me. Speaking of those snowballs: they were done very poorly. They made MUNCHIES look like state-of-the-art 'animatronics'. But I guess that was the whole point of it. At some point, the special effects crew even turned to some laughably bad CGI. Boy, you really have to see it to believe it. Best is to not see it, actually, 'cause this flick is just too bad (okay, I did laugh with it, for it kept getting worse and worse). Just stick with the first JACK FROST (1996) and you'll be okay (just bare in mind that it's a pretty silly horror-comedy but fun in it's own right).

It's funny, but writer/director Michael Cooney somehow must have realized that he was a pretty bad director after JACK FROST 2, and then focused on writing. Turns out he then wrote two pretty good thriller screenplays for THE I INSIDE (starring Ryan Phillippe) and IDENTITY (starring John Cusack). So the man seems to have some talent after all.

Now it would be far too easy to give JACK FROST 2 the lowest rating possible. So I say one point for that naked Asian babe doing the skinny dipping and one point for those completely retarded snowball babies. Way to go Mr. Cooney!
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Worse than the original, and nowhere near as fun
dmcfry27 December 2015
While the original Jack Frost was terrible, yet fun to watch, Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant, Killer Snowman, is just terrible. The main characters surviving from the first encounter with the murderous Jack are back here, as is Scott MacDonald as Jack himself. However, whatever it was that made the first film fun is sorely missing here. The effects are terrible, the dialogue is terrible, the acting is terrible, and I could go on and on. I think the original film found the perfect balance of serious and humorous moments. It balanced telling a (completely illogical) story with just the right dose of not taking itself seriously. This movie just threw story out the window and put all its eggs in the "not take itself seriously" basket. The filmmakers shouldn't be faulted for this, as a movie about a killer snowman should never take itself seriously. However, without some kind of effort put forth to make you care about the characters, then even cheese like this can turn your stomach. While the original will always be a crappy horror classic, this sequel comes off as an attempt at milking money out of an idea. I don't recommend this movie.
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An absolute disaster of a comedy/horror film, I simply could not believe what I was watching.
poolandrews8 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The film begins as the surviving Sheriff from the original, Sam Tiler (Christopher Allport) is talking with his psychiatrist Dr. Morton (Ian Abercrombie as Ian Ambercrombie) and being laughed at for his ridiculous sounding stories about Jack Frost (voiced by Scott MacDonald and the man in the suit is Matt Falletta as Matthew Falletta) the mutant killer snowman. Together they decide Sam should take a holiday where there is no possibility of it snowing. Meanwhile the anti-freeze that contains Jack Frost has been dug up and in a laboratory accident he is resurrected, stronger and meaner than before! It's 'Snowmonton International Airport' where Sam and his wife Anne (Eileen Seeley) are flying off on a second honeymoon to a tropical island, and are staying at the 'Tropicana Hotel'. Sam will also be acting as best man for his friend Joe (Chip Heller) and his fiancé Marla (Marsha Clark) who plan on getting married on the island. The hotel is run by a Colonel Hickering (Ray Cooney) and a black guy named Bobby (Tai Bennett). The hotel also has possibly the most annoying person in history working there named 'Captain Fun' (Sean Patrick Murphy) whose appearance in this film is anything but fun. Jack Frost melts himself and travels through the sea as water to get to the island. First of all Jack kills three rather fine looking young ladies, Rose (Jennifer Lyons), Ashlea (Shonda Far) and Paisley (Granger Green). Then he kills a gay photographer named Greg (Paul H.Kim as Paul Hansen Kim) and his attractive model Sarah (Melanie Good). Colonel Hickering calls in the head of island security, Agent Manners (David Allen Brooks, complete with eye-patch!) to investigate. Together they discover the satellite cables have been damaged and they cannot contact the police, or indeed anyone else until the supply ship arrives in the morning. Isolated from the outside world Jack Frost sets about gaining revenge on Sam, and god help anyone who tries to stop him! Written and directed by Micheal Cooney I simply could not believe what I was watching unfold before my very eyes! It's awful in every single way you could possibly imagine, and that's the sole reason to keep watching it. I felt a perverse fascination just to see how much more awful it could possibly get. At least the script moves along like a rocket. It's never dull or boring. More or less every supposed joke in this film misses by the proverbial mile. One victim is crushed when Jack turns into a anvil and falls on them out of a tree. Or maybe when a woman goes swimming in the hotel pool topless, Jack comments that "I wouldn't mind a bit of breast stroke myself!". Those are two of the more subtle jokes, too. The film is absolutely stuffed with terrible puns and very unfunny childish visual gags. At times it feels like this was written by a five year old. Effects are predictably terrible, but jack himself when he's actually shown isn't too bad looking and quite funny. It's more the CGI effects which are of children's T.V. standard, as is the whole film come to think of it. The sets look like cardboard and it appears to be shot on a digital camcorder, it certainly wasn't shot on film and that also gives the film a really cheap T.V. look about it. The version I watched had no gore in it whatsoever and just one scene with nudity. The acting is stupidly over-the-top and I want to kill Captain Fun, now. One thing I will say for Mr. Cooney and his eye for casting though is that he knows a fine looking woman when he sees one and there are some serious babes in this. This film is awful and not many would dispute that, but having said that I couldn't take my eyes of it. It's like slowing down to have a look at a car crash, I just wanted to keep going and see just how bad it got. And believe me, it got bad. Proceed with extreme caution! You have been warned.
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kala_siouxdragon17 June 2020
The movie "Jack Frost" is known for the symbolism of a beloved family member taken away so quickly, that they come back in some form to help with their passing. The sequel entitled Jack Frost 2 has made the symbolism of the first to be lost with the ABSURDITY of the second film!
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Absolutely Hilarious... A Delicious B-Movie
jaceydoe-214 December 2000
Okay, I'll say it. This movie made me laugh so hard that it hurt. This statement may offend some of you who may think that this movie is nothing more than a waste of film. But the thing that most people don't get is that this movie was intended to be bad and cheezy. I mean, did people actually think that a movie about a killer snowman was intended to be a masterpiece? Just look at the "scary" hologram on the jacket of the movie and you'll find your answer. Instead, like the original Jack Frost (which I thought was just as funny), this movie turned out to be a side-splitting journey into the depths of corny dialogue, bad one liners and horrible special effects. And it's all made to deliver laughter to us viewers. It certainly worked for me.

For example: Anne Tiler (to her troubled husband): What makes you frown so heavily darling?

If that chunk of dialogue doesn't make you laugh, then you have serious issues. Who in their right mind would utter those words in real life? Of course, no one because it was meant to sound ridiculous! Just take one viewing of this movie with an open mind and low expectations, and hopefully you'll see what's so damn funny about Jack Frost 2.
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the title says it all: pure enjoyable cheese
vespertine15 December 2000
Yes, it's truly bad direct-to-video cinema(?). And yes, it takes this with pride (as evident by that lovely cover and full title), like much of Troma's oeuvre. Cheesier and lamer than the original, my only complaint about the sequel is that its predecessor had better one-liners (I'm convinced Bruce Campbell would have been perfect for delivering those gems of screenwriting...). If the antifreeze bit in the original made you groan, wait until you see what Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman has in store!
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Jack Frost 2:Revenge of the Muant Snowman
Scarecrow-8818 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Ill-conceived sequel(..the absurd idea of having the killer snowman on the rampage at an island resort where there is no snow or cold weather)brings back the spirit of the psychopath, returning thanks to a scientific experiment providing foreign elements which reintroduce life to his molecules(..it's the best I could do to explain this preposterous concept).

I could go into depth about how he winds up at the island in order to slay numerous tourists, but I simply find no reason to bother because it'd all be so exhausting. Anyway, the filmmakers think it wise to kill off the pretty girls not ten minutes after their arrival(..I mean seriously, why worry with even introducing them to us if we can't enjoy our eye candy no longer that this?!).

The "snow anvil" murder scene takes the cake. Ice icicles protrude from the beach's sand so that a victim can fall on them. Oh, and another girl is stabbed with a pair of weenie tongs.

Look I get what's coming to me when I sit down to watch a killer snowman movie..such a ridiculous supernatural slasher will either tickle your funnybone("Oh, it's such a wonderfully cheesy horror movie!")or have you pondering why the hell you're wasting time with such nonsense. Jack Frost has the power to freeze water(..then how were they able to melt him in the first film?)and causes the island resort to snow. One sequence has Jack freezing pool water, encasing a swimming model under the sheet, result being her drowning with nowhere to escape.Oh, there's also a recreation of the "tongue stuck to the icy pole" bit from The Christmas Story("Cowatonga dude!").

I gotta hand it to the cast, though..they're real troopers for trying to make this wretched material entertaining. Christopher Allport(..perhaps unwisely)returns as Sam, to face his old nemesis, as does Eileen Seeley, as his wife. The attempts at tongue-in-cheek humor(..for me, at least) fell flat, but the cast soldiers onward trying to make the most of a very difficult situation, with spirited performances they do their best to rise above the pitiful premise and woeful dialogue.

A development occurs which increases the danger towards those still around to face off with Jack, his genetically altered water molecules, thanks to the introduced foreign elements, allow him to withstand coolant/anti-freeze, and, even worse, he now can reproduce..through indigestion, Jack hacks up what appear to be snowballs which hatch to reveal little snowballs with black eyes, mouth and sharp teeth! The killer snowman costume and little snowball puppets introduced later in the film might produce belly-laughs if you are in the mood for such shenanigans, but I personally found this junk rather hokey(..that's the purpose behind it, I suppose, cheap guffaws from those willing to embrace this)and unbearable.The snowball offspring is an obvious homage to Gremlins where we get a bar scene where the little bastards are celebrating in number over terrorizing victims at the resort. The weapon against them..bananas! It's explained that when Jack went to kill Sam in the first film, both fell in a truck bed full of anti-freeze(..an icicle emerging from Jack's belly was penetrating Sam's chest when he pushed them out a window into the truck bed, and I guess in their being "being linked" by the icicle, Jack inherited Sam's banana allergy, or so this is what we are led to believe!)and in doing so both "merged" in a sense.

Phew, such a film as this defies simple explanation. It's a film with effects and plot so terrible, one might find the presentation enjoyable because of it's many failings.
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An exercise in bad film-making
Incubus_Reborn14 July 2003
I use the term bad very loosely, because like the first one, the sequel is so bad that it's good -- and that's the point! With the production values of a Cinemax skin-flick, shoddy effects and paper thin characters, 'Jack Frost 2' is one of the best bad movies I have ever laid eyes upon. This time around, we are on a tropical island where Sam & his wife Anne are trying to put the past behind them this Christmas. Sam is still troubled by what Jack did and feels a connection to him. No surprise then that when Jack shows up, Sam goes insane and Anne steps up as the Linda Hamilton/Sigourney Weaver type and takes matters into her own hands to find a way to not only destroy Jack, but his hundreds of mini-killer snowball offspring as well (that somewhat resemble the Gremlins). If you ever wanted to see a Snowman cry and get covered in bananas by a bunch of walking stereotypes, this movie is for you. If you liked the first, there's no reason not to like this one. Just curious though, what happened to Sam & Anne's son?

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jim bowie20 March 2002
Horrible movie. This movie beat out revenge of the living zombies for the WORST movie I have ever suffered through. What the !@$% were the morons who made this film thinking. Was it supposed to be scary. Because man let me tall you it wasn't. It was so dumb it wasn't funny. We all know that tropical islands are the natural hunting grounds for killer snowmen. And those stupid baby snowballs. Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid. Fake snow and lousy actors. OH and frost looks nothing like he does on the box. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME. REnt it and destroy it.
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The sequel that nobody wanted
Leofwine_draca9 November 2015
JACK FROST 2: REVENGE OF THE MUTANT KILLER SNOWMAN is one of those sequels that nobody asked for and nobody in their right mind would ever want to see. The first film was a Z-grade B-movie made without wit or charm; a dumb, would-be comic horror about the soul of a serial killer trapped inside a snowman.

This sequel sees the bad guy return and inexplicably transport himself to a random Caribbean island, where the locals must batten down the hatches and fight against their supernatural foe. There's little plot development in this one, just more of the same, i.e. terrible acting, goofy one-liners, and the addition of some killer snowball offspring. There's a little gore here and there, a lot of cheesy effects (both CGI and practical), and zero reasons to take it seriously or, indeed, watch it at all in the first place.
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Asinine! Utterly Asinine!!
BloodStone26 August 2007
Jack Frost 2. THE worst "horror film" I have ever seen. Why? 1)The premise is WELL beyond ridiculous 2) The damn thing doesn't even have legs to move on! 3) It escapes AFTER being completely submerged in Anti-Freeze (first film) 4) Get this...It travels all the way across an ocean of SALT WATER to a TROPICAL island to get revenge on the sheriff that did him in the first film. 5) "Killer Snowballs". I have yet to be drunk enough to see "Ginger Dead Man" so as of the writing of this, Jack Frost 2 hold the distinction of being THE stupidest "horror" film ever. Even Surpassing the inaneness of it's predecessor (if you can believe that!).
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One of the great comedies of all time
Agent1025 April 2002
Warning: Spoilers
-may contain spoilers-

Clearly, who ever made this film must have had a lot of connections. I just can't see it any other way. What really surprises me is no one used the name Allen Smithee, and more surprising, everyone involved didn't use this name.

Anyhow, where to begin. The bad dialogue, the crummy costumes, the sorry looking film stock, the unintentional comedy, the over-the-top characters, and more inconsistencies than George W. Bush's college career. I don't know what was funnier, the guy losing his arm because of a snowball, or the slow motion scene where all the baby Jack Frosts' were getting killed. Also, one of the great lines of all time was uttered in this film. "How do we know it's him?" Like there's another mutant snowman who can talk and kill people with snowballs! A great camp film, but a very bad film overall.
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arfdawg-128 February 2014
In this sequel of the first Jack Frost movie, Sheriff Sam Tiler, his wife Anne, and Sam's two deputies (also husband and wife) decide to go on a Caribbean vacation to take their minds off the traumatic events of the previous movie in a place with absolutely no snow.

Their holiday will be short-lived, however, as the thawed murderer gets inadvertently re-frozen and brought back to life.

As if that weren't bad enough, he now has the ability to remain frozen even in tropical temperatures, and he's headed south to settle some old scores.

How's THAT for a plot?

How's cheap for the special effects? Cheaper than you can imagine. No real story Pretty much unwatchable.
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Cow dung is more entertaining.
cableaddict2 February 2004
Possibly the worst movie ever made.

Not funny, just stupid. You could write a more clever script in less time than it takes to watch this abberation.

the fact that some reviewers actually enjoyed this movie simply baffles me. The Human race is in serious trouble.

Can't waste any more time on this crud. If you're IQ is higher than 40, stay far, far away.
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Micro-budget comedy non-horror with cute lil' killer snowballs
Wuchakk27 April 2017
Released in 2000, "Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman" brings back Sheriff Sam Tiler (Christopher Allport ) and his wife (Eileen Seeley) as they fly to a tropical island to celebrate Christmas where no possibility of a killer snowman exists. But they're wrong, DEAD wrong. Chip Heller & Marsha Clark also return as the couple's friends, who get married on the island. This time the character of Agent Manners is played by David Allen Brooks while Scott MacDonald once again uses his voice talents for the snowman.

This sequel brings back the writer/director of the first film, Michael Cooney, and the main cast members (or characters). I can't compare it to the 1997 straight-to-video film because I don't remember it (not to be confused with the 1998 theatrical movie of the same name, starring Michael Keaton). Regardless, the production quality of "Jack Frost 2" is noticeably micro-budget and not even up to snuff with the typical Syfy flick. It's about on par with, say, an episode of Married With Children.

If you can handle that kind of very low-budget, "Jack Frost 2" is fairly entertaining. There are a few good-lookin' women, like cutie Jennifer Lyons, but they don't last long before the snowman gets 'em. In short, they're all decidedly peripheral characters, which is a shame. Where the movie's genius shines is in the second half with all the cute lil' killer snowballs and their amusing interactions with the characters; they're quite entertaining in their no-budget way.

The film runs 91 minutes and was shot in Santa Clarita, California.

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Better then original!
redhead989822 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is better then the first. The movie opens up with Sheriff Sam .Then, Sam and Anne pack there bags up and head to the Tropicana while Jack tags along.

People are shot, get glass through necks, get squished by anvils, get stabbed with icicles, eyes gouged out, head explosions, drownings, hangings, lobsters shoved into faces, slit throats, freezing to death, killed by snowballs, arms are ripped off, melted by anti-freeze, icicles down necks, hit in face with pots and pans, fingers getting' bitten off, icicles through mouths, bitten on the neck, exploding people, toasted snowballs, and shoved in blenders.

The snowballs are hilarious, they put it into a blender and turn it on, then it says 'that was fun' they put in in a waffle thing and it gets burnt.

This is just a great movie. Then they start thinking of other ways to kill it, and the snowball replies, 'that's not nice'

It was worth then ten bucks spent to buy this.

10 out of 10 stars.
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Aww look at the Snowballs
Cemetarygirl10 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I will admit that I enjoyed this. It is silly. And maybe even an insult to horror fans but I found it funny and a fun way to spend 90 mins (approx) I loved the bad out of sync Japanese dialog and the way the snowman was reconstructed. (Isn't science wonderful!). The guys in the boat who had the feel of being in the raft for 10 minutes before resorting to starvation (bad acting?) And what a suitable place for a snowman, a tropical island. Christopher did not, to my way of thinking, portray a proper amount of comedic pathos, but what the hell. Its only a B grade horror flick. With the usual scantily clad girls. One of the funniest bits for me was the party which seemed to be held in a small room as over-crowding appeared to be a problem, even though the guest list did not seem to be that large. And here comes the spoiler bit. The snowballs how cute where they until they opened their little mouths. The one in the blender was a classic as it enjoyed its supposed ride of death. Then comes the killer ingredients. Anti-freeze? No! Alcohol? No! A cocktail made out of Bananas. Tee! Hee! Hee! Go in expecting nothing. Put it on before the main feature. Relax and have a cocktail
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vengeance207 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So, just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, it does! And this sequel ironically enough looked like it might be good! How wrong was I!

The film directly follows on 3 years from the events of first film & sees Jack Frost come back from the dead & wreak more havoc over the Christmas period! How original... however, this time it's in the Carribean Islands!

I found the film to be really dumb & even dumb-er than the first film, which in itself, wasn't that great but at least stuck to what it was more than this film ever did! The films story is just all over the place albeit simple! Ironic right!? The characters are just dumb & hard to take seriously & the cheesy music, cheesy effects & editing just made this film even more unbearable!

You just couldn't take the film seriously, plain & simple! It was too comedy like which smothered any seriousness or horror worth salvaging! The film dragged on & on just for the hell of it & then it took 20 minutes before it got going! The films pacing was bad too as with its 1hr & 29min (89mins) runtime! There was some gore & eye candy, but it wasn't enough to save this film!

There was little horror & too much comedy, which made me question what film I was watching! I was more bored than excited! The film was just dumb & not needed! In fact, this film makes the first seem Oscar worthy! If that doesn't say something I don't know what does!

Overall, it's an abysmal sequel! It could've been far better & it would've been ok had it kept to the same balance as the first film & didn't drag on & on for a such a simple plot! Least the first film didn't out stay its welcome!

2/10 & that's generous!
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