Blood Surf (Video 2000) Poster

(2000 Video)

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Gee, you think that croc looks big and fake enough??
Coventry28 November 2004
Fans of creature feature films have to endure a lot of awful movies lately. Blood Surf shamelessly joins the list of stupid, redundant pulp-horror titles about ridiculously big animals that want to turn the food chain upside down. Crocodiles are particularly successful as we already had to struggle our way through the abysmal 'Crocodile' (directed by a disappointing Tobe Hooper) and 'Lake Placid'. Blood Surf is every bit as bad as these other films and – on top of that – it likes to exaggerate tremendously. The saltwater-crocodile supposedly is 90 years old, over 30 ft long (!) and it kills for fun! During the film, he amuses himself by devouring a bunch of utterly stupid surfer-dudes & dudettes who came to seek new thrills by surfing in a shark-congested area. The only beautiful aspect about this film is the tropical location. Even though it's a completely inappropriate setting for a film like this, the lagoons and nature looks marvelous. Every other aspect is simply disastrous. There's a quite a bit of gore but it all looks fake and laughable. The dialogues are downright painful to listen to! You won't believe some of the lines these actors have to say! I know surfers are supposed to be a mentally underdeveloped group but I hope for their own sake they're not that stupid! Early in the film, one of the characters refers to Jaws as being a 'mechanical toy' but the croc here looks at least 10 times less real than Spielberg's great white shark. The visual effects in 'Blood Surf' are amateurish and the massacres fail to impress. I won't say too much about the acting since it's secondary in flicks like this. The girls look sexy in wet shirts and their boobs joyfully bounce while running away from the beast. You guessed right: Blood Surf is a very bad film. So bad it becomes fun again. But 'funny' for a whole other reason than James Hickox intended.
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Rooting for the crocodile
Sandcooler26 December 2005
Sometimes I rest my head and think about the reasons why movies about killer sharks and/or crocodiles are still getting made these days. They've been making these lame "Jaws"-copies since the 70s, it's not like they're getting any more well-liked. The idea is still exactly the same. So we have an animal that starts murdering people. First it takes down some secondary characters, then it starts attacking the main characters, usually played by a couple of nobodies except for someone who used to be a bit more famous, who usually plays a specialist. One of the main characters usually dies before the others kill the animal somehow, usually with an explosion. Then, we usually get a last shot where we see that the animal is still alive, or has laid eggs, etc. etc. "Krocodylus" basically uses the same overused ideas, and does absolutely nothing to create even a tad bit of variation. Unless you count the fact that the "specialist" is a captain in this one variation, in that case your standards are pretty low. It's funny that he's played by Duncan Regehr though, he like totally used to be Zorro.Hell I'll give it a bonus point for that.
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Campy nonsense
MartianOctocretr523 February 2006
Standard "paint-by-numbers" monster fare, filled with a bunch of routine plot devices from big-creature movies. It's like somebody had a deck of cards with plot ideas from other movies written on them, which were shuffled, and dealt. Whatever plot lines and characters came up in the deal were then tossed into the script.

Characters are so cliché-ridden, that you can play a game of "Guess who ends up as a monster meal" after less than ten minutes into the movie, and probably get every single one right--including the order that they will get devoured. Many of the characters are so obnoxious, that you root for the creature to shut them up. Some of the main characters include: a Billy Idol clone who surfs with sharks, a loudmouth brat who flashes bankrolls, a Capt. Ahab guy with a vendetta, and Ahab's girlfriend who does sleazy dances at a bar. Oh, and a big, big beast in need of anger management therapy.

Along the way, people argue a lot, pretty girls run around with wet t-shirts, couples make out on exotic beaches, explosions occur, ruins of a shrine appear, and greasy-faced pirates drop by.

Amusing, for the most part, but one thing bothered me: the callousness by characters when other people were killed. After one violent demise, they make one-liner jokes. I could almost hear rim shots.

Overall, OK, if you have 90 minutes to waste, and you want to laugh at a so-bad-it's-good-movie. Otherwise, you may want to skip this one.
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Bad enough to inspire me to join IMDb
crifitripa11 March 2004
If you have ever seen a porn movie you would have understood that it contains appalling acting, direction and storyline, only to provide a thin backdrop to the sex scenes - it's kind of sad really. But what is it when you have that same dead-brained quality for an entire film without even the sex scenes - this is a sad, sad thing.

Some films are bad, but within the badness they have something that fascinates or interests us - a different perspective or just sheer eccentricity. In a way they are good at being bad. This film is not good at being anything and is rare, not only in being moronic, but in actually making its audience feel embarrassed for the people who made it,

Imagine years of clawing and scratching your way to being a 'professional' actor or director, for this to be the result. When watching this film, all one can do is wonder (apart from as to whether Kate Fischer will actually show us her silicone work) as to the complete abscence of any sort of wit or intelligence on the screen.

They really should have donated half the money to some young film makers and made a porno-flick with the other half - clearly they would have been far better at this.
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Watch Without Mercy!
Godziller20 March 2003
Hey folks, basically I think every comment I have read on this movie is absolutely correct! And to ME that means, accept that this is going to be really really horribly bad and get over yourself! Watch it when you are in the mood to just sneer at how stupid a movie can be. I for one get into some profoundly silly moods and a piece of crap like this really fits the bill.

Steer clear if you are a top-notch-only viewer or a genre purist. But if you can get a kick out of seeing exercises in futility, I think this one stands out! I would NEVER pay real money to see something like this in a theater though. Er...Not on purpose.
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Why is this movie not in the bottom top 100?
dafilter29 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A Movie about a bunch of some kind of filmmakers, who want to make a documentary on a new kind of surfing in shark-infested waters. As an absolute fan of movies including some kind of vicious animals or monsters, I thought this might be my kind of movie... it wasn't!!! This should be more of a guideline of how not to do it! It has a lot of accidental humor in it and the evil beast is an incredible joke, in the final scene it goes after the main characters *rolling*, the feet are obviously waving in the air! It looks ridiculous! Good for a laugh though. If it were only for the lack of talent between the actors, the embarrassingly stupid dialogs and the hilariously stupid crocodile, it would be at least worth a laugh, but it gets worse: I'd guess, the people in charge of this movie noticed how weak it was, so they though up the old idea of "sex sells"... Totally, i mean TOTALLY without any reasons one of the main actresses shows her breasts to the beast. And somewhere towards the beginning there's some kind of meaningless "makeout". This is the last ingredient making the movie absolute trash to me. It's incredible how people actually spend time producing such rubbish! If you are seeking for a real waste of time: watch this movie!!!
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Whoever thought this was a good idea for a movie!
jonodrake8 December 2000
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** If one were to review the film based on the premise alone, one might think that you were looking at an average animal orientated horror flick. The plot is as follows. A group of documentary filmmakers head off to an island in order to film a documentary about surfing with sharks or blood surfing. (I live in South Africa so it was released as "Blood Surf.") Admittedly, this seems to have a somewhat interesting idea behind it which, if it were explored further, could have improved the movie somewhat. However, this is not the case as the blood surfing part of the movie is minimal due to the fact that their documentary is interrupted by a rather large salt-water crocodile.

The script is absolutely terrible. A good example of this is whenever someone gets eaten by the crocodile which is a frequent occurrence in this film, no one seems to give a damn. The most anyone person did in the film was to merely toast the victim in a scene which was meant to be poignant but just ended up being laughable due to the fact that the dialogue in this film was of a highly dubious nature. Another thing that really irritates about this film is the fact that they introduce characters who are totally superfluous to the film itself. They introduce a bunch of pirates who can only be seen to be adding another 10 minutes to a mercifully short film.

The acting can be said to be mediocre. It probably would have been a lot more impressive if they did not have such a terrible script to work from. All in all there isn't one person who made a terrible impact on me. Every single person seemed to be a watered-down caricature and in this way, not one of these actors made any sort of impact on me.

The crocodile itself is said to be huge, over 31 feet exactly and this sense of size is well portrayed by the obvious fake of a crocodile that they have provided for us in the film. The crocodile's death at the end of the film is so ridiculously fake and contrived that it makes one's stomach turn. With a huge cry of bravado, the hero of the film announces that he has a plan which turns out be falling down a hill and getting the crocodile to impale himself on a luckily-placed spike at the bottom of this said hill.

All in all, I would say that this film is one which has to be seen for you to believe how bad it could be. What probably seemed like a good idea at the time suffered from a terrible script and an overwhelming sense of low-budgetness which all served to create a truly awful movie.
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TobyS7 November 2001
Oh, CGI. A blessing when used properly. A sin with it's used by people who have no idea what their doing. Sadly, that's not the only thing that's used poorly in this umpteen Jaws rip-off.

Ok, anybody who has read any number of my posted reviews has probably noticed 2 things. 1: I like low-budget horror movies. And 2: If there is a cute guy in said low-budget movie, I'll usually point them out. So, let's just get this out of the way right now. This is one low-budget horror movie I didn't like. The acting, for the most part, is horrible, effects laughable, and the script rivals Battlefield Earth as the worst I've witnessed this year. As far as the resident cute boy...Dax Miller (Bog) wins that prize hands down. This boy is hot! And surprisingly, he's not just a toned body with nice eyes and a cute butt...he can actually act (well, as much as he can in this odious film). Now that we have the housekeeping chores out of the way, let's get on with it.

In Cliff Notes version, here's the story (don't worry, I'll try not to give anything away)...

A film crew travels to a remote island to film a documentary about two surfers (established cute boy and his buddy) who surf with sharks. Unknown to them is a rather large salt water crocodile lurking around the island. Croc shows up, mayhem ensues, and people are eaten. Roll end credits.

As I said earlier, this film pretty much blows. It started pretty well, but soon devolved into being silly and stupid. A main character becomes lunch (in a rather humorous way), and our remaining heros utter one-liners at the victims expense. Also, if this croc is at the top of the food chain on both the land and in the water, what's with all the sharks around? If this thing can eat a 40 foot boat, I don't think a few skimpy sharks would stick around. The FX is some of the worst I have ever had the displeasure to see. The CGI is horrendous, and they've even managed to screw up the animatronic crocs. Attention, filmmakers. National Geographic. Discovery Store. The Croc Hunter. They know what crocodiles look like. You obviously didn't reference any of these judging by the monstrosity seen towards the end of the film. And what's with the pirate/drug pusher gang? Did you just need another reason to rip off a woman's top?

It's funny how we get little sub-genres in the movie world. With Alligator and it's sequels, Lake Placid, Crocodile, and now Blood Surf, it now looks like "over-sized crocodile/alligator" movies should now get their own category at Blockbuster. Alligator was good. Lake Placid was good. I even thought Tobe Hooper's Crocodile was good. Blood Surf, sucked.

My grade: D-
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Made me laugh...and cry
davey3544 January 2002
If you're looking for a new film franchise to rival the likes of Jaws and Predator, then keep looking. This ain't gonna win an Oscar. But that doesn't mean it's bad. The story is of a film crew shooting surfers, eh, surfing with sharks. What they don't know is that a dirty big Croc is also under the sea.

The actors are all unknown to me, but they are all actually pretty good. The 2 surf bum main characters especially could have their own show. But the real star is the Croc. Probably some of the worst special effects I've yet seen, though the head and jaws looked cool when it was on land.

As always with a low budget horror film, there's a couple of topless scenes, couple of sex scenes and plenty of tight tops and cleavage. Which is no bad thing in my book.

I won't ruin the ending, but I nearly cried it was so funny.

To sum up, stone cold sober analysis of this flick won't reveal it to be a Citizen Kane, but then that isn't what the film is trying to achieve. With a 6 pack in you though, it's highly enjoyable. - 4/5
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Is "Taryn Reif" Danish for "anorexia nervosa"?
counterrevolutionary31 January 2003
You, know, I can take the blood and the sex, but that thong bikini shot pretty much did me in. Someone get that girl some pasta before it's too late!

And you know, it's just not a good idea for a schlock movie to start off by mentioning the much better movie it's ripping off.

I gave this one a 2, just because it's marginally better than Tobe Hooper's CROCODILE.
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Every bit as bad as "Crocodile".
gridoon29 January 2003
"It's not like that big mechanical toy", says a character early on, commenting on "Jaws". Well, "Blood Surf" would only wish to have a beast as convincing as the shark of the "Jaws" series. In other words, the digital special effects of this movie are TERRIBLE. Acting and directing are not much better, either; they seem more suited to a deodorant or a bubble-gum commercial than to a horror movie. The attitude of the people who worked on this film shows contempt not only for the genre, but for the audience too. Saying you "liked" this film only encourages filmmakers to offer us more of this crap, further destroying the poor horror genre. (*1/2)
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B-fest 2000
tilapia20 June 2002
What's up with you people? How could you NOT love a movie as silly and fun as Krocodylus? This film contains more sex, violence, adrenaline action and general stupidity as a dozen of other recent films? In short, Krocodylus is the embodiment of E-N-T-E-R-T-A-I-N-M-E-N-T. It's also the best of the modern b-films about giant animals... but that's not saying much, is it? The best scene includes something called "croc-teasing", but i'm not going to ruin that one for you... rent it and see for yourself!

A lot of people have been thrashing this film for it's tacky special fx - I'm sorry, I can't see it. I think the fx works just fine, combining a moderate use of computer generation with some of the old "rubber-crocodile and fake blood" stuff.

"ride the next wave in terror" - I think I will! 8/10
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Entertaining monster movie.
kirk-24617 May 2009
I enjoy monster movies as much as the next guy,and 'Blood Surf' is one of those movies that I enjoyed.But I have seen other movies about a giant man-eating crocodile that were slightly better.Examples of these would be 'Crocodile' and 'Lake Placid.'And there are some croc movies that are worse,such as 'Supercroc.'Anyway,I thought that 'Blood Surf' was a very entertaining monster movie.But why did this movie get a rating as low as a 3.Come on people,what's wrong with you?Don't you find people being ripped apart by a giant reptile in a horror movie a little enjoyable.Sure,I know that the croc kinda looked fake but just sit down and have a good time.
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Nice Philippine location scenery, it's just a shame about the film.
poolandrews11 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
An MTV-style film crew consisting of American T.V. programme producer Zack Zardine (Matt Borlenghi) his camerawoman, the Australian Cecily (Kate Fisher) and two surfer 'dudes' named Bog Hall (Dax Miller) and Jeremy (Joel West) arrive on some nice looking island somewhere, it's not actually revealed where. The crew plan to shoot an expose on 'bloodsurfing' which is apparently the latest craze in extreme sports. Surfers throw bait into the sea and cut themselves to attract sharks, just to see if they can out-surf them without being eaten. Once there they are greeted by Sonny Lofranco (Cris Vertido) and his wife Melba (Susan Africa). Their search for the perfect location leads them to the shark infested waters of Lilo-Cay. Sonny, Melba and their daughter Lemmya (Maureen Larrazabal) take them in their boat. Soon after arriving and having already shot some 'bloodsurfing' footage Sonny, Melba and Lemmya are all killed by a 30 foot saltwater crocodile that some say 'owns' the island. The boat is sunk. Zack, Cecily, Bog and Jeremy appear stuck on the island until such time a rescue party arrives. However, after a run in with some, erm well I don't really know what they are. Pirates? Drug smugglers? Revolutionairies? Fat ugly people who just don't like being with other people? Who knows? And more importantly who cares? Not me that's for sure. Anyway, after escaping from these guys who look like pirates, they are picked up just off the coast of the island by Captain John Dirks (Duncan Regehr) and his girl Arty (Taryn Reif as Tara Reif). The film crew believe they have been saved. Little do they know that the crocodile and Captain Dirks go way back and he has a score to settle and four members of a film crew aren't going to stop him. Captain Dirks heads back to Lilo-Cay for a final showdown with the giant man-eating crocodile.

Directed by James D.R. Hickox this is one awful film, but it's still not as bad as Tobe Hoopers Crocodile (2000). Everything about this film sucks. The script by Sam Bernard and Robert L.Levy is terrible, extremely slow as the crocodile isn't even seen or mentioned before the 30 minute mark and by that time I was seriously bored and annoyed with the hideously unlikeable characters thought up by Bernard and Levy. The whole film is also frustratingly predictable as well, within the first 10 minutes anyone familiar with horror film stereotypes and stock characters will be able to guess who dies and who will survive. The crocodile effects are awful and seem to be repeated over and over, there is a small puppet head that obviously has someones arm stuck inside it controlling it's movements as the water splashes become huge! The CGI shots of the crocodile are just plain embarrassing to watch. There is no gore apart from when a character is bitten in half which is achieved using CGI to digitally remove the actors legs, again it looks terrible. There is also a brief scene when someone is impaled on wooden spikes when they set a trap off. There is a reasonable amount of nudity and sex, plus the female actresses are nice and easy on the eye. There are basic continuity and logical errors in the film too, in one sequence Cecily is filming Bog and Jeremy 'bloodsurfing' but from the angle and distance she is at it would be physically impossible to obtain footage of both the sharks and surfers at the same time, and surely that is the whole point of her shot? When Dirks manages to harpoon the crocodile the angle of the wire changes dramatically between shots, in one shot the angle of the line looks like it's coming from the sky, in the shot straight after the angle is completely different and it seems as if the line is coming from below the surface of the water when in actual fact the harpoon is attached to the back of the boat and the line should be almost level with the surface. I could carry on, like why does the crocodile jump off the edge of a cliff if it's so smart as this film tries to make out? But I would probably exceed the 1000 word limit if I listed everything that was wrong with this film, so I won't. I hated this film, but rather scarily it's still not as bad as Tobe Hoopers effort at a giant crocodile film. Definitely one to avoid.
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Blood Surfing is cool, specially with a "crocodile".
carlos_pimentel5 September 2004
Blood Surf... It still isn't the best crocodile movie i've seen but enjoyable for the sport of surfing on shark infested waters and staying trapped in an island with a giant crocodile. Of course the effects are bad, and the mechanical beast is not to bad, it only looks like a rubber crocodile. And the croc as blue eyes, Strange did you ever seen a crocodile with blue eyes? I guess not. And why all that porno stuff was it to entertain or to only burn time in the film to look like a long movie. Some scenes in the movie that I asked my self somme questions where: The scene when the boat is sinking and the croc appears, the croc bites that guy in half and guy is still alive! And there was no blood dripping, strange. Another one is when those two girls crossed the river the crocodile stopped chasing them, why? Do crocodiles don't know how to swim? or was it scared of the water? Actually I don't know. The actors and actresses acted a bit bad but personally it wasn't that bad, and the story where was it? So after saying all this I am still looking for it on DVD, Because I even liked the damned movie. I don't know why but I like it. 6/10
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Blood, Boobs, and still Bad, Bad, Bad
thelazyw23 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
We saw this wonderful movie through our free dish downloadable content. I say this because I am happy to day I did not spend even a dollar to rent it.

The story is absolutely ridiculous. I mean come on.... chumming for sharks to surf with? Real;y?? THere are some beautiful locations but that is about all this movie has to offer. There are a few disjointed love scenes that are totally unrealistic and pointless to the story...

We love the "giant" animal flicks and most are good enough to endure but this one does not live up to the genre.

Save your time and pick another flick, this one isn't it.....
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Bad movie...not much else to say about it
Vigilante-40720 July 2001
The only real highlight in the movie is the death of the sniveling guy and the reaction of the surviving characters to it.

In every other way, this film is a very lame rip-off of Jaws, Lake Placid, and Alligator, with a little bit of Godzilla (1998) thrown in.

As is standard for a 1990's-style horror movie, the two non-starring females each take their clothes off at least once. The female lead doesn't, since she obviously has a better agent.

The whole movie surrounds the filming of a really dumb extreme sport called blood surfing, in which surfers cut themselves and surf in shark-infested waters. In this film, a giant salt-water crocodile also happens to be in the area. People get eaten. The movie ends.

I don't mind a bad horror movie, but I really hate a dull bad horror movie, which this definitely is.
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It has no idea what it should be, or for that matter, what it even wants to be
TheUnknown837-111 April 2011
"Blood Surf" (a.k.a. "Krocodylus") is one of those movies that you root for when you hear a plot description, because you are really hoping that this one will work. The basic idea is quite interesting. A new form of stunt television work, called Blood Surf, is created, in which surfers ride their boards through shark-infested waters. But instead of being chomped on by sharks, as we'd initially expect, they are hounded by a ferocious saltwater crocodile. Now that is a plot that we really want to go for. It sounds like a recipe for an enjoyable film. But alas, "Blood Surf" slam-dunks itself right into some foul water and sinks into the abysses because it suffers from the cinematic equivalence of schizophrenia. It has no idea what it should be, or more important, what it even wants to be.

A full hour ellipses by the time we really start on the plot with the crocodile and by that time, the tone of the movie has undergone a one hundred-eighty-degree turn. It's at this point that we realize that "Blood Surf" is really supposed be a comedy rather than a straight shocker. So naturally, we would expect the first two-thirds to be the funny, whimsical bits and the last part straight, gruesome, and serious in mind.

We would be wrong.

Instead, writers Sam Bernard and Robert L. Levy decided to idiotically reverse this. If the entire movie was to be funny, you wouldn't be able to tell from the first hour. It's all down in tone and imitates realism. Then, when the crocodile appears it throws up some of the most ridiculously stupid and unbelievable twists intended to spawn laughter. For example, the crocodile chases our heroes on land but won't chase them through a river because supposedly there's chocolate plants in the water and "salties hate them!" A character quips, "I guess that's what you call croc-teasing" and the scene ends quickly, leaving us with our mouths agape. Only no sound is coming out. But the movie's ultimately lowest point is a juxtaposition of an attack by the crocodile and the lamest, most pathetic, most pointless sex scene possibly in movie history. I have griped about that cheap gimmick many times, but this is the one time where I really think it becomes almost criminally stupid.

There are so many good ideas thrown shamefully to waste. The idea of blood surfing and then encountering a crocodile. The characters being captured by pirates. I was even willing to buy the redundant and monotonous subplot about the enraged, crusty sea captain wanting to hunt down the crocodile for revenge. Those are good ideas that are not developed well and this only increased by disdain for the movie. Performances, in general, are stiff but not awful, with only Ducan Regehr's being good enough to really be labeled acting. So lack of real talent in the cast does strike against it when it tries to be funny.

"Blood Surf" was directed by James D.R. Hickox, who made the pleasingly entertaining "Sabretooth" in 2002, so I was really hoping that this feature was going to realize its potential. But because of its lack of knowledge about itself and what it should go for, or what it even wants to go for, the picture collapses really hard and really fast. That great critic Gene Siskel once said that people should not remake classics, but bad movies, because any subject could be done well.

Let's utilize his philosophy here.
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What's this all about then?
redkiwi10 August 2002
Some might scoff, but there is actually a real art with making particularly bad films. This misses out on all fronts.

A bunch of young people -- women with heaving breasts and continuously wet T-Shirts, naturally -- go to film "blood surfing" and end up running into a 31 foot crocodile.

Not only was the croc obviously fake, but some of the props [notice the boat hitting the reef in particular] look like they've come out of thunderbirds!

No good, from start to finish. Don't see it!
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Pathetic, useless, waste of time
cyrus-2530 June 2001
This film is really terrible. terrible as in it is a waste of 84 minutes of your life. Special effects are so terrible. The acting wasn't convincing.

Its about a crocodile that attack a view tourists as they are filming a documentary about "blood surfing". Blood surfing is when they surf around sharks but it turns terrible wrong when a 31 foot crocodile interrupts there holiday. The sharks don't look real. The crocodile is even worse, and it gets even more pathetic when they are running away form the creature, but the crocodile gets stuck and 2 females flash it. The deaths are fake and the pirates are just to fill in time.

A pointless, terrible film thats not worth seeing!!
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The second-best Matt Borlenghi/killer crocodile movie of all time...
Phillemos6 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
...which isn't exactly a ringing endorsement. Overall, "DinoCroc" was a much better movie. Sure, in that movie Matt Borlenghi played a complete wuss-bag who spent the entire movie crying about his little brother getting eaten by the DinoCroc. But the special effects in "DinoCroc" were better, the plot lines were better, and the acting was better. Here are the problems with "Blood Surf" -- 1) the killer crocodile looks like a kid's model with a retractable jaw. 2) the plot is ridiculous. Matt Borlenghi & Co. get shipwrecked on a deserted island, in which they encounter a rabid group of ugly Filipino natives who try to force themselves upon the women in the group. Which was a complete waste of 15 minutes of film. And 3) there's not enough croc time. There are a couple of redeeming qualities of "Blood Surf" -- the actresses are pretty attractive and Matt Borlenghi gets eaten by the croc towards the end of the movie. But if you're on your deathbed and only have enough time to watch one Matt Borlenghi/killer crocodile movie, skip this one and fire up "DinoCroc" instead.
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MY GOD!!!!!
benno_dale15 January 2002
I never actually thought that a film could be so atrocious, but alas I was wrong. Terrible acting, terrible plot, terrible effects. The Crocodile was awful and as for the stupid sex/killing scene all in one, that was a bad move from the word go. It was truly shocking and that is not a compliment! How can someone make this film, watch it back and then actually say "Yeah, thats a good movie. People will watch that" If you haven't seen it I beg you DON'T BOTHER :-(
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Very Underrated Horror\Comedy Croc Film
ZaruenMakai7 March 2011
I don't know what is with all the harsh ratings about this film but I actually really liked this film, as long as you don't take it too seriously. The Cast says some really cliché lines during the movie but it gives humor even in the most tense of situations.

Each character has their own type of personality. the main character obviously represents the Hero. one of his friends (blonde dude), is the comic relief and the other one is the assumed prick always having to add stupidity and making a situation that cant be any worse, much worse. The main girl in the cast is kind of a prick but when push comes to shove she makes the right decision, she just has a bad influence by the other guy character, the prick not the blond.

Than you have the Captain of the boat who always reminded me of the captain from Anacondas 2. (Johnny Messner)The Captain's girlfriend is the iconic stupid blond. There is also an Asian chick but shes basically just a bad girl that likes to have sex. The Crocodile itself is rather big and growls like the sharks in shark attack 2, but for a crocodile it is more believable to be growling than a shark which makes no noise that we can understand well enough since it is underwater.

Although my rating might be bias because i watched it when i was a kid and it scared me because the croc was huge. When i watched it again i still prefer this movie over lake placid and Crocodile.
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Flawed Fun
BrandtSponseller24 January 2004
The premise (modified from the box description): Follow an MTV style filmmaker as she and her crew shoot an expose of the latest, most dangerous craze in extreme sports-bloodsurfing, or surfing in shark infested waters while intentionally trying to attract the creatures. While trying to shoot in Australia, the crew encounters non-cooperative locals and various kinds of relationship problems. They also get more than they bargained for while bloodsurfing in an isolated location. Not only are the sharks putting them at risk, but there just may be a legendary monster in the water.

'Mish-mash' describes this film better than such a non-technical term should. The premise is a mish-mash of Lake Placid, Anaconda, and tens of other monster films, with some touches of adventure and romance thrown in for (good?) measure. The quality of the film is a mish-mash of a too-confusing script with more than its share of holes, some pretty hokey dialogue, and some decent direction, editing and performances, with surprisingly good cinematography, occasional moments of tension, and the requisite beautiful actresses.

The biggest problems seem to arise from the script, which isn't very straightforward about what bloodsurfing is, why it is popular, what the relationships are among the principle characters, who some later characters are and why they are taking the actions they're taking. Still, the premise is easy enough to figure out after a few minutes, and the potential of the story, if not quite its execution, is intriguing enough. Horror fans who don't mind films with fairly transparent influences and who can be forgiving of some fairly obvious mechanical beasts and miniatures should find enough redeeming aspects to keep them entertained for 87 minutes.

The DVD released in 2001 by Trimark contains two special features--about six or seven minutes of raw footage, which is interesting if you are a intrigued with the mechanics of film-making, but which could benefit from some commentary, and storyboards for a few scenes that are accessible while the film is playing the relevant chapters.
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Movie Nuttball29 July 2005
Blood Surf AKA Krocodylus is a fair film that has an okay cast which includes Dax Miller, Taryn Reif, Kate Fischer, Duncan Regehr, Joel West, Matt Borlenghi, Maureen Larrazabal, Cris Vertido, Susan Africa, Archie Adamos, Rolando Santo Domingo, and Malecio Amayao. The acting by the actors is fairly good. The thrills are fairly good and some of it is surprising. The movie is filmed fairly good as well. Same thing goes for the music The film is fairly interesting and the movie does keeps you going until the end. This is a fairly thrilling film. If you the the cast in the film, Monsters, Giant Animal films, Horror, Thrillers, Mystery, and interesting films then I recommend you to see this film today!
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