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Visually enticing and well acted, but poorly executes good ideas. ** out of ****.
Movie-1230 April 2000

Johnny Depp plays a NASA astronaut named Spencer Armacost who, while on a space mission, losses contact with Earth for two minutes. He and his colleague, Alex Streck (Nick Cassavetes), return home to their spouses, Jillian Armacost (Charlize Theron) and Natalie Streck (Donna Murphy). Bizarre episodes begin to occur with Alex, leaving Jillian suspicious of her husband's condition. As her husband's strange behavior increases, Jillian begins to question what really happened in those 120 seconds.

"The Astronaut's Wife," written and directed by Rand Ravich, poorly executes good ideas. We have imaginative and potentially suspenseful ideas with this film's concepts behind such happenings in two minutes as Spencer and Alex are in galactic boundaries. The gradual increase in Spencer's unusual behavior depicts effective suspense-but thorough introduction of the characters does not take place, nor do we witness the key events in which the rest of the move hinges upon. Consequently, "The Astronaut's Wife" does not work.

The film's first act is full of incidences, characters, and subplots. Clearly too many things happen too early in the story. Within the first thirty minutes the production attempts to develop two separate relationships, shows us the atmosphere of a teacher's workplace, something bizarre transpires out of earth's orbit, a decision is made to resign and move to New York, a suicide takes place, a character mysteriously dies, and probably more. I just couldn't follow the plot.

I liked the eerie, supernatural overtones located throughout the production. The film is smart to reveal the right amounts of information at the precise time. There is also a certain style to "The Astronaut's Wife," containing an elusive mood, a weirdly intriguing design, and some tense and unusual camera angles. The movie becomes more interesting as we reach the closing.

Charlize Theron has been in a lot of movies lately, but "The Astronaut's Wife" is her first leading role. She seems to have come out of left field in 1997 with the comedy "Trail and Error." Afterwards, she contributed larger performances in "The Devil's Advocate," "Celebrity," "Mighty Joe Young," and most recently "The Cider House Rules," and "Reindeer Games." Her role in "The Astronaut's Wife" is a little more complex than her past credits, excluding her enticing and believable acting job in "The Devil's Advocate." She presents the traumatized Jillian Armacost with the perfect blend of zest and tragic confusion.

Depp and Theron conjure a chemistry-rich couple. The movie very clearly takes Jillian's point of view instead of allowing us to know mysteries with Spencer. This stays consistent and focused, but sometimes leaves us pondering about unexplained events.

"The Astronaut's Wife" builds for an awe-inducing conclusion through revealing and intriguing dialogue and an omnipresent undertone. The film suggests a form of extraterrestrial is behind the deaths of several characters as well as the strange behavior of Spencer, but we learn the truth only in the end. Call "The Astronaut's Wife" an unusual "The X Files" episode featuring a cliffhanger conclusion and a supernatural climax. The movie must have appeared really exciting on script. If only more capable filmmakers would have claimed this production we may have had a real winner. Instead audiences feel disappointment and failure, potential is wasted and originality is underscored
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Waste of a good cast
aredfish30 March 2008
When I saw that this movie was rated only 4.8 despite such a strong cast, I was surprised. Now I know why it rates so low. The dialogue is confusing and aimless, and the director loves bizarre camera angles and movements that only serve to distract, rather than to illuminate or reveal.

The pacing is far too slow. It's been going 40 minutes, and I still don't know what it's about. If I hadn't read the blurb I wouldn't know that Johnny Depp was supposed to be somehow different now that he's back. The movie hasn't made that point yet. And it never will, as far as I'm concerned. It hasn't held my attention and now I'm writing this comment instead.

Purposeless writing and obtrusive, gimmicky direction waste a competent cast and, for all I know, a clever story.
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Eerie and thrilling film about a pair of shuttle astronauts return Earth with unexpected consequences
ma-cortes20 July 2020
It deals with a space shuttle in orbit and two astronauts leave their spacecraft to carry out a routine mission : to repair a damaged satellite when there's an explosion , later on they forced to go back Earth after NASA loses contact for two mysterious minutes . Astronauts Spencer Armacost (Johnny Depp) and Alex Streck (Nick Cassavetes) were outside the spacecraft when the surprising incident happened. But they aren't the same guys after they go back from a nearly fatal accident . Armacost seems to be unaffected ; however , his wife Jillian (Charlize Theron) , a Florida school teacher , feels weird activities and subtle changes in him . Over time , Armacost's unsettling mistress Jillian to be afraid of his strange behaviour . As his obsession knows no bounds and he becomes increasingly violent , putting Jillian's life in danger . As he begins to threaten her with possesive and violent acts . Egged on by a previous NASA employee (Joe Morton) , the fiercely strongwilled woman starts to believe that her husband is something else . Jillian also learns that she is pregnant , as time progresses she begins to feel like the lives inside of her are not of this world . Look at this "man" and Beware! There is nothing human about him except his desires! See The Thing Without A Face . How well do you know the one you love? Imagine the face of terror is the one you love . Witness the birth of pure evil.

Long in atmosphere but short on momentum and plot , the meandering script is fleshed out by nuanced performances . Ravich's decent filmmaking fills the antiseptic interiors of the marriage's Manhattan designer apartment with a terrifying menace , but regrettably the slow-burn intrigue is extinguished when too much is revealed at just the wrong moment . The picture blends Sci-fi/horror themes , taking parts here and there of extraterrestrial invasion as ¨Species¨ adding terrifying moments , as Charlize Teron is also very much like her beleagured wife in ¨The devil's advocate¨since everyone seems to think Jillian's nuts , as well as things get very ¨Rosemary's Baby¨ style . Charlize Theron gives a passable acting as a disturbing woman who becomes pregnant with twins from a strange astronaut , holding doubts if carrying extraterrestrial parasites , she is by turns , sympathetically unhinged and vulnerable . While Johnny Depp is really creepy and disturbing as an astronaut with dark purports. As Johnny Depp is more credible in quirky characters in quirky films .Remaining support cast is pretty good , such as Nick Cassavetes , Donna Murphy , Clea Duvall , Samantha Eggar , Tom Noonan , Gary Grubbs , Blair Brown , among others .

It contains a moving and nail-biting musical score by George S. Clinton with plenty of thrilling and suspenseful moments . As well as colorful and adequate cinematography by recently deceased Allen Daviau . The motion picture was professionally made by Rand Ravich , though with no originality and it has some flaws and gaps . This is his only film but he has written/produced TV series as Crisis , Second chance , Time tunnel and Life . Rating : 5.5/10 . Passable and acceptable Science-Fiction/Horror movie
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highly derivative sci-fi film
Buddy-5126 February 2000
Warning: Spoilers
What do you get when you mix six parts "I Married a Monster From Outer Space" with four parts "Rosemary's Baby," "The Omen" and "Village of the Damned," shake it and stir it, then add "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and the "Alien" movies as chasers? You end up with "The Astronaut's Wife," a film cobbled together from so many disparate and familiar sources that the audience is always ten giant steps ahead of both the plot and the characters.

This shamelessly derivative film, essentially an unattributed remake of "I Married a Monster From Outer Space," stars Johnny Depp, taking one of his rare side forays into straight commercial moviemaking, as an astronaut who experiences a strange, inexplicable two-minute long phenomenon while outside his space capsule and who returns an oddly changed man - though Depp plays both the before and after roles in so similarly deadpan and lowkeyed a style that we frankly cannot see too much of a difference. Charlize Theron portrays Spencer's wife, Jillian, who slowly comes to perceive that all is not true blue with her hero husband.

"The Astronaut's Wife" suffers so fatally from a sense of deja vu that it becomes almost impossible to stay interested despite a yeomanlike performance by Theron who even sports the shorn pixie hairstyle made famous by Mia Farrow, thirty-two long years ago, as she too ran around New York City, desperately searching for answers as to just what diabolical force was incubating deep inside her womb.

This film does provide an admirably dark finale as well as art direction, cinematography and music that create a spare, almost hermetically sealed world, devoid of sunshine and life. Too bad these quality elements are placed into the service of such completely unimaginative material.
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Wasted Potential with Good Cast
krdement16 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
There are 3 main problems with this movie: 1) the director was too intent on making a dark, alien abduction/Rosemary's baby film, 2) the soundtrack also was so dark that it didn't really leave any doubt about what was going on, and 3) the ending was as typical as they come in thrillers.

The material, and the general story are full of possibilities that are simply abandoned in favor of the obvious and predictable. The script tells us that Jillian (Charlize Theron) has experienced serious mental/emotional problems in her past. This element of the story could have kept us in doubt through the whole film: Is her "husband" now an alien, or is it all her delusional mind at work? Yet, the ominous soundtrack never leaves us in doubt: this is not a case of possible mental breakdown - it is an alien movie. Nor does Johnny Depp's emotionless and increasingly ominous delivery of lines (emphasized, to be sure, by the music) leave any doubt after a short time. Pity that the director didn't employ more ambiguous, less "atmospheric" music and more light (this is a very dark film), and direct Depp in a more ambiguous, less ominous delivery of his lines (of which Depp, one of my favorite actors of all time, is more than capable). A less "heavy-handed" approach by the director would have kept us wondering whether to believe Jillian's suspicions or to be suspicious of her, ourselves. The end, is likewise pregnant (excuse the pun) with possibilities, yet the writers and director settled for the same old-same old that we have seen countless times. Please - no sequel!
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Payoff could've been better
perfectbond14 March 2004
Up to about ninety percent through the film, The Astronaut's seems to be on course to being something special. Leads Depp and Theron are very convincing in their roles and they are backed by a very competent supporting cast led by the always reliable Joe Morton (T2, Speed, Bounce, Paycheck, Smallville). The special effects and cinematography are well done and the pacing and building of suspense entice the viewer to unravel the mystery along with the protagonist. Unfortunately the revelation doesn't quite live up to the buildup leaving the viewer more than a little dissatisfied. Despite the letdown I still recommend this movie on the strength of the performances and on the fact that is a rare hybrid of the science fiction and thriller genres. 7/10.
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An insult
jamesowen-22 February 2006
There is scene in this movie in which a stroke is medically referred to as "a severe insult to the brain". A line which describes this entire film far better than any reviewer possibly could.

Obviously influenced by The X-Files, the first thing that strikes the viewer is the invasive use of tense mood music. If the Astronaut's Wife is opening a fridge there is a string quartet behind anxiously heralding a danger which subsequently doesn't exist. In a TV show like The X-Files it's a trick used to great affect because it's stylistic and the shows exhibit a degree of wit and imagination that relieve us from the pointless tension. Neither of those saving graces feature in this film.

The characters are poorly drawn, we're constantly told Spencer (The Astronaut) has changed since his last mission into space. We need to be told this so often because we're deprived of witnessing very much of his prior personality. And throughout the story Jillian (The Wife) never functions as anything more than a paranoid wreck, even before she suspects that something is really wrong.

Fans of Depp and Theron will be as disappointed as the rest of us. Johnny's flyboy astronaut is utterly out of place since we all know true spacemen are stiff and boring scientists, yet this guy is exhuberant like the barnstorming 1950's test pilots that never really existed. God only knows what hewas thinking with this part. And Charlize, throughout she never lifts above the catatonic. Literally, and I mean this folks, there is nothing more to her performance than the bags under her eyes and hers is the lead character, our heroine for crying out loud! That's beyond appalling.

As a thriller there is never a comfort break in this pretentious sci-fi flick that asks us to care for a character it's impossible engage with. It's non-stop, we're expected to be in the edge of our seat with every single scene, and if the plot doesn't supply the drama a 'bus' (that's the Hollywood term for a false shock) will. They are countless, and soon annoying. The same can be said for the way The Wife is mysteriously at the front of every crowd during key moments of action, which is one of the other cheap dramatic tricks overused by a really really bad director.

Until recently writer/director Rand Ravich hadn't been in charge of a film since this 1999 failure, you'll know why.

Fifteen years ago this was the kind of film that made a frustrated Quentin Tarantino decide he really needed to begin making his own.

It's diabolical.
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Average at best; better than some....
Cephyran13 September 2004
I have to say, I always enjoy Johnny Depp's work. He is a chameleon; an actor who can take literally any role, who can step outside the boundaries of typecasting. And, his performance in this film is in no way weaker than any other character; it is merely a role that not many are likely to recall when asked about him. The film builds decently enough. Depp and Theron play a married couple, and a significant element of stress begins to grow on Theron following Depp's events during an orbital assignment given to his character.

I also like Charlize Theron; my one nitpick is how she seems to always find her way into these 'tormented woman' roles, like in the Devil's Advocate. Her skills are not necessarily hindered by this repetitiveness; I just find it a redundancy she needs to work beyond. Those of you watching this film for a horror-themed thriller are going to be mostly put off. This film really does not rely to such an extent the horror mechanisms; rather it builds the tension through a number of strictly dialogue scenes, using the plot to intrigue rather than scare tactics.

The ending - quite literally, the last twenty minutes, is the only place you're likely to see what may be called horror. I will not give away what happens here; you have to watch it and see. All I will say is that the ending left me anticipating more. That said, my overall opinion is this movie is satisfactory at best, not a true stand out in the annals of cinema history, but certainly not one of the poorest examples of the profession.
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Annoying pile of s**t....
Embley31 August 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Okay so yes I think Johnny Depp is a pretty good actor, though no one could have pulled off this role because the script stinks... My problem with Mr. Depp here is why in the world would he take this role? It must have looked pretty different to start with or he was blackmailed or something...

Several of the other reviewers here have said that the cinematography of the Astronauts Wife was its one saving grace, and the camera work was not bad, but I felt it did not suit the film itself and so it just irritated me.

The script, the script, the script... What a colossal waste of time.. There were SO SO many holes in the story - and it was all put together terribly... I can not even really get into the script due to the anger and annoyance I feel at wasting my time watching one of the worst films of the year.. It doesn't make any sense! Why is it a big deal that these two twins are going to fly this dumb plane? Because they are eeevvviiilll?? So what. What was the conspiracy? Why would NASA cover it up? Why did the first astronaut to die, die? And why when he died did that "alien" not burst out of him the way it did when Johnny Depp died? What was with the sister - especially when she was killed? That was so stupid. And what about the pulse thing? Why was Johnny always feeling her pulse? Sorry but he wasn't scary and she was just wishy washy. There was no backbone to the film at all - the filmakers just threw some creepy sounding ideas together and seemed to hope it would all come out okay in the end.

As for Charlize Theron, I thought she was pretty blah and I didn't like looking at her, though I didn't think she was awful, however the script could have just been hiding the fact that she can't act at all.

Garbage. Avoid at all costs.
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Good acting, entertaining story, better than expected
niflheimr-66-17708222 September 2011
Before watching this movie, I was slightly put off by the other reviews.. I thought it was perhaps one of those movies that you can either love or hate but no one fully understands it.. but no.. it isn't the most brilliant movie ever, but it's good! the story is a bit simple, but entertaining enough! Makes you tense like any thriller should, makes you wait what turns out. Some compare it to Rosemary's baby but from the space, although I think I know where this comparison comes from, I strongly disagree. And I need to add that Astronaut's Wife in my opinion is a far more entertaining movie to watch than Rosemary's baby. Overall pleasant way to spend your time.. Just don't expect a masterpiece and you will enjoy it.
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Slow burn to ignition; very light payload.
michaelRokeefe6 April 2000
Spencer Armacost, played by Johnny Depp, and a fellow astronaut are lost outside their space shuttle for two minutes. NASA is alarmed and bring the men back. One dies and the other causes suspicion about his actions. Armacost's lovely wife (Charlize Theron)becomes pregnant; expecting twins. But something is strange, something is amiss.

This is a slow ride to an abrupt, teaser of a thriller ending. Depp and Theron have both turned in better performances elsewhere. The little sister, played by Clea DuVall, showed the most emotion. Joe Morton and Blair Brown were also featured. This had the potential, but missed the target on splash down.
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Could have been a Classic Thriller
mmr0714 April 2004
I watched this movie yesterday, and I was hooked to its haunting story till the end. First I have to say the performances were excellent, Johnny Depp still surprises me with his variety of roles, I can't imagine he could have done the hilarious role of Captain Jack Sparrow after this scary role.

His eyes were acting more than any part of his body and you could feel the slight change in his character through the stillness of his eyes. Charlize Theron gave a better performance than her Devil's advocate role although they had the same criteria, the disturbed wife. But her genuine agonizing performance distinguished her in this movie.

I noticed the music was a major pillar in this movie, it was like another main character in this movie, the editing was great also especially the scene in the subway. The story was an original also, it had good turn ups and twists.

The movie had all the right elements in general and it certainly doesn't deserve a 4.7 on the imdb. I think the voters were greatly disappointed after seeing all those good elements destroyed by the cheesy and typical ending that only producers could have had a part with, in order to make another sequel.

The ending by all means was bad, it destroyed the originality of the story and the tension build up. I give it an 7.5 for all the good elements, it would reached a 9.0 if the ending was different.
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An underrated effort, very reminiscent of Rosemary's Baby.
callanvass7 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Astronaut's wife is nowhere near as bad as its reputation suggests. In fact I honestly found it to be engrossing, while being deliberately slow-paced. It really does echo Rosemary's baby throughout. It's almost as if the filmmakers were heavily influenced by it, and wanted to make a tribute to it of sorts. The eerie atmosphere definitely helps things, as there was more than one occasion I felt creeped out. Astronaut's Wife relies on messing with your mind, and making you think. It really is a movie that requires at least a couple of viewings in my opinion, to fully appreciate it. Some people accused of Johnny Depp of being too low-key here, I respectfully disagree. I thought he handled the part beautifully and was very creepy. I think many people hate this movie is because of the deliberate slow pace, and that it tried to be something different. Rosemary's Baby was hailed as a classic, but not without a fair amount of controversy in between. Astronaut's Wife's criticism was much harsher, but in the same mold.

Performances. Johnny Depp is perfectly low-key here. He garnered a lot of criticism for his portrayal, but he was great in my opinion. He gave me the willies on more than one occasion. Charlize Theron is excellent in her role. She carried the film very well, and had a perfect chemistry with Depp. We aren't sure if she's crazy or not, and that was a tough feat to pull off. Joe Morton is suitably creepy and mysterious in his role. Clea DuVall is rather wooden and unlikable in her role.

Bottom line. It is far from perfect, but I still quite enjoyed it. Accept its deliberate pace and put your brain on thinking mode. I dislike the hatred this film gets.Recommended

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In space, nobody can hear you snore...
wryroy24 July 2000
Just thinking about this world-class DUD is making me sleepy...but before I pass out completely, I feel obligated to let all of you fellow cinema-buffs out there know that Mr. Depp also starred in another highly un-entertaining, non-thrilling movie called "The Ninth Gate." Avoid both these movies like the plague...I bet either one of these major-league mediocrities could put a speed freak to sleep in no time at all.
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Nice patient delivery and good ending even if it leaves unsatisfactory questions
bob the moo15 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Spencer Armacost and Alex Streck are on a mission in orbit to repair a sataleitte when NASA loses touch with them for two minutes. After this two minutes the pair are recovered and return to earth. However Alex dies of heart failure soon after return and his wife, Natalie, kills herself. Soon Spencer's wife Jillian falls pregnant with twins and they move to New York for Spencer to take up a job with a military aerospace firm. However Jillian begins to have doubts that Spencer hasn't been changed by his experience – doubts that are backed up by NASA scientist Sherman Reese.

Playing like a cross between Rosemary's Baby and Contact, this film attracted me to it on the strength that Johnny Depp was in the lead. The plot is interesting as I quite enjoy sci-fi when it is done well, although it maybe doesn't deliver everything you'd expect in terms of thrills. It has a nice slow patient build up throughout the film, we are invited to be unsure if Jillian is losing it or if she's catching on to the reality of her situation. A great performance by Joe Morton helps this uncertainty as he plays a NASA rep who may be unhinged as much as he is informed.

The director uses various tricks to help keep the film feeling tight. Shots flash quickly around the illustrate the panic and confusion in Jillian's head, the camera spins around some key confrontations to make the movement draw out pace etc, but for the most part he has a lowkey tension playing constantly which, for me, worked better than big shocks and scares. The `truth' is revealed a little too early, leaving the film with it's wad blown with still 20 minutes to go, and the climatic confrontation would have worked better with a rant that explains everything in terms of `why' and `who' – but the actual conclusion is pretty cool and maybe it's better we're left wondering.

Depp is OK in the lead but not his best work. He only has to walk round looking menacing and talking with the Texan accent and that's it! Theron is much better and she portrays Jillian so well that the audience aren't sure if she's crazy or not. Her gradual descent is well done and helped by the director. Morton is excellent in what amounts to little more than a cameo and the rest of the cast are pretty good.

Overall this is not a perfect film and is really a bit of a hybrid of genres, but it works pretty well. The slow build up of tension works well, even if it bails out before it should. The ending may be slightly unsatisfying but there's no denying it is a brave attempt. I enjoyed it even if I felt like a bigger ending was in order.
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1/10!,!, 6th!
wupi28 September 1999
Johnny Depp & Charlize Theron mixed with A little bit of X-Files, a bit of Aliens and a bit of 6th sense, and results...When the movie ends you'll be saying "And....., Who......What......."?
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Double Jeopardy
sampleman411-115 April 2002
A few somewhat interesting surprises in this one... Astronaut Spencer and wife Jillian are expecting twins. Jillian soon realizes that she's part of an intergallactic plot, and that her unborn babies are actually superintelligent extraterrestrials. The DVD states that this film is a "parody" of Rosemary's Baby and, understandably, the viewer will recognize the occassional nods to Ira Levin's novel and Roman Polanski's film.
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larythpikl21 February 2000
This was the most horrible movie I have ever seen in my life! It was so boring and it dragged on forever and the end even sucked horribly. I don't know what johny depp was thinking when he agreed to be a star in this movie. This movie was a disappointment and only worth seeing if you want to go to sleep or waste money!
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A reasonably good movie, well acted
Nilsosmar-229 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Astronaut's Wife isn't perfect, but many of the comments posted about it are a bit over the top. The film does have a number of strengths, including subtle and interesting performances by Depp and Theron, particularly in the first half.

Some people have complained about the sex scene, but it's actually one of the most well conceived and edited scenes in the movie, both disturbing and erotic, and effective in conveying the twist in Spencer's relationship with Jillian, the moment when things start to go really wrong. It's actually one of the strongest scenes in the film, and I'm curious why it's stirred up such animosity. I think it may be because some viewers feel strongly that sex doesn't belong in "this kind" of movie. But just because a film has the word "astronaut" in the title doesn't mean it's for kiddies. Objections to the violence in the movie are a little odd too; there is some, but it's mild compared to most Hollywood films.

The second half of the movie does get a little tedious and predictable (but still has some very strong performances in spots, like Theron's when her character is considering aborting the presumably alien fetuses). Jillian's reactions to her sister's death come across as a little odd... she dreams about her sister's murder, sees her body, then still seems surprised a while later to see blood on her husband's hands. The ending does feel contrived and weak, both the alien entering Theron's body, and the (silly) tacked-on ending with the evil kids going off on the bus. (It feels a bit like a committee got hold of it and reconfigured the ending, making the whole thing feel a bit contrived and silly.)

So there are some problems, and the ending does cheapen and weaken the movie. Still in all I'd give it seven stars out of ten, for the strengths of the lead actors' performances.
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A waste of time
rprew16 July 2007
Someone said Plan 9 From Outer Space had met it's match. I disagree. Plan 9 may have lacked a plot, had worse acting, a lower budget, worst in class special effects, etc., but at least Plan 9 From Outer Space was pathetic in a hilarious way. This movie was just plain pathetic. Very predicable, a weak plot supported by poor scripting, performance done way below the capabilities of the actors, and I'm not sure whether or not there was a director on the set. Maybe he wasn't feeling well and spent most of his time in the john. I watched this while taking a break from cleaning the garage. I should have kept working. Don't waste your time.
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lost in space for 2 mins.
kairingler13 July 2013
Johnny Depp was again does not disappoint, he seems to be getting better and better with every role. Charlize Theron is sexy and very beautiful and is great in her distressed female routine. On a mission in outer space 2 shuttle Astronaut's go outside the craft I believe to do some routine manintence and they briefly lose touch with Houston for about 2 mins. what happened during those 2 minutes we are not sure of,, so the men come back home to earth, to their families,, one of the men immediately get sick and he is put into quarantine, our main character however seems unaffected, till later on his wife seems to notice that he is acting differently, sorta like he is not the same person, well as time goes by she get's pregnant, and at the urging of other astronauts she starts to investigate,, she thinks something inside her is growing, and it's not human she believes., excellent thriller with great acting..
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Move over "Plan 9..."
Junker-228 January 2001
Move over "Plan 9 From Outer Space." You've got company.

This movie is simply atrocious. In fact, comparing it to "Plan 9..." is actually an insult to the memory of Ed Wood. Unlike Wood's movies, this isn't even enjoyable on a "so bad it's good" basis. "The Astronaut's Wife" is just so bad it's bad.

Johnny Depp, in the biggest mistake of his life, plays the too, too perfect astronaut husband of Charlize Theron. Depp never utters one line of sincere dialogue in the entire movie. Instead he wanders around like a zombie stopping every once in a while to say something oh so romantic to his wife.

Theron fares even worse. One moment she is playing the whimpering wife; the next she is barking out orders. ("Then take me to someone who can!" is one of the worst lines of dialogue I have ever heard.) It would be nice to blame all of Theron's ineptness in this movie to bad writing and directing, but I fear there is another reason. Behind that incredible beauty is a woman who simply doesn't know how to act.

I could go on blasting this movie, but why bother? Just remember this fair warning: Next time you're in the video store and you see this movie on the shelf, don't be fooled. You may really like science fiction, you may love Johnny Depp and Charlize Theron, but leave this turkey on the shelf. Let it slowly decompose and go back to wherever it came from.
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Well designed thriller. See for yourself.
ryanmccarthy-870952 July 2022
Like several others, I'm flabbergasted at the negative critic and user reviews. It should have earned at least a 6.6.

Johnny Depp charms the audience as the dreamiest husband/NASA astronaut who has returned to earth after a mysterious ordeal labeled one of the most shocking incidents in NASA history. However, we see changes (are we really though?) in his personality unfold through the eyes of Charlize Theron, his unassuming wife. What really happened up there? Did they merely lose oxygen and die and come back to life? Is Charlize out of her mind?

I won't go into more. And word of advice, don't watch the trailer because it gives the mystery away.
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Not so bad at all
Seestern2 February 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I rented this movie on video tape without knowing anything about it. I didn't even know that it existed before I watched it, and therefore I did not have any expectations. In my opinion this movie is not so bad at all. The idea is not new and the story reveals many similarities to Rosemary's Baby, but I really have no idea, why it has been compared to "Plan 9 from outer space"; I've seen many worse sci-fi-movies. I guess the trailers for the movie may have built up wrong expectations.

*** SPOILER BEGINS *** The story is about a psychically unstabile young woman (Jillian), who's husband Spencer is - guess what - an astronaut. After an "accident" during a routine mission, Spencer's partner Alex dies unexpectedly and his pregnant wife commits suicide. Spencer seems altered, too. He quits his NASA job and takes his wife to New York, where he joins in an obscure company, although being an astronaut had always been his dream.

After a party he brutally impregnats Jillian and soon she begins to feel that something's wrong. First she doubts her own psychical constitution, but after a medical doctor from the NASA contacts her, it becomes more and more obvious that her husband has been infected some kind of extraterrestrial organism - and she carries his extraterrestrial breed inside her body. *** SPOILER ENDS ***

The movie focuses on the wife's point of view and it makes absolutely no attempt to be a classical "sci-fi-shocker". It tries to build up excitement in a subtile way, and this attempt is quite successful. The behaviour of the protagonists is much more consistent than many other comments let you suggest (I've read them after watching the movie).

Unfortunately the end comes very suddenly and I must confess that I was not absolutely satisfied by the last scenes.

Nevertheless I'd give the movie 6 or 7 points. It's far above average from my point of view.
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dull and boring
joelx328 August 1999
this movie is one of the most dull and boring movies ever. i kept looking at my watch thinking this movie must be over 3 hours long. it isn't, thankfully. in my opinion there is nothing redeemable about this flick. none of the characters are likeable. there is little character development. what little special effects there are, don't happen until the end of the movie. and they too are dull. don't waste your time on this flick at all. don't even read the book or rent the video. they should start fining people in hollywood for ripping people off.
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