Virus (1999) Poster


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That's one hell of a flare
Clive_W26 October 2019
This is a terribly great film, everything that is wrong with this flick just couldn't stop me from laughing, got to love 90s sci fi sorta b movie level, though we do have quite the cast everything just feels very off with the film, yet if you want to enjoy something for a laugh this would be the film, the effects are poor, the acting is very wooden, and the plot is well been done many times before. I first court this film on late night tv in the uk back when channel 5 used to do there late night films that were always guaranteed to be a terrible movie and had the wonderful pleasure to rewatch the film found on YouTube, this is a little bit of a guilty pleasure. Enjoy!
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Not as bad as its reputation suggests.
gridoon22 July 2000
"The Terminator" meets "The Predator" and "Alien", and what we get is this routine but moderately effective horror thriller, which isn't quite as bad as its reputation might lead you to believe. Sure, it lacks substance and (except for a few details)originality, but the energetic direction, the fast pacing and some impressively filmed explosions keep it painless. Effects aren't particularly outstanding, though.
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Fine waterlogged sci-fi B-movie
Leofwine_draca27 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was pleasantly surprised by this entertaining B-movie which, while hideously clichéd, still manages to deliver the goods in terms of suspense. It's a fast-paced action adventure which flies by while you're watching. Okay so the plot is really just a jumble of bits from THE TERMINATOR and ALIENS to STAR TREK and HARDWARE plus more than a nod to last year's DEEP RISING, but it's given a fresh perspective via some expensive-looking sets and a glossy sheen.

I for one always enjoy these "people wandering through dark corridors getting picked off one by one" sorts of films, especially when the monsters are good, and they're very good in this film. Before they really appear the first half builds up some real suspense and atmosphere as Donald Sutherland and his crew discover an abandoned ship, floating in a mist cloud Mary Celeste-style. The producers gathered together a fun bunch of actors and actresses to play the B-movie types who get picked off one by one.

Firstly we have Jamie Lee Curtis as the tough heroine who (surprise, surprise) turns out to be one of the sole survivors - trust me, I'm not ruining anything here. Curtis looks pretty old in this film but turns in an adequate performance. William Baldwin is the hero of the group, always going on ahead and shooting first. He's fine. Donald Sutherland also turns up, surprisingly, and even more surprisingly gives a pretty awful performance. For a start he's supposed to be Irish but he can't do an Irish accent, and also he gives a very hammy performance as the drunk captain. Joanna Pacula also appears and strangely doesn't seem to have aged at all in ten years - she looks as good as she ever did.

I liked the way that the mechanical monsters in this film started off small and gradually grew bigger and bigger. The first time we see them is when they are little insect like robotic things, scuttling about and amassing components to build bigger and better things. After some disturbing scenes in the ship's hold, androids start to appear, the dead flesh having been recycled and used a new - these androids look very good, gory and gruesome and quite frightening too. From then on the giant robots keep getting bigger and bigger until this gigantic machine appears at the end to attack the few survivors. This big beastie is absolutely phenomenal, the CGI animation has never looked better! As well as the above average special effects, we also get some effectively gruesome moments in which killed crew members turn up as automatons. They're pretty sick looking and extremely cool. There is also some brief gore, one poor guy has a hole punched through his body! The requisite number of shells and bombs are also spent during the film's running time - it's obvious where the budget was spent, on visual spectacle, just as I like to see. If you're a fan of waterlogged chillers in the mould of DEEP STAR SIX and LEVIATHAN, then by all means watch this entertaining B-movie - it's a lot better than its reputation would have you imagine.
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I liked it anyway
LJ2723 August 1999
I've heard people trash this movie left and right yet I found that it kept my attention for the duration of it's running time and all the technical aspects were top-notch (especially Tippett Studio's CGI realization of Goliath). The characters weren't great and weren't bad either. Sure, we've seen it all before in other films but I have little hope of finding a film that's completely original. Frankly, I got about what I expected out of it - motion picture fastfood. You enjoy it as you take it in and digest it and forget about it after you leave the theater. It's just entertainment and not bad for what it is. Unlike LOST IN SPACE or BATMAN AND ROBIN, this film isn't boring. It moves at a quick enough pace to where you don't find yourself checking your watch all the time. I'm not sure what the deal was with Donald Sutherland's character who displays no sense of logic whatsoever. Had they dropped the stuff with his character, it would've helped the film. If you're bored, check it out. It's worth at least one viewing.
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Shocking life form
Prismark1011 January 2014
Virus is based on a Dark Horse comic book. It has a lot of behind the scenes talent such as Gale Anne Hurd (Terminator/Aliens.) Director John Bruno is an Oscar winner for visual effects for The Abyss and he also did the VFX for Terminator 2 and Titanic.

It is no surprise then that the film rips off many of these films in the genre especially as it becomes Aliens meets Robocop meets Terminator.

An electrical based alien life form views humans as a virus, only useful for spare parts and slowly converts the humans into cyborgs.

The film starts off in a Russian space station before settling in a Russian ship. Our heroine is Jamie Lee Curtis a navigator in a tugboat with uninsured cargo destroyed in a typhoon.

The salty captain of the ship, is mean, a drunkard and on the verge of catastrophic failure. He is played by Donald Sutherland.

They stumble on the now abandoned Russian ship and want to take it as valuable salvage before they realise something else is also aboard.

Lee Curtis shows a lot of spirit, she is assisted by a bland William Baldwin. Sutherland is the hissable villain, a mixture of Captain Hook and Quint from Jaws.

The special effects are very good but the script is a let down and the film is rather dull.
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Better Than Its Reputation
utgard1424 April 2014
Decent sci-fi horror/thriller. OK, it's not exceptional in any way but it's also not the steaming pile of poo that its rating here would suggest. I was expecting it to be a real stinker judging by some of the reviews I've read. On the contrary, it was a perfectly watchable movie of its type. Entertaining to a small degree but never dull. The cast isn't bad. Jamie Lee Curtis is the best of the lot. Donald Sutherland hams it up some with a silly Lucky Charms accent. I ask you though -- in what way is that not fun? Maybe people hate it because it has a "dumb action movie" quality about it. Sci-fi fans can be a prickly sort sometimes.
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Terminator meets alien in a mediocre horror -action movie.
slippersofagility8 February 2021
Washed up captain of Sea Star, Robert Everton( played by Donald Sutherland) and his crew of 5 fail to transport their cargo due to a big storm that leaves their ship heavily damaged. They find hope in a high-tech Russian ship that seems abandoned at first. They decide to board the ship and start looking for any crew members. Unfortunately things don't go as planned and they soon find out that they are not alone. Virus is based on a dark horse fiction novel baring the same title. The movie tries a lot to recreate the atmosphere of the movie alien by isolating people with a dangerous extraterrestrial force. The alien itself has no physical form which is a new touch at least for the movie era and consists mainly of electric energy. So in order to survive on the ship it needs to live inside electric devices or create hybrid humanoids with the flesh from the crew. The movie has some gory scenes but it can't be classified as true horror genre since the alien takes the form of robots meaning it bares more resemblance to an action movie like terminator rather than alien. Jamie Lee Curtis plays the role of the good protagonist while William Baldwin does a mediocre job as the hero who tries to save the girl from harm. Once again Donald Sutherland steals the show as a washed up captain who sees an opportunity to make a fortune while your typical black guy in a horror movie, Richie played by Sherman Augustus is the smartest and funniest character by far. Virus doesn't deserve all the bad reputation it has gotten over the years but make no mistake it is not gold stuff also. Some characters exist just to die easily with no background story making us not care at all. One thing that bugged me is that one character's decision near the end of the film makes no sense at all. I must say the special effects of the humanoid- robots get the job done and are surprisingly good for a 1995 movie. Overall virus won't bore you or leave you unsatisfied. It has a semi-decent plot for a horror movie and it's the closer you can to a good alien movie on a ship. It has its flaws but It makes for an easy watch if you are bored or have some time to waste.
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Compilation of other genres is the perfect title
UniqueParticle6 June 2019
I love cheesy underrated movies like this! It really is like a mix of X-Files, Alien, Robocop, and Terminator. Loaded with an awesome cast and some ridiculous mindless writing not meant to be taken seriously. Sci-Fi like this really should be appreciated more!
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I'd recommend seeing it once with appropriate expectations going in
kevin_robbins7 August 2021
The Virus (1999) is currently available on Tubi. The storyline follows a tug boat that comes across an empty vessel. They feel they can claim the vessel because no one is on it; little do they know life like they've never seen remains onboard with a goal to keep the boat empty. This movie is directed by John Bruno (Heavy Metal) and stars Jaime Lee Curts (Halloween), Donald Sutherland (Invasion of the Body Snatcher), William Baldwin (Sliver) and Cliff Curtis (Doctor Sleep). The storyline for this was very uneven. They did a good job of making you feel the characters were trapped and had limited options...but the "villain" seems like some bad mix of Aliens and Batteries not Included. I can't say it worked for me. Sutherland played a great ruthless tugboat captain and Curtis and Baldwin were solid in their roles as well, but not solid enough to over come this painful plot and delivery. I'd score this a 4/10 and recommend seeing it once with appropriate expectations going in.
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Better than evreyone makes it out to be
Christopher-Peznola13 July 2006
A mediocre storyline (i.e. Titanic) can become a world class film with character development, believable dialogue, and, for lack of a better word, some Hollywood magic. This film could have been a blockbuster with less action, less noise, less effects and more humans being human. Look at 2001 A Space Odyssey, Jaws, Titanic and countless other films, and you'll see that the story was about as interesting as Virus, and the actors, equally talented. Virus failed to deliver characters that we could believe and identify with.

I still recommend this film highly, as its interesting, it contains Jamie Lee Curtis (a hottie) and Donald Sutherland (a 20th century legend), lots of effects and action. In a way its sort of fun to watch quality actors attempt to make the best of horrible dialogue.

A 7 out of 10 for storyline and casting
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Not as bad as you might think
JohnSeal16 January 2000
OK, by the half way mark Virus is turning into a pretty typical aliens are here to destroy us movie, but till then it's a reasonably suspenseful, not badly written, well cast and well acted film. Jamie Lee Curtis looks remarkably normal playing a sailor, Donald Sutherland delivers another good villainous performance, and new actor of the year Cliff Curtis (Three Kings, Bringing Out the Dead) is excellent. This is a good popcorn movie, much better than most genre films.
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Salvage, salvage
shhazam230 December 2005
Say what you want about this movie not meeting expectations of the 90's but it was very entertaining and thats most of what I expect from any good movie.

Bad aliens, greed, bravery, bravado, science gone bad and survival all play major parts in this flick.

Strong women, brave men and treacherous men are a good mix for any story and this movie has them in abundance.

The aliens seem to want something from humans and its not in the best interest of these humans to meet their needs.

Try not to be comparing this movie to other sci-fi and just enjoy an interesting twist on the genre.
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*** out of ****
clay-817 January 1999
What I noticed about "Virus" is that ANYTHING can happen to ANY of the characters. They actually get the crap beaten out of them, even Jamie lee. The special-effects are fantastic for this film and the robots are actually menacing. The characters aren't too interesting but they suit the film. I was surprised at how the movie wasn't as predictable as I thought it would be. "Virus" takes a new direction. Instead of having a bunch of aliens or monsters running around, killing people, they have robots. It's an original idea that hasn't been tackled that often in this type of genre. A good movie.
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Clichés - All Aboard!
BaronBl00d12 June 2006
Laughable, extremely poorly scripted and acted effort about a small crew boarding what seems to be a "dead" huge Russian science ship that has been taken over by an alien life form in the form of electrical current. The small crew from the other ship quickly find out that boarding the ship was a bad idea, and soon they begin to, I know this will surprise you, ...DIE. Okay, for starters the film is very derivative of other films, most notably Alien with the same premise of a small group investigating a large "foreign" vessel and ultimately led by a strong female protagonist. Ther are many other obvious similarities, but time and a total lack of desire to rehash that drivel must excuse me. I could live with a less than original story if it had some better dialog and some characters you might give a hoot about, but Virus has none of that. Jamie Lee Curtis does a serviceable job at best and gives the film's best performance, but that is not saying anything as virtually everyone else is just awful. This is a surprise when one sees Donald Sutherland's name attached to this project. I have never seen him give quite as bad a performance as he does in Virus. He goes for every cliché and stereotype of an old sea captain save a wooden leg and a parrot on his shoulder. The accent he uses I found excruciating. The rest of the crew has a group of guys that you will not care about in the least. None of the guys can act. This applies mostly to male "lead" Wiulliam Baldwin who looks like he is lost at sea playing an actor. The script aids the actors in being inadequate as half the time it just makes no sense and other times begins to show promise and ends abruptly. Wow, the way Jamie Lee Curtis gets out of a jam near the film's end was so ridiculous. What about the captain and why he was almost going to shoot himself in the beginning of the picture? What was that all about? It was never brought up again. What does Virus have going for it? It is the very embodiment of mindless entertainment with almost no thinking required. The special effects are pretty good too. But for me the film was a great big let-down. Not that I was expecting something great, but I was expecting something suspenseful. I was laughing and turning my head a lot more times in this one then I was on the edge of my seat - except when I was ready to turn the movie off!
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Come on, it isn't THAT bad!
willywants7 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
After losing their payload the ramshackle, sinking, ocean-going salvage tug "Sea Star" takes refuge in the eye of a typhoon in an attempt to make repairs. Whilst trying to find help the tug, captained by Robert Everton ('Donald Sutherland' ), discovers a Russian science vessel adrift in the eye. The crew believes their troubles are over and they are set for life when the captain informs them of the value of salvaging this apparent ghost-ship. However, the navigator Kit Foster (Jamie Lee Curtis) and the chief engineer Steve Baker (William Baldwin) are not convinced that it will be that easy. Once power is restored to the ship strange things start to happen and the crew mysteriously disappear one by one. It isn't until the discovery of the last remaining Russian crew member, the chief science officer Nadia Vinogradiya (Joanna Pacula), that the crew realize the enemy ranged against them isn't the Russians but something far more malevolent. While I'll admit that the plots is hacked from dozens of other (Mostly better) films, 'Virus' is no where as bad as others have made it out to be. Jamie Lee Curtis is likable in the lead and the special effects are terrific! The film is an entertaining and fast-paced sci-fi horror movie. It was gory too. I enjoyed it. 6.5/10. ABOUT THE DVD: Universal has done a terrific job with the release of the virus DVD. The crisp looking 2.35:1 wide screen transfer looks great. There's little to no grain, sharp colors, solid blacks and realistic flesh tones. The Dolby digital 5.1 audio is very effective. I loved them gunshots! Gotta have your gunshots! Extras are great, too. The commentary, provided by the director, John Bruno, select cast members and the composer is an enjoyable track filled with behind-the-scenes stories and is quite informative. Next up is a very good 17-minute documentary, Ghost in the machine, covering everything from special effects construction to cast interviews. Next up are a collection of 4 deleted scenes (Shown in there rough-cut form), which are pretty enjoyable in there own right. Next up is a tiny 6-minute featurette, which is really just a rehash of the documentary. Also included are production notes, DVD-ROM features, a trailer, and really cool animated menus. Nice! DVD ratings
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It's simple
martingolder-2265921 November 2019
Absolutely the best film featuring Donald Sutherland doing an 'accent' on a boat.
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A mess
mrw812 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Virus never decides what kind of movie it wants to be. Thriller, Sci-fi, horror, action, farce, comedy? Which is it? You can have Thriller, but you can't have dead-pan one liners and hysterical over acting Russians. OR can you? The only way to make this movie watchable is to make a drinking game out of it: Every time someone says a terrible cliché like "If we play our cards right." or "Get your asses up here." or "We gotta get off this ship." or "I need medical attention." then you drink. Believe me, you will be plastered by the beginning of the second act. At one point a character learns they are all in imminent peril and she says, "We need to get off this ship." Wow!

And another line that will haunt me is when William Baldwin says, "You point that gun at me one more time..."

and Sutherland says, "Or what?"

And William Baldwin pauses. Sweat drips from his forehead. All eyes are upon him. Tension is palpable. Baldwin says, "Think about it." and walks away.

That, my friends, is some damn fine writing.

But the production design and animatronics are very very good, which makes me wonder how this script was left in tact. This is what happens when there is enough money for a tug boat and a government ship, but not enough for a script rewrite. One or the other. So the producers chose the tug boat and the ship and prayed the translation into Hungarian for the European DVD release would make up for the fact every other line makes you think the writer learned English from watching Streets of San Francisco reruns. But the writer also produced, so maybe he is a little in love with his craptastic writing. It wouldn't be the first case of vanity screen writing.

I watched it all despite commercials but I wouldn't hesitate to turn it off the next time.
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Great Film for 1999
whpratt128 March 2006
Missed viewing this film and greatly enjoyed the film from beginning to the very end. The actors all did a fantastic job and the special effects were outstanding. Jamie Lee Curtis,(Kelly Foster),"Drowning Mona",'2000, for a while played the only female with quite a few men on a simple tug boat. However, Kelly was the daughter of an Admiral in the US Navy and could handle herself quite well. The captain of the tug boat was Donald Sutherland,(Capt. Robert Everton),"An American Hauting",'05 who drank most of the time, but still was capable of handing his Tug. There is also a Russian Space Ship that is involved in the film along with some very unusual Aliens who cause havoc on a very large Russian ship. William Baldwin,(Steve Baker),"Last Hour",'06, gives a great supporting role, acting as a know it all, and is taught some very serious lessons. Great Sci-Fi, considering it was produced in 1998 or 1999.
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Underrated gem with some amazing effects
majerhawk4 March 2019
I want to compare this to 'the thing' but with a technological twist to it. Effects are top notch, creepy, and well crafted. Story suffices and characters are alright but the real star is obviously the effects. It is a great Sci fi horror film.
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The Terminator meets John Carpenter's The Thing
Verdugo8511 August 2021
This is a cult classic.

Its not a bad film. Its blend of scifi, horror and action in the same vain as "Leviathan" (1989)

Think of Cyberdyne factory contaminated with alien lifeform "Thing" but inside a Russian research vessel and voila, you get "Virus".

Starring: Jamie Lee Curtis, Donald Sutherland and William Baldwin.
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Hi-tech sci-fi/horror at sea
Vomitron_G8 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I know, this movie borrows so many elements from so many sci-fi/horror movies that I'm not gonna bother making a list of them. The setting, plot development, characters, ending,... are all far from original but the premise of this movie sorta is. Instead of monsters or cyborgs running around killing people, we now have an intelligent alien life-force in the form of electricity from outerspace invading a big Russian research-ship in desolate ocean waters. The life-form takes over the ship's computers and electronic circuits and is determined to wipe out the one virus it sees as a threat: Humanity. When the crew of the small salvage-ship Sea Star finds the abandoned Russian vessel dead in the water, the fun starts.

The acting is okay, but the characters are badly written and full of clichés, with Donald Shutterland's character, Capt. Robert Everton, being the worst (and therefore the most fun). He handles in an irrational manner all the time. In the beginning of the movie he wants to kill himself by blowing his brains out 'cause he's depressed over losing his cargo. Then he's happy 'cause he thinks that salving the Russian ship will make him a millionaire. When things go wrong again, he claims himself being the superior life-form and tries to make a deal with the alien force. Needless to say this is the last dumb mistake he'll ever make. Jamie Lee Curtis and William Baldwin play the only 'normal' characters on board.

But we don't watch these type of movies for character-development or logical plot-twists, do we? The suspense and action leading up to the climax are well dosed and the special effects are rather excellent. They start out small and turn grotesque near the end, like it should be. We have small spider/bat-like robots operated by animatronics, puppetry and humans with metal parts sticking out of them for the visualization of the symbiosis between man and machine, and in the end they switch to solid CGI for the massive über-robot. I just love the whole "using humans for spare-parts"-idea.

I must say (sorry for the spoiler) that there is a survivor (though easy to figure out, I'm not gonna tell who it is), but the way he/she escapes the ship is a bit ridiculous, probably doing it for only one reason: to make the ending look spectacular. Just jumping overboard would've been as effective and less dangerous. But we don't wanna see that, huh?

Bottomline: This flick is fun! But make sure you leave your brain at the door when you see this, otherwise you'll end up needing spare-parts yourself. You might even have yourself a treat by organizing a triple-feature "Ships Of Horror"-night, by watching VIRUS, DEEP RISING and GHOST SHIP. Because there are far more worse horror-flicks involving ships out there. If you don't believe me, then check out UNINVITED, DEATH SHIP or (sorry, Jason-lovers) Friday THE 13TH, PART 8: JASON TAKES MANHATTEN (instead of what the movie's title might lead you to suspect, almost 70% of it takes place on a cruise-ship!).

If you like the "robots vs humans"-concept, you might wanna check out more obscure similar titles like SATURN 3 (starring Harvey Keitel) or MOONTRAP (starring Bruce Campbell). In any case, VIRUS stirred up my "flesh & metal"-fetish, so I'm gonna watch TETSUO all over again.
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Typical bargain bin cyborg BGD
trey-yancy-572-76354725 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing great, nothing awful. As always, if there is an African American guy in a scary movie, it's a BGD - black guy dies.
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This is what I always imagined the BORG to really be like!
Holohead28 August 1999
After reading less than favourable reviews, I was concerned this movie would not live up to the potential of the plot scenario. That is, an Alien entity arriving on Earth and fusing humans, or parts of humans, with mechanical technology to further it own existence.Fortunately, the movie lived up totally to my expectations. We start off with a BANG! and than it's non-stop, sit on the edge of your seat stuff until the end. Anyone who watches STAR TREK knows the BORG. This movie makes what we've seen of the Borg look like a stroll in the park. Whilst extremely graphic in nature, VIRUS's depiction of this Aliens handiwork is as it would be...gruesome! Without giving away the plot, you have a claustrophobic situation reminiscent of ALIENS with Jamie Lee and Bill Baldwin & crew being hunted down one by one. Chase scenes involving a multitude of half human/half machine monstrosities keep coming at you like Arnie in TERMIMATOR. The special effects and art concepts are original and really make this movie stand out. Interestingly you'll see Mr. James Cameron thanked in the fine print of the credits. The mechanical marvels are certainly up to his standard. I loved the movie and now on DVD its straight into my collection.
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Great Special Effects
claudio_carvalho13 December 2020
The space station MIR is communicating with the Russian research vessel Vladislav Volkov, when the astronauts witness a surge of energy coming to Earth, killing them at the station and reaching the ship, attacking the captain, officers and crew. The tugboat Sea Star is towing a barge with cargo not covered by insurance when she crosses a typhoon and loses the cargo. The alcoholic Captain Robert Everton (Donald Sutherland) is informed that the engine room is flooded and the bilge pump does not have enough capacity to pump all the water overboard. Captain Everton is ready to commit suicide when the tug stumbles upon the Russian vessel and he believes the salvage would worth about thirty-million dollars. Captain Everton and his crew goes onboard of the dead ship considering derelict and soon they find the Russian officer Nadia (Joanna Pacula), who tells an incredible story. She explains that an alien force needs electrical power to build robots and destroy the human race, but they believe she is haywire. But soon they find the threat on board.

"Virus" is a 1999 film with great special effects. However, the story is not so good, despite the cast with Donald Sutherland, Jamie Lee Curtis and William Baldwin. Anyway, it is worthwhile watching especially for those that like the marine environment and sci-fi. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Virus"
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Ship Infection
wes-connors21 February 2014
As a typhoon approaches the South Pacific, some mysterious outer space force attacks a Russian "missile and satellite tracking" ship. Nearby, a small America tugboat barely weathers the storm. Led by steadfast navigator Jamie Lee Curtis (as Kelly "Kit" Foster) and handsome engineer William Baldwin (as Steve Baker), the crew barely makes it into the eye of the storm. Hoping to make repairs, they instead encounter and board the Russian ship, which is seemingly deserted. The huge vessel has 42 labs and is valuable as a salvage ship. If no Russian personnel survive, those returning the ship will be paid millions of dollars. After losing his tugboat's cargo, heavily-accented Captain Donald Sutherland (as Robert Everton) wants to collect the cash. Naturally, he hopes to find no survivors. This puts him at odds with attractive scientist Joanna Pacula (as Nadia Vinogradova)...

Special effects wizard John Bruno directs this Dark Horse comic book adaptation. Not surprisingly, "Virus" is a special effects movie. It starts off with an attack and storm. The subsequent, short characterization period really doesn't endear us to the cast, who seem very stereotypical. We should have a much stronger time getting to know the characters. That we may not want to know them is another problem. Also, there is also no real suspense as things immediately get rough for the crew; consequently, there is little time to dread the villainous presence or care what it kills. An ambiguous ending jolt seems to be setting up a possible sequel, but we were probably better off letting this "Virus" run its course.

***** Virus (1/15/99) John Bruno ~ Jamie Lee Curtis, William Baldwin, Donald Sutherland, Joanna Pacula
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