Double Team (1997) Poster


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Don't know whether it's really good or really bad - maybe both at once
Leofwine_draca29 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
With most of Van Damme's films, you know what you're going to get. Action, fights, a bare minimum of plot. The same can be said of this film, but it actually rises above being just another Van Damme vehicle and becomes something quite extraordinary, thanks to the work of Hong Kong director Tsui Hark, famed for his stylistic films such as A Chinese GHOST STORY. Hark brings a sense of unreality and circus to the film, as scene after scene is full of people shooting, shouting and punching each other.

There's just so much going on all the time, this film leaves you feeling tired, drained, and maybe a little bit confused. The plot twists and turns into new directions every ten minutes; it starts off like FACE/OFF, then it turns into THE PRISONER, then it looks like MAXIMUM RISK, and finally it turns into sheer comedy with the climax taking place at the Colosseum. The film is full of over-emphasis, with small weaponry making machine gun noises, villains flying through the air, and Van Damme doing his usual stunt work. The case with this film is that there are some good scenes linked by much boring, listless exposition. Take, for instance, the hotel room scene where Van Damme is attacked by a ninja warrior who uses a switchblade between his toes. The scene is classic, breathtaking in fact, but as soon as the action dies down we're left in muddled territory, dragged sluggishly down by the bad acting on display here from the three main stars.

Van Damme is his usual wooden self, and we don't expect anything else from him by now. Yes, he can fight, but no, he cannot act. Dennis Rodman, a tall basketball star with bright green hair, is good for a laugh, but as soon as the novelty wears off you soon see straight through the image and that he is, in fact, being himself, and not really acting at all. Mickey Rourke is suitably beefed-up in his role as the arch nemesis. He looks the part, and is in fact one of Van Damme's worthier opponents, here's a guy who has a real motive and who looks pretty damn tough as well.

Much of the fun comes from watching various villains being kicked, shot and thrown through windows (courtesy of Rodman, who treats his opponents as if they're mere basketballs!). The dynamite level is high for this film, as just about everything explodes, and the whole thing is about sheer spectacle. It's decidedly offbeat too. For instance, where else would you see a colony of cyber monks, surfing the net in their rundown monastery? Or witness a climax where Van Damme kickboxes a tiger, while Rodman drives a moped through a minefield while carrying a baby along in a basket, while Rourke runs around half-naked and watches? It's wacky, certainly, and that's why I enjoyed it. Don't expect anything amazing (let's face it, if you've seen Van Damme's other work, then you'll know what you're getting), but this entry is different enough to work.
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One. Guilty. Pleasure.
Aylmer17 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the strong start, Van Damme movies certainly fell off in quality as the 90's went on. DOUBLE TEAM is easily one of his lesser efforts despite some inspired casting and a few somewhat new ideas. Unfortunately, you've seen almost all of it before, including the name, which is almost indistinguishable from DOUBLE IMPACT or DEATH WARRANT. The idea of Van Damme teaming up with Dennis Rodman is so ludicrous that it's worthwhile for novelty… and the icing on the cake is that the two team up against Mickey Rourke… and have a 3-way shirtless fistfight in what I assume is supposed to be the Roman Coliseum (plenty of shades of RETURN OF THE DRAGON) at the end too… with a Tiger and landmines to boot!

Well, the overall plot about Van Damme's pregnant wife getting kidnapped so Rourke can replace his adopted son with Van Damme's (?) doesn't amount to a hill of beans and quite poorly links together its many action sequences. The only neat non-action bit is a long section dealing with Van Damme going off the grid and joining a "colony" of other former CIA agents who have faked their own deaths. The flipside is that this lifestyle isn't quite utopic and ends up being a prison (a la "The Prisoner") for Van Damme as he's playing the same revenge-driven character he always plays. Rourke and Rodman are equally 1-dimensional and Rodman manages to change his costume (and hairstyle) repeatedly between scenes which supposedly take place on the same day! It turns out that the whole faking-his-death thing was completely pointless as the first thing Van Damme does when he escapes it to lure Rourke into a trap which he blows right away once he spots his wife and tries to run after her… but whatever, we're not in this sort of thing because of the story. We're here to see Van Damme kick people in the face and break things.

Unfortunately it's marred heavily with lots of intentional humor and bad basketball-related one-liners from Rodman's character, who I'm pretty sure isn't far different from Rodman himself. See? If your actors can't act, just not have them even bother trying to take on characters. Works like a charm.

Fans of Italian crime and action movies will have a field day spotting cameos by some genre stalwarts. Bruno Bilotta (aka Karl Landgren), star of numerous poor 80's exploitation films, plays Rourke's main sniper and even scores a fight scene with Van Damme! Ottaviano Dell'Acqua plays a random Italian agent gunned down in glorious slow motion while Angelo Ragusa gets stabbed in the back and shot by a pair of not-so-helpless women. Ted Rusoff (a perennial figure in the world of ADR and voice dubbing going back to the AIP days of Samuel Z. Arkoff) plays a monk for the umpteenth time and even eurocrime great Orso Maria Guerrini is wasted in a nothing background role with no lines!

This is no exception to the endless cycle of Van Damme teaming up with Hong Kong directors to attempt to repeat the same success as HARD TARGET and do for the likes of Ringo Lam what that film did for John Woo. Director Tsui Hark makes sure to throw in some patented kung fu fight scenes complete with plenty of gunplay, knifeplay, and attempts at strangulation. Add to that a complete overboard use of dutch angles and requisite poor CGI to make one generic 90's action movie experience complete! Worth it just to see Van Damme side-kick a growling tiger in the face, even if it does seem more the work of VFX than choreography.
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Van Damme v. a Tiger!
AwesomeWolf1 June 2005
Continuing the tradition of successful Hong Kong directors going to Hollywood only to end up directing Jean-Claude Van Damme movies comes Tsui Hark with 'Double Team'. John Woo must have gotten lucky when he went to Hollywood: Ringo Lam is still making Van Damme movies, and Tsui Hark went back to Hong Kong after this and 'Knock Off'. I have nothing against Van Damme, but he seems to be some sort of trial-by-fire for any Hong Kong director with ambitions of making action films in Hollywood: If a director succeeds, he go on to Dolph Lundgren and then mainstream Hollywood action (John Woo), otherwise the director is faced with sticking with Van Damme movies or going back to Hong Kong.

Counter-terrorist Jack Quinn (Van Damme) is planning to retire after one final mission to nail the villainous Stavros (Mickey Rourke). The mission goes incredibly wrong: Stravos gets away, but somehow his son is killed in the cross-fire. Out for revenge, Stavros kidnaps the pregnant Kathryn Quinn (Natacha Lindinger), and the only way Jack can save is wife is team up with Yaz (Dennis Rodman) and kick-box his way to a happy ending.

Watching 'Double Team', I thought it was pretty clear than even Van Damme realizes that his movies are a joke to all but the most hardcore of action fans. Australian sketch comedy show 'Full Frontal' (featuring a not-so-famous Eric Bana) regularly took stabs at Van Damme for a good year or so ("YOU LAUGHTER CRACKIN' AT ME? ARRRGGGHHHHH!"), coincidentally around when 'Double Team' would have been released. At no point does 'Double Team' make any attempt to be taken as a serious action movie. All the fight scenes are played for laughs, if only slight chuckles. Van Damme gets to fight a tiger and use a coke-machine to shield himself from an explosion. All it really amounts to be is 90 minutes of action fun.

While fans of director Tsui Hark would be disappointed with this effort, something good came of Hark's short-lived collaborations with Van Damme: He went back to Hong Kong and directed the incredibly awesome 'Time and Tide' (which did not feature Jean-Claude Van Damme at all).

'Double Team' doesn't come to close to being one of Van Damme's best, and it might not even please hard-core Van Damme fans, but its all in good fun - 5/10
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Entertainingly overblown action marred by slapdash storytelling
ipkevin11 January 2000
The script for Double Team was originally called "The Colony" and by several accounts, it was actually quite good. Apparently, it went through many major alterations on its way to production until the final product bore little resemblance in tone and quality to the original script. Does this mean Double Team is a disaster? Not really, but its clear all the changes created some problems.

On the one hand, you have the participation of famed Hong Kong director Tsui Hark and world-class cinematographer Peter Pau. They manage to create some of the coolest, trippiest, most fantastical visuals this side of a MTV video and better still, do so without the excessively choppy editing that usually accompanies "MTV-style" films. You actually get to appreciate the luxuriously-shot images, though the film is by no means slow-paced. Better still, it's one of the few Van Damme movies that realizes the best Van Damme movies are the ones which absolutely never rely on Van Damme's acting (or anyone else's for that matter) to carry the film along. It's all action, goofily entertaining plot twists, and sweet visuals. As an action-packed, overblown, eye-candy fantasy, Double Team works very well.

On the other hand, it's painfully obvious that Double Team used to have a smarter script which called for a far more subtle and serious approach. Had these "intelligent" elements been completely erased or dumbed-down for the final product, this wouldn't have been a problem. However, it seems that some of the more subtle plot developments were left in and they do NOT mesh well with Tsui's and the rest of the final script's "jackhammer" approach to the story. For example, at one point a prescription label left on the wall is supposed to be noticed by Van Damme's character who then uses the name of the doctor on the label as a clue. However, unless you're paying very very close attention you'd never know that. It's so small on screen, the label may as well have been blank. And the shot where the label is taken off the prescription bottle is far too quick and unclear. A single extra shot showing a closeup of the label would've cleared things up immensely. But it never happens. The film contains several instances like this where a single clarifying shot or an extra line of explanatory dialogue would've made things much clearer. The result is that what seem like glaring plot holes (even for this kind of movie) are in fact due to badly explained plot points. Such an obscure presentation might have worked on a quieter, more "intelligent" spy film where the audience knows they aren't going to be spoon-fed the plot. But after 40 minutes of terrible one-liners and ridiculous action, the last thing that should be required of Double Team's audience is to suddenly pay close attention to what's happening.

I don't know whether Tsui Hark was trying to keep in some subtle elements while reconciling it with the rapid-fire approach, or whether he just didn't care about such details and wanted to keep things moving (Probably the latter, as his subsequent movie, Knock Off, experimented with this abstract, to-hell-with-storytelling visual approach to the nth degree). Whatever the case, the result is a pretty wild but somewhat confusing action movie that could've been much better with minor changes.
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NateWatchesCoolMovies15 August 2016
Double Team has to be seen to be believed. Hell, even the poster does. It exists in that delirious wasteland of the late 90's action genre, a place where anything can, and does go. As the genre evolved, the scientists deep within Hollywood's labs were trying out endless mind boggling action star team ups, even using a few celebrities that had never had a film to their name. In this particular twilight zone we get Jean Claude Van Damme and Dennis Rodman sharing a spotlight. There's a pairing for ya. Van Damme plays a counter terrorist expert who miserably fails in preventing an attack from dangerous villain Stavros (Mickey Rourke), and is sent to The Colony, where disgraced agents are branded with all the snazzy technology the 90's had to offer, after which being sent back into duty. He needs inside helps to track down Stavros, and finds it in beyond eccentric arms dealer Yaz (Rodman), a whacko who mirrors the man's overblown real life persona. Together they make a run at Rourke, fireworks ensue, blah blah. It's a crappy flick made noticeable by the strange presence of Rodman, and marginally watchable by Rourke, who actually gives Stavros the tiniest glint of surprising gravity, despite how downright silly the whole enterprise is. Loaded with cheese, dated special effects and clichés, it ain't no picnic, but worth a glance during an inebriated late night channel switching blitz.
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Good action, but no logic.
Nafiganado12 January 2006
Movie itself it quite catchy - the fight of Jack with Asian man in the hotel room was the best, imho...

But some things are under critics. Like exploding on the arena - when eventually whole the building is got blown away - what 'bad guy' of Mickey Rourke was thinking about when placing mines of such explosive power there? :) Or what was on 'good guy' of Dennis Rodman's mind when swapping some mine marks? To play the game 'who dies first - good Jack or bad Stavros? A big number of gotchas that may be forgiven only because it's just an action. Plain action with good fights and explosions...
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An expensive $30,000,000 nail in the coffin of the career of Jean-Claude Van Damme.
poolandrews16 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Double Team starts as counter terrorist agent Jack Quinn (Jean-Claude Van Damme) is assigned one last job, to catch international terrorist Stavros (Mickey Rourke) at a funfair in Antwerp. Sounds simple, eh? Well Jack hadn't counted on his girl (Joelle Devaux-Vullion) & his 6 year old son Brandon (Jay Benedict) being there, all hell breaks loose & Brandon is shot dead by Jack's agents & to make matters worse Stavros gets away. Now it's personal for Stavros who wants revenge, he kidnaps Jack's pregnant wife Kathryn (Natacha Lindinger) to lure Jack out into the open after the Government stick him on an island for failing his mission. Jack teams up with arms dealer Yaz (Dennis Rodman) to get his wife & child back & settle some unfinished business with Stavros himself...

Three of Hong Kong's most well known action film makers have all made their American action film debuts directing a Jean-Claude Van Damme flick, John Woo made the excellent Hard Target (1993), Ringo Lam made the average Maximum Risk (1996) & now Hark Tsui follows his compatriots lead with the quite frankly awful Double Team. The script by Don Jakoby & Paul Mones is absolutely terrible, to be blunt it's totally embarrassing. Double Team is one of the most stupid & lamest big budget action flicks I've ever seen. It's meant to be some sort of action comedy that just fails on every level, technically & conceptually. Where do I start? Well the character's are awful, Van Damme's CIA agent is terrible & the scene where he dresses up as punk to avoid detection is hilarious, then there's NBA player Dennis Rodman as the arms dealer with a heart of gold who helps Van Damme out for no reason whatsoever & I particularly liked his none to subtle basket ball references, terminology & one liners which have absolutely nothing to do with his character at all! Even the title Double Team is basketball term & don't get me started on that basketball shaped parachute which is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in a film. Then there's the action scenes which are just as dumb, I mean Van Damme physically holding onto a net which is being towed behind a plane while it is flying? What about the hilarious climax at the Colosseum? Van Damme has to fight a tiger in a mine infested area, OK so Van Damme won't trigger the mines but what about the the tiger? Has that been trained not to set them off also? Then there's the fact that when the mines do explode it destroys the ENTIRE building yet Van Damme, Rodman, Paul Freeman & Van Damme's son can stand behind an ordinary Coca Cola vending machine which shield's them from the intense flames to an extent where they aren't even singed & the vending machine isn't destroyed? What about the scene in which Stavros warns Van Damme about the car he has wired & not to drive it? Eh? If he wanted Van Damme dead why warn him not to drive the car? The best, most discreet way to find your kidnapped wife while everyone is looking for you is to take along a 7 foot tall black guy with green hair & nose, ear & tongue piercing, isn't it? European monks are computer literate & accept gifts from arms dealers, aren't they? What about the opening sequence which is never mentioned again & seems only half complete? Damned I could go on all day about how stupid & moronic this film is, I really could. The only positive is that it's not dull & there's plenty of things going on.

Director Tsui does a terrible job, there's so much slow motion & the action scenes are just stupid. Like the guy who fights with a knife between his toes, I mean why didn't he just hold the knife in his hands? The work out scenes with Van Damme as he bench presses a bath of water, these montage scenes would look embarrassing in a Rocky flick! There's a bit when Van Damme trips on some coke cans (lots of product placement in this) & as he flies through the air does some kicks & knocks a couple of bad guys out before he hits the floor! Van Damme also gets to kick a tiger in the head during a so bad it's funny climax! Damned there's just so much wrong with Double Team it's amazing, virtually every scene has something wrong with it. The special effects are crap too, the scenes with Van Damme jumping from explosions contain some really poor blue screen work that Doctor Who would be embarrassed about. Because it's so dumb the action is never convincing & it doesn't excite or draw you in. The violence is mainly just martial arts fighting & people getting shot, it's all rather comical & there's nothing new here.

With a supposed budget of $30,000,000 this is the film which basically ended Van Damme's career & sent his subsequent efforts straight-to-video/DVD. Both Van Damme & especially Rodman are pretty awful in this, the basketball jokes & one liners are literally painful to listen too.

Double Team is a crap action film that could have been great, it had the budget, it had a decent cast on paper & a good director but it turned out to be a disaster. Very disappointing, the only entertainment value it has is on a so-bad-it's-good level. Tsui made the much better action comedy Knock Off (1998) again with Van Damme before returning to Hong Kong & he's been there ever since.
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Good action, but with some big plot-holes.
action-619 March 1999
Double Team is the third movie that Van Damme has done for a former HONG-KONG action-movie director. He has done "Hard Target" for John Woo and "Maximum Risk" for Ringo Lam. Double Team is directed by rather splendid Tsui Hark. Hark is excellent at directing action-scenes and Double Team is a good way for him to start in Hollywood. Van Damme plays agent Jack Quinn, and is sent out to kill super-terrorist Stavros, who is played by Mickey Rourke. Quinn fails and is therefore sent sent to a place called "The Colony". "The Colony" is a place where the world's most dangerous terrorists/agents are sent. These agents/terrorists are too dangerous to go free on the street and too valuable to kill. Quinn escapes from the colony and goes after Stavroes for revenge. Quinn is helped by Yaz, who is played by the basket-star Dennis Rodmann. Double Team is full of well made action and martial-art scenes. However, it`s far from perfect. The whole plot is very silly, there are huge logical gaps and holes in the story and Mickey Rourke is far from convincing as a villain. Double Team isn`t a film for everybody. But it`s definetly worth to rent it for an action-fan. I give this movie 7 out of 10.
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Please Reclassify as a Comedy
view_and_review10 October 2020
Action movies have never been guilty of having intelligent plots and Van Damme movies are even further removed from such an accusation, yet "Double Team" took the cake when it comes to unintelligence. It was so bad it was hard to follow.

This is what I can say: Jack Quinn (JCVD) was a CIA super spy who'd been retired for three years when he was summoned by the agency to capture a man named Stavros (Mickey Rourke), a super-villain. Stavros had some information the agency wanted, hence they wanted to take him alive. For some odd reason Quinn's team thought their best opportunity to do that was at a carnival full of innocent civilians. Naturally, the whole thing went bad, Stavros got away, a bunch of people were killed in the process (including Stavros's six-year-old son), and Quinn ended up in "The Colony."

This colony is an island where all deactivated agents presumed dead are housed. They cannot leave and they're constantly monitored. There they are plugged into an intelligence network where they analyze world events to see if they are terrorism related or not. It's a real bizarre set up. The world needs them, but they are under constant threat of death should they not be where they're supposed to be at the appointed time.

The movie only got worse instead of better when Quinn escaped from The Colony. You see, Stavros did something really original: he kidnapped Quinn's pregnant wife. Kidnapping women/girls was very in style in the 90's. Every good villain did it, that's how you got the good guy to do what you wanted. Of course, it never worked out for the villain, but they always did it (see "Cliffhanger," "Hard Target," "True Lies," "Speed," and a host of other lower budget action movies).

Let me not forget that the movie is called "Double Team" which means there had to be a second good guy. That would be Yaz (Dennis Rodman). He was an arms dealer who decided to help Quinn rescue his wife. Yaz was there for terrible comic relief which involved a litany of bad basketball puns and analogies. This movie was destined to not age well, but at that time Dennis Rodman was a big deal. He was part of a three-headed monster of the Chicago Bulls which included Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippin. Together the three won three consecutive NBA championships. And besides that, Rodman was very notorious for his blond hair, plethora of tattoos, piercings, and dressing in a wedding gown. He was ahead of his time LOL!

It's hard to quantify how bad this pairing was. JCVD has a thick accent and no acting skills while Dennis Rodman was an eccentric basketball player with even less acting skills. This movie was bad in '97 though I watched it just for the spectacle of it. Now in 2020 it should be classified as comedy and treated as such.
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Van Damme +Tsui Hark +Dennis Rodman=What ?? Really??
fabiane667 September 2009
Look before i start my review lets be honest about this movie, the movie is dumb and really does not make sense really a movie with Van Damme and Dennis Rodman really what do you expect. But lets also be clear this movie could be a lot of fun viewed in the right light and could almost be considered a really fun piece of garbage. Van Damme starts as a agent who is after Mickey Rourke (really Mickey really) while after Mickey, Mickey wife and child gets killed and now Mickey is really bad and spends the whole film trying to kill Van Damme. Van Damme needs help and so he enlist the help of Dennis Rodman(what did the Chicago Bulls cut him from the roster) who is a gun dealer. Well that is all the plot you really need, I mean what i just described could be action gold, not really i mean there is a lot of plot holes and a lot of scenes that just don't make sense. And now i come to the great director Tsui Hark ( i know if you just seen this film and his other movie starting Van Damme Knock Off you could be asking yourself "great director my ---") the director who gave us Once upon a time in china 1,2,3,4,5 and Pecking Opera Blues and other great hong kong movies. But this movie is not even in the same area code to these great movies but he does direct the film for all he's worth and does keep the movie flowing at a great pace and does give us a lot of action and Tsui at least make Van Damme look good as he enlist the great Sammo Hung to do the fights(lets be clear that the stuntman does most of the action for Van Damme) and Tsui Hark even got the great Peter Pau to shoot the film. Yes Peter Pau who went on to win a Oscar a couple years later for shooting Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. In the end all i could say is that you could find worse movies starting Van Damme (there is too many to count) and you could find better like Hard Target,Timecop,or maybe Sudden Death. Double Team get a C+. So there Thank You.
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Time has not been kind.
J_steele198123 December 2022
All I can say is wow. Saw this in the cinema in 1997 and thought it was brilliant. Watched it again in 2022 and wanted to grab a knife from the kitchen draw and just end it. This is horrible. This has not held up as time has passed. I know these sorts of action movies from the nineties were over the top, but this was excruciatingly painful. Mickey Rourke seemed like the only actor in this that felt like he needed to put in the effort. The whole storyline of the colony made no f$%king sense. Why? Why? No I'm thinking about it, why grab a knife, I should just look for some rope and tie it around the banister and then wrap it around my neck. Thankyou to the crew, actors, writers and director, you just drove a person to end their life with this so called movie.
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Most people will dismiss this as junk. I, on the other hand...
BA_Harrison22 September 2012
A logic-free action flick that stretches plausibility way beyond breaking point, Double Team stars Jean-Claude Van Damme as counter-terrorist expert Jack Quinn who, after a botched mission to kill international terrorist Stavros (Mickey Rourke), becomes an unwilling participant in a top secret think-tank on a remote island colony for agents that are considered 'too valuable to kill, but too dangerous to set free'.

When Stavros (Mickey Rourke) abducts Jack's pregnant wife, having vowed revenge for the accidental death of his son during the earlier shootout, Jack escapes the colony, seeks help from an S&M freak gun dealer named Yaz (played by eccentric basketball bad-boy Dennis Rodman), and embarks on a dangerous rescue mission that culminates in an explosive showdown inside a coliseum.

Opening with Quinn escaping from some bad guys by jumping a heavily armoured stolen vehicle through a speeding train (without the aid of a ramp), this film is completely crazy from the get go, and Hong Kong director Tsui Hark doesn't let the insanity subside until the very end, chucking in such spectacular nonsense as Van Damme kicking the crap out of bad guys while hanging from an air-plane cargo net, a Chinese killer who uses his knife with his foot, a top secret society of cyber-monks, and a finale that sees the good guys fight a tiger in the middle of a mine field before escaping certain death from fireball through the use of a Coke vending machine.

Special mention must also be made of the incredible amount of glass that gets smashed during the film (usually because someone has been thrown through it).

Although I'll never quite understand how this film got green-lit, I'm sure glad it did: a more enjoyably insane piece of 90s nonsense you'll be hard pushed to find.

Call me crazy, but I rate Double Team 8 out of 10 simply for being so bloody silly.
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Good for what it is
werd7522 February 2002
A lot of people seem to forget that Van Damme isn't trying to make a really great movie. He doesn't usually care about the plot or the acting. He wants to make an action movie. That is the only reason I ever watch his movies and he never fails to deliver, including in this movie. Sure you cringe at the corny acting and dialogue when it happens, but the action sequences totally make up for it. I also enjoy when a movie doesn't take place in the US or Canada. I'm just bored with that. In this movie they go to Antwerp and Rome. Very cool settings for the movie. Over all I was quite pleased. The director, Tsui Hark (I have NO idea how you pronounce that), is always quite reliable in making a good action movie. It was just a good action movie, people. Don't look at it for more than what it was.
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Van Damme van damages his career
ejn19723 August 2002
Okay, martial arts fans aside, Jean-Claude Van Damme may never be considered a great actor. It's little wonder. This movie's stunts range from improbable (an underwater battle in which our "hero" goes without oxygen for several minutes - and remember that he's *fighting* for much of that time) to downright laughable (a grenade that goes off in a pool creates a 50-foot fireball). It co-stars Dennis Rodman - you remember back when he was cool, right? - as a wisecracking arms dealer. His role is mainly that of a comic sidekick, though I'm sure he didn't realize that at the time. Mostly the movie consists of one lame stunt after another, as the two stars try to save Jean's pregnant wife. Oh, and I won't say how, but they managed to work in a chase by the world's least menacing, most playful tiger. Sadly, the tiger was the best actor in the movie, and even for an animal, it was pretty lame.

3/10 stars - Awful, but not painful
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Funny and highly enjoyable
Vogler11 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
(Contains minor spoilers)

In contrast to the many negative reviews, I really enjoyed this movie very much. You mustn't take it serious, that's the point.

There are so many scenes which are so incredible ridiculous that it makes a good movie again: Rodman throwing bad guys around like they were basketballs, the Colloseum exploding (!) and the Coke Machines flying around, that knife toe guy... fantastic.

Mickey Rourke is great - he only knows to play one kind of man: a brute ashtray macho villian, but he's a real expert in that.

Even Van Damme is good: his first film without having him suffering all the time (I used to think, he is some kind of "anti-hero" because he is allways suffering so much in his movies).

The directing and camera work is really amazing, the plot is ridiculous, but the Action is highly enjoyable.
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Absurd Yet Endearing
danfeit8 July 2004
I've seen this film a number of times over the years. Call me mad, but it has a special place in my heart. Admittedly, the acting is awful, and I'm not just talking about Dennis Rodman. The script is ridiculous, full of clichéd references to "the game." And the fight sequences, arguably the only reason to watch the movie, are so dominated by stunt-doubles I wonder if Van Damme and Mickey Rourke ever met during filming.

Still, I love it. Maybe it's a case of "so bad it's good," maybe I'm just partial to Van Damme, or maybe it's because I still have that promotional "Double Team" baseball cap from working in a theater. But whenever this movie comes on cable I am compelled to watch.

For some reason, I'm compelled to drink Coke afterwards....?
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God has forsaken us
changingshades5 March 2001
My holy mother of god what a bad movie. I don't mean bad like MST3K movies were bad. I mean bad like you imagine Hitler was bad. Crazy stupid evil and probably the result of a parent contracting Syphilis. In fact I am pretty sure I would much rather contract Syphilis than watch, strike that, suffer through this "movie" again. Have you ever seen an act of cruelty so unthinking and mindless that you wonder how anyone would ever let this happen? I feel that Double team would fall into this category. Trying to recall this movie is giving a migraine. Please please do not see this movie. If it comes on to your television burn your television and say a prayer that you never will be subjected to this movie.

still not as bad as Hudson hawk
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Good action Poor acting
SnoopyStyle4 December 2013
Stavros (Mickey Rourke) is about to sell Plutonium, stolen from the US, to the Iraqis. It is the final mission of secret agent Jack Quinn (Jean-Claude Van Damme) to stop him, and he barely escapes stealing back the Plutonium. It's 3 years later in the South of France, Jack is retired with his pregnant wife. But Stavros is back and the CIA needs Jack to track him down. Dennis Rodman costars as flamboyant arms dealer Yaz.

It's almost painful to watch Dennis Rodman act with Van Damme. Van Damme was never the most natural actor around with his accent. I've often wonder if he should speak in other languages when he's playing secret agents. Reading subtitles would be an improvement.

The action is pretty good. The movie starts off with a major truck chase. It gets off on the right foot. Things blow up, bullets are flying, everybody is kung fu fighting, and there is mayhem everywhere in this movie. I have no complaints about the action.

But there is nothing that can be done with all the bad acting. The story is ridiculous and stupid. It's trying very hard to be something big. While it has most of the look, the movie is nothing more than sub par.
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Jean Claude Van Damme meets The Prisoner *** 1/2 out *****
Welshfilmfan21 January 2009
I actually really enjoyed this JCVD effort, it a had a fair but of money thrown at it in this case $30m plus, it's stylishly filmed, JCVD is as wooden as ever, but there's plenty of action which is what you want in a JCVD flick, and I even don't mind Rodman's performance, he's far from being the worst actor I've ever seen, but the worst part of this movie is that it becomes needlessly complicated especially on the 'Island' which is a reference surely to the 1960's cult TV show with the now late Patrick Mcgoohan.

This film ended up looking like a very good Straight to Video job which is why it surely tanked at the Box Office & after a few more theatrical disasters such as Knock Off & Universal Soldier: The Return (neither of which were that bad) JCVD has been reduced along with Steven Seagal,Dolph Lundgren & Wesley Snipes into straight-to-DVD releases of varying quality but he still has a loyal band of fans who rent/buy these releases, me included.

***1/2 out of *****
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Not the finest moment for action cinema...
paul_haakonsen16 December 2015
I grew up with the movies of Jean Claude Van Damme, and I must say that not every movie he has been involved in has been all that great. And "Double Team" certainly was a swing and a miss.

So what doesn't work here? Well the storyline for starters. It wasn't really all that interesting. Sure it was semi-entertaining for what it was; a mediocre action movie. And the misplaced attempts at humor didn't really work in favor of the movie.

Jean Claude Van Damme delivers his usual action and martial arts, but the script didn't give him much to Work with. But the abysmal choice of Dennis Rodman to star alongside Van Damme was just wrong on so many levels. Dennis Rodman is devoid of anything that even remotely resembles acting talent. And the constant change of his hair color was just downright annoying.

The action sequences are well-choreographed and equally so executed on the screen, but it is hardly enough to salvage this train-wreck of a movie.

There are other far better Van Damme movies out there.
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Okay action, but huge logical gaps.
action-628 April 2000
Double Team is the third movie that Van Damme has done for a former HONG-KONG action-movie director. He has done "Hard Target" for John Woo and "Maximum Risk" for Ringo Lam. Double Team is directed by Tsui Hark. Hark is excellent at directing action-scenes and Double Team is a good way for him to start in Hollywood. Van Damme plays agent Jack Quinn, and is sent out to kill super-terrorist Stavros, who is played by Mickey Rourke. Quinn fails and is therefore sent sent to a place called "The Colony". "The Colony" is a place where the world's most dangerous terrorists/agents are sent. These agents/terrorists are too dangerous to go free on the street and too valuable to kill. Quinn escapes from the colony and goes after Stavroes for revenge. Quinn is helped by Yaz, who is played by the basket-star Dennis Rodmann. Double Team is full of well made action and martial-art scenes. However, it`s far from perfect. The whole plot is very silly, there are huge logical gaps and holes in the story and Mickey Rourke is far from convincing as a villain. Double Team isn`t a film for everybody. Van Damme seems like he is out of shape. But it`s definetly worth to rent it for an action-fan. But I must say that "Knock Off" is better. I give this movie 7 out of 10.
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I`d Forgotten Why Jean Claude Was Forgotten
Theo Robertson19 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
It`s impossible to believe today in 2003 that a few years ago Jean Claude was a fairly famous film star , but his career soon hit the rocks as audiences became aware that his films were unnecessarily violent and very very dumb . Van Damme movies also lacked a sense of humour thereby ensuring his status at the box office was short lived . In other words a film containg the caption " Starring Jean Claude Van Damme " is not a good thing and I can`t help thinking DOUBLE TEAM is Jean Claude`s worst film

!!!!! MILD SPOILERS !!!!!

The major problem with DOUBLE TEAM is that the plot is so slippery it`s impossible to explain . It involves the hero Jack Quinn hunting arch-terrorist Stavros and because Quinn fails in his mission which leaves several people dead he`s given the choice of instant death or being exiled to an island similar to the one in THE PRISONER . He chooses exile but decides to break out to gain revenge on Stavros who`s planning to kill Quinn`s wife and new born child

If the last paragraph makes much sense then I`ve probably explained it all wrong because the plot is totally underdeveloped with a massive amount of scenes that lead nowhere . For example Quinn runs into an old rival on the island and gets involved in a fight . Who the rival is remains vague and we never see him again . It`s as though the screenwriter got bored with the subplot and discarded it while he was writing it and the film is littered with these subplots that are unexplained and go nowhere . I was also going to mention the climax with the tiger and the sports staduim that`s been mined but you`d never believe it
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It's awesomeness shines like the heat of a thousand suns
droog-65532123 May 2005
This film could never have been bad with these ingredients: An experienced Belgian actor with a penchant for face-kicking and poor dancing, a cross dressing freak-of-nature pro basketball player and Mickey Rourke.

Jean-Claude Van Damme plays family guy come some kind of agent for some kind of anti terrorist organisation Jack Quinn. He hates glass. a lot. At least 2/3 of this whole film is just awesome shots of him either jumping through or throwing other people through various glass surfaces. awesome. Something bad happens and he ends up on a stupid island but no island can hold Jean-Claude Van Damme! He escapes by cutting part of his thumb off, how awesome is that? After he gets off the Island he has to track down the awesomely evil villain Stavros(Mickey Rourke) with the help of wacky sidekick Yaz(Dennis Rodman).

I wont give too much away because you have to see this film for yourself, really. All I will say is that he kicks a tiger in the face! A freakin tiger!

One word: Awesome.
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Enjoyable B-movie (if you're in a forgiving mood)
bowmanblue8 May 2020
If you're into your eighties/nineties action movies, you should probably appreciate muscle-bound heroes thumping hordes of bad-guys into submission. Yes, the films are hardly 'high brow,' but enjoyable if you're in the right mood. Jean Claude Van Damme has starred in plenty of cheesy 'so-bad-they're-good' films such as 'Kickboxer, Bloodsport' and 'Universal Solider.' However, despite 'Double Team' - sort of - fitting into that genre, it's one you could probably pass on, unless you really need your fix of the 'Muscles From Brussels.'

JCVD plays, er, some sort of special ops soldier who, er, ends up fighting bad guys. Do you really need a plot synopsis? He kicks, he punches and he shoots his way through the usual faceless henchmen, but - and here is about the film's only real stand-out selling point - he does it alongside NBA megastar Dennis Rodman.

By all accounts Rodman hasn't starred in too many films and, based on what I saw here, that's quite a shame. I know he's allegedly a bit of a diva in real life and nowadays has 'questionable' friendships, but (in 'Double Team' at least) he really is quite a larger-than-life character and steals every scene from the more 'straight-laced' Van Damme. They play off each other really well and Rodman comes across as a taller, even more flamboyant Wesley Snipes from 'Demolition Man.'

'Double Team' is an okay film in terms of action and plot - there's nothing you haven't seen much before. If you're a Van Damme mega-fan then you could probably do worse than sitting through this - it's only an hour and a half and it's hardly 'hard going.' Plus if you're at all curious as to see how Rodman fairs on screen then this will answer all your questions - it's just a shame he doesn't really - properly - come into it until the final third. The bad guy is Mickey Rourke, but don't expect too much from him as he's barely on screen and I didn't even know it was him until I saw his name in the end credits!

If you like action B-movies like 'Under Siege' then 'Double Team' does fall short of that, which is a shame, as with a bit better writing and polish overall then it could have been a hidden gem rather than a background noise.
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The Beginning of the End for Van Damme
lemon_magic26 February 2006
I realize that a lot of people actually enjoyed "Double Team", that its director Tsui Hark is a talented and hard working fellow responsible for some outstanding Hong Kong cinema in years past, and that Jean Claude Van Damme has at least managed to stay pretty buff even as his career declined (unlike his contemporary Steven "Make Mine KFC" Seagal).

But "Double Team" sounded the Death Knell for Van Damme's movie career, which was finished off and consigned to direct-to-video Hell by Hark's follow up "Knock Off" in 1998. (Although I felt that "Knock Off was mildly enjoyable, Hark's off-kilter approach and the 3rd rate screenplay made it tank big-time with American audiences).

It's not that the movie itself was all that bad to look at.It's obviously the work of professionals. The hyper-kinetic camera work and meth-driven action sequences are pretty much what we've come to expect from Hark and his colleagues, there's some reasonably witty give and take in the dialog, a few decent one liners, etc., the actors are reasonably buff, etc. I tried to take all this into account, and all these mitigating elements help a little, but in the end, "Double Team" is obviously the Beginning Of The End.

Why?? Well, we've always known the Van Damme isn't an Actor, he's a Body (like, say, Marc Singer in "Beast Master"). He's only believable in a limited range of roles, and he's very limited in his dramatic range of emotions ( the thick accent has always been a hindrance ). And "Double Team" pretty much signaled that Hollywood had run out of things to do with him, that his fan base and audience was pretty much played out, and that every VD film from now on would be a retread or a derivative, 2nd rate mishegoss. Three major directors had made a shot at bringing him into the mainstream ("Hard Target", "Time Cop", and "Sudden Death"), and Van Damme had been decent-to-excellent in all of them...but all those directors had moved on and Van Damme was now back to making "B" movie fodder.

Or in the case of "Double Team" a 'freak show buddy movie' whose gimmick was that it starred Dennis Rodman as a giant Dennis Rodman. Rodman's whole gimmick as a celebrity (as opposed to his inarguable talent as a pro basketball player) is that he is "outrageous", and the movie stops repeatedly to let him BE outrageous, with various hi tech gimmicks and basketball-themed weapons that seemed to have been invented by your ninth-grade nephew. There are some potentially funny and incisive lines , but the delivery (by both Van Damme and Rodman) pretty much just lies there. Van Damme is particularly "off" in this movie, like he's just going through the motions until his hangover subsides or something.

So it's not a "real" movie, but just a strung together series of set pieces with testosterone-fueled muscle flexing and an almost complete lack of actual human emotion or feeling. Oh, a certain kind of audience will love this kind of thing, but somehow, this particular movie seemed to permanently typecast Van Damme as a 2nd rater, a hack actor in the same vein as Rutger Hauer, Dolph Lundgren and, yes, Steven Seagal...All these actors also started off with a big splash in well designed vehicles that showcased their talents...and then faded into B-to-Z movie hackdom as the casting agencies and action directors moved on to other, fresher faces.

For all his limitations as an actor and an action star, I've always enjoyed Van Damme - he's good looking, he is capable of mild wit and self deprecating humor, and he works hard at maintaining his physique in a career phase where a lot of his action star peers from the same period have let themselves go and have to suck their guts in and hope for a good camera angle. I was sad to see him going through the motions in this silly half-baked excuse for a screenplay.
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