T2 3-D: Battle Across Time (Video 1996) Poster

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Excellent experience!
pogoman591 April 2002
From the queue to the end this attraction will captivate you! A high quality production all around. Best of all Arnold uses a whole new one-liner! Very few cheesy 3-d effects. If you go to Florida you must see this!
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The True Third Installment in the Terminator Series
gravity317 July 2004
I was presently surprised to find this on the IMDb, since the film is just a part of the overall experience - but I'm glad it's listed. Cameron shot the film section in 70mm, and in many ways it looks better than TERMINATOR 2: JUDGEMENT DAY. He's a perfectionist, and I think that's part of the reason why this is the best theme park attraction I've ever experienced, as well as a great short film. The 3-D aspect also has to be some of the best work done in that medium, and combining it with live stunt doubles onsite for the major characters is a stroke of genius. Even the dialog has sparkle.

After seeing this a couple of years ago in L.A., it was clear that whatever lose ends or questions might have been left from the second movie were tied up here, and TERMINATOR 3 was only a continuation of the franchise (like many sequels) - certainly not the story. T2:3-D does take some plot thread liberties, but it's all forgivable considering the end result. I especially liked the setup piece you watch as you're waiting to go into the main attraction. There's a bit of the old mother - son chemistry here between Hamilton and Furlong, which is just more good direction from Cameron. We could have been given this setup information without a film piece, like many rides. But again, having the real actors involved in all film aspects sells the idea and gets us into the concept and universe quickly.

I haven't bothered to see T3 and don't really plan to. This might be the only time a movie series story is not just continued, but completed, at a theme park attraction. BATTLE ACROSS TIME is the closure you're really looking for, from original TERMINATOR director / writer James Cameron and the T2 key crew.. And I think it's pretty much impossible to beat the new Terminator model we're given here. Just forget T3. When you're in LA or Florida, if you're a fan of the TERMINATOR at all, you owe it to yourself to check this out.
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Lee-11231 July 1999
I was a fan of the movie, but I didn't really want to go on the ride. But my friend's dragged me into it when we went to Universal Studios Hollywood. I was never much of a fan of those 3-D attractions at any theme parks really, but this one blew me away. I don't want to give anything away, but my favorite part of this was when they 'blew' up the T-1000 and pieces of him were everywhere in front of you. It was really cool. Anyways, if you are planning to go to Universal Studios, SEE THIS!
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The Best Attraction Ever
md00626 February 2001
I'll never forget the first time I went on T2:3D in Universal Studios Florida. It was like nothing I've ever seen before. I went on it when it opened up a few years back. I've been on it once every year since. The sound in that theater is phenomenal and so are the meshing of 3-D Effects, Live Action, Lights, and Robots. When you see that motorcycle go in and out of the scene, and then mesh perfectly with the display on screen, your jaw will fall to the floor. The best part about it as well is that they actually brought in Arnold, Linda Hamilton, Ed Furlong, and Robert Patrick to reprise their roles. I wish the full version made it on the T2 DVD. Go to Universal FLA or CA and experience the attraction of a lifetime. It's just so incredible.
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Rieman12 February 2000
This multimedia presentation is incredible and just great. If you love the Terminator movies, this is a real trip. You have to go to a Universal Studios park to see it, but it's just about worth it just to see this! The description says it's only 12 minutes, but with the live actor/animatronic presentation, and the Cyberdyne promotional film in the lobby, it's a good half hour. Go see it.
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A Quality Attraction Worthy of it's Predecessors.
muviman20 August 2001
James Cameron has brought to us once again, a quality piece of entertainment. Much like the previous films that carry the name of "Terminator", "T2/3-D: Battle Across Time" shows with every frame the quality that Cameron strives for: Perfection. Every detail is attended to: The aiming of a laser beam which seems to target YOU in the audience, the puff of dust as a mini-hunter passes over a concrete pillar, the drops of moisture as a polymimetic alloy creature melts and reforms, as well as a rush of air as a flying HK craft passes over you. From the preshow, where a hostess, 'perky' to your face, but backstabbing when she thinks she's being ignored, welcomes you; to the interruption of the show by John and Sarah Connor, in an attempt to prevent another Apocalypse brought on by Skynet, the entire show leaves the visitor leaving with the satisfaction that T2/3-D was well worth the (most of the time) short wait. Even when waiting in line, there are monitors showing "Cyberdine" sample shows. You may even see a Terminator identified through the monitor system. It's almost too bad this high quality show is only available at Universal Studios.
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Greastest piece of film ever!
UlicQel21 September 1999
Also the most expensive frame for frame too. This is a great experience overall. I especially liked the footage shown while you wait in line. It's full of references that foreshadow all the happenings of T-2. ("Cyberdyne - We're taking over the world of communications!") The effects are great, even if the story is a little contrived (Why bring John into the future anyway? He doesn't help any). The stage show blends perfectly with the on screen action. I've seen if four times and I still havent seen the transition. Definately worth the price od admission. Well, this and the Back to the Future Ride.
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the best movie experience EVER!
DelnDeb11 October 1998
A seamless integration of live action, cinematography and 3D film which left an entire audience ducking as robots fired across their heads, and attempting to find cover in the final explosive sequence. Unbeatable!
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Come with me if you want to live...
T-10X16 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Possibly the best 3D so ever made! You either enter the Cyberdyne Systems building(or just outside of it if you are at USH) and go into a queue, with great AC, and stainless steel walls. It appears you are about to see a persentation for Cyberdyne, as they have TVs all over playing ads, and also news about the 'terrorist attacks' in 1991, but assure us that everything is OK. We then walk and pick up our safety visiors(3D glasses) and enter the Miles Dyson theater, we stand here for about 5 minutes till the preshow starts. We are joined by Kimberly Ducan a perky women with power, she tells how Cyberdyne is the best thing ever and shows us the most awesome preshow video ever! It's pretty much imagine a world where everything is perfect with Cyberdynes tech, but then the family of the future hacks into the system, yes it's the one and only Conners. Sarah warns us to run for our lives and kill everyone... OK minus the second part, they show us how evil Skynet is and all that jazz, we are then warned to get out of the building before they- then the video kicks back in. Of corse Kimberly tells us nothing to worry about and we go into the main theater which is HUGE! The show starts and we are introduced to the T-70s and they shoot at some targets, just when they are about to bring on the big Skynet project the Conners crash the show. Sarah starts shooting up a storm but then all of a sudden the T-1000 morphs off the wall as the Cyberdyne sign, kills Kimberly, and is also after to kill us all but then, it's him, the time portal opens and the Terminator in his bad ass self rushes in just in time in his mortal cycle and blast the T-1000 away long enough to grab John and run back to the future(another good movie and ride BTW) a chase starts but luckily they get away, then out of the sky our heroes are chased by a HK. The are blown off the chopper, and just when we think we're safe it seems Skynet has an ace up it's sleve with the mini hunters. The HK drops 4 mini hunters, these little guys pack a lot of punch after running out of ammo our robot hero uses his gun as a bat, snatches the other and crush it. Once again we forget there is no safety in the Skynet future, as an endo blast through the wall and just as he is about to kill little Johnny boy, the T-800 uses the crushed mini hunter and slices off his head. John asks if it's a friend of his, and jokingly Aronld replies "he was my college roommate." John and the Terminator are on the run and enter they skynet building, where the mission is to end as the plan is to blow up the CPU, the only problem is the T-1,000,000 a spider like verion of the T-1,000 after freezing it it's blown away, John goes back in time as the Termintor uses bombs to destroy the CPU and the theater gets filled to fog and the seats do a slam down, John and Sarah are reunited and the future is safe for now, the terminator music kicks in and we exit to the left. If you stay you can see the huge Cyberdyne desk reset it's self.
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Extremely cheesy and cheap, but as a short fun can be.
Kdosda_Hegen17 January 2021
I believe this is non-canon, cause let's be honest it kind of sucks if we compare it to other Terminator movies. On the other hand as a non-canon little short film 3D adventure I guess this is a quite fun experience for a short time.
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Even die-hard fanboys like me will love it!
Dougie B2 July 2003
I'm one of those fans who hate it when sequels don't match their original stories, I want everything to fit together. But with this, I didn't care a bit! I didn't care that the terminator didn't arrive naked, I didn't care that somehow the characters were able go into the future, and I didn't care that this won't fit into any future sequels! This is pure fun, plain and simple. I just hope that someday someone finds a way to put this on video.
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WOW!! This is THE RIDE!!
claudonio22 January 2000
"T2 3-D: Battle Across Time is an amazing movie experience. It picks up right where "Terminator 2" left off. Imagine all the thrills, explosions,chases of "Terminator 2" on a big screen, by the end you will be gasping for breath and ready for another ride.
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incredible experience
marlowe_is_dead17 November 2000
i saw this at universal studios, and it was fantastic. it blends film and stage with great ingenuity, and the 3D platform is used to super effect.

i normally remain calm during a movie, but wow, when those metallic creature's lance-like limbs and immense explosions headed my way in 3D i ducked and laughed and screamed. as did everyone else in the auditorium.

this was a stellar performance.
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DaWeas00717 July 2000
If only the average movie going experience could be this good! When going down to the Florida area just a few short years ago, nothing could've prepared my friends and I for what we would find at Universal Studios Florida!! This by far has to be the best movie / Terminator experience I ever had! If you are ever in the Walt Disney / Universal Studios area, YOU MUST CHECK THIS OUT! Special Effects, good story line, mystery and intrigue all make this is MUST SEE when there!
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THE very best attraction I've ever experienced
ob1-91 October 2000
My family and I had the great fortune to visit T2 3-D: Battle Across Time at Universal Studios in August 2000.

English TV had aired a short documentary-styled piece a few years ago when the attraction was about to go live. It looked great then, but the actual visit just blew us away - it was far and away better than we could ever have expected.

If you get the chance to see it, make sure you don't miss it. Brilliant!!
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bgattsek7 June 2000
Most amazing integration of live action and film I have ever seen....that alone was worth the price of admission!, Bar none. The audience was on the edge of their seats. The 3D glasses worked flawlessly, (allbeit a bit cheesey)...I could not help myself ..I peeked (3D/NON 3D) and the 3d enhanced the show immensly....If your in doubt...dont be, its a thrill!
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A major disappointment
Mayhew-324 June 1999
When I first heard about this I couldn't wait to see it. In the queue the videos explaining how great Skynet was going to be just made me lose myself in the story, I kept thinking "Just you wait".

It all went downhill after that. The story was badly written and full of flaws. The 3D element proved to hinder more than help as it had caused the films produces to invent scenes that were clearly there just so the FX guys could show what they could do.. and the T one million, you have to be kidding.
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If you have the chance - then go !
ryderj8 November 2002
I saw this "movie" at Universal Studios in Los Angeles and it was great. It is a mix between theater and cinema, double crossing with 3d effects, and the result was great.

If was worth watching, only downside is that the audience get really wet at the end of the show. Why iam not going to tell you, you need to find out for yourself :-)
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Remember "I'll be back"? Here he is....
rafer-224 August 2000
This is a really "must" see movie experience. If you ever come to Hollywood, Florida or Osaka (200*) don't forget to see the 30 minute 3D-Experience Terminator 2 - Battle Across Time.

Imagine you are traveling "with" Arnold and Edward Furlong through time to fight side by side against Skynet. Live action with real actors in the theater and a massive 3D movie on "three" (!) screens will blow you away. Don't miss this!
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A thrill for Terminator lovers. Or haters!!
jaklenev24 August 2001
I may be the first person on this notice board to see this in Japan! Go me! I saw T2/3-D on August 1st 2001 at the New Universal Studios Japan, Osaka.

Even the fact that it was dubbed (and I couldn't understand it all) couldn't detract from my excitement and enjoyment of this fantastic show. The use of look-alike live action actors (combined with pre-shot film of the original actors) and the 3-D movie itself was mindblowing - especially when the characters run by close enough for you to touch them!

And the set-up at the beginning by the publicly charming but frantically horrified employee during the first film - the Cyberdyne Promotion - is enough to make you laugh hilariously.

I swear that your day will not be complete without seeing this. Congratulations to everyone involved, including the management at USJ, who kept the lines so delightfully short!
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The Greatest Ride Ever Created
mikewags830 March 2002
This 3-D ride based on the terminator experience is possibly the most well thought out and most creative ride I have ever been on. I couldn't believe all the cool aspects of the ride you can experience but its all there. A 3-D experience that you probably have never experienced before, live action that is happening all around you, guns being shot on stage, huge terminator's on either side and than the big ending. There's nothing else like it!!!

I give it * * * * out of * * * *

Also Recommend (Rides): Back to the Future, Men in Black, Twister

Also Recommend (Movies): Terminator, Terminator 2
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if you go to Universal studios in cali or Orlando check this out!!!
anonymous-1424 August 2000
I have been to Universal studios Orlando 2 times and have gone to experience this both times, and i plan to go again soon. this is by far the best 3-D i have ever seen.. no bi-color glasses that make everything look funny. if you are thinking about visiting Universal studios, this alone justifies going!
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The Best theme park show on the plant
redfoxagent12 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is my all time favorite ride anywhere. the first time I went on it I was ten and I fell for the 3D. I couldn't help but put my hands in front of my face and argue with the guy next to me that it was coming for me not him. the story is perfect for a theme park ride. their are details that are left out like "how did the Terminator arrive at the theater with being naked" and "how did the T-1000 get into the building". but who cares. besides those few details the ride is perfect. and it has the best 3D effects I've ever scene. it holds up against any other 3D ride on the planet.

the attack of the mini hunters is incredible for the day. and what will blow your mind the most is the characters walk off the screen onto the stage. the ending is phenomenal, with a giant life size 3D Terminator walking around the set from one screen to another. and the 3D is no where near cheesy. unlike a lot of films, this one won't do things like have somebody point their finger at you or something like that. no the machines fly into the audience. and it seems like they're reaching for you when the live actors run around the theater.

it's as brilliant a ride as the movie. if you go to universal Orlando or universal Hollywood, you can miss the one of kind master piece.
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Pretty okay for fans of the films
Horst_In_Translation3 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It doesn't happen too often that they get the director of the feature films to direct a follow-up short-film for a theme park attraction, but here it did. James Cameron was on board for this little sequel five years after Terminator 2 and one year before his epic Titanic movie. Also, he has some of the crew here that worked with him on the Schwarzenegger films or his big Oscar winner from 1997.

The film is basically what you could expect. With the inclusion of the director, they also managed to get all the big names from the cast on board (Schwarzenegger, Hamilton, Furlong, Patrick) and the result is (also thanks to the money they had available) not really worse than the previous movie. Fans of the franchise or of action movies in general will enjoy the motorbike scene or the fight of the good guys against the giant metal monster. Everybody else can give this one a pass and isn't missing too much.
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JJ_Binks27 July 1999
This movie ROCKED!! Can't wait for Terminator 3? Then go see this one, it's the next best thing. Not only did they get the original actors to reprise their roles, they did it so convincingly these scenes could have been cut right out of T2. The 3D effect is incredible, causing viewers to duck as the T-1000 points his metallic blades right in your face and cringe as the T-1000000 explodes showering liquid metal (actually water) all over the audience. Besides the ultra-cool special effects, Arnold actually had some pretty good lines (after killing a cyborg T-800, "he was my college roommate"). This attraction alone is worth the price of admission to Universal Studios. Don't miss it!
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