Beast Wars: Transformers (TV Series 1996–1999) Poster


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A Private Little War
DarthBill11 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Sequel series to cult 1980s toy line series cartoon "Transformers" picking up centuries later with their descendants, the Maximals (successors of the Autobots) and the Predacons (successors of the Decepticons, though the term originally referred to a branch of transformers created BY the Decepticons). With a smaller cast on both fronts - and less voice actors - the series opens with a Maximal exploration team, led by Optimus Primal (Gary Chalk, who had also voiced He-Man and would later voice Man At Arms for the new He-Man series) chasing a band of Predacons, led by Megatron (David Kaye, later Professor X on the ill be gotten X-Men Evolution, and NO, this Megatron is not the same character as the one played by Frank Welker in the original series), and after going through a time warp tunnel thing in space and shooting at each other they crash on an uncharted planet that housed a number of animals native to Earth. Later on it turns out that the planet IS Earth, Earth in the past, some time after the Autobots and Decepticons crash landed in the old series, meaning that the Maximals must now fight to protect their head honcho Autobot ancestor, Optimus Prime, from the Predacons. There was also a little sub plot about aliens who were using Earth as kind of an experiment, but that later faded out of focus.

The Maximals and Predacons appear to be smaller than their ancestors, which allowed them to adapt better to animal transformation modes. The hero of the series, Optimus Primal, turned into a giant gorilla while Megatron, oh so perfectly, chose the form of a T-Rex (it is SO King Kong).

In the Maximal crew, there was Rhinox (who was kind of like the Panthro of the Maximals), demolitions expert Rat-Trap (who had kind of a Bruce Willis/Humphrey Bogart complex), callow youth Cheetor, animal rights and nature activist Tigertron the Barbarian (as Rat-Trap called him), falcon fly girl Air-Razor (who kind of had a relationship with Tigertron), fuzor wolf/condor cross Silver-Bolt (who had kind of a knight in shining armor complex; I think he's actually named after the Aerialbot character from the old series), giant vengeance seeking stingray Depth Charge, and perhaps most interesting of all, the Predacon rapter defector Dinobot, who later got killed in glorious battle and was resurrected as a transmetal version of himself. The Predacon spider Black Arachnia later defected from the Preds and joined the Maximals, which is where she actually belonged anyway seeing as how she was originally a Maximal protoform*.

Predacons included Tarantulas (at least he was allegedly a Predacon, though he could just as well been descended from something else), giant deranged fire ant Inferno (who had a tendency to call Megatron his "Queen"), speech impaired Waspinator, ill fated Star Scream wannabe Terrorsaur, ill fated teacher's pet scorpion Scorponok, the cantankerous rattle snake/scorpion fuzor Quick Strike, and the monstrous Rampage, a Maximal experiment gone horribly wrong (and the dark secret of the Maximal's mission).

While it's impossible NOT to compare "Beast Wars" to the original Transformers, it's not fair to do so given that the two were made in different eras of television writing with a big difference in budgeting and what not. Both shows are products of their eras, and it shows in characterizations and plots. The Beast Wars characters are more in line with what is considered cool today, so that's just how it is. This show did retain the old show's tendency to have "bad guys" change alliances and become "good guys" though, such as when Black Arachnia joined up with the Maximals. Characters had a tendency to get killed and either stay dead or come back and there was the tendency to introduce new characters* by crashing these stasis pods thad the Maximal ship had dropped in orbit over the Earth that would crash from time to time. Another way to introduce new toys was to upgrade the heroes (transmetals, anyone?)

Beast Wars was one of the last great shows to hit the airwaves. It had everything: it had humor, it had drama, it had pathos, it had characters who were so flesh and blooded that they really made you love them or hate them. Character relationships included Rat-Trap's bickering with Dinobot, Silver-Bolt's forbidden love affair with Black Arachnia, the alleged relationship between Tigertron and Air-Razor, Megatron's on again/off again bond with Tarantulas, and many others.

Sadly, they chose to follow this wonderful gem of an action series up with "Beast Machines", which chronicled what happened to the characters when they got back to Cybertron, messed them up big time (making Rhinox evil, making Silver-Bolt a jerk) and just plain made a mess of everything. Avoid "Beast Machines" at all costs.

"Beast Wars", however, is a prize too good to miss.
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The best Transformers show since the original
TheLittleSongbird12 September 2013
The original 1984 show is still the jewel of the Transformers franchise, but of the shows that followed it the best was Beast Wars. This show is wonderfully done in most respects, it took a few episodes for the show to find its feet which is perfectly normal actually for any show and some of the animation towards the start was a little on the iffy side. But when Beast Wars did find its feet, it was exciting and emotionally impactful, and ranking it along with the others Transformers shows it was definitely one of the best written too. The animation, done with computer animation in its early days, mostly is fine with the fluidity and detail getting stronger all the time and the characters are well-modelled. The music is dynamic and beautifully scored, complete with a very memorable theme tune. The writing is some of the absolute best of the franchise, it's very thought-provoking and sophisticated and never falls into cheesiness, and the stories are really well thought out and compelling, complete with very exciting action sequences. A good thing too because Beast Wars has a lot of them, though neither fall into the trap of overshadowing the story lines so the substance is not lost. Part of the show's appeal is that it's not just enjoyable for children and adults but also you can re-visit it some time later and it has every bit the magic and more. Some may not find that the case, but it was with me personally and with a lot of friends who grew up with it as one of their favourite shows. The characters are great, Optimus Primal and Megatron hardly disappoint, though the standout characters in this show were Cheetor, Rattrap and especially Dinobot. The voice acting is equally great, Dinobot is some of the best voice acting Scott Macneil has ever done and Ian James Corlett, Garry Chalk and David Kaye to name a few are similarly expressive. All in all, wonderful and the best since the original 1984 show. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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One of the best cartoons ever,period!
Shanetmims27 December 2008
If you were a child of the 90's,chances are you knew of the show,and if you a fan today,it is very easy to see why.

Beast Wars:Transformers is the sequel series to the original cartoon.It takes place 500 years after the events of Generation 1(the original series),but takes place on prehistoric Earth.How is this possible?Well,let me explain.

In season 1,the Maximals(the good guys who have descended from the Autobots,the good guys of the original series)and the Predacons(the villains,who have descended from the original series' villains,the Decepticons)fly through a transwarp in space while their ships are battling and end up shooting each other down,crashing to Earth below. The Maximals and Predacons must now take on new disguises so their systems won't shut down from Energon(their energy source overload,due to the fact the planet is rich in it.The Maximals are lead by the heroic Optimus Primal,whose beast mode is that of a gorilla.His team is made of Cheetor(a cheetah,male),Rattrap(a rat,male),Rhinox(a rhino,male),Dinobot(a velociraptor,male),Tigatron(a white tiger,male),and Airrazor(a falcon,female).The Predacons are lead by the evil Megatron(a t-rex);his team is made up of Waspinator(a wasp,male),Terrorsaur(a pterodactyl,male),Scorpnox(a scorpion,male),Tarantulus(a tarantula,male),Inferno(a fire ant,male),and Blackarachnia(a black widow,female)The Maximals are in a battle for their survival for most of the season not only against the Predacons,but against some strange aliens as well.

Season 2 is a time of change.The season begins with the death of Optimus Primal.Then,something incredible happens.Cheetor and Rattrap are given new bodies that don't suffer from Energon overload and have their own transportation modes.Sadly,Megatron and Tarantulus also have new features of their own as well.New transfomers also join:Ouickstrike,(scorpion/cobra,male)joins the Predacons,along with Rampage(crab,male),while the noble Silverbolt(eagle/wolf/male)joins the Maximals.Optimus Primal returns later in the season,now given a new body of his own.The focus of this season is on Megatron and why he flew to Earth in the first place.Characters die in this season:Predaons Terrosaur and Scorpnox die as early in the first episode of the season,and the honorable Dinobot gives his life to save the human race from a grim fate by Megatron.

Season 3,the final season,begins with a bang. And what a bang it is! The Maximals are being erased from existence by Megatron attempting to destroy Optimus Prime before the events of the original series began!.Although the attempt is a failure,Optimus Prime is badly damaged and in order to save him,Optimus Primal stores his Spark(pretty much the soul and spirit of the transformers)inside himself.Due to this,Primal evolves into Optimal Optimus,stronger,bigger,and capable of so much more than his previous self.Optimus Prime is soon restored,and the Spark returned,but Primal retains his new body.The rest of the season lies with the Maximals and their attempts to protect their ancestors and the timeline from Megatron and his evil plans.New members join both teams:the Maximals find assistance in Depth Charge(manta ray,male),a enforcer sent to bring Rampage in for different crimes.The Predacons clone Dinobot,who shares a Spark with Rampage.Blackarachnia leaves the Predacons and joins the Maximals,due to her shared feelings for Silverbolt.Cheetor and Megatron get new bodies and the aliens,whose experiments have been found and explored by both sides for years decide to intervene in an attempt to fix the timeline by sending Tigerhawk(tiger/hawk,male),a combination of the Sparks of Tigatron and Airrazor(they were abducted by the aliens in Season 2).It all leads to an exciting series finale in which Megatron attempts to fly back to Cybertron(their home planet)in an attempt to rule it once and for all.

I hope I didn't wear you out with that,but this is a very complex series,filled with great story lines,awesome characters,and exciting action.If you have never seen it,I think you should try it out.All three seasons are available on DVD. I hope you enjoy.
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Excellent, yes...
pyynk27 August 2003
Peace has returned to Cybertron after millennia of fighting, the Great Cybertronian Wars were over. Three hundred years later, a new Megatron emerges to command new troops, the Predacons, to conquest. Using transwarp technology, Megatron and his soldiers travel through time to a familiar blue green planet with Optimus Primal and his Maximals in pursuit.

This well written series paid homage to the Generation One series, both the comic and the cartoon, and still managed to stand on its own. The characters grow and mature, cowards become heroes, villains prove their honor, and heroes die protecting the innocent.

I grew up with Generation One, I love those characters, but Beast Wars was unquestionably the best written series that ever existed in the Transformers series.
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Primal Robotic Warfare
hellraiser718 August 2020
This is one of my favorite animated shows of all time. It's also one of my favorite sequel series and CGI animated show of all time because the show is a prime example of both done the right way. But most of all this is my favorite series in the "Transformers" franchise.

When I saw this show it just blew me away the fact that a familiar franchise has got a sequel and that is CGI animated, at the time both concepts weren't common place and still somewhat foreign.

There is so much to like and love about this show. The CGI animation at the time was just awesome, you have to realize back then CGI was still a novel concept and was just on the rise, so you can imagine how both animation and even Transformers fans were just blown away by this, I know I'm one of them. I honestly still thing the animation looks good as its animation used the right way and for that right reasons.

The action is great it's well choregraphed, really like how each of the character use different kinds of weapons their characters are equipped and not generic weapons with which makes the shootouts a little more interesting. Even the fist a cuff/melee weapon battle and vehicular or should I say non vehicular assault battles also well done. Really love the music, which is are metal tunes, really love the theme song which is one of my favorite themes which just sing out broad primal warfare.

The background animation I'll admit isn't so great, it's pretty generic but serviceable, but this doesn't bother me because like with certain plays in the theatre or even amateur films some of their background props aren't great but that doesn't stop them from become good productions and entertainment. It's really the character models that stand out which I think are just excellent, both the Maximals and Predacons are well detailed and refined in features as each of the character are unique in their own ways physically. The transformations with them work well, they move and flow right, it's always awesome to watch them transform.

One of the things I love about this sequel is in its story. The plotline is the same concept as it's sort of the autoboots and deceptions at war with one another, though here their both wearing a different kind of dress as the Autoboots are Maxamals and Decepticons are Predacons. I really like the fact that this time instead of vehicles their animals which I thought was a cool concept, it was slightly done in the classic "Transformers" cartoon and toy line but this show goes much further with it and it really helps in making things not feel too much the same. But despite the same concept, it's a whole different kind of warfare.

I really like the characters, the characterization in the show is great and a lot better than its predecessor. Not to say the characters in the classic "Transformers" weren't characters but they weren't deep characters. The characters in "Beast Wars" actually turn out to be three dimensional characters as each of them have their thoughts, feelings, strengths, weaknesses and they even develop both physically and personally; from all these things it's easy at times to forget I'm watching an animated series but almost a live action sci-fi series (which actually wouldn't be a bad idea if done correctly).

Also, this has one of the best voice cast ensembles by a lot of familiar names and favorites of mine. Even like that the cast is condensed and not overstuffed which is a fundamental problem most super team series like "Justice League", "Avengers" and others have, where their so busy building up their roster they've forgotten to build and focus on their characters.

Since there is a lot as their so well rounded it's hard to decide, that I like I'll just state five of them.

Black Arachnia and Silver Bolt: Ok I know this is two at the same time, but since they're both a couple why not. Both as characters are individually good from Silver Bolt (voice by Scott McNeil) like the design on him where he's a fusor combination, really like the color giving him a metallic knight look. His character isn't the brightest bulb though that's mainly because he's still new at the game and inexperienced, but his heart is in the right place. Really like he's like someone from a different time as he has that chivalrous mannerism.

Black Arachnia (voiced by Venus Tetrzo) is great, I really like the design of her but also that raspy voice which just sings out sexyness. Her character is the most interesting to me because she has a character arc throughout the whole show where she was a Predacon but slowly but surely, she defects and becomes a Maximal. I really love that she can think for herself which is part of the reason she defected because she realized how bad the Kool Aid Megatron and Taranchulous served everyone really is.

She is very deceptive and sneaky which is her edge as it can make her somewhat unpredictable to everyone and probably herself. I really love it when both Silver Bolt and her are together, both are one of my favorite fictional couples. The chemistry between them is funny but also beautiful, both really are good for each other as they do balance each other out, in a way much like April and Andy on "Parks and Recreation" both are kind of a Yin and Yang couple, both work because they create a harmonious balance.

Rattrap (also voiced by Scott McNeil): His character is a lot of fun, really like the voice of is which is a Bronx accent which makes sense as his proform is of a rat whom are highly populated in "New York City". But his character is just a lot of fun as he just got a lot of the best lines in the show but I really like how human his character is as he reacts the same way to certain things like how any normal person would react.

Like when he exercises reluctance to certain things proposed by characters, you can tell from his mannerism it's saying, "really your going to do that" or "are your fraking nuts'. But what I really like is how he has a strong sense of duty, despite his feelings knowing that his comrades are possibly going or leading him on the road to Hell, he just rolls his eyes and does his duty all the same but most importantly supports his friends.

Optimus Primal: He's pretty much the same as his predecessor but in Beast form. He's voiced well by one of my favorite voice actors Gary Chalk, whom is my second favorite Optimus Prime. His pro forms are the best which perfectly reflects his role as he first is a Silverback Gorilla and then last my favorite one in the whole show which is an ode to the classic "Transformers" a triple changer autobot.

Optimus Primal just like his predecessor is really cool as he's a guy that is the strong leadership type, but what I like is how we see this version really struggle in his role as he does his very best to lead his fellow Maximals well. And as good as his leadership is, even he suffers his losses and you can see he feels them but what makes him really strong is that despite this he always carries on because really there is nowhere else to go except forward.

Megatron: This is no surprise as the Megatron from the classic "Transformers" is one of my favorite animated villains, so is he. Believe or not this is my favorite version of Megatron, he's not really all that different from his predecessor but he goes steps further. His proto forms are cool which perfect fit his evil zeal, from a T Rex to a Fire Breathing Dragon.

Really like that voice of his which is sort of a royal snobbery accent, this really display how big of a superiority complex he has and how he sees himself as bigger and better than everyone else and everyone else including those that serve him and his cause are lower, in some way or another at times he's actually true to that meaning.

His a bit funny as he's got a sort of very black sense of humor and wit sometimes, but he's really menacing, he's a bit like a corrupt character from "Game of Thrones" as he is ruthless and ever so scheming. And much like with "Game of Thrones there's even a subplot with Taranchulous always trying to get leverage or steel the throne from Megatron much like with Starscream and the old version of Megatron.

But also, this guy is borderline insane as he hates Optimus Primal and the Maximals so much he's actually willing in one episode to frak up the timeline probably destroying the universe just to kill them, including himself. I know what your thinking, is he crazy enough to do it, answer I'm afraid so.

Also, this show is a dark entry in both the "Transformers" franchise but also animated shows in general. The 90's indeed really took animated shows to the next level as we were getting a lot of dark animated shows like "Batman: The Animated Series", "Exo Squad", etc. that were shows that were really mature showing the animation genre isn't strictly for kids but can also be for teens and adults.

Its storytelling became more mature and advanced, at times I easily forgotten I was watching an animated cartoon show. But anyway, this show was dark because we see that this warfare isn't a one-sided affair but actually two sided, where sometimes the good guys didn't always win but the bad guys as well. Or sometimes there would be a victory but not without some cost or the victory was incomplete.

And most of all characters in this show die, which at the time was rare for an animated show. Personally I loved that because it really made it feel like it mattered who won but most of all showed the reality about warfare how it's never a one sided affair, how each of the character lives are in constant jeopardy, but also that war isn't a game when you fight you fight to live and you always have to make every shot your best shot because your not going to get another chance.

"Beast Wars: Transformers" is a roaring animated classic.

Rating: 4 stars
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Better than all but the original
The_highlander24 June 2003
What in the world is wrong with people??? I see some of you saying you dislike this series because of animation, and then go on to say that the original was the best. I also see griping about character development and so on...

Are you guys even looking at the screen? Did you mute the tv when you watched the shows?

This series had A LOT of character development, and it had pretty dang good animation considering that this type of computer generated animation was still in its baby stage. The animation in this series was practically experimental when this series was released, especially when you think about the battles.

They did great for what they had.

Also, if you really want to compare it to the original Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye, there were so many mistakes made not only with the animation but also with the sound effects and the voices, it's funny. I mean come on, sometimes there were REALLY bad times, like in the very first episode, when the Decepticons are boarding the Autobots ship, Optimus Prime speaks in Megatrons voice. Star Screams colors never really stay the same in the entire series, their mouths moved when words weren't coming out.... I could go on and on.

Now, understandably, they had ALOT to do on that show, and even if the colors were off at times, the detail they went to on the Trasformers was amazing for a hand drawn cartoon. The stories were great, but still had lots of plot holes. One of the best thing about the series was its voices.

Which brings me to one of the bad things about Beast Wars. It needed a few better voice talents.

Another thing it was lacking was the amount of transformers there were, which they remedied later on, but then they all changed to Metals or whatever, and then it ruined the show. Not to mention the complete idiocy of Beast Machines, but that is another story.

Now I do say the original is by FAR the best, but this series is an EXCELLENT follow up to it. Optimus Primal has alot of emotion at times and the stories are pretty good considering.

Beast Wars gets 9/10 and when it changed to Metals it gets 6/10 in my book.
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Very catchy
denis88811 December 2006
I remember I first saw this serial in Poland, where I was working in 2000-2001, and then I got hooked on it, and started to watch every episode in the morning or daytime, before or after my classes. It really did catch me! I was enthralled and marveled. Before that, I had hated to see any of the original Tranformers Series, but Beast Wars is a huge step forward, a real progress and areal improvement. What is bad there is a second-rate computer graphics, it is at its best naive or even extremely poor, and you see all the obvious mistakes, the goofs with the position of this or that hero in the given place, his or her coloration or the odd design of the background. Never mind, the plot is breathless. The incessant war between good and band animals, Maximals and Predagons, is very real, and you see not a gorilla, not a wasp, a rat, an eagle or a cheetah, but real people beside, behind, inside them, with their real problems, characters, tragedies and even very cute humor. The Rat one is the best, a cunning little cowardly creature, very lovable and sweet. And what a romance story in the second season! I re-watched the whole serial here in Russia and still am a great fan of it. Watch it!
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Beast Wars: The Transformers have return.Maximals Maximize, Predacons Terrorize
Terryfan7 November 2015
Beast Wars: Transformers without question is a excellent TV show it is more than meets the eye.

Hasbro took a gamble on this series and the new Toys with Beast Wars and it pay off big time helping restore interest in Transformers it was the shot in the arm the series needed and now Transformers are still going strong

This time instead of the Transformers being Cars,Trucks,Jets and so on they turn into animals.

The Heroic Maximals turn into animals as they battle the reptile and insect forces of the Evil Predacons.

My favorite characters from Beast Wars are Dinobot, Optimus Primal,Silverbolt, Airazor, Waspinator, Terrorsaur, Megatron.

My favorite episodes are Beast Wars,Equal Measures,Chain of Command,Power Surge,Fallen Comrades,Double Jeopardy,Gorilla Warfare,The Probe,Victory,Dark Designs,Double Dinobot,The Spark,The Trigger,Call of the Wild,Dark Voyage,Possession,The Low Road,Other Voices, Aftermath,Coming of the Fuzors,Maximal: No More, Tangled Web,Bad Spark Code of Hero, Transmutate, The Agenda

Beast Wars really brought the Transformers back to greatness and the toys remain favorites with the fans even today and the TV Show had something for everyone.

The animation is just amazing the C.G.I. when I saw it I was in awe because I never seen a show with this much attention to the details.

Music in the series is excellent with mix of metal, jungle beats, and much more the audio department knew how to help the story and I wish the music was release on CD it would be great.

The voice acting is top notch with a cast like Garry Chalk, Scott McNeil, Ian James Corlett, Richard Newman,David Kaye, Venus Terzo, Alec Willows, James Brynes,Don Brown, Doug Parker, Blu Mankuma,Colin Murdock, Campbell Lane, Pauline Newstone, David Sobollov they put together an excellent cast who did a great job with the characters just listening to their performances you can tell they really love the show even Scott McNeil said this is his favorite show he worked on everyone just deliver a performance

The writing in Beast Wars is everything fans of Transformers would want it just gave us more inside history of Transformers. They gave us action, humor, drama and a epic series that is clearly more than meets the eye

Beast Wars:Transformers give long time fans what they wanted and then some

With great characters, amazing animation, voice acting that is top notch and stories that will make you go wow you got to see Beast Wars it is epic.

Maximals Maximize! Predacons Terrorize!
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The Best Transformer Show of All Time
dragonborn-0864425 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this show reluctant, since I let the animation and new characters fool me. However, I went out of the show stunned. Beast Wars' writing was just plain amazing. Each character was written well (especially Dinobot) and to me, it was much more than a cartoon.

I will point out the best character, Dinobot. Man oh man was he really well written, From the first episode to his death in Code of hero, he changed a lot. He went from chasing glory, to sacrificing himself for the good of others. The dialogue is great, the animation for that time is amazing and its overall a great show.
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An Amazing show
studiosru16 May 2022
The story is great the voice acting is amazing the animation is quite dated but still great and the characters are great, that is the most thing i can say.
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Beast in all of us.
ThunderKing614 October 2021
Reboot and Beast Wars are the fathers of 3D shows. These were shows done right compared to today's junk.

Beast Wars is based on the original car transformers, except in this version it's animals that transform.

NWT was a fun, dark show about...WAR.

The 3d was not top-notch, for it's time it was a masterpiece. But, it was funny and that's what makes it stand out. Voice work was exceptional and the stories well were just about war. I'm not a fan of fast-paced all over the place stories. BWT had a fill in the blanks kind of story.

Action, graphics and voice work alone can't save a production.

Overall a fun show. It's mos def a YTV classic.

Last Words: Beasties.
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I preferred this to the original transformers
tyranid_slayer5 July 2007
I watched this show growing up. And i loved it. I use to watch it Saturday mornings and buy the toys. This was one of my favourite childhood shows next the dexters labaratory or 2 stupid dogs.

I remember watching beast wars everyday and enjoying every second. It was only after beast wars initially cancelled i heard about the transformers vehicle version. I originally thought this was a cheap rip-off of beast wars. Then i found out that transformers was around first. But the odd time you would find beast wars on i would watch it even now when the animation looks cheap.

My favourite beast was cheetor i remember thinking how cool he was fighting the bad guys. It took me a while to find the toy but i almost had everyone anyway! Beast wars is a classic even if you prefer transformers anyway. The animation looks cheap now but it's still worth a look now if u catch it in re-runs.
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This is a Joke
marlymanson73413 March 2014
Before saying outright that Beast Wars is a steaming pile of guano, I have to say that I am not some elitist G1 fanboy; G1 while good isn't entirely faultless as it has its share of garbage from episodes (too many to mention) that have been clearly made for torturing members of Al Qaeda. With that out of the way, here is my assessment of this 90s TV show.

Frankly, BW sucks on a lot of levels; the animation is rendered in CGI and I imagine the people back in the 90s went apes--t (or Optimal Primals--t) over this gimmick but I'm not impressed. CGI works in console games such as the new Mortal Kombat, movies like Jurassic Park, Kung Fu Panda, Shrek but with Transformers, it don't look good; sorry, traditional animation works best; action scenes (of the robot on robot type) just don't work out well in CGI and to put it simply, transforming mecha are expressed and depicted more truthfully with the old school way of animation; here the robots look like a bunch of drab looking rejects from the Pixar cutting room.

In addition to the awful computer graphics, Beast Wars use a lot of modern puns and wisecracks in its pathetic attempts at humor. Lines like "You want your expert consultant fee now?" or "Die cast construction! It's a lost art." may sound cute to hip minded people but to those who want their stories to be based as possible on reality than on self-conscious parody, it does take away the suspension of disbelief a lot (anyway, what does a friggin'"robot", in prehistoric earth know about consultation fees for Christ's sakes).

An episode where the Maximals and Preds came out like gunslingers and outlaws from the Old Wild West is a case in point (the scene kinda reminds me of that preposterous one in TF Victory where Star Saber is also channeling Sergio Leone); Transformers is originally about sentient robots fighting a war, not a bunch of role-playing schmucks. The makers of the show probably thought that John Waynesque scene was cute but it's actually a mockery of what the original show was about. Sure, some would say, "nah, it's just a cartoon, you're taking it too seriously, when's the last time you got laid, blah blah blah" My reply of course would be "how would you feel if the first and second Terminator movies were made in this way, the liquid metal terminator and Arnie terminator were decked out in cowboy outfits in an OK Coral setting? Of course, it would destroy the atmosphere. The stylistic approach of the original cartoon where there for a reason but BW's writers and directors are just a bunch of hipsters who watch too much Oprah and CNN. The three part show opener "More Than Meets The Eye" set the tone for the rest of the series and the Beast Wars people could have followed suit but instead, they chose to dispose of the "serious" tone of the original and settled for a campy b-movie feel.

To sum it up, Beast Wars is a failed attempt by Republicans and Democrats to infiltrate the minds of children and adults, just joking, he-he. Seriously, the potential of the original series is yet to be realized, with the right writer, director and studio, Transformers, as it was meant to be shown might well be made someday; those who cannot wait settle for boring and corny fiction by Simon Furman (a terrible writer who can't write to save his life)or the Bayformer movies that are the film equivalent of chicken diarrhea.
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Figaro-84 May 2000
I absolutely love this show! It has everything going for it: top-quality animation from Mainframe, an excellent voice cast, great music, and the most intricate story lines I've seen in a while. This should be a reference guide as to how a quality TV series should be done. I must state that my favorite character by a longshot is Dinobot. The animators did a wonderful job on him. His facial expressions combined with Scott McNeil's incredible performance drive home the point that he is a complex character. He is cunning, yet noble and in deep thought. Even thought he leaves the Predacons for the Maximals, you are never quite sure what he is going to do next. In a sense, he is neither Maximal nor Predacon; he fights on his own side. I thought the "Code of Hero" episode was sad, yet fitting for him.
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Almost the best Transformers series out there yet.
cdietz94-667-59924418 March 2011
While I think animated is better, this is with out a doubt one of the greatest animated series ever. Beast Wars is a sequel to G1 following Optimus Primal, the son or grandson of Optimus Prime, as he leads a group of Maximals, Cheetor, Rattrap, Rhinox, Tigatron, Airazor, Silverbolt, Depth Charge, Tigerhawk, and my favorite character Dinobot. While the evil predacons are led by Megatron, not the same one of course, as he leads Terrersaur, Scorponok, Waspinator, Tarantulaus, Quickstrike, Inferno, Rampage, Ravage, Dinobot 2, and Blackarachnia, who turns good as the series progresses.

The series had wonderful and in depth characters, recurring story arcs. Animation seems outdated yes, but still looks rather nice compared to other things Mainframe did.

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Maximals and Predacons are cool
cheetorprime4 August 2021
I really love this show a lot. The characters had development and the show also had some good action in it.
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A great cartoon with tons of action
Angelus216 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Aliens from outer space have landed on earth during the Jurrasic era and have disguised themselves as either dinosaurs or animals...or insects and now there war rages on. The war is between the Maximals and the Predacons, led by Optimus Prime and Mega-Tron.

The show combined cgi and great plots made it something to watch on the weekend and the action was brilliantly done and kept the pace of the show going. The voice actors were all brilliant and did a tremendous job in portraying each character individually with success.

I especially loved the modified version of Optimus Prime...and the twist was brilliantly executed...
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Another classic
leader-1623 June 2008
I remember this show from a while back, one of the shows that you cant forget. I loved it, the animation was fantastic, acting was good, story was well written.

My favorite character in the show was Cheetor, he was the funniest and always got out of trouble.

I recently watched a few episodes on DVD, brought back good memories from when i was little, watching it every Saterday morning, I wont forget this show, ever.

Im grateful that they came up with this show, i don'nt know what it would be like for me if it was not around

10 out of 10

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It's more than meets the CGI
xamtaro11 August 2009
What can I say about Beast Wars that has not already been said? It is an awesome example of a fun, entertaining yet cleverly written TV series that all ages can enjoy.

THe premise is similar to the 1984 original Transformers series. 2 team of robots from warring factions crash land on an unknown planet where they re-new their long standing feud. But from there, Beast Wars carves out an identity of its own that sets it apart from any Transformers series that came before, and after, it.

For starters, the writing is among the best there is, quite along the lines of the 90s Batman Animated series or Justice League. The story manages to balance a darker tone with humour and a sense of fun, without the show feeling campy. There is action, suspense, laughter, drama, emotion, the whole range. As we move along, plot points are resolved and more is revealed. Be prepared for a couple of unexpected twists.

The fact that there are a lot less characters in this show as compared to the original Transformers allows each character to be fully fleshed out and it allows the audience to grow to love each and everyone of those characters. Their interactions and relationships are a lot more entertaining than even the original Transformers. All this is further augmented by the amazing vocal talents that breathes life into the characters' lines. Truly, Beast Wars upholds the Transformers staple of highly interesting and lovable characters.

Season 1 may alienate some of the long time Transformers fans since it features none of the original Transformers characters, animal alternate modes instead of vehicles and a vastly different setting. For fans of the original, fret not. AS the show moves into its second season, there are more ties to the original series that are revealed, culminating in the big payoff in season 3.

THe CGI may seem dated when compared to computer animated TV series of today, but for something made in 1996, this is probably the best computer animation there was at the time.

Though I caught Beast Wars when it re-run long after i had watched other Transformers shows like Robots in Disguise, Micron Legend/Armada and the original, Beast Wars quickly grew to become my all time favorite series of Transformers.
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Excellent Show, Ages Well
yonah-meiselman6 March 2010
I first saw this show growing up in the 90s, and I almost certainly did not fully understand it. The combination of animals, robots, and big explosions likely kept me hooked. But about a year ago I was drawn back into watching again. The plot is incredible! I have never been a Transformers fan, but this series has me hooked.

Yes, the first season is a bit slow, and yes, some of the names of the original characters are cheesy, but the twisting plot, sophisticated writing, and developing characters are leagues beyond the average animated series; indeed, they are fantastic by any standard. Even the episodes that ignore the main plot arcs have a tendency to exceed the philosophical expectations I bring to a show I watched at age 7.

What really makes this show shine is its ability to appeal to me almost 15 years later! I find myself returning to Beast Wars every once in a while to relive the emotions they evoke.

As for the animation, it seems low-quality by today's standards, but at the time it was nothing less than remarkable. It even won a Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Achievement in Animation.
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Ahhhhhhhh............. The Good Old Days of Transformers
BrohmaBull00716 February 2006
Now I remember this show a great deal because I remember I used to watch it. When I was a kid I used to LOVE this show. I would watch every episode. The characters were awesome. I was instantly hooked when I watched the first show. So when I saw this show was on the database I had to post in it. I used to collect all of the characters I could find. Apparently I was a rattrap and Optimus Prime fan. I would say this show is good now because this was one of the early transformer shows before the ones like Armoda and GX came out. I wish this show was on somewhere because a part of me inside still want to see an episode. I'm glad I got in touch with this show when I was young because I used to LOVE watching every episode and I couldn't be pulled away from the TV.
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G4 really went down hill
tommypezmaster30 June 2007
Beast Wars is a show that is over-hyped, overpraised and overrated. Let's meet the characters of this obnoxious show whose creators must have been on acid to try and make a show like this.

Cheetor- Seriously, they need to have censor bars on this guy. How come he dosen't creep out the viewers having the same voice as baby Taz? (at least Razzoff from Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc is voiced by Slip & Slide) Action Blast- If you want a line of show that suck, get G4 Tranceformers Cybertron- A show that should go down in a toilet. Good Job Creators (Sarcasm) Show it self-Retarded & boring (at least the Super Mario games are better) This show had a lot of followers sayin' bring it back, but I believe that it was cancelled for its own good.
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More than meets the eye... in the 90s and in CGI
Op_Prime7 July 1999
Beast Wars updated the classic 80s cartoon series and made it CGI. Beast Wars was filled with great stories, an interesting plot that connected it to the 80s cartoon, superb characters and so much more. Also the voices were very good and the characters were so diverse, that contributed to it's greatness.
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Great fun Warning: Spoilers
"Beast Wars" has to be one of the most underrated entries of the Transformers franchise, being dismissed by several fans due the changes done to the story in comparison with the original cartoon.

However, despite being quite different, this series managed to have a very interesting storyline and a good characterization, balancing incredibly well the action, the seriousness and the comedy. Rather than being just archetypes, or carbon copies of their original counterparts from the first series, the new characters have a great character development, showing different aspects from their personalities as the series advances.

The main premise of making the characters transform into organic beings rather that vehicles was actually pretty effective in this series, working as an adequate comedy device at moments, but also as a key component for more complex and serious story lines (Which were even more developed in the following series "Beast Machines")

Even when the quality of the computer animation used on this show could seem a bit dated or "primitive" by modern standards, the truth is that, compared with the awful CGI used by later series such, as "Transformers: Energon") those computer graphics seem much more fluid, with expressive characters with very appealing designs. "Beast Wars" remains today as one of the best animated entries in the whole Transformers franchise, having entertaining stories, a likable cast of characters, and a very good plot which turned more and more interesting as it advances, having a level of quality and fun that hasn't been achieved by the following animated series.

Overall, it is a very good series, with many good things to offer. A must see for every Transformer fan.
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One of my fave shows
RedPlatypus8729 December 2005
I watched this show loyally when it was on air and years later i unregretably bought all 3 seasons on DVD. I was a fan wen i was 11 and I'm still a fan when I'm 18. The show is for all ages, kids enjoy the action and cool graphics while adults can enjoy the quirky references and great storyline. Now the story is based on the previous Transformers show but you don't have to know it to easily follow along. I'm not even a fan of Transformers, but i feel instantly in love with Beast Wars, every reference to Transformers can be understood without previous knowledge.

I think the reason its such a good show is the character and story development. Each character has their own personality, agenda, and past. They are all so different and real, you can really relate. Since you get attached to the characters you get engulfed in the story, which is always full of great twists and clever plots. Everything is well written and thought out.

Overall i definitely recommend this show: funn, clever, sarcastic, visually pleasing, just all around great!
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