Showdown in Little Tokyo (1991) Poster

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One of the best "bad" movies you'll ever see !
RedRoadster28 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This cheesy 80's classic with it's awful continuity, dreadful script, half baked story and wooden acting still rates as one of my favourite films of its kind.

The plot is loosely based around Dolph Lundgren's character "Kenner" setting out for revenge on the Yakuza Oyabun "Yoshida" who killed his parents when he was a child. Years later Kenner is an LA cop and crosses paths once more with Yoshida when he comes to the USA to set up a drugs syndicate.

As you'd expect, you get to watch Dolph and his side kick played by Brandon Lee kicking ass and shooting holes in everything that moves. There are a bevy of good looking, half naked women on display, the most delicious of which is a young Tia Carrere.

My personal favourite in all the filming errors has to be when Kenner sustains a gunshot wound and immediately clasps his shoulder in pain followed by the words ..."Its OK, it went straight through". A moment later the camera views him from the rear and there is no exit wound ! Even better though, a few moments later the camera re-focuses on Kenners naked chest and the bullet wound is no where near his shoulder, its actually in the left lung / heart region ! I don't think he would be in any state to carry on fighting with that injury !!!

Because "Showdown in little Tokyo" refuses to take itself seriously, much in the same mould as John Carpenters "Big trouble in Little china" did, all you have to do is relax and enjoy the total self indulgence that this film allows you !

Great fun. 7 out of 10.
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A classic!
Antagonisten15 February 2005
This is one of the action-movies i grew up with. Seeing it again on TV just brings back a lot of memories. And actually the movie itself is not all crap either! Kenner (Lundgren) and Murata (Lee) both have trouble keeping their partners. Now they team up together to fight the Yakuza in Los Angeles.

Buddy cop pictures are not the most uncommon movies to say the least. But this is a movie that has it all. Campy acting, the worst one-liners ever, nicely choreographed fighting, evil Asians and heroes that are always on each others case. Not to mention the super-evil villain played here by the legendary Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa who should be quite used to these kinds of roles by now.

So, this is not exactly quality and it's not exactly good. But still it contains all the elements that made it an instant classic when i saw it for the first time. Half-naked women, cool heroes and loads of action. So the rating is based more on the memories than the actual movie. But for me this will always be a 7/10.
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Fun Actioner
maple_leafs_kickass20 May 2006
It's not the best action movie or one of the top movies of the 90's or anything like that but hey, its a fun flick starring the macho Dolph Lundgren and the late great Brandon Lee.

They basically play two LA cops working on a case in LA's Little Tokyo involving Drug Lords that were linked to Lundgren's past. Dolph and Brandon give great kung fu performances as they utilize their martial arts skills and beat some serious crap outta the drug lords. Especially with the sword fight at the end end between Lundgren and the head drug lord.

The script is pretty cheesy though and the story not very original and I could name a bunch of things that aren't too realistic about this picture but the fun never lets up and their are some good one liners. Just as long as you don't take it serious its a good old fashion B-Movie martial arts flick.
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Give it a break!
Empire-717 May 2001
Reading some of these comments, it occurred to me no one seems to know how to have fun anymore. This movie is not meant to be a great movie. I don't think any of the actors had intention of trying for an oscar. It's simply a fun movie. The action sequences are pretty cool and the one liners are hysterical. Dolph Lundgren and Brandon Lee are a great action pair. The chemistry between them is amazing. If you just want to watch a movie that's going to make you laugh, and get some good action with it, I highly recommend Showdown.
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BandSAboutMovies15 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Mark Lester knows exactly what you want and gives it to you. Let me set a scene in this film for you: Brandon Lee, dressed in a natty suit, joins Dolph Lungren - who is dressed as if he walked straight off the set of a Data East beat 'em up - to walk into a bar where old men are eating sushi off of nude models while two slightly less nude women fight sumo style atop tables. Meanwhile, on a stage that looks like the Fortress of Solitude, Tia Carrere sings "Slow Hand."

To top that off, there's a scene where evil Iron Claw Yakuza boss Funekei Yoshida (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa) kills Angel by cutting her head off while engaging in foreplay as his underlings watch. And when they find her headless body? Yep. That's the church from Prince of Darkness.

No movie has had meaner bad guys more worthy of being killed by two cooler cops. You have Chris Kenner (Dolph Lundgren), an American raised in Japan, teaming with Japanese/America Johnny Murata (Brandon Lee). While they hate one another at first, they soon become great partners and murder everyone who gets in their way to solve the case.

There's also a bonkers scene where Kenner rescues Tia's character from committing seppuku by tackling her through a plate glass window. There is no subtlety here.

Somehow, the Iron Claw has united the Crips, the Mexican gangs and the Hell's Angels. And if you wondered, where is Professor Toru Tanaka? He's right here.

This is a movie self-aware enough to have Brandon Lee's character say, "You have the biggest dick I've ever seen on a man," while also having the most over the top action sequences to ever be released straight to the shelves of your local video store and a body count of 58.

After being disappointed by Warner Brothers taking over this film and cutting eleven minutes, Lester started to finance and sell his movies himself to keep control over them. Good for him.
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Shallow, brainless, clichéd...great fun, in other words
Leofwine_draca20 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Another delightfully cheesy action movie from the guy who brought us COMMANDO and CLASS OF 1999. SHOWDOWN IN LITTLE TOKYO is full of clichés from start to finish, contains an incredibly poor script, bad acting, and tons of gratuitous sex and violence. It's the classic action B-movie, absolutely hilarious in places without meaning to be, and a lot of fun with it because it's just so bad. There is no plot to this film. Lundgren and Lee are two nominal policeman, partnered up in a fight against a Japanese drug lord. The whole film consists of them battling the Japanese in one way or another. There is no police presence in this film, no other characters apart from the bad guys, the good guys, and the love interest. The script is full of dumb, occasionally offensive one-liners which nevertheless add up to make this an entertaining experience.

Lester goes out of his way to deliver as much adult entertainment as he possibly can. Thus we get naked hookers being beheaded, tons of naked women around at every possible moment, Tia Carrera's body double being brought out at every opportunity. The violence is just as extreme, with people getting impaled, slashed, stabbed, gutted, having their little finger cut off, plus tons of shooting and the like. The destruction level is high. Buildings explode and burn to the ground, people are thrown through tables and windows. There's a ton of heavy weaponry and plenty of exciting martial arts fight sequences, with all the violent neck-breaking you could ever want.

One of the fun things about this film is watching all the mistakes and inconsistencies play out. My favourite scenes are the dummy in the car crusher and the fight at the end, where Lundgren gets shot through the heart and shrugs off the bullet. Acting-wise, Lundgren and Lee put in extremely poor performances. Yet they kick a lot of ass all the way through the film, which is the main thing. Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa has a ball as the slimy, reptilian villain Yoshida – in fact he did so well in it he spent a career copying this character in many straight-to-video movies throughout the '90s. Tia Carrera is hopeless in her debut. Generally, this film is a lot of fun, despite it being shallow, brainless, clichéd, and unsurprising. Yet once in a while it's nice to sit back and chill out in front of a guy film like this.
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Very good movie.
wkozak2216 October 2020
I like this movie. The interaction between Brandon and Dolph is very good. It is fun to watch 2 martial artists performing excellent moves. The only 2 problems I have are: 1. Some of the dialogue about male anatomy. I am not a prude but could have substituted other dialogue. 2. Dolph praising the Japanese every which way. Annoying!
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Reminiscent of an 80's porn film.
princessjasmin8930 December 2006
I give this movie a 5 for entertainment value.. This is the worst acting i have ever seen in a movie.. It contained humorous script and bad directing..

The main female character Minako is raped/"irredeemably betrayed" by her 'owner' and feels it necessary to commit suicide.. yet in the following scenes she strips down nude and jumps in a hot tub with a guy she has only just met.. yes, he WAS her knight in shining armour, but come on! THEN she pursues a sexual relationship with him, and the camera displays her as the 'dominate' one. The 'betrayal' doesn't appear to be affecting her in the slightest.

I feel sorry for the Johnny character, he appears to be second best or third wheel throughout the movie. The main villain has a scar in his left cheek.. of which looks better every time it is seen throughout the film. Continuity seems to be an issue.

As much as this film has bad taste bad acting and bad script, it was quite entertaining for myself, as a viewer, due to the above facts. The unintentional humour is what made me watch through to the end, and possibly even again on a day i need some cheering up.

All in all it was not bad for the era it was filmed in. Cheers.
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What's The Problem?
mvilla11 February 2001
People seem to be awful hard on this movie. I guess they must not be action fans. I mean, come on, this movie's only purpose is to entertain. And it does its job well. It moves at a very fast pace for its short 79 minutes, has lots of good action, and a good sense of humor. What more could you ask for in an action movie. I don't know about you,but thats all I ask for in a action movie. Its not art and its not supposed to be. 3 out of 4 stars.
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Big Trouble in Little Tokyo.
morrison-dylan-fan30 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
On the final day of ICM's best films of 1991 poll,I decided to look for a fun final flick to enjoy. Having a fantastic run of '91 Action epics, the poster to this made it look like the right time to visit Little Tokyo.

View on the film:

Originally a grittier film, WB took the title from the makers hands and diced out a lot of footage, (none of which has sadly re-appeared) and re-edited it to make the comedy more prominent. Under these difficult conditions, director Mark L. Lester & cinematography Mark Irwin still take a successful swing at creating a wildly fun Action movie. Done the same time as JCVD's East meets West Double Team, Lester and Irwin use the Little Tokyo setting to punch in bright, pulpy colours that give the movie an explosive atmosphere. Serving up all the thrills and boobage to keep viewers eyes transfixed on the screen, Lester attacks quirky set-pieces in a male sauna and a beer factory with slow-motion for the crunch from Kenner knock out punches, to fluid camera moves for each of Murata's bone-breaking twists.

Although parts of the plots progress are jarring to the cuts and the voice over ending looks to have been slapped on, the screenplay by Stephen Glantz/ Caliope Brattlestreet and un-credited writers Gary DeVore and Jonathan Lemkin overcome the limitations by handing the buddy duo fantastic one-liners, and giving room for the baddies to shine in their sword skills to still appear to be a threat. His last co-starring turn, Brandon Lee (who plays Japanese Murata!) displays the charisma which would take him to starring roles,with Lee smoothly performing the fight scenes, and improvising some of the most memorable dialogue. Holding sexy Tia Carrere's (who clearly uses a naked body double-sadly) Okeya in one arm and killing baddies with the other, Dolph Lundgren matches his brute fighting by giving a real warmth to Kenner's friendship with Murata during their showdown in Little Tokyo.
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Brokeback in Little Tokyo...
fmarkland3222 May 2006
Two mismatched L.A cops do battle with Japanese thugs who are planning on taking over the drug market. Although one of the cops has a personal score to settle involving a family vendetta. (His parents were killed in their sleep.) all the while lots of bullets and karate chops are laid out. This is not the type of movie you'd expect to see from the son of Bruce Lee, but Brandon Lee manages to throw a few kicks and play sidekick to Dolph Lundgren. The reason this movie works so well, is because of it's utter ridiculousness. Lundgren who weighs at least 250 pounds is able to jump over cars, turn over cars as if he was lifting a stereo and beats up three guys with a tea cup in his hand. Even funnier is that both Lundgren and Lee are too affectionate towards each other. For instance Lee even admits "Despite myself, I like you." One was okay to brush this off but then Lee told Lundgren he had the biggest member he had ever seen on a man, indicating he's seen enough members to know Lundgren has the biggest. Indeed. This is all probably on accident but it does make the carnage more enjoyable. And any movie that follows up a guy getting crushed in his car with a sex and decapitation can't be too unwatchable.

* * out of 4 (Fair)
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Fun movie
d-ramseeey3 December 2018
Why is everybody so serious? This is meant to be a fun movie.. i loved it personally. Great action and good acting.
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B-grade action classic
AwesomeWolf18 November 2004
I fail to understand how people can not like this movie. It has Dolph Lundgren AND Brandon Lee AND yakuza AND was directed by Mark L. Lester (the director of the Arnie classic 'Commando'). What more do you want? Maybe some people want more plot and acting, but these are the probably the same people I was talking about in my review of Van Damme's 'Cyborg'.

Dolph plays Detective Kenner, a very angry cop who has a tendency to beat up any yakuza in sight, coincidentally alienating all of his partners until his forced to pair up with Johnny Murata (the late, great Brandon Lee), and the two go around kicking yakuza-arse together. The yakuza are running drugs, and the head-honcho Yoshida (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa), just happened to be the man who murdered Kenner's parents.

So maybe the plot is weak, and the acting not much better, but who cares when Dolph and Brandon are kicking arse, and leaving a high body count behind them? Good action scenes, and some great one-liners from Brandon Lee, granted none of them are as classic as Arnie's "remember when I said I'd kill you last? I lied!" from 'Commando'. At less than 80 minutes, it doesn't get boring and provides an effective way of killing some time.

Of course, its only for true action fans (and if you don't like Dolph Lundgren, you are not a true action fan).

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One of the most blatantly bad movies I've ever seen.
kcwells26 January 2003
Warning: Spoilers
*** Warning - this review contains "plot spoilers," though nothing could "spoil" this movie any more than it already is. It really IS that bad. ***

Before I begin, I'd like to let everyone know that this definitely is one of those so-incredibly-bad-that-you-fall-over-laughing movies. If you're in a lighthearted mood and need a very hearty laugh, this is the movie for you. Now without further ado, my review:

This movie was found in a bargain bin at Wal-Mart. That should be the first clue as to how good of a movie it is. Secondly, it stars the lame action-star Dolph Lundgren. That should be the second clue as to how good of a movie it is. I'm still shocked that it was even put on DVD (who would waste their money doing such a thing?), though as you might imagine, there aren't any extras or bonus footage on the DVD. In fact, there's not even a menu; the movie just starts playing.

First, the writer for this movie deserves to be tortured and killed. It has one of the worst scripts ever written and is plagued with terrible one-liners; remarkably unbelievable, fake dialogue; and inappropriate comments (like Lee's comment on Lundgren's. err. manhood, which I'll mention later). There isn't one single sincere sounding line in the entire movie. The dialogue and plot go hand-in-hand, as the script and plot both progress in an entirely nonsensical fashion. The two cops hate each other for no apparent reason at the beginning, and then for again no reason at all, Lee's character pulls over to the side of the road, runs around to the other side of the car, and says `I'm not going to let you go alone, 'cause despite myself, I like you! And I don't want to see you get killed!' . or something to that extent, anyhow. There are disgusting one-liners, mostly said by Lee. For instance, when duking it out with a bad guy, Lee says `You have the right to remain silent . You have the right to be dead!' Lastly, I'll mention the entirely inappropriate and nonsensical comment that Lee makes about Lundgren's nether-regions. When bad guys start to attack after a seemingly random love scene between Lundgren and Carrere, and Lundgren decides to fight them off in his underwear, Lee says to him: `Incase we die, I just wanted to let you know that you have the biggest dick I've ever seen on a guy.' . Yes, he actually says that. It makes no sense and isn't even possible (Lee never actually sees Lundgren naked, so how would he know?), but the writer threw it in the script anyway. The entire movie looks like some kind of action video game, and Lee even admits it. After Lee and the underwear-only Lundgren defeat all of those bad guys, Lee makes a comment that is also truly beautiful: `Wow, this is sort of like a video game; we just defeated the first wave!'

Second, the plot of this movie is despicable. It suffers, in my opinion, mainly from the fact that it just doesn't exist. The trailer for this movie - which IMDb has available for viewing, by the way - makes it sound like the movie is about two cops trying to stop the Japanese Yakuza from taking over Lost Angeles. This is extremely misleading, however, since the movie has practically nothing to do with that at all. They make very brief, vague references to the Yakuza trying to start up a methamphetamine business with local drug dealers, but the entire movie ACTUALLY revolves around a poorly-written attempt for Kenner (Lundgren's character) to revenge the death of his parents, whom the Yakuza leader (named Yoshida) killed when he was only 9 years old. The entire plot can basically be summed up like this: Yoshida wants Kenner dead, Kenner wants Yoshida dead, and the two try two kill each other. And of course all the while Kenner's sarcastic sidekick (named Johnny and played by Brandon Lee) acts like an ignorant idiot, and Tia Carrere gets naked. twice.

The acting is one of the worst parts of the entire movie. The dialogue is so unrealistic, and their entirely insincere portrayal of it emphasizes this even more. You'd expect poor acting from action stars anyway, but this movie highlights some of the most unimaginably bad acting ever recorded.

Finally we get to the heart of the movie's baseness: the flagrantly bad action. There are so many astoundingly bad, unrealistic action sequences in this movie, it's just downright impressive they managed to fit them all in. Although Lee has his fair share of bad scenes as well, most of the truly terrible action involves Lundgren. For instance, Lundgren nonchalantly takes on four or five kung fu bad guys one-handed, without spilling his tea. Then, when surprised by an oncoming speeding car, Lundgren casually leaps over it. Or how about when he reaches THROUGH a closed door, grabs the villain on the other side, pulls him back through the door, and beats him up? Or when he picks up Tia Carrere, gently walks (not runs) backward through a glass door that shatters around him, and leaps down a one-story height with Tia still in arm, only to then lift up an entire car without the slightest effort and uses it as a barricade to shield them from bullets? All of the shameless gunfights are terrible as well, with Lundgren and Lee killing every bad guy instantaneously, while the rain of bullets from their fifty attackers never seem to hit either of them. That is, of course, until the final fight scene of the movie. Lundgren gets shot point blank in his bare chest in a region that even if it did manage to miss his heart, would still immediately begin to fill lungs with blood and kill him within a matter of seconds. Despite this, Lundgren remains in top-notch condition and manages to duke it out in the middle of a parade with Yoshida, the evil super villain. And of course the passing people in the parade dressed as samurai are carrying REAL, fully sharpened katanas, which the two use to sword fight. Now in addition to his bullet wound, Lundgren gets several deep slices in his chest and arms. Does this stop him? No, of course not! In fact, a few seconds later after easily killing the evil Yoshida (who gets pinned to a dartboard-like wheel and then bursts into flames for no reason), Lundgren casually walks off with Tia and Lee as if he wasn't injured at all. God, it's terrible.

All of these factors are then mixed up with an entirely unnecessary, gratuitous nude scene every five minutes, including topless women at a party, the beheading of a topless woman, women at a strip club, nude women at a Japanese spa, and the pointless hot tub and love scene with Tia. Not to mention the trip to the bizarre sushi bar, at which rich Japanese men are eating sushi off of naked women. Which, by the way, prompts Lee to say with much fake enthusiasm that after defeating the bad guys he and Lundgren will `go eat fish off those naked chicks!' Which, of course, is followed by a disturbing high five. And we can't forget the terrible editing either, like when the villains are crushing a man trapped in a car at a junk yard, and the editors left in a really obvious glimpse of a prop dummy. The credits also list an enormous list of stunt workers, which implies that a lot of the action probably wasn't done by the movie stars after all.

In the end, this movie repeatedly outdoes it self with brazen badness. It is illogical and impossible, and as a result, remarkably entertaining. If you're looking for any kind of thoughtful cinema, this movie will make you want to die. If you're looking for a good laugh and a good time mocking bad movie making, this movie will delight you. As an actual movie, I'll merit this movie a 0.5 out of 10. As an entertaining way to waste an hour and eighteen minutes, however, this beauty takes the cake.
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Cult classic starring Dolph and Brandon
abentenjo14 April 2002
Macho B-movie madness at its sublime best, this crazy action quickie is about as braindead as you can get: wooden acting, a terrible story and a script that truly sucks. But with all the mindless violence on offer who really cares. Gun battles, martial arts, Samurai sword slashing and gory deaths are the order of the day, not to mention plenty of beautiful ladies treated like playthings and shedding clothes at every opportunity. Despite the tits and guns, there is some kind of story: Kenner (Lundgren) is on a mission of vengeance. His parents were killed when he was ickle by crazy Yakuza thug Yoshida (Tagawa), an ice-cool super-villain now specialising in drug dealing and generally looking mean. Kenner, adept in the Samurai ways, grows to be a law-abiding copper who's now right on his tail. Male bonding ensues when policeman Johnny Murata (Lee, in his US debut), a hip-talking dude with street credentials, is assigned as Kenner's partner in crime, and all hell simply breaks loose. You could say that there's an artistic angle to all this fighting, shooting and banging, but then that would be a lie - Showdown in Little Tokyo is a classic in a completely different sense of the word.
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Solid action
dworldeater21 March 2019
Showdown In Little Tokyo is an action packed, buddy cop Yakuza karate/action flick starring Dolf Lundgren and Brandon Lee. Commando director Mark L Lester keeps it fast and loose with lots of gunplay, martial arts and funny one liners. If you are not a fan of action movies, it is doubtful Showdown In Little Tokyo will win you over, but for the genre, this is pretty solid, moves at a quick pace with tongue firmly planted in cheek. Dolf and Brandon made a good team and watching movies like this really makes me miss the 80's and the early 90'S.
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Tight little "Showdown," though not much else
dee.reid22 January 2021
In the post-"48 Hrs."/post-"Lethal Weapon" era of the countless Hollywood "buddy" movies made in the 1980s and 1990s, the Mark L. Lester-directed "Showdown in Little Tokyo" popped up on the scene in 1991. While mostly remembered now by cult movie aficionados, the movie unfortunately never really rises above its "buddy" movie trappings, but it does have one thing going for it - and that is the believable chemistry between its two stars, which also marks one of the earliest unions of East and West (a la, the later "Rush Hour" series that starred Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker).

Of course, "Showdown" stars Dolph Lundgren (of "Rocky IV" and "Masters of the Universe") and the late Brandon Lee (son of deceased martial arts legend Bruce Lee, in his first American film role). Lundgren plays Sergeant Chris Kenner, a rule-breaking LAPD cop steeped in Eastern traditions and with a personal vendetta against the Yakuza (Japanese mafia). Lee plays Johnny Murata, a wise-cracking, half-Japanese "Valley kid" who is about as American as they come.

Once partnered up, they don't like each other and have conflicting viewpoints of catching bad guys. But the one thing that they both know how to do, and do well, is kick butt, and their lethal martial arts skills come in handy when they square off against the Iron Claw Yakuza Clan, who are led by the bloodthirsty Yoshida (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa), and they must also protect Minako (Tia Carrere), the beautiful nightclub singer who knows some important information about the Yakuza that will help their case.

As stated earlier, "Showdown in Little Tokyo" never really rises above its genre conventions, but the teaming of the towering Dolph Lundgren with the lithe and agile Brandon Lee was an inspired on-screen match-up. And all-purpose bad guy Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa makes for an imposing adversary. Most of the script's one-liners are either hit-or-miss, but the film's requisite action scenes are nicely filmed and choreographed.

At a brisk 79 minutes, "Showdown in Little Tokyo" is an enjoyable little martial arts action-comedy, but not much else. It's pretty good for an afternoon when you don't have much going on and basically have an hour-and-a-half to kill.

You most likely won't regret it.

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Taking On the Yakuza
OMTR9 April 2021
Interesting buddy cop action movie starring Dolph Lundgren and Brandon Lee, the son of Bruce Lee.

The film respects Japanese culture and takes on the Mafia-like criminal organization of the Yakuza in L. A.'s Little Tokyo.

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Pretty lame action flick that makes very little sense.
Boba_Fett113829 November 2009
Well, I couldn't even enjoyed this movie much for its cult values. It's a B-movie action-flick, by the director of "Commando", that is however far too lame and silly to consider it a good B-movie with enough entertainment value in it.

It's an '90's flick but foremost the movie should remind of an '80's action movie, when these type of B-movies were at an all time high. These movies always went over-the-top and never paid much attention to its story or acting. It was all about blowing stuff up, big muscle heroes and bullets flying around. This movie has all of that ingredients in it but yet I really didn't liked watching this movie as much as I like watching some similar type of movies. Hard to say why really, since the story and acting and such are just as bad as would be the case in basically any other genre movie from the same era.

It's probably because the movie is being often far too silly. All these type of movies have its silly moments but this movie is just filled with it. The fighting, Dolph Lundgren running around shirtless, the characters, the story. It all just isn't very good because it's often just too lame for words. The story at times isn't even trying to make a bit sense and what's even the main plot-line of the overall movie? Its story is all over the place really and seems only to be written to create a movie out of with fighting sequences, gun fights and such. And those sequences aren't even much good to watch really. The moments are way too short and quite disappointing to watch really, from the man who brought us "Commando".

It's foremost a Dolph Lundgren, in which he gets to play the big action hero star, who kicks butt with seemingly relative ease, knows how to handle guns and other weapons and of course also gets the girl, played by Tia Carrere. This all also brings us one of the worst montage sequence in action movie history and also definitely one of the worst sex sequence I have seen in any movie really. Both are just too lame for words and just very poorly put together.

None of the characters work out really. The good guys are cops but they never seem to behave like one. They simply kill around without having to face responsibility to anyone and they are not very keen on making any arrest, or to inform anyone about their discoveries. Not even when they find out a big Japanese crime syndicate is trying to take over the streets of L.A. and a beer brewery is working as a cover for a drugs factory and large scale drugs smuggling. And also just think about it for a moment, what is Brandon Lee's overall purpose in the movie? The movie could had easily done without him and the girl as well.

Too silly, lame and simplistic and just not entertaining enough.

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Lungren rules
Timofey19803 August 2021
For hundreds of years, the Japanese Yakuza mafia terrorized their country. Now it has appeared in Los Angeles: in the Little Tokyo area, a trade in a new powerful drug is organized. However, the leaders of organized crime will have to face equal rivals here. Two super-policemen start hunting them.

One is an American who grew up in Japan; his parents were killed there. He has the spirit of a samurai and the body of a killing machine. The second is a Japanese man who grew up in California. He loves pizza and MTV, but can neutralize five enemies armed with "guns" with one bare heel. The partners are not at all similar, but together they will wash away a lot of intricate tattoos from the streets of the City of Angels.

There will be a place in the film not only for fights, shootings and explosions, but also... love: after all, the servants of the law will still have to protect a witness who can testify against the leader of the Yakuza...
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Copping a beating… Eastern style.
lost-in-limbo17 May 2008
You want senseless? You got it. From the get-go director Mark L. Lester is the one calling the shots in a systematic screenplay, which piles on the crackerjack action set-pieces one after another in a very stagy fashion. It's a no-brainer in the form of the glorious 'Commando (1985)' that Lester directed too. Like 'Commando' I've seen this one quite a bit and the undemanding fun never seem to wear off. You don't stop to think, but just go with the turbulent pace, brutal violence and busy framework. As thinking too long and hard (especially on that doggy script… yeah it has some whoppers), will just stop you from enjoying this dumb and noisy piece. Really just looking at it you should know what you're getting yourself into in the first place. I was actually surprised to see the IMDb rating being that high.

The b-grade story is an unimaginative personal vendetta that combines it with the buddy craze and ends up with ludicrous results. Real short on substance and logic… ah really there's a lack of it. Choppy editing doesn't help either. Acting-wise its sub-par. Dolph Lundgren does wants needed of him. A confidently lively Brandon Lee has the charisma, but here he feels more like a comical side-kick with those smearing wise-cracks. The chemistry between the two is odd. Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa's sadistically snarling bad-guy performance fits and Tia Carrere is there to look all ravishing as the scarlet in distress. Lester doesn't let it hang about and throws in a large quota on edge violence and flesh along the way.
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A lesson in bad movie making
Mr. Loew14 October 1999
I am a true fan of action films. A movie can be a thrill without a great story or cast. But this movie is one of the worst I have ever seen. Even if you turn off your mind, it still sucks.

Here is why: The film has no story, just a lot of sex and violence scenes added together. The action scenes are miserable, with ridiculous fight-scenes. There are no real acting - just two guys trying to be SO cool, and a bunch of bad guy-wannabes and bimboes. Another annoying thing is all the stupid editing mistakes. In one scene they zoom in on a "screaming" dummy, and the doubles are never close to resemble their characters. All the laughable one-liners makes it as bad as a movie can get.

This movie is just another terrible excuse for showing sex and violence. Who can possibly enjoy watching these crappy movies? The makers should be ashamed of themselves...
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Excellent Movie
furiousneon15 April 2003
Dolph Lundgren and Brandon Lee make a unique team. The movie has plenty of action to satisfy action fans. The action and fight scenes are choreographed well. Brandon Lee is pretty funny, making lots of wise-cracks through out the film and Dolph gives a pretty good performance as a man looking for revenge. Great movie to check out especially if your a fan or brandons or dolphs and love action and martial arts!
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great b-movie martial arts action
boken885 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying there is a catchy theme song repeated throughout the film, which works because the music is good. This film actually has some big names in it, Dolph Lundgren, Brandon Lee, Mr. Tagawa from Mortal Kombat (Shang Tsun) and Rising Sun, he does a good job as the Yakuza boss in this film and portrays a solid main villain, Tia Carrere, and Toshiro Obata from the Ninja Turtles movies. This film is basically about the Japanese Mafia, the Yakuza, and Obata does such a good job as the 2nd in command of the Yakuza boss, he really carries the film. Not to take anything away from Dolph and Brandon of course, because they are so charismatic. The film starts off with illegal gambling for underground fighting, and Dolph literally swings in like Tarzan, and takes out the two fighters in the ring by himself, what an entrance! This film has lots of fight scenes, you pretty much don't want to miss any of them because they are good, we have guns, knives, and various martial arts weapons, and just a whole ton of action at a pretty fast pace with crazy memorable scenes, so this film is a B-movie done right, even though its famous for some filming errors. Out of Brandon Lee's films I'd have to say that The Crow is my favorite, Rapid Fire is a good one if you like martial arts action, and then this one is his 3rd best, meaning this is not a bad film at all if you like martial arts action flicks. Scenes you don't want to miss: Dolph jumps over a classic convertible heading right for him with a flying side kick, they used trick cinematography, and a launch pad but still it looks quite real and the idea is awesome it just puts a smile to my face. Another scene with Dolph when he takes out 5 guys without spilling a drop of tea in a zen like manner which goes with his character. We get to see some powerful looking karate moves from Dolph and one guy attacks him with a butterfly knife, in the same fight scene we are immediately introduced to Brandon Lee and have a very short dream match where Brandon fights Dolph. It's a very nice contrast to see the quick and agile fighting style of Brandon versus the big powerful style that Dolph brings. Another memorable scene is when a Yakuza guy commits ritual suicide by snapping his own neck. In a strange scene, the Yakuza leader, uses a Katana sword to decapitate a crack head while having sex with her in public. There is quite a bit of nudity in this film, topless girls sumo wrestling and eating sushi off of naked girls just to name a few. We also have a Yakuza finger removing scene done by none other than Simon Rhee from Best of the Best. The fight scene at the bath house is another show stealer, the main fight is with Dolph versus a Sumo Wrestler. At about an hour into the film, Brandon has one of the most bizarre lines ever when he comments about the size of Dolph's junk. There is a scene where Dolph and Brandon get tortured in a similar manner to the Lethal Weapon torture scene. Of course the heroes escape, and from there the heroes go into hiding and we get a small training scene with Dolph, and I'm glad they squeezed it in, because how could you not like training scenes in a martial arts flick. The Samurai outfit he wears is pretty silly but definitely something you don't see often! Fight scene between Brandon and Obata does not disappoint, to me it rivals the main fight in Rapid Fire. It's really no surprise considering the impressive martial arts background that Obata has. But then again there are many talented real martial artists in this film. Last but not least the Japanese spoken by some of the people in this film was painful to listen to, I wish they didn't make those poor actors do that. All in all I have to say that Showdown in Little Toyko is a successful execution!
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The greatest cliché action movie ever made
Brokentoy85857 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Showdown in Little Toyko" wins my prize for being the greatest cliché movie of all time. As "guilty pleasure" movies go, this ones the holy grail. First of all, it's got Dolph Lundgren ("Universal Soldier" "Rocky IV" Masters of the Universe").The Dolph plays a tough unconventional detective who discovers that the crime boss he's been tracking down is also the man who killed his parents when he was a child (naturally.) How can you not love the camp factor of the blonde wonder. He was He-Man for goodness sakes! Secondly, Brandon Lee (God rest his soul) is in it as Dolph's smart mouth partner.His character is about as far from Eric Draven (his "Crow" character)as possible and he's still the best actor in the film. Third, Thestereotypical Asian villain is played by Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa ("Mortal Kombat" "Elektra" "Pearl Harbor") who is by far the greatest stereotypical Asian villain actor of all time. And finally, 2 words: Tia Carrere.
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