A Shock to the System (1990) Poster

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Great black comedy
preppy-35 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Caine, a mild-mannered successful businessman, is passed over for a big promotion that goes to a younger man (Peter Riegert). While waiting for the subway one night, a bum bothers him for money. Upset over his job he accidentally pushes the guy onto the tracks in front of an oncoming train killing him completely. Nobody sees him do it and he feels a great sense of power and freedom over getting away with it. Now he decides to go after everybody else who wronged him...

This little gem came out in 1990. I remember it got great reviews and I saw it with a sold-out audience that applauded at the end. Since then it's just disappeared. Why? Probably because it's an intelligent, scary, very black and very funny movie. My guess is that this movie was too dark for most viewers to handle. That's a shame--it's a real good movie.

The direction is great--crooked camera angles are used to convey Caine's state of mind and a great sequence that cross-cuts between a double murder and him with Elizabeth McGovern (an office worker he supposedly falls in love with). The movie is short (about 90 minutes)...just as long as it should be. Caine is superb in his role. You see him slowly turn from a quiet, unassuming man into a ruthless, cunning killer--a really great acting job. McGovern has the unenviable role of "the girl" but pulls it off and her makes her character sympathetic and believable. All the roles are well done by a cast of top character actors.

A very good movie. Here's hoping it someday gets the recognition it deserves.
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A Michael Caine Classic
G-R-Lea22 April 2004
Little-noticed on release and little-seen thereafter, the annoying thing is that this has to rate as one of Caine's better films; yet trying to find a copy of/transmission of it (at least in the UK) can be quite difficult.

Caine's portrayal of the central character, Graham Marshall, an advertising executive sidelined and humiliated during a corporate restructuring, is deliciously wicked (even down to his devilish facial expressions), both in its comedy and thriller components. Elizabeth McGovern, playing the role of Stella, Marshall's PA, is sweetly convincing as the innocent dupe in Marshall's subsequent plotting.

Part of the (admittedly dark) fun with this film is that, thanks to the monumental unpleasantness of the characters which Marshall comes up against, you really want him to do terrible things and to get away with them. Enjoy!!
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good one
rupie7 August 2002
I am surprised that this excellent black comedy has only a 6.6 user rating. It desrves better.

Not much to add to the favorable reviews contained herein, except to wonder at the relative scarcity of this flick on tv. It's a puzzlement, considering its intelligence and high quality. Michael Caine reeks malevolence and malice as Graham Marshall, the cutthroat executive on the make. He really is one of the great actors of our day. The script is extremely witty. Highly recommended.
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Grade: B+
tideprince10 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
A scathing, skillfully made indictment of the go-go '80s. What impressed me most about this movie is how trim it is. It clocks in at a swift 93 minutes, and the time goes by very quickly. I was shocked when I realized that the climax was approaching.

This is a movie that's very heavy on symbolism, but it's not the kind of symbolism that hits you over the head. Cigars, lighters, magic, electrical appliances, homelessness, vehicles - all of these things take on symbolic significance in the film, but it's not anything you think about until the movie's over. In an era where directors treat audiences like stupid sheep, hence turning the audiences into said animals, it's nice to see a movie that's more of a throwback.

Michael Caine plays Graham Marshall, an upper level executive at the Gibb Corporation. Interestingly, we are never told exactly what Gibb DOES, only that Graham is in the marketing department. Graham is expecting a promotion to head of the department, as is his shrewish, greedy wife (Swoosie Kurtz). Graham is passed over for an obnoxious, younger, well-coiffed schmuck (Peter Riegert), who immediately goes about making Graham as obsolete as possible in order to eliminate some of the competition. After being passed over, and after an unfortunate incident involving the more-or-less accidental subway murder of a beggarly vagrant, Graham begins to come just a tad unglued.

He starts by calmly killing his wife. Envigorated by her death, he moves out of their country home, buys an apartment in the city, and initiates an affair with a co-worker (Elizabeth McGovern). Graham is still unsatisfied, however, and decides to kill his boss, using his new girlfriend as a cover. The plan works to perfection until a cop (Will Patton, with stunningly bad hair) starts sniffing around. Then Graham needs to deviate from the plan.

What's so great about this movie is the ending. The way that Graham digs himself out of trouble is so simple that some would almost call it unbelievable, and that would be a valid opinion. Another opinion (the one I happen to hold) is that it's poetic and stark and perfectly in line with the number one rule of satire: make them laugh, then make them realize that it's really not funny at all.

Michael Caine, one of our finest actors, picks this movie up and carries it on his back. It all hinges on his performance, which is wonderful. Over the course of an hour and a half, he goes from a meek, henpecked marketing executive to a sleek, dangerous, carnivorous Wall Street animal - it's something of an ancestor to Christian Bale's work in "American Psycho". The supporting cast is just that - supportive. They all acquit themselves nicely, but it's Caine's picture.

Rent this one. Very much worth the four bucks.
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Caine makes it his own
smatysia27 October 2003
A charming black comedy. I first saw this on cable around 1991, (had never heard of it, even though it did apparently have a theatrical release) and that's when I really saw the acting genius of Michael Caine. He took a basically inconsequential film, in which he was arguably miscast (being a Brit), and turned it into a really good, enjoyable movie. You root for his character despite his wickedness. Honorable mention to the lovely Elizabeth McGovern. Check it out. Grade: B+
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Caine shines over simple story
zzzorf7 March 2018
This wasn't a bad movie overall and while I didn't full in love it I would revisit it again. The storyline was simple and easy to follow and that simpleness was put to shame by having Caine as the lead actor, putting on a performance that made the movie better, just as you would expect.
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Do Not Get In This Man's Way To The Top!
gavin694219 August 2013
Graham Marshall (Michael Caine) already celebrates his anxiously awaited promotion in an advertising company, when he learns that Roger Benham (Peter Riegert), one of his subordinates, will be promoted instead of him. Frustrated that his hated life will never change, he starts a cunning ploy to take bloody revenge on everyone who humiliated him -- starting with his unnerving wife.

I think if you had anyone but Michael Caine in the starring role and this film would have failed. The story is very good, but seems hollow or flat for much of the film. Caine just commands any scene he is in, so what could have been a lackluster film becomes something better. Probably nothing great, but at least a good show of his talents.

The only other person who seems to try is Elizabeth McGovern. Peter Riegert is alright, but his character is not deep enough to allow him much range.
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Once again Cain proves he is able.
=G=16 November 2002
Anyone who has ever wished an annoying person in their life would just disappear will vicariously enjoy Graham Marshall (Cain) in the sardonic comedy "Shock to the System" who, belittled at home and passed over at the office, decides to take control of his destiny by eliminating those interfering with his happiness. Self narrated by Cain, often in the third person to impart a sense of detachment, the film manages to make the murderous Marshall both hero and villain as he courts a lovely secretary (McGovern) while befuddling a nosey homicide investigator (Patton). Cain's performance makes this otherwise mediocre film well worth watching. (B-)
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Graham has had enough of getting the shaft
hitchcockthelegend15 November 2014
A Shock to the System is directed by Jan Egleson and adapted to screenplay by Andrew Klavan from the novel written by Simon Brett. It stars Michael Caine, Elizabeth McGovern, Peter Riegert, Will Patton and Swoosie Kurtz. Music is by Gary Chang and cinematography by Paul Goldsmith.

Graham Marshall (Caine) is once again overlooked for promotion and once again his harpy wife (Kurtz) belittles him.Then a heated exchange at the train station results in the accidental death of a beggar, and he gets away with it, something which gives Graham some devilish thoughts, one of Satan's light bulbs ignited above his head.

By his own admission Michael Caine has readily done films just to pay the bills or build a new house. His success ratio as per great films and performances to bad films and tired performances probably stacks up as 1 in 10, consider this, in this same year he made Bullseye! What we do know though, is that when he gets it right he knocks it out the park and thus makes all his bad films easy to forgive.

A Shock to the System is an under valued film on his CV, a brilliantly constructed black comedy that finds Caine effortlessly shifting through the emotional gears. From beat down Milquetoast to ruthless killer with a glint in his eye, Caine plays it to perfection. There's stabs of humour along the way, Caine a natural at this of course, and he even gets a young love interest in the form of the unbelievably cute Lizzie McGovern. Interesting to note that Graham's sex life improves greatly once the killing begins!

Driven by an antagonist who toys with the audiences sympathies and moral repulsions, this is a film that's deserving of greater exposure and is ripe for re-evaluation. Great film, great Caine. 9/10
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Climbing to the top... by any means.
lost-in-limbo21 April 2019
All that hard work, dreaming of that well-deserved promotion, by putting in everyday. Starting from scratch working your way to the top. Just one step to go. One step up that ladder. However sometimes dreams aren't meant to be, no matter the effort you put in and the confidence you bestow. Someone else comes in and snatches it right under your nose. You were that sure of yourself, focused right in, everyone talking you up, even your wife. It was yours. Eyes on the prize, but you didn't realize what was happening around you. There was unknown competition from within. Someone you trusted. Now that high hits rock bottom. Your pride is shot. Until you realise it's all clockwork in this dog eat dog world. No sitting back. Make it happen... by any means.

"A SHOCK TO THE SYSTEM" feeds off it, by presenting a dry, biting drama with a violent twist. Filled with dark understated humor, personal psychosis and merciless corporate satire a seasoned New York marketing executive turns to murder, after an incident in the subway to resolve those "difficulties". So he goes about setting up one fatal accident after another, in the process of making his life easier and to get that position... he deserved. But one little slip-up could see it all come crashing down.

Directed with style, cinematography showed elasticity and a score vigorously on key. However the thing that stood out was Michael Caine... pretty much doing his usual Michael Caine shtick. He's the life of the party here, pitch-perfect in delivery. His likable, laidback persona gets used, and downtrodden on. The anger is released with some venomous sprays. Knowing now, getting what he wants he needs to be coldly calculative, sly, string people along and thinking outside the box (possibly murder) to make it happen. His interactions with Swoosie Krutz (playing his materialistic wife) were some of the best moments. Sometimes the plot can be a little too elaborate in the consequences and suspicions (prying detective), but it did catch me off guard. I didn't expect the finale to go down the path it did. Fortune favors the brave in this heartless, controlled corporate world.
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Sir Michael Caine saves it from fusing direct-to-oblivion
vostf16 October 2022
Alas they did not pick a better director for this lovely sharp dark comedy. Instead of creating a real rhythm, to make us breathe in sync with Michael Caine's character, the director relies heavily on dumb voice-over narration as a weak device, a short-circuit actually, exposing the transitioning states of mind. Big fail: voice-over is ok when it gives you a neutral or unwavering narration. Here it implies that Michael Caine is basically an evil-mastermind who was barely waiting for its time to come. But that is not the - very engaging - story that we begin with, that of a genial, fair and efficient executive who gets pushed to the limit and understands he had been playing it too nice so far.

Basically we have a very immature director who only learned that a tilted camera can infer some impending evil in a most mundane shot, and a script which needed a skilled movie-maker and one superficial rewrite. As such Michael Caine saves the day, he is nice, congenial and affable when needed and switches to a more sombre and mischievous approach when suited. He just needed a better director to give more to his audience in the key moments where the movie just wants to cut to the next sequence.

In the end it is not hard to imagine why A Shock to the System went straight to video in most countries, including in Michael Caine's homeland! About halfway through the movie you feel everything is self-evident, then you get a little plot point to keep the story going that is sorely under developed so it comes to a let-down whereas everything should have been building up till the last frame.
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Brilliance rarely seen
hmag7 August 2004
I saw this movie about 10 years ago during a sick day from work & never forgot it. I finally got it on DVD this week & the impact is still there. I have never seen it again until now & I am wondering why it's not re-screened more often.

The story has a timeless quality & although I'm not a big Michael Caine film, this film showcases his brilliance, from subtle facial expressions to wryly amusing scenes such as where he is almost caught out.

Whilst Caine is the obvious star, the support cast are perfectly cast, from the sleazy new boss to the suspicious cop, to the naive girlfriend & the has-been retired manager, each actor does their job perfectly.

Like The Game, starring Michael Douglas, this is one film you need to watch from start to finish to understand the complexity of the plot.

Definitely one of my favourite films of all time.
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good movie
murli78625 September 2005
Its a good thriller. Michael Caine as usual has given a controlled and riveting performance. I guess the title of the movie was a Let Down. It should have been a catchy one and i guess that would have made a lot of difference to the outcome of this film.

Its a simple story of office politics where one man feels victimised for not getting a promotion that he felt truly deserved. And when he is denied his right, he begins his revenge. And all the murders in the movie are well planned and perfectly executed. Its one of those movies where the protagonist is left standing and comes out a 100% winner. If anyone out there who is really a vindictive kind can take inputs from this movie and renact it in real life. Well, I wouldn't do it for sure. Will u? Check the movie out first and then decide
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Not so great
Norman_Castle23 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A fairly mediocre movie. Only Michael Caine's performance rescues it from being truly awful. The original novel by Simon Brett is 100 times superior. I recommend you read it, and you'll see how far the film version falls short of the mark.

The original novel was an entertaining crime thriller. The movie strives to be a black comedy, but misses. The real problem is the ending, or rather the lack of one. In the original novel,I won't spoil it for you, but Graham Marshall gets his well-deserved comeuppance in a supremely ironic fashion. The film version just stops abruptly, with no real denouement or climax. So, we don't get to enjoy seeing his destruction, and because he's such an unsympathetic character, we also don't enjoy seeing him get away with it.

And that "bippity-boppity-boo" stuff is just annoying.
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Crime DOES Pay if You Kill Horrible People!!!
alicecbr21 September 1999
Who says Michael Caine is a so-so actor? He plays the perfect combination of a truly nice guy ground down by his shrewish wife, his slimy peer-then-boss, and corporate life, in general. Movies like this give us corporate slaves a little relief from the utter amoral depravity of the 'civilized' world we inhabit in these rabbit warrens, otherwise known as 'Cubical Hell'.

This man makes you completely sympathize with every one of his murders, all nicely planned to look like accidents. In fact, I am amazed that some lawyer hasn't pulled the 'Shock to the System' defense. Certainly, it has as much attraction for the frustrated as the films usually blamed. It's just more subtle, more high-brow and takes a little more finesse.

The detective is wonderfully nosy, but how he can walk up to Caine in the middle of New York City is quite amazing to me. A little too much dramatic license, too much coincidence to be believable but you tend to forget your logical approach to life.

Reality is easily suspended as Caine gets in his licks for all the humuliations we nice people have suffered in the corporate world, where the rapacious are rewarded by CEO salaries. The laughs are fast and furious, all delivered in that great understated British fashion.

Mr. Downtrodden gets his licks in and when the new boss talks about his Cessna, you've already fixed the engine. There are traces of 'The Ruling Class' in here, as Mr. Nice Guy becomes king of the mountain by firing everyone 'who is not a contributor', thus ingratiating himself with Mr. Cessna. McGovern gives her Basset hound, soulful looks all through the film, and you feel her conflict about turning this wonderful guy in. She is promoted out and away, and all is well, which is usual for corporate shenanigans. They just usually don't involve murder.

Buy it and love it. Forget the professional reviewers for once on this. It's not meant to be 'Hamlet'.
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A deliciously dark comedy
MOscarbradley12 September 2014
Michael Caine made "A Shock to the System" in 1990 and I must have blinked and missed it, (me and a lot of others). He's Graham Marshall, a corporate businessman who is passed over for promotion in favour of his hot-shot subordinate Peter Riegert. Naturally, he doesn't take this too well. In fact, he feels that he's cursed in some way and he really should do something about it. As it turns out, "A Shock to the System" is a deliciously funny and dark comedy about a man who will go to any lengths, including murder, if it means getting ahead and Caine is terrific, (it's actually one of his best performances), and he's backed by an equally terrific supporting cast. Riegert is superbly slimy as Caine's new boss; then there's Elizabeth McGovern as the colleague who takes a shine to him, Swoosie Kurtz as his social-climbing wife, John McMartin as the out-going head of department and Will Patton as a very inquisitive cop. The director was Jon Egelson who doesn't revert to any tricks to tell his tale but rather relies on the quality of his material and his cast and it and they don't let him down.
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Bippity, boppity...boom.
Hey_Sweden19 July 2017
Michael Caine is absolutely terrific in this combination dark comedy / corporate satire. He plays Graham Marshall, veteran executive at the Gibb Corporation. He's married to a shrewish woman named Leslie (Swoosie Kurtz), who regularly puts him down. Supposedly in line for a big promotion at work, he's obliged to watch as a slimy younger co-worker, Bob (Peter Riegert), gets the gig instead. When he accidentally causes the death of a panhandler, and nobody seemingly witnesses the act, he feels emboldened. Now his plan is to get back at the people who have done him wrong.

Unfortunately, "A Shock to the System" is never quite as satisfying as this viewer would have liked. It needed a little more bite; as it is, director Jan Egleson ("Billy in the Lowlands") has a rather light touch. Still, it's not without interest as a comment on how old pros like Graham, and his friend George (John McMartin), find their livelihood threatened by the young turks in the corporate world. Where it succeeds the most is when it follows the activities of our merry antagonist, who's come too far and worked too hard to want to back down. One good thing: it wraps up in a tidy 88 minutes, making its points and telling its story in a fairly succinct manner.

Ultimately, the movie is just okay, but it's made a must see by the dynamic performance of Mr. Caine. It's great fun to hear him use profanities and otherwise lose his *beep*, and one can relate to him enough that you do sympathize with him and are amused with his newfound attitude. Elizabeth McGovern is lovely and adorable as the colleague who realizes that she's attracted to him. The rest of the supporting cast is all first-rate: Riegert, Kurtz, Will Patton as an investigating detective, Jenny Wright as a secretary, Barbara Baxley as Kurtz' mother, and Haviland Morris as Bob's ravishing lady friend. Familiar faces in character roles include Kent Broadhurst, Zach Grenier, David Schramm, Mike Starr, and Samuel L. Jackson.

If you're a Caine fan and want to check out some of the lesser known items on his resume, this one does hold your attention for its duration.

Six out of 10.
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Caine is Super Spooky! :O
midnitepantera29 April 2021
Love Michael Caine and loved this movie when I watched it back in the day. He is so creepy and devious in this. Worth at least a 1 time watch from his fans.
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Forgotten film
WilliamJE8 January 2022
A shock to the system is an all right black comedy which is very much helped by the presence of Michael Caine. The film ended in a way that surprised me. That's a plus too.
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Murders happen when you don't promote someone deserving.
mianaliilyas78622 October 2010
Micheal Caine is one of my favorite actor, and its very seldom when he don't do the justice to the role he plays. This movie is no exception. Anyone who had or is been working for corporate business can understand the dirty politics and immoral working ethics, and the depiction of this dilemma in this movie was immaculately pictured. Well the movie goes smoothly, but the only thing which boggles mind is the easy escape provided to Micheal Caine. But overall idea depicts how these corporate firms sucks the all humanly characteristics out and left you with selfish desires. But i don't know why through out the movie all my sympathies were with Caine!
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A Shock to the System
CinemaSerf26 August 2023
I enjoyed this. "Graham" (Michael Caine) gets a bit narked when he is overlooked for promotion at work. When he heads home, he realises that that is just the beginning of his irritations - his wife "Leslie" (Swoosie Kurtz) nags him relentlessly! What to do? Well, his house has some dodgy electrics and whilst trying to restore the lights, he gets a mild electric shock. His "Eureka" moment is upon him - he can just eliminate those who stand in his way, or annoy the hell out of him... What now ensues is a short series of cleverly thought out, well, "accidents" that enable him to rid himself of his wife and to occupy that all important corner office at work. Can he get away with it? The thing about Caine's performance here is that it engenders sympathy. You feel for the man - and I was certainly egging him on as his shenanigans start to attract the attentions of others - not least the insurance company inspector who is looking at their domestic wiring. Not even 90 minutes long, this flies by - good efforts from Caine, the usually rather bland Elizabeth McGovern, Kurtz and Peter Riegert as the smarmy, corporate man who stole his chair in the first place. Not laugh a minute, no - but it does raise a smile and make you wonder just how far you might go, if opportunity presented itself.
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Yay for the sociopath
juliencrispin28 March 2020
A black comedy that gets you to root for the protagonist until you realise your rooting for a born again Sociopath. As you do you find yourself feeling so what disconcerted with your culpability. Though you realise you really don't like him, you realise you like his victims less. It's a bit dated, but if you embrace the era it's not a bad film.
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Excellent little-known film
rdsla28 January 2005
I am surprised that there are no comments on this film, as it is really a small gem dealing with corporate ladder-climbing. The two leads, Michael Caine and Peter Riegert, clash in their aspirations to ascend within their company, and the results of their competition are intriguing and entertaining to say the least. Michael Caine is excellent as always, using his unique ability to blend the deadly and the humorous together. Thus the film is leavened with ironic humor for a great blend of suspense and wit. The ending is the crowning touch. I recommend this film to anyone. It's on TV periodically, but best to see it on tape for full effect (I am not sure if it's available on DVD yet, but that's what I would hope for.)
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Greater than American Beauty
PimpinAinttEasy22 November 2021
A tale of corporate nihilism and murder. MICHAEL CAINE is effortlessly sinister.

ELIZABETH MCGOVERN while beautiful, lacks sex appeal. Or atleast i cannot connect with her.

This was a good murder/crime procedural.

Many middle class pussies harbor murderous fantasies like the leading man in this one.

This was more vicious than AMERICAN BEAUTY.

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Caine is about 20 years too old for this role
ArtVandelayImporterExporter5 September 2023
Is Caine supposed to be an up-and-comer. Because he's gotta be at least as old as his mentor John McMartin in the corner office. Peter Riegert is a kid by comparison. How could they possibly be corporate peers?

Caine is also too old for his wife, Swoozie Kurtz; and he's hopelessly ancient for Elizabeth McGovern.

I think Caine realized he was in a dog at the point he started yelling at Kurtz about her Stairmaster. Reminded me of the SCTV spoof of Caine's movie choices, culminating in My Blood Hand. Google it.

The pacing was deadly. I lost interest. I bet it would work better as a cable TV series, where the Caine character wacks one corporate rival each week. And then, just as he is about to ascend to the top job, he clips his nag of a wife just to spite her. Then all the moustachioed cat ladies of the internet could bitterly tweet that he didn't receive his dose of cosmic justice.

I'd enjoy that series.

To be fair it got better once the gold lighter entered the equation. But I won't exactly be raving about this to my friends as if it's some long-lost gem.
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