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Entertaining romance of a runaway cowboy
roghache28 March 2006
Being a great fan of the film's stars, Robert Redford and Jane Fonda, especially back when I first saw it, I found this an entertaining, if not memorable romance, western style.

The story revolves around a former rodeo star named Sonny Steele (Redford) who has been reduced to doing cereal commercials in Las Vegas, all the while lit up in a sort of electrified suit. When he discovers plans are afoot to drug his horse lest it become too adventurous, he rides off into the desert, followed closely by a reporter named Hallie Martin (Fonda). At first, Hallie is simply seeking an exclusive story, but as you can imagine, before too long, the sparks are flying. Meanwhile, other forces are also after the runaway horseman, who just wants to return the horse to nature and himself to a simpler life.

The chemistry here between Redford and Fonda is wonderful, as they share basically an outdoor camping trip. Apart from that, the movie is primarily imparting a message about commercialism in our modern society, especially the evils of using both people and animals for profit. I was interested to read that Robert Redford actually bought for himself the horse, Rising Star, that was used in this film. It isn't any masterpiece, but certainly an entertaining movie that points to the beauties of a simple country life.
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pretty good
kyle_furr1 March 2004
This movie stars Robert Redford as an five time rodeo champion who is now a has-been promoting a breakfast cereal. Jane Fonda is a reporter who wants to interview Redford, but he just blows her off. Redford is basically upset always being told what to do and he steals a 12 million dollar horse that they're mistreating and he's going to take it out and set it free. The company that owns the horse wants to keep it quiet and then wants to send in the police. Fonda tracks him down and joins up with him so she can get a bigger story and of course, they have to fall in love. This movie seems to be a cross between It Happened One Night and Lonely Are The Brave. This was directed by Sydney Pollock who has worked with Redford several times before and also with Fonda.
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The horse fairy-tale
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews1 March 2009
I like Pollack. I'm not sure there's anything that I wouldn't at least give a chance, as long as he had an important part in the making of it. This is probably the most formulaic thing I've seen of his... which isn't to say that it's necessarily bad. It's just that, well, if you don't see the majority of what happens in this, coming, the likeliest explanation is that you haven't seen one of the many films that follow essentially the same plot. It's not exactly unpredictable. The points of it are also made in a pretty see-through manner, with poignant speeches and the like. But with those in mind, and the fact that this isn't necessarily meant to be taken too seriously, this isn't bad. The direction is effective. Its editing and cinematography are well-done. The acting leaves little to be desired. The writing is good. The characters are at least average. The music is very fitting. That would be the original version, with Willie Nelson performing it, not the other kind. There is a limited amount of language in it, of varying degree, not a lot of which is terribly harsh. The drug/alcohol material is vague, and the sexuality tends to be tastefully done(for being partially set in Las Vegas, this is mighty clean). I recommend this to any lovers of the four-legged animal, Redford, Fonda and/or anyone else who helped create this. 6/10
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A simple tale of a simple man who sets himself and a horse, free.
rondine9 May 1999
To those people who didn't understand this movie, perhaps they were expecting something other than a simple tale. In this effective movie, Robert Redford plays "Sonny" Steele, a former 5 time rodeo champion who now hocks breakfast cereal for the sinister corporation, Ampco. Although a world champion cowboy, Sonny is no good at selling cereal. When Ampco buys a thoroughbred horse to solidify a merger, Sonny is outraged at how the horse has been mistreated. When he steals the horse in an attempt to set it free & get it back to nature, he is in fact attempting to make right what is also wrong in his own life. Jane Fonda who plays Hallie Martin, a reporter, is also caught up in the hype when she tries to get the story on an exclusive. As she follows his story & his struggle to set the horse free in an appropriate place, she comes to understand Sonny the man. This charm of this movie is its underlying message of a simple life, unfettered by hypocrisy and falseness as the right way to live and the redemptive quality of a man returning to that. Understated directing and a good supporting cast make this a movie worth watching.
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You are all wrong...!!!!
Ettore_Francesco15 January 2007
This film is not about the horse, is not about a romance.

The film portraits the unstoppable greed of a corporation confronted with the moral values of a true cowboy and how he realize he has lost that spirit that took him to became a cowboy.

This film is intended to show how we destroy everything we touch just to increase our profits.

So, you are right about the hairstyle, the wardrobe, everything is so 70's.

But the message is not old in fact is so XXI century as your brand new digital cameras.

This film made me understand my family, my past, present and future.

Now I see what my father tried to taught me, what my brothers understood years ago.
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"I'm nobody's story but my own."
classicsoncall18 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
So many movies got by me in the Seventies and Eighties that it's an occasional treat to catch one now that delivers in an entertaining fashion. I've never been a fan of Jane Fonda because of her politics, but there's not a scene here in which she doesn't look great, and not a scene where Robert Redford doesn't look like,... the Sundance Kid. He brings the same facial mannerisms and reactions to bear here as in his more acclaimed role, which by the way happens to be one of my all time favorite films. I guess teaming him up with a horse is just the right trick.

The story has some of the elements that show up in my favorite movies as well, that of an underdog taking on a mission that's somehow larger than himself. By riding Silver Star off of a Las Vegas night club stage and into the Western wilderness, Sonny Steele is at the same time attempting to find personal redemption from a life overcome by glitz and crass commercialism. In the process, Fonda's character falls victim to a journalist's primary obstacle, that of becoming part of the story she's covering as a reporter.

I recall seeing trailers for the film back when it first came out; who can forget the image of the Electric Horseman as Redford mounts up on Silver Star and takes on the appearance of a Christmas tree on the Las Vegas strip. The story behind the picture still has relevance today, even more so than back in the Seventies, as each successive year's technology and focus on celebrity removes us further and further away from the things that matter most. Oddly, watching the picture today, it felt more like a made for TV movie than a major theatrical release. Another example of how each new blockbuster film today has to try and outdo the one before with even more elaborate glamor and special effects.
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Meandering Romance.
rmax30482318 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There must be some potential in the plot because it's a salmagundi of familiar elements. There's the story of the guy who escapes the trap of civilization and its glitter in favor of real life on the natural frontier. "Lonely Are the Brave" is an example. Should I mention "Huckleberry Finn"? Then there's the guy who has won all the possible kudos and is now over the hill, gets drunk, and then "finds himself" again, as in "Rocky II". Or was it "Rocky III"? I forget. Anyway, there are myriad examples floating around in the ether. "Jim Thorpe: All American." There's also the story of a kinda dumb but regular guy who is followed around by a cute, sophisticated lady with her own agenda and who betrays him before realizing her mistake. It was a Frank Capra specialty. "Meet John Doe" will serve.

The elements don't quite come together. Redford is not a hick, although he tries hard. He's an ex champion rodeo rider but we don't learn anything about the skills that are involved. He's been shat upon by Fortuna and now he's reduced to having his picture on boxes of breakfast cereal, boozing it up, and riding around on a Las Vegas stage in a phony cowboy suit that's lit up like a Christmas tree. His few friends -- all of them good old boys like Willie Nelson -- are sympathetic but what can they do except remain loyal? That last bit, riding on stage in an electric suit, is too much for Redford. He waves his hat at the crowd as he deliberately saunters the horse through somebody else's act, out the door, onto the street, and into the wilderness, just him and the ironically named Rising Star.

Jane Fonda, a TV anchor babe, discovers where he is and joins him, hoping for a story, taking notes, filming him secretly. But don't worry. After they've sat around the campfire for a couple of nights and get to know one another, and after they've REALLY, if improbably, gotten to know one another, she realizes that the corrupt city values she represents are revolting.

The director and most of the others involved have dumbed the story down. The evil guys who represent Redford's sponsors, are the kind of people known as "suits." They all wear glasses, most look effete, a few look goofy, and whatever the boss, John Saxon, thinks, is the right thing to think. The good people are all rustics. Not only are they spiritually clean, they'll give you the shirt off their backs.

Redford doesn't help much. He's pretty taciturn -- "Yup" and "Nope" -- and that's okay as far as it goes but when he gets emotional he seems mannered. He's done a lot better than that. Jane Fonda looks pretty good considering her age. When she's wearing a wool cap pulled over her ears, and staring wide-eyed at Redford, she looks like a pretty, thirteen-year old with big teeth. But neither is really convincing. You rarely lose the conviction that you're watching two actors perform before a camera.

I wonder if they had any trouble marketing this. The intended audience is clearly not urbanites or suburbanites, but rather the people who live on small farms or isolated homesteads, and who like to hunt. And who do the producers use to appeal to these good folk? Robert Redford, Environmentalist Number one, and Hanoi Jane. Or -- well, it's possible the producers were aiming lower than that. Maybe aiming for people who never heard of Redford and environmentalism, or Fonda and the Vietnam war. I don't know who they were aiming at but, as for me, it was an easy bullet to dodge.

Willie Nelson has a small part and he's a conundrum. I lost interest in country music years ago, in the era of Slim Whitman and Hank Thompson. "Proud to be a Okie from Muscogee" sealed it. Yet here is Willie Nelson driving a big homemade vehicle that consumes nothing but biofuels. Most of the good old boys were better guitar pickers than they're given credit for but Nelson had a tendency to reach for deep unexpected harmonics. Good man, Willie.
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So low-keyed it nearly evaporates
moonspinner553 June 2007
Everyone involved in "The Electric Horseman" is taking it easy. The film is just a lark for some very talented people, and while it does have its amusements it doesn't add up to much. Robert Redford plays a rodeo-star who steals his celebrated horse, planning to ride it up to hill country to release it in the wild, but he's dogged by inquisitive female reporter Jane Fonda. There's a message about wildlife to be had in Robert Garland's exceptionally thin script, which must have attracted both Redford and Fonda, but director Sydney Pollack wisely concentrates on the leads' budding romance, and the horse takes the proverbial backseat. Some of the repartee is sharp, but the movie doesn't particularly look good or seem fully thought out. As a result, it's unmemorable and undemanding, though not without minor enjoyment. **1/2 from ****
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Seen this movie 100 times
ejb450115 December 2004
OK, first, to the reviewer that suggested "too much Fonda" and would have liked to see Susan St. James or Jennifer Warren in the role of Alice, you are forbidden from ever reviewing again. Fonda was perfect, and more on that later.

Second, this is not about a cowboy freeing a horse who is about to be drugged, as some reviewers have said. The horse was drugged from the beginning. Sonny noticed it, and that was a contributing factor to his subsequent actions.

This movie is about a man who strayed far from who he was, and who sought to find himself again. The horse is metaphoric: it is drugged, exploited, and broken, just like the man. So, the man attempts to find himself, as he helps the horse find itself again, so to speak. And, in the process of trying to report the story, the Fonda character attempts to find herself as well, for she has become neurotic, pill-popping, and uptight in her quest to become a star reporter. And, of course, as they travel the countryside, we find America.

Back to Fonda. Fonda's casting has always been that of the strong but flawed "career" woman, from "Barbarella", to "Klute", to "Electric Horseman". She is independent, doesn't need a man. As the tough and aggressive reporter in personal crisis, she is cast perfectly. St. James has neither the strength nor the necessary equal dose of vulnerability that Fonda can muster. This is about chemistry as well. Redford and Fonda have teamed up before, and the chemistry is proved.

So this brilliant and simple story illustrates and creatively reinforces the the idea of straying from true nature, and the need to find it again.

VERY good film.
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good actors in problematic story
SnoopyStyle10 April 2015
Sonny Steele (Robert Redford) was a rodeo star who signed an endorsement deal with a breakfast cereal company. His star has since faded. He drunkenly travels around the country pitching the cereal with Wendell (Willie Nelson), Leroy and his light up electric suit. They replace him with another rider and nobody cares. Hallie Martin (Jane Fonda) is looking to write a story but the company won't let her interview him. He arrives in Las Vegas to ride a race horse on stage but he finds the horse drugged and injured. Charlotta (Valerie Perrine) comes looking for a divorce from Steele. He decides to ride out with the horse and not look back.

I don't really get the Hallie Martin character. Was the rodeo ever that big? She's putting in a lot of effort to do a story about a washed-out cowboy. I don't know why that's a big story anywhere. Even if he's washed-out, why would that be news? It would make more sense for her to start looking for the story after he rides out with the horse. Robert Redford returns to the big screen after a hiatus. That may be the reason for its success. Willie Nelson has a couple of great songs. The actors keep the movie afloat despite the poor basic concept of the movie.
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lutheranchick6 January 2008
The best thing about this film is the light-up "electric horseman" outfit that Redford wears in the beginning of the film-- as I recall, it inspired many a Halloween costume when the film was released. Otherwise, this film is utterly ridiculous. We are supposed to believe a corporation spends million of dollars on a winning racehorse not to breed it, but to serve as a corporate mascot, despite the fact that most people can't tell one brown horse from another. We are supposed to believe that a rodeo champion would be a useful spokesman to sell cereal, even though almost no Americans can name a single rodeo champion from any point in history, five-time winner or not. We are supposed to believe that after days adventuring in the desert, neither Redford or Fonda looks like they've been more than three feet away from a blow-dryer and can of Final Net for touch-ups. This film was less inspiring than insulting.
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Great Movie!
jimw-6359211 February 2017
I was only 11 years old at the time when this movie hit the theatres. A friend of mine and his dad invited me to go see The Electric Horseman. I knew of Robert Redford, but this was the first movie of his that I had seen in a theatre. I really enjoyed it, and I thought how cool Redford was as a modern day cowboy. I have never been a fan of Jane Fonda, but she is a very actress and she did a fine job in this movie. I thought the addition of Willie Nelson and his music really made this a great film. I read once that Redford and Nelson sat next to each other on an airplane flight and Redford asked Willie if he wanted to be in the movie. I also really love the soundtrack and the scenery is incredible. I wish that this movie would come out on Blu ray soon so I can buy it. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend that you rent it.
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The Electric Horseman
Scarecrow-8815 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A boozing, former Rodeo star, Sonny Steele(Robert Redford), touring as a celebrity advertising cereal, sees that a great race horse he is to ride with his suit lighted up bright is pumped full of steroids with a mistreated tendon. Instead of hopping up on the horse he deems disrespected, Sonny steals him taking to the country. Sonny hope to release the horse back into the wild, it's true habitat, but has a hard time shaking a news reporter, Alice(Jane Fonda)who wants the big story involving his journey evading police and those out to find him thanks to the cereal company he works for whose head is Hunt Sears(John Saxon).

Light and harmless, but irresistible thanks to the charming leads and their chemistry on screen. Add some good location work, and some good supporting players like Valerie Perrine as Sonny's flighty ex and Willie Nelson as Wendell, one of his cowboy buddies.

As can happen in these kind of Hollywood romancers on the road regarding a fugitive, the media plays a major role in Sonny's rise to fame for doing what he believes is right despite what consequences might occur later.
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Horse feathers
Lejink24 May 2012
Robert Redford and Jane Fonda get paired again for the first time in many years in this easy-paced Sydney Pollack-directed feature. To be honest, it rarely breaks out of a trot as it depicts Redford's commercially compromised, fading rodeo star's rage against the machine of corporate America, as personified by grey-suit man John Saxon and his entourage, which anger he improbably decides is best channelled by riding his drug-addled horse, a former champion itself, out of an Expo in Las Vegas out into the Nevada desert, to set the poor beast free to return to nature. Fonda is the inquisitive reporter who initially gets under Redford's Sonny Steel character's skin, but wouldn't you know it, ends up under his covers before the end.

That's about the plot, only Pollack extends the "drama", for want of a better word, to well over two hours. We're meant to root for Redford's unreliable womanising drunkard of a character, presumably cutting him some slack because he's obviously just not found himself yet, but Fonda's character, Hallie is even more problematic, a throwback to the Barbara Stanwyck / Jean Arthur persona of the hard-bitten reporter who turns out to have a heart of gold. In truth she brings neither warmth or nuance to the role, metaphorically and physically stomping all over the place in her high-heel boots. I didn't get much sense of chemistry between the two either, despite Pollack's best and worst efforts, the latter an undoubtedly blatant attempt to rehabilitate "Hanoi Jane" by having her heartily sing not one, but two American anthems on the road-trip.

In the film's favour, it's nicely shot and Willie Nelson's soundtrack songs fit to a "T", in fact his undemonstrative acting in what was his debut movie steals what little show there is here. Otherwise if you like watching Redford and Fonda coasting in blue jeans, this is the film for you.
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Refreshing maturity.
Blueghost18 October 2008
In the days when people treated one another with more civility, sound bites (bights) and high-energy opinion didn't rule the political scene, and sensationalism didn't masquerade as being newsworthy, Hollywood's film industry was cranking out fare that didn't placate to the juvenile demographic.

"The Electric Horseman" is a forward thinking film populated with adult actors that have adult sensibilities. There are no quick put-downs and one-liners comprised of single syllable words. And when I say adult, I don't mean the bawdy toilet film making styles that literally pollute the media air.

"The Electric Horseman" is mainstream cinema from the closing era of the 1970s. When people wearing ties and blouses attended the movie house, and did so politely.

In this regard "The Electric Horseman" is a throwback to another era when people had more comport in their personal presentation, and demonstrated an amount of civility and societal understanding. Even so, corporate greed is exposed in the plot, as well as the foibles of a femme-reporteress whose hunger for success shows her inner soul to both character and audience (appropriately played by Jane Fonda).

The stalwart American society is also appropriately reflected in Robert Redford's character, who gives us a character who must rediscover his "awe shucks" self through an act of humanity for the sake of a stricken and exploited living, breathing creature that cannot speak for itself; Rising Star.

Cinematography is professional, as are all elements of this film. No performance is overstated, save for Fonda, but, if I know Pollack, that was intentional. The feminist climbing the media ladder and forgetting her ideals by breaking the rules for the sake of those ideals, is met with the has-been buckaroo who has similarly rediscovered who and what he is.

The romance is standard Hollywood 101, but, though not entirely necessary, is still appropriate, and in this regard, probably satisfying to the audience--men and women alike.

It's not a deep film on a personal level, but it is profound on the character level. We sympathize with the characters and identify with them in a detached manner. They are extensions of us (or what we might've been) were we in those situations.

No flashy cuts, no CGI, no rumbling sound effects, no splashy cinema effects of any-kind, standard lensing, tight scripting, and solid thesping make this film a sight for sore eyes.

Thank you Mister Pollack, Mister Redford... and I'd never thought I'd say it, but, thank you "Mizz" Fonda.
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do-good western done well.
pogostiks25 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Man meets horse, man steals horse, man gets laid, horse gets freed. Everyone happy in the end (even the bad-guy corporation). Simple, effective. One of the best performances ever by Redford. And one of the best chase scenes anywhere, anytime. The best thing about this film is its quiet humour. It keeps throwing out these curve balls just at the right time to surprise you and charm you. In between, it takes potshots at just about everyone. First, the cowboys and the way they have (especially in Hollywood) too often allowed themselves to be made into a product - think of Roy Rogers and the Cisco Kid et al, all gussied up in the campest outfits you can imagine. (Hollywood made the West gay LONG before Brokeback Mountain hit the screen!) Next it takes on the big corporations, which (once again) only care about money and don't care who or what they exploit in order to get it. This is in fact the easiest potshot in the film, cause there is nothing really new here. And I can't really imagine a corpoation allowing itself to just say good-bye to a 12 million dollar horse. Finally, it also takes a shot at the media, who are just as bad as the corporations (since they ARE corporations usually) and the journalists who are (almost) ready to sell their souls for a good story. Nevertheless, with Redford and Fonda it works. The film tends to drag a bit near the end when they are camping out, and the requisite falling in love is a bit pat, but it isn't overdone and well, why not? The entire film is pretty much unbelievable, but it IS entertaining, and that's all it really expects to be. And above all, the chase scene is worth the price of admission.
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Robert Redford is pretty good as an ex-rodeo star and Jane Fonda is fine as a stubborn journalist
ma-cortes21 May 2021
Stars Robert Redford , he has been a successful rodeo-cowboy , nowadays is a drunk man damned to perform in breakfast food commercials takes off for the wide spaces . Then he carries out a protest when he finds that his horse is being kept drugged . While , Jane Fonda is a toughie reporter investigates the story and tagging along for a scoop . As the boozer cowboy takes his precious horse away from the clutches of corporate greed and he rides off into the desert , being pursued by the obstinate reporter and a lot of law enforcerers .

Decent but overlong story that eventually going all mushy inside , packing agreeable scenes , good feeling and attractiveness enough , though excesively talking . An interesting stoy wallow in sentimentality and containing an enjoyable message with plenty of integrity, ecology and animal love . Robert Redford gives a nice acting in his usual style as the alcoholic cowboy has taken a horse to return to his native environment . Jane Fonda is acceptable as the journalist sets out to discover the reason behind the kidnapping a prized horse , going after him , and of course falling in love for Redford . They are well accompanied by a large number of secondary actor delivering adequate interpretations , such as : Valerie Perrone , Willie Nelson, John Saxon, Nicolas Coster , Wilford Brimley, Will Hare , Patricia Blair, James B Sikking , and several others

It displays a colorful and brilliant cinematography from Owen Roizman , shot on location in Las Vegasand other remote Western settings . As well as a sensitive and moving musical score , including some catching songs by Willie Nelson . The motion picture was well produced by Ray Stark and competently directed by Sidney Pollack . This good professional was an excellent actor and director , making the following important movies : "The Property is condemned" , "The Slender Thread" , "The Scalphunters" , "They Shoot Horses , Don't They ?" , "Jeremiah Johnson" , "The Way we Were" , "Yazuka" , "3 days of Condor" , "Absence of Malice" , "Tootsie" , "Out of Africa" , "Havana" , "The Firm", "Sabrina" , "Random Hearts", among others . Rating : 6.7/10. Notable . The picture will appeal to Robert Redford and Jane Fonda fans .
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Not bad but Jane's in it
grahamsj36 February 2005
This film was one that I used to enjoy before I found out about Jane Fonda's unpatriotic trip to North Vietnam. I don't believe the widely held rumor that she betrayed US POW's but nonetheless I refuse to support her work now. It's a pity. This isn't a bad film at all (hey, no one said she couldn't act). The basic story is a bit far fetched, but not overreaching too much. Jane plays a realistic reporter role, always out to get the story, no matter what it costs. Robert Redford stars as a washed up, drunk hero cowboy who now makes his living touting breakfast cereal aboard a magnificent horse. The next gig requires that the horse be tranquilized so that it can work right on a stage (never been there before). Sonny (Redford's character) decides that the horse (and he) would be better off if they just run away. The resulting man and horse hunt attracts the attention of a reporter, played by Fonda. The interaction between the two characters is excellently written and delivered. This film would most likely be classified as a romance but it's not what I'd call a Chick Flick. I think many men (at least those who can still stand Jane Fonda), might enjoy it.
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Sonny Steal......ah, Steel steals a famous racehorse, and Hanoi Jane chases after him - a much contrived fairytaie
estherwalker-347109 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The film was popular in its day, but suffers from many unrealistic contrivances, and a dearth of humor and action, except for the spectacular chase scene. Star power, Willie Nelson's songs, the scenery, and a sympathetic sceenplay save it from mediocrity. I noticed that female raters tended to rate it significantly higher than male raters. I suspect this is due to the popularity of Robert Redford among women.

I will say that Redford, as Sonny Steel, looked impressive, all lite up with tiny lightbulbs over his very fancy cowboy outfit, as he rode into the arena: a superstar in the rodeo world, and with his picture on every box of Ranch Breakfast cereal, which he was being paid big bucks to advertise. But, during his journey through the arena, eventually, he fell off his horse, because he was drunk. He had recently retired as a competitive rodeo rider and he felt no real enthusiasm for his highly paid easy new job. In an interview, he even admits that he never eats this cereal. Hence, he has become an alcoholic.

But, he feels sorry for the famous racehorse: Rising Star, he is given to ride in his public exhibitions. It had an injured lower leg that wasn't being tended to, and had been given tranquilizers to make it more calm So, he got a brainstorm. He dressed up in his fancy show outfit, complete with light bulbs and rode Rising Star out on the stage, behind a troupe of dancing, sing, girls then into the audience, and out the door of Ceasar's Palace, Las Vegas, down the main street, and out into the desert, until he came to the lonely abode of a friend. Here, he somehow changes his clothes and borrowed the camper, somehow? Converting it into a horse trailer! His plan is to take Rising Star to a place in SW Utah he's familiar with, where wild horses tend to roam, and release him. Crazy!

Meanwhile, aggressive TV reporter, Hallie(Jane Fonda) has become fixated on finding him and getting some video footage with him explaining why he did this stunt. Very amazingly, she finds him, after getting hints from his friends. Of course, initially, he's angry with her butting into his business. But, eventually, she gets him to do what she wants. She takes the video back to Vegas, shows it to his friends and corporate executives, then it's shown on TV. Then, she goes looking for him, and, amazingly, finds him again. She's even accepted as a rider in his camper/horse trailer. They ride into a town, but police are staked out on the main intersection. So, Sonny decides to get Rising Star out, and ride him out of town, after telling Hallie where to drive the camper to meet him. There follows a spectacular chase by several police cars and motorcycles. Don't know how Rising Star persevered, with a bad leg, to outrun all his pursuers. Amazingly, he meets Hallie where he told her to go. He decides it's now too risky to continue in the camper, so abandons it, and they begin walking, Hallie with her inappropriate shoes. They come across an isolated house. The resident is friendly, having seen Sonny's story on TV. Thus, he puts them in his horse trailer, and takes them most of the way to where Sonny wants to go. Now, they have to walk or ride, in Hallie's case, the remaining miles. At their destination, as promised, Sonny releases the horse, which runs to catch a wild herd. Sonny and Hallie somehow get back to town and part ways, with a final kiss. Lucky Sonny now is more famous than ever.

This was the first of many Hollywood films Willie Nelson participated in,(and still does), as Sonny's friend. Some of his most famous songs are heard in the background, mainly in the early part.

Another of the highlights for me was seeing Valerie Perrine, who plays Sonny's ex-wife. My, what a knockout! Too bad we didn't get to see more of her, but, at least, we had Jane.
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Redford And Fonda, Together Again!
greene51523 November 2005
Saddle up! for this Excellent romantic-comedy, Robert Redford stars as Sonny Steele who once was a world class Rodeo star, but is now a washed up drunkard reduced to advertising breakfast cereal on TV for the shady AMPCO corporation,whose latest Publicity campaign features prize winning race horse Rising Star,

AMPCO's next junket takes place at Las Vegas where Redford is to Launch the campaign ,Behind a backdrop of glamor and corporate greed, Redford discovers that the horse has been drugged with an abundance of steroids,Redford saddles up and literally takes off with the horse in protest,

Jane Fonda plays Hallie, a news reporter who might just get an exclusive, follows Redford on his quest to release Rising Star into the wild to roam free.

Sydney Pollack, always with a great eye for casting, even has country and western favorite Willie Nelson, Valerie Perrine has an appearance as An old flame of Redford's, Wilford Brimley has a small role as kindly farmer who helps Redford on his way, Usual Pollack regular Composer, Dave Grusin Contribute's Greatly,
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Allegory of the West
JamesHitchcock8 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The theme of Sydney Pollack's "The Electric Horseman" is essentially the same as that of Clint Eastwood's "Bronco Billy", which came out a year later- the way in which the myth of the Wild West continued to influence American culture in the late twentieth century. As one might expect, however, from two very different directors, they treat the theme in different ways. "Bronco Billy" is essentially a patriotic film celebrating the way in which America, today as in the days of the Old West, allows its citizens to reinvent themselves, to be whatever they want to be. "The Electric Horseman", perhaps unsurprisingly given that it was directed by one great Hollywood liberal and starred two others, Robert Redford and Jane Fonda, approaches the subject from a more left-wing, anti-capitalist viewpoint. In Eastwood's film the cowboy remains a symbol of freedom and individualism; Pollack's film explores the way in which this symbol has been appropriated by the conformist, corporatist culture of Big Business.

Norman "Sonny" Steele is a former championship rodeo rider who now makes his living advertising a brand of breakfast cereal on behalf of a business conglomerate. He has a lucrative contract, which requires him to do little other than make promotional appearances, but has become a cynical, disillusioned alcoholic, haunted by the thought that he has sold out to big business and that his life has become meaningless. The film's title refers to the fact that on his public appearances Sonny is required to wear a ridiculous cowboy costume covered in electric light bulbs.

The crux of the film comes when Sonny is due to make an appearance in Las Vegas together with Rising Star, a champion racehorse. He discovers that the horse is injured and has been drugged, and on impulse decides to steal it and release it in a remote canyon where herds of wild horses live. He is pursued by the police, and also by Hallie Martin, a television reporter eager for a scoop. Hallie succeeds in catching up with Sonny, and the two fall in love.

Besides "Bronco Billy", the film also has similarities with Sam Peckinpah's "Convoy", another film from the late seventies set in the American West. The traditional Western had gone into something of a decline in this period, but both these films can be seen as "modern Westerns", especially if truck drivers can be seen as a twentieth-century equivalent of the cowboy. Both films also celebrate an ethos of individual freedom and distrust of authority, whether that authority be the legally-constituted authority of the State or the financial authority conferred by corporate wealth. Sonny releases the horse because he identifies its plight with his own; by freeing it he symbolically attains his own freedom.

Like "Convoy", "The Electric Horseman" features some striking photography of the desert landscapes of the West. It also features some fine acting, especially from Redford, who was one of Pollack's favourite actors; they also worked together in several other films, including "The Way We Were" and "Out of Africa". There are a few plot-holes; like another reviewer I thought that it was odd that Sonny, having rescued an injured horse from its owners, then proceeds to ride it hard across open country in his escape attempt. (Wouldn't that exacerbate its injury?) The film, however, was obviously not intended as a realistic story but rather as a symbolic allegory of the freedom for which both the cowboy and the untamed horse stand as symbols. As such it works very well. 7/10
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Good actors struggling to work with a weak plot
cix_one17 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Given the cast, I came to this movie with great expectations. The subject of the film is also timeless (individual dignity vs. corporate greed), so the movie *could* have been great. But it's not, because of the plot.

The drama in the story hinges on a the CEO of a corporation that spans many industries losing sleep over the guy doing ads for... cereal? Seriously? And what is the big scandal, a horse being given steroids? How exactly is that breaking news?!? As a result, the character of the journalist going full-out to get the story is forced and unnatural. Jane Fonda's acting couldn't rescue her character from the ridiculousness of the situation.

Because the plot failed to pass the believability test, the movie fell apart for me. I ended up viewing the movie with a very cynical eye. Police car chase, check. Boy meets girl, check. Cheap. And a waste of good acting.
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subtle, deep, perfect
schempp5 May 2002
If you want to know why Robert Redford and/or Jane Fonda are considered by some to be great actors, rent this film. The story is not terribly complex, but the characters are. The life breathed into the Sonny and Alice by the stars of this film must be seen to be appreciated. Subtle, deep, perfect.
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Don't fence him in.
TOMASBBloodhound29 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The Electric Horseman is an obvious, but pleasant tale of an old cowboy setting things right. This is one of my favorite Redford performances along with Jeremiah Johnson and The Natural. Here, he teams once again with Sydney Pollack, and produces a different kind of Western than they gave us in 1972. Redford plays Sonny Steele, a successful yet washed-up rodeo cowboy who now serves as a spokesman for "Ranch Breakfast" cereal. This cereal is made by a huge corporation known as AMPCO that seems to specialize in energy. It really doesn't matter since they're in place as the typical paper-scarecrow that corporations always play in movies. They are cold and only interested in bottom lines. John Saxon makes a good CEO. Anyway, their corporate logo uses the likeness of Rising Star, a champion thoroughbred. This horse and Sonny Steele cross paths at a gaudy trade convention in Las Vegas. Steele, knowing all there is to know about horses, can see that Rising Star is not being treated well. Its not that he's being whipped or starved or anything obvious. He's being given steroids to make him look better on TV, and put in public places that spook horses. The horse isn't happy, and neither is Sonny Steele as a corporate spokesman. He has an estranged wife chasing him down to sign divorce papers, a nosy reporter (Fonda) trying to antagonize him at press conferences, a wimpy choreographer ordering him around before a live appearance, corporate big shots breathing down his neck. And all the while this poor horse is looking uncomfortable. Sonny Steele plays the only card he has left. He rides the horse right out on stage in the middle of a disco dance routine, down the ramp, through the casino, and outside into a whole new world.

After some tense moments and even an intense chase scene, the film settles down as Redford leads the horse out into the country and hopefully to a place he can be safely released. Obviously the corporate big shots want their $12 million horse back, and they put out a big reward for him. The authorities are also on Redford's trail. The ever nosy Fonda decides to follow Redford and the horse out into the wilds of Utah where they are headed. She quickly finds out that high heels don't get you very far out there. Naturally Fonda and Redford fall in love, too. Kinda. At least as long as the story needs them to. The supporting cast is an odd but effective conglomeration of character actors. Look for a young Wilford Brimley as a rancher. Willie Nelson is on hand as one of Redford's pals. The film isn't particularly deep or intellectual, but it doesn't need to be. The scenery is breathtaking. Much of this story is predictable, save for the nice twist when the horse is released and Fonda's camera crew is nowhere to be found. Overall a solid effort. Pleasant and diverting. 7 of 10 stars.

The Hound.
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Bob and Jane aren't very likable
HotToastyRag25 September 2017
Robert Redford plays a former rodeo star who now works as a cereal spokesman and drinks so much he has to be tied to his horse when he's at a promotional event. While in Las Vegas to promote his sponsor's multi-million dollar merger, he notices the hired horse has been drugged and abused so it will behave onstage. Just as you would expect Robert Redford to do, he rescues the horse and heads to Utah to set him free among wild horses.

Jane Fonda plays a nosy reporter who follows Robert Redford, not because she supports his cause but because she wants first dibs on the story. They're total opposites, but as time passes and they get to know each other, they just might fall in love. . .

That was a very kind plot description, so if the film sounds good to you after reading that, I don't blame you. In reality, the movie is pretty slow. Neither lead is likable, which is saying something because both actors are usually easy to root for. Bob is gruff, rude, and much more of a jerk than he usually is, and Jane is stupid, obnoxious, and snotty. There's hardly any love story, and if you're in the mood for beautiful scenery and an injured horse, you might as well rent The Horse Whisperer instead. The only good scene is the part where Robert Redford escapes with the horse. Only in Las Vegas can a neon-lighted cowboy with a matching horse ride calmly through a casino and down the strip without passersby thinking there's anything strange going on.
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