The Front Page (1974) Poster

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Great cast gives powerful performances as Matthau as scheming managing editor and Lemmon as convincing star journalist
ma-cortes16 January 2012
Rip-roaring third remake of the classic newspaper comedy ¨The Front Page¨ makes some memorable exchanges and sensational acting from everyone . Cynical editor newspaper (Walter Matthau) wants to get a big scoop on a death row which involves convincing star reporter (Jack Lemmon) to come back to work and put off her marriage to handsome pianist woman (Susan Sarandon) . Lemmon can't resist covering some good news , even when it mean helping a condemned man (Austin Pendleton) getaway the law . And the escaped convicted murderer offers the journalist an exclusive interview . Other reporters (Dick O'Neill, Charles Durning, Allen Garfield , David Wayne , Cliff Osmond) also give hilarious acting in this breathless pursuit of an exclusive with the escaped death row inmate .

A splendid remake of the Ben Hecht , Charles MacArthur play about a scheming managing publisher of a 1920s Chicago newspaper and his incautious reporter. Very good performance from Jack Lemmon as ace journalist who wants to quit the business and get married and exceptional Walter Matthau as editor who finds out his main reporter wants to leave him and gets in the way . Phenomenal playing from everyone , including a top-notch secondary cast as Carol Burnett , Vincent Gardenia , Harold Gould and magnificent direction render this frequent-told story more funny than usual . One of Wilder's most inventive and furious screen combats in which Lemmon and Matthau are given equal footing with staccato dialog and marvelous interpretations . I.A.L. Diamond's brilliantly tart screenplay overlaps dialogue and scenes to carry the black farce along the roller-coasted speed . Certainly the kind of movie that Billy Wilder only can make , though achieved moderated success in 1974 . Meanwhile , do't miss this stunning adaptation.

Other versions about this classic story are the following : 1931 ¨The Front Page¨ by Lewis Milestone with Adolph Menjou , Edward Everett Horton , Mae Clark and Pat O'Brien in his film debut ; ¨His Girl Friday ¨ 1940 by Howard Hawks with Gary Grant , Ralph Bellamy and Rosalind Russell with the pivotal character assigned to a woman instead a man ; ¨Switching channels¨ 1988 by Ted Kotcheff with Kathleen Turner , Christopher Reeve , Ned Beatty and Burt Reynolds in which an attractive TV anchorwoman want to marry tycoon but his mean ex-husband impedes it .
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There was one case I can think of where the production code helped...
AlsExGal25 December 2018
And that was in the work of Billy Wilder. I'll get to that later.

This production hearkens back to the 1931 version where the editor/reporter combination are both men and one wants to leave and get married (Jack Lemmon) while the other resorts to a stream of delay tactics and outright dirty tricks to get him to stay (Walter Matthau) and cover one last story. Probably the production code was the best thing that ever happened to Billy Wilder, because once it was completely gone, as it was here by 1974, Wilder felt he needed to put in crude sex jokes and crass language seemingly because he could.

Although this is the least effective of the three filmed versions of this story, you can't go wrong with a Billy Wilder/Jack Lemmon/Walter Matthau collaboration. It was almost like Matthau and Lemmon's characters in Grumpy Old Men but younger. I loved the 1920s setting, and the art direction got it right, capturing the look and feel of the period. Susan Sarandon is present in an early role as Lemmon's distraught fiancee. Carol Burnett as the prostitute and love interest of the condemned man disappoints because she is so over the top.

It's not the best thing Billy Wilder ever did, but then he is responsible for some of the greatest films ever made. I'd mildly recommend it, particularly for Lemmon/Matthau fans.
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My kind of news Chicago has
StevePulaski18 February 2014
A satire on journalism seems to be the topic no filmmaker wants to touch, although I personally see the opportunity as a limitless one. With the modern era bringing forth the creation of the internet along with the concepts and ideas of information overload, misinformation, the idea that news is no long about being correct but rather being first, and the controversial and vague lines that determine whether or not websites like Reddit and Wikipedia are actually reliable sources are all things that could make a satire on modern-era journalism click on sight.

Maybe it's because I'm currently examining the journalism mediums in a high school source that I'd anxiously anticipate a satire on contemporary journalism if it were to be handled by someone delicately. For now, though, Billy Wilder's The Front Page is a fine film to hold one over. Immediately, the film is buoyed band blessed by having both Jack Lemmon and Wlater Matthau as its headlines, two fantastic actors whose work is only enhanced when they're placed in a film together. With The Front Page makes one of the earliest pairings of the two actors, almost ten years after the release of Gene Saks' The Odd Couple and about two decades before the wildly popular Grumpy Old Men films.

Set in the 1920's, Lemmon and Matthau star as Hildebrand "Hildy" Johnson and Walter Burns. Hildy is about to resign and retire from his position as ace-reporter of the Chicago Examiner but Walter, his editor, will have none of it. For years, he has trusted Hildy to write intelligent articles covering issues in the world in order to produce one of the finest papers around. But Hildy has other plans, to marry his new love (Susan Sarandon) and see the world are just a few of them. But when a checkered and incredibly juicy story comes along, Walter hopes to keep his star reporter one last time to write what may be the most outlandish story of his life.

Like most Lemmon/Matthau efforts, the real treat at hand is watching the chemistry of the leading men as they recite scripted dialog in such an elegant way that it conveys the buddy-to-buddy naturalism of a certain situation. Wilder and co-writer I.A.L. Diamond provide the men with several opportunities to put their loquaciousness to the test as the camera finds a way to fixate on them for several minutes at a time as the two bat off rapid-fire dialog at one another.

It is this chemistry that makes The Front Page a good piece of work and all the more fun, especially in the present time as it shows the functionality of old-school journalism and reporting and how journalists back in the day worked and operated. It's also hard to neglect a supporting cast made up of Carol Burnett, Susan Sarandon, and Charles Durning who, in some way, contribute to the film's overall success as a whole. And let us not forget the incredible talent of Billy Wilder, who takes one of the most cleaned-up occupations of the Roaring Twenties and Great Depression-era and turns it into complete lunacy, filled with those who go to astounding lengths to achieve a story worthy of the front page. Run and print that.

Starring: Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau, Susan Sarandon, Charles Durning, and Carol Burnett. Directed by: Billy Wilder.
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The best
Sinatra2 March 1999
I also do not understand the critics on this one. It's fast-paced, magnificently cynical throughout, unabashedly edgy, and the one-liners come faster than zingers on your average sit-com. Plus it captures the world of urban newspapers better than other movies capture the world of almost anything they attempt.
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"Well, if it's in the papers, it must be true. They wouldn't print a lie."
ackstasis25 December 2007
When Howard Hawks released his classic screwball comedy, 'His Girl Friday,' in 1940, it was a pretty safe bet that the film would forever remain the definitive cinematic version of Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur's hit Broadway comedy of 1928. It takes a truly talented director to successfully remake a classic, and, indeed, talent is a quality that Billy Wilder has in great abundance, as he proved time and time again throughout a prolific career. Jack Lemmon stars as Hildebrand "Hildy" Johnson, an ace reporter with the Chicago Examiner newspaper in 1929, who decides to resign and get married on the eve of a major execution. Walter Matthau also stars as Walter Burns, the cunning, scheming newspaper boss who cannot afford to allow Hildy to quit the business at any cost. The two actors make an absolute dream partnership, and, as always, work incredibly well together {they had previously shared the screen in 'The Fortune Cookie (1966)' and 'The Odd Couple (1968),' and would do so on many more subsequent occasions}.

In the crowded press room of a Chicago jail, a cluster of rival newspaper reporters clamour about for the perfect exclusive story, centred around the execution of a convicted cop-killer, Earl Williams (Austin Pendleton). In their desperate bid to write a great article, these inherently dishonest journalists will even occasionally fabricate their own news stories, but this strategy turns out to be rather unnecessary on this night. As Hildy arrives at the jail to farewell his comrades, determined to ignore the shrewd obstacles of his ex-employer, the story of a lifetime falls directly into his lap, and now it will take ever ounce of his willpower to resist the urge to report and to start a new life in advertising. While the two leads are, of course, terrific, enjoyable supporting performances are given by Pendleton as the prisoner awaiting execution, Vincent Gardenia as the bumbling sheriff and Susan Sarandon as Hildy's would-be future wife.

Though 'The Front Page (1974)' {the third adaptation of the play} doesn't cover any different ground than 'His Girl Friday' did {with the exception of reverting Hildy back to a male character}, it is the quality of the script, the chemistry between the leads and the selection of quirky supporting characters that make this an essential complementary viewing experience for fans of Hawks' film. Watching this one made me remember just how much I had enjoyed 'His Girl Friday;' the story is a classic write-up of eccentric situations and quick-fire verbal clashes, and both movies exploit this to its full potential. I wouldn't go as far as saying that 'The Front Page' is a superior comedy, but it is a worthy effort, and Wilder fans could not possibly be disappointed. The screenplay was penned by Wilder and regular co-contributer I.A.L. Diamond, and is packed with an excellent selection of quotable one-liner insults. I also loved the sly reference to the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre, at which, of course, Jack Lemmon was present in 'Some Like it Hot (1959).'
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Witty and fast-paced
PWNYCNY17 January 2007
When the subject of great movies is being discussed, this movie must be included in the discussion. This movie is a witty and fast-paced satire that pokes fun at the news media. The characters are memorable and the acting is fantastic. Walter Matthau, Jack Lemmon and Vincent Gardenia are great in this movie, but most impressive is Carol Burnett's wonderful and powerful performance which dominates every scene in which she appears. But what makes this movie even more appealing is that it is a story of how the quest for the extra buck can corrupt everyone involved, with tragic consequences. Billy Wilder is very strong on this point and for this reason this movie is worth watching.
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Updating a classic
bkoganbing25 March 2006
I'm sure that the reason for Billy Wilder to do a remake of The Front Page is the fact that around the time this was made, politicians running for office on 'law and order' platforms was suddenly coming into vogue. The chief example among these was Richard Nixon and we all know what happened to him in 1974. Seemed like a case of perfect timing to me.

The original material that Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur wrote in the Twenties was perfect for Billy Wilder's cynical mind. Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau were born to play the roles of Hildy Johnson and Walter Burns.

Of course other things now that the Code was lifted could also be made more explicit. David Wayne's character of Benzinger is quite openly gay in the film. It's an interesting characterization he does. Of course he's the butt of all the jokes in the press-room, but I thought it rather funny when at the end when title cards show what happened to all the principal characters, he was the only one with a happily ever after ending. He settled down with a life partner and ran an antique store. A rather subtle comment on the sanctity of heterosexual marriage decades before gay marriage was an issue.

Carol Burnett was a big fan of Billy Wilder and it is mentioned in a recent biography of Wilder that she wanted very much to be in one of his films. Carol got her wish and did very well as Molly the prostitute who befriends poor Earl Williams, the anarchist who accidentally killed a policeman and is sentenced to be hung.

Austin Pendleton is all right as Williams, but no one ever played the role quite like John Qualen in His Girl Friday. Qualen had a patent on those little men up against the system parts. This version of The Front Page is also the farewell performance of Allen Jenkins playing a small role as a telegrapher.

Speaking of His Girl Friday, my favorite part in all versions of The Front Page is that of the messenger from the governor carrying Earl Williams reprieve. No one will ever top Billy Gilbert in His Girl Friday though Paul Benedict of The Jeffersons gives a good account of himself as well.

Sad to say that demagogic politicians who bray about law and order are still among us. Maybe it's time for another remake of The Front Page.
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The Unseen Power of the Press
claudio_carvalho31 December 2010
On 06 June 1929, in Chicago, the press is covering from the tribunal press room, the hanging of the anarchist Earl Williams (Austin Pendleton) that accidentally killed a cop and will happen on the next day. Hildy Johnson (Jack Lemmon), who is the best newspaperman of the Chicago Examiner, tells his boss Walter Burns (Walter Matthau) that he will marry the widow concert pianist Peggy Grant (Susan Sarandon) on the next day and quits his job, telling that he will move to Philadelphia and work in advertisement business. Walter unsuccessfully tries to use a scheme to force Hildy to stay in the Examiner and cover the execution on the gallows. Meanwhile, the corrupt Sheriff "Honest" Pete Hartman (Vincent Gardenia) interrogates Earl with the psychologist Dr. Eggelhofer (Martin Gabel) for the last check whether the prisoner is sane or not and the doctor proposes a simulation of the murder, but Earl shots Dr. Eggelhofer with the sheriff's revolver on the groin and escapes. Meanwhile, the governor's representative Plunkett (Paul Benedict) comes with a retreat on Earl, but the dirty Mayor (Harold Gould) and the Sheriff do not acknowledge the receipt of the document and send Plunkett to a brothel. When Hildy finds Earl hidden in the press room, his sense of journalist prevails and he calls Walter to protect Earl together with the unseen power of the press.

"The Front Page" is a witty comedy by Billy Wilder in one of his last works. I have never had the chance to see the original 1931 film, but this cynical remake is great, with top-notch performances of Walter Matthau in the role of a Machiavellian editor that has no ethics and presses his top journalist to stay in his newspaper. Jack Lemmon and Vincent Gardenia have also excellent performances. The ironic conclusion with the fate of each character is hilarious. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "A Primeira Página" ("The Front Page")
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The Best Ingredients Do Not Make A Good Cake
howardchelin21 November 2020
Somehow the Front Page manages to miss the mark by a wide margin, despite having one of the most talented ensemble casts, not to mention one of the directors most often nominated for an oscar in history at its helm.The main problem seems to be that the movie does not realize whether it is a traditional comedy, paraody, satire or drama.
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Wilder and Hawks don't trample on the original; they provide, 'Extra, Extra'.
highclark2 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I found 'The Front Page' to be a bit of a step up from the 1931 original and a couple of notches under 'His Girl Friday'. The thing is, one could argue for quite some time why one version is superior to another, but in this case, with these movies, it would be a really silly argument to make.

The only way 'The Front Page' seems to suffer (from what I've read on this site) is that its 1) Not as fast paced as 'His Girl Friday' and 2) Too much profanity mixed in with too much yelling.

Yes, it's not as quickly paced as 'His Girl Friday', but there aren't too many movies that are as fast paced AND as good as 'His Girl Friday'.

Sure, there's more profanity in this film than in the original and Hawks' version put together, but that's because there really wasn't any profanity in those earlier films. The other films used innuendo and some expertly placed camera mugging to get their laughs on film while getting over on the censors. The 'Wilder' version wasn't restricted to how far their dialog could go; they had more freedom and could abandon subtlety and nuance. I guess sometimes freedom can take you too far.

The profanity in this film doesn't bother me at all, besides, the film takes place in a newspaper room where the newspaper writers spend most of their time playing poker, drinking alcohol and making fun of prostitutes. Perhaps Wilder's version is more realistic in this regard. I think maybe the reason Billy Wilder slowed everything down and had so much yelling was to make sure that people actually heard the dialog in the film. It's too bad all they seemed to hear in the film was the profanity; there are some great moments of witty dialog amongst the crude and profane expletives.

Jack Lemmon (Hildy Johnson) and Walter Matthau (Walter Burns) are perfectly cast in their roles. I would say Jack Lemmon is a definite upgrade in the case of Lemmon vs. Pat O'Brien in the role of Hildy Johnson, but perhaps a close tie between Jack and Rosalind Russell. Maybe the edge goes to Rosalind. Maybe.

Matthau and Adolphe Menjou work out to be about the same. Menjou was the best thing about the original, but even so he rates about the same as Matthau in the role of Walter Burns. Matthau is always brilliant. I guess Cary Grant gets the edge because he's Cary Grant and had much more to work with. Grant has great chemistry with Rosalind Russell, as does Lemmon and Matthau, but Grant and Russell were working on a sexual chemistry that is not at all evident, let alone not appropriate, between Lemmon and Matthau. Grant is even better with his digs against Ralph Bellamy than Matthau is with Susan Sarandon. However, the moment where Matthau and Sarandon are both vying for the attention of Lemmon is fantastic. Once Matthau leans over Lemmon's typewriter and puts his arm around his ace reporter lost in his work, not in his marital plans, he knows that he's won the battle; furthermore he knows that she knows he's won the battle.

Oh no, I just realized that I started to make a silly argument.

See all three, start with the original, save 'His Girl Friday' for last. The Wilder version will have to suffice to being the glossy, shiny, colorful pull out middle section you get to read in the bathroom.

8/10. Clark Richards
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This remake loses much of the humor and satire
SimonJack21 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau would seem to most movie buffs to be a perfect pair to play the leads in a remake of the 1931 comedy film, "The Front Page." And, had director Billy Wilder and Universal Pictures decided to do an authentic remake, I think it would have worked. But instead, they took a 1928 story, updated the script to 1974 and kept the story in 1928. And they failed to consider some other things. The result is a mediocre film, at best. The only thing that earns it six stars from me is the fine acting by Matthau as Walter Burns and a couple of supporting cast performances. Lemmon's Hildy Johnson isn't much better than Pat O'Brien's seemingly tame performance in the 1931 movie. Otherwise, the script is slower and riddled with profanity in place of the overlapping, fast dialog with digs.

Other reviewers who compare versions include the 1940 "His Girl Friday," that starred Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell. That film pepped up the roles, and switched the lead of Hildy from male to female. But it kept it in the exact same setting. Some other things that were added helped set "His Girl Friday" apart from "The Front Page" of 1931 with its successive remakes. As so many others, I also think the 1940 film excels and is head and shoulders above the lot.

But for this review, and understanding where this film falls short, one must look to the original work – the 1928 stage play and the 1931 screenplay. In this remake, the dialog and mannerisms of the people in the press room of the Chicago criminal courts building have a tone of bitterness. In the 1931 film, it was more of an uncaring detachment and humor among the cynical members of the press. The official characters in the Hecht and MacArthur play were written as funny, buffoonery roles. They came across that way in the 1931 film, but in this version they are more serious and sinister. And, here the script is slower and riddled with profanity in place of the faster, overlapping dialog with digs.

The biggest change from the original is in the press itself and its image with the public. The news media is front and center throughout the story. The press of the 1920s-1930s had a lot of clout. Yellow journalism, which had reached its peak in the late 1900s, had a resurgence in the Roaring Twenties with prohibition and the rise of organized crime. Sensationalism to the point of fiction overruled straight, factual reporting in "news stories." But the public ate this stuff up. And the papers competed, not only to see who could get the scoop (be first with a breaking story), but which paper could make it the most sensational.

By 1974, the American press had undergone a metamorphosis. The regular press didn't have the clout of its former days, but since WW II it had come to be more highly regarded. The public, business and government all generally had respect for the press. This was at the height of the American public's trust in the news media. Alas, the media would once again, by its own volition, lose the public esteem and trust by the end of 20th the century. But, for this 1974 film to go over with its audience – with a script written in and for 1929 America, it needed the comedy and lampooning of the press and the political officials to be clear. Instead, much of the satire and humor is lost in the undertone of bitterness and seriousness.
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May the wind at your back never be your own.
lastliberal31 May 2007
Billy Wilder's remake of the Ben Hecht play is a little better than the 1931 original, but not as good as the 1940 Cary Grant version (The Front Page).

Still, Jack Lemmon (won an Oscar the year before for Save the Tiger) and Walter Matthau (The Fortune Cookie, Kotch) give excellent performances, and Vincent Gardenia (Oscar nominated the year before for Bang the Drum Slowly ) and Susan Sarandon (a relatively new actress) support them to the extent that this is still a superior film.

Funny, funny film about politics and newspapers and some the the early seventies best actors. Catch this one and also see The Front Page.
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No "His Girl Friday" but...
redservo10 August 2003
it's still quite enjoyable. It's always wonderful to see Lemmon and Matthau together, exchanging the quite-witted banter that made the previous incarnations of this production (both stage and screen) so entertaining.

But I must confess, that if I had to recommend just one of the many versions of this story, it would have to be the Cary Grant version, "His Girl Friday". However, if you have the opportunity to see this 1974 treatment, then by all means, do so. The mere fact that this film takes place in the 1930's and is brought to the screen in the 1970's, does add something that the earlier versions could not; profanity. I've never recommended a film strictly on that basis, but come on, these are hard-core news men, who we all know curse, drink and smoke like fiends. The ability to add the colorful language makes this version all the more believable.

There are certainly moments of hilarity, albeit a bit fractured and without the cohesiveness of the earlier versions. But still, it's Lemmon and Matthau. A pairing that's always worth watching.

A gave his film a 6 out of 10.
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Too theatrical
christophe9230013 November 2014
This movie is adapted from a play and it shows : the action is dreadfully static, the scenes are confined and often drag on through overlong dialogues, and the actors tend to overact. Moreover, the rhythm, which is supposed to be frenetic, is in fact rather sloppy, some passages just weigh down the dynamic of this original premise that had quite some potential comic-wise. The Lemmon-Matthauw duo still works well but the two characters are not enough on-screen at the same time which is a shame because this is one of the only positive aspects of The Front Page, one of the last, and less inspired, productions of the Wilder-Diamond association.
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The big carnival as a comedy.
dbdumonteil17 August 2003
In 1950,Billy Wilder told the story of a reporter (Kirk Douglas ) who "exploited the "human interest story" for his own benefit "(Maltin).It turned into a tragedy.In 1974,he comes back to the dark side of the medias ,no matter if it's a comedy:you've got to pay attention to all the serious things the director is telling us.In 1950,people were having a wild time around a man buried in a hole(hence the first title "ace in the hole"!);in 1974,people are playing cards and drinking whiskey in front of the gallows :nothing really changes. You would have to search for a long time to find clever comedies like this one in the contemporary cinema;and if people are disappointed,too bad for them:Billy Wilder was one of the greatest American directors of all time,even when he was a bit sub-par,he was better than the rest.

There are numerous funny moments:Lemmon turned into a exhibitionist by his boss,the desk in which the two reporters hide the condemned person -which might be a spoof on Hitchcock's "the rope",the "stolen" watch...

What is sad is Wilder's end of career:after the overlooked "Fedora" (1976)which he made with European money and which was unfairly deemed "a poor man's "sunset blvd"",and the remake of the French movie "l'emmerdeur" ("buddy buddy"),he was never given a chance to direct another movie.How unfair!
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His Girl Friday the best
SnoopyStyle10 January 2016
It's 1929 Chicago. Hildy Johnson (Jack Lemmon) is the top reporter in his paper but he's quitting to marry Peggy Grant (Susan Sarandon) in Philidelphia. His editor Walter Burns (Walter Matthau) works to stop him with lies and schemes. Walter wants Hildy to cover the hanging of cop killer Earl Williams.

Billy Wilder adapts the play, the most famous film adaptation being 'His Girl Friday'(40). The dialog is rapid-fire. By returning Hildy to being a man, the intensity is lost. It loses a compelling dimension to the movie. It's not as much fun despite having Lemmon and Matthau. They don't have enough screen time together. When they're together, the energy goes up noticeably. Without the duo together, the movie feels flat.
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Criminally underrated
el_monty_BCN14 February 2001

The Front Page is one of my favourite Billy Wilder films, and by definition, this would mean also one of my favourite comedies of all time. I definitely agree with the view held by some that this magnificent work deserves much wider recognition than it has received. And here's the news: I HAVE seen His Girl Friday, and I STILL consider Wilder's take to be superior, even if the master himself dismissed it as a botch. Sorry to disagree, Mr. Wilder, but I believe that in few films you got a chance as good as this one to demonstrate your spectacular sense of rhythm and comic timing, and get performances as astounding from everyone involved; the Lemmon-Matthau unbeatable duo works like a perfectly greased machine at full blast and I definitely prefer their vicious bickering to the flirty, romantically-intentioned banter of Grant and Russell; and all the rest of the cast I think is perfect too, for example Sarandon, who with just one look can convey her frustration and her resigned acceptance at her husband-to-be's inability to change... I'm sorry, but I just can't find the slightest defect. To me, this is a perfect ten.
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great old time comedy!
manuelvillalta3 April 2001
i watched the dvd yesterday for the first time, and it was truly and originally hilarious, the acting was so honest and natural that it felt like i was watching a play, if you are a fan of old comedies and most of all the greatest comedy couple of all time, i highly recommend it. the only factor that i didn't enjoy was that the movie has an aspect ratio of 2:35.1 and the dvd features a pan & scan transfer.
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One of my top 10 films of all time.
hedgehog-1013 January 1999
A superb film with a brilliant script. Full of characters you can believe in. They all have superb characters, who act as you may well expect them to. Why some film critics rate it so low is strange to me - perhaps the film was too close to the mark? Wilder/Diamond did have the advantage of basing their film on an excellent stage play.
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kubdrat8 October 2000
I happened across The Front Page accidently while watching the baseball playoffs. The fact that the movie was able to hold my interest is tribute enough. Jack Lemmon is ready to quit the reporter business in prohibition Chicago... Walter Mattheu is Lemmons' editor and tries anything to keep his best newsman around. Lemmon is hot to leave for Philly with a woman he plans to marry but before Lemmon can get out of Chicago a story is thrown into his lap. The newsman in him takes over and the results of good action and story kept me around. Funny finish.
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one of the best scripts ever
mingus_x4 January 2002
one of the best examples that a good script (plus in this case a wonderful cast) makes a good movie. 2/3 of the movie plays in one room and there is not a single dull moment. this movie makes you laugh and laugh with one witty line after another. for me it is the best and funniest work of billy wilder, straight followed by 'witness for the prosecution' and 'the apartement'.
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Too much shouting and screaming over each other.
marydonna113114 February 2021
The story was good, but there was too much screaming over each other.
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Lemmon and Matthau deliver
itamarscomix18 November 2012
Billy Wilder's work didn't exactly decline in quality during the 70's; rather, he seems to have been making less of an effort to break new ground and reinvent genres, instead leaning back on genres he new well and making perfectly solid films that were fun to make and fun to watch. The Front Page is no exception; on the surface it's easy to blame Wilder of lacking originality, in adapting a play that had been put to film twice before. However, the 1931 version really isn't good enough to pay attention to, and the 1940 version (His Girl Friday) changed things around quite a bit, making Wilder's version the definitive version of the play. Wilder reverted the lead role from a woman back to a man, retaining the relationship between the two leads to the 'male life partners' version that the original play had, which I found more interesting than the romantic relationship in 'His Girl Friday'.

And the best thing is that the chemistry between Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau is so good, that they make this relationship really work. They worked twice before, in 'The Odd Couple' and 'The Fortune Cookie', and once again prove how good they are together; a testament to that is that the first half of 'The Front Page', in which Lemmon interacts with actors like Susan Sarandon and Austin Pendleton, moves along with a lazy pace, usually witty but never grabs the viewers completely; but the second half, which is mostly around Lemmon and Matthau, sparks all over the place and is an absolute joy to watch, right up to the ending - and nobody could direct an ending scene like Wilder. It's Wilder's knack for pacing that makes the film work, and Lemmon and Matthau have amazing timing that compliments it perfectly. The film may not be groundbreaking but it's a nearly perfectly made comedy, with some vicious observations about the nature of media and politics.
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The scoop, the whole scoop, nothing but the scoop
ElMaruecan8213 March 2023
So much happens in that "Front Page" that even the least attentive viewer quickly gets the notion that any attention to the plot wouldn't matter as long as the frictions between Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon generate their programmed sparkles of hilarity. On that level, the film is a mild success and a tender reminder of one of the most endearing comical duos... but there's a reason why it's seldom mentioned among Billy Wilder's greats.

But let's get things in order. Matthau is Walter burns, the managing editor of Chicago newspaper 'The Examiner', a news crusader who abides by the Holy Trinity of big headlines, big money and the holy scoop; if it's good enough to be printed, it's good enough to be true. Hildy Johnson (Jack Lemmon) is his ace reporter just about to quit his job to marry Peggy (Susan Sarandon) a music-hall pianist. Bad timing, he decides so the day before the most anticipated execution in the country, a leftist activist named Earl Williams (Austin Pendleton) convicted for the accidental murder of a Black police officer and stuffing fortune cookies against the Sacco and Vanzetti trial. All the members of the Yellow press (the equivalent of today's tabloids) are gathered in the pressroom playing poker, drinking and exchanging wisecracks but Hildy ain't part of that party anymore... or is he?

The film's entire narrative revolves around the many little hazards and twists that will bring Hildy closer and closer to his phone and then his typewriter, forcing him to postpone his train with Peggy, that and a few obtrusive maneuvers orchestrated by Burns, as far as ruining his friend's reputation for the sake of a scoop, you'd call it Machiavellian, it's just professional deformation. One can trust Matthau to be convincing as any type of loudmouthed bossy figure, so boisterous that Lemmon can pass as a straight-man despite his goofy attempt at seriousness. He keeps on resisting the scoop bait until he finds himself entangled in the prisoner's escape and a welcome opportunity to ridicule the sheriff (Vincent Gardenia) whose incompetence puts Burns' zeal into perspective.

"The Front Page" was adapted from a play by Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur that met success during the 30s, a cynical time where the spirit of America was gangrened by the Great Depression, the Prohibition and the Red Scare when communism was a virus feared to spread all over the growing masses of citizens. The 70s were as cynical and disillusioned as the 30s and there's something almost MASH-esque in that pressroom full of blasé journalists who only care for the next news item or the next hand they'll get. Now is it too far-fetched to see a coincidence to have that corrupt mayor (Harold Gould) in a journalist-themed film directed the same year the Press impeached a President? Probably. These scribes are more thriving for sensationalism than justice, they're frauds thus perfect candidates for a Wilder film (and his writing partner I. A. L Diamond).

They're all frauds indeed. Burns is a freedom of speech advocate acting like a tyrant, Hildy wants to marry Peggy but can't divorce with his job. And all that gallery of journalists, played by colorful character actors such as Charles Durning and Allen Garfield have been desensitized by their inky hunger. Even the headlines' star is a bumbling sickly guy (a nerdy Woody Allen-like figure) almost glorified by abusive vilification. There's no room either for romance for the closest to a passionate love interest is a hysterical two-bit prostitute (played by Carol Burnett who was ashamed by her performance) Every single character's trope is deconstructed in this big farce for one might regret that the film tries so much to embrace the screwball energy that it doesn't grant us one relief where we can at least get a taste of social commentary.

It doesn't help that the killing of a black officer is treated like a gag and surely that bit hasn't aged well but even within the context of the film, it's hard to accept such an obviously likable fellow to be in the death row, but not to get away with murder either. Wilder has proved capable to handle comedy better and maybe "The Fortune Cookie" which I might have considered too preachy or "Avanti!" too romantically tedious prompted him to go full comedy in this film, and in a way "The Front Page" is a nice little comedy, not headlines material though, barely a column in the miscellaneous facts section.

But I guess Wilder had just lost his touch with the public, the film looks both modern and fresh and yet so dated and obsolete by the 70s standards. It tries to have the buffoonery of Peter Sellers' films and the slapstick zest of Mel Brooks but somehow it doesn't have a tone of its own and everything depends on the degree of sympathy you have to characters hardly calling for empathy. It's as fine a stage comedy but too much enclosed within the gates of that prison, maybe a larger scale might have given it a sort of "The Sting" touch.

And given the quality of Wilder's final films, right now I'm not even sure I want to give "Buddy, Buddy" a try.
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Not bad but a disappointment
preppy-310 August 2003
The second remake of the "Front Page"--there was a 1931 version, a 1940s version titled "His Girl Friday" AND a 1980s version called "Switching Channels". The best is "His Girl Friday" but the others aren't bad.

In 1920s Chicago Hildy Johnson (Jack Lemmon), a reporter, wants to leave the newspaper business and get married (to Susan Sarandon). His editor Walter Burns (Walter Matthau) is dead set against it and will do anything to get Hildy to stay. And then there's the execution of Earl Williams (Austin Pendleton) coming up...

Elaborate, star-studded and very good-looking movie. It did keep me entertained BUT it's a very bad adaptation of "The Front Page". The original was filled with quick, very funny dialogue to be delivered at lightning speed. This movie "updates" the dialogue (that means throwing in swearing), adds some really crude jokes and throws in unnecessary slapstick sequences. As some other posters have mentioned this movie is very loud--TOO loud. The cast does what they can--Matthau is horrible but doesn't destroy the movie; Lemmon, although too old for the role, is just great; Sarandon is shamefully wasted (but she was unknown when she did this); Carol Burnett is (surprisingly) not that good as a prostitute (yes--you read that right--Carol Burnett plays a prostitute); Austin Pendleton is letter-perfect as Earl Williams; Vincent Gardenia explodes and yells (a lot) as the sheriff and Harold Gould (wisely) underplays the part of the mayor.

So this is a good movie but too loud and crude. And it's a real travesty if you compare it to "His Girl Friday". See it for the cast and the great sets.
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