Melanie Lynskey Miscast
5 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry, but whoever cast Melanie Lynskey as a British woman, what-to-be author, did a great disservice to this series. She has the worst British accent I've ever heard. The way she pronounces words, like the number ten, is beyond laughable. She ruins the entire series. She was terrific in Two and a Half Men, but she's a lousy actress in dramas.

The story is pretty much the standard prisoner in a German concentration camp movie with some rather unbelievable moments in it . But, from what I read, it's not considered to be an accurate depiction of life at the notorious death camp. The movie pretty much jumps over all the horrors of a concentration camp life. It concentrates on the activities of one Jewish prisoner who loves a woman in the camp, and his job in the camp as a tattoo creator for the new prisoners. He gets extra food which he likes to bring back and share with his fellow prisoners. I never heard of any concentration camp prisoner, ever getting enough food to share with others. In a way it's insulting to those who survived the camps, and even more to those who didn't! It doesn't depict the horrors that existed. It brushes over them those scenes quickly. Even the scene with three men being hung has no feeling to it. It shows very little of the horrors that these people lived through.

It,s a rather disappointing series. If my relatives had been Jewish, and prisoners in a concentration camp during World War II, I'd be insulted by this TV series. It's just not right, in my opinion, to sanitize what happened to these people in the way this TV series seems to do.
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