Season 2 reduces the series to a tag team wrestling match.
15 March 2024
My initial opinion of season 1 was to award an 8 rating based on the potential story growth of this series. However, after viewing season 2 I had no choice but to bring the rating overall down to a 6.

Technically, the voice acting (I watched in English) was adequate in spite of the fact that not a single character had any emotional range. The anime was far better than average, the fight scenes particularly well done. The music supported all scenes adequately but was in no way exceptional. This is where the trouble begins...

There was no story growth. There was no individual character growth. There was nothing to further the story or any viewer emotional investment on where it was going. There was nothing but solid fight scenes for all 13 of the second season episodes with nothing furthering any part of the story or it's further development. All character development was taken from previous series and there was little to expand upon. You could have dropped watching every single episode of season two and missed nothing of the story.

If your ideas of excellence in story telling is tag team wrestling than the second season was designed specifically for you. It will deliver in spades. For everyone else, you'll be bored stiff by the third or fourth episode. The scenery may change a little but not the story. I am seriously unsure if I'll watch season 3 at this point. The producers look to be more interested in revenues than keeping their views happy. I suspect this will kill future ongoing offerings of the series. Too bad. The original and subsequent offerings were great up until now.
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