Interesting depiction of romantic relationships
4 December 2023
I quite enjoyed this movie. I got into MMA in 2018 and confess that this added interest for me.

I was expecting this movie to be very contrived but was pleasanly surprised.

I was also expecting to dislike the main character but I liked the main actress and her starting boyfriend did a good job of producing negative emotion in me. Her character appealed to me a great deal and his did the opposite.

Her second charge also does a good job portraying a decent guy, who still makes mistakes but handles them differently.

Whilst I will say this movie rapidly covers very complicated topics and perhaps should spend a little longer on at least some of them, or provide a little more detail, I mostly agreed with its narrative on relationships, toxic and not.

As the movie wears on I feel like we get more evidence to support the toxicity of her initial relationship. The main character dishes out pearls of wisdom to her sister which she really ought to have listened to herself (her internal monolgue says as much), and this did stretch my credulity slightly but not too far. People do all sorts of crazy stuff for love against their better judgement.

I also think a large number of people make the mistake that the main character did of never putting themselves first. I dont totally agree with her version of events, but the second charge mostly agrees with her depiction of events and acts based on their agreed perception (if not to the immediate satisfaction of all). I was slightly disappointed with him not being there for her after a visit to the hospital and mostly didnt beleive the character weve had displayed before us would have bailed on her so hard and fast especially after she turns up to support him at in important moment despite their recent argument, although he claims he has good reason.

In this regard I think as many people should see this movie as possible.
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