12th Fail (2023)
Good film but 9.2 ??
1 December 2023
An optimistic movie in all aspects, from educational background. From clothing to setting everything is attempted to be realistic. The acting and scripting are also well done, but with a compromised tone. The story chosen is UPSC based, but it is entirely not about civil services. It's about honesty and struggle for good being, fused with a love story. The director strongly depicted the positive attitude of Manoj in his struggle. Had Manoj failed the exam still he would have made his family proud in one way or the other. And that's due to his positive behavior.

Optimistic traits during hard times is what we all need in our lives, manoj character has showed that among his IPS prelims exam, during his father's visit and during his relationship issues. It inspires us to be positive in life more than succeeding in a civil service exam. I don't know about the preparation strategy, about the right attitude, about truth of real IPS Manoj Sharma, about his marriage and job but the film has delivered some positive vibes which is why I would say good about it. Optimism is socially acceptable.

Perhaps the film intention is not to accurately describe the real IPS guy rather to use that character as a medium to inspire students and aspirants how to stay motivated and positive in life. The phrase "Haar nahi manunga" reflects that. It's that positiveness which inspired his girlfriend to stay with him whether he succeeds or not. Technically the very final interview scene is also correctly shown. Manoj is shown to be naive in the interview. That's how 1st time interview takes place, with flaws and nervousness. Despite this he is lucky to be selected in the UPSC. Perhaps this could be explained by the presence of his fiancee, which could be interpreted as the so called luck. This is also true where govt jobs in India is based upon luck upto a certain level.12th fail relates well to those who aspires to be a non corrupt citizens of the country. It's a no nonsense film of mindless comedy and themes, rather a visual experience of motivation and positive inspiration for the aspirants of the same.

The civil service environment and its knitty gritty are not fully detailed, which may be pointed out by some. I feel it's intention is quite different. The film goes fast pacedly and very rooted to Indian soil in its story and presentation. Though I will not say it's a masterpiece but still recommend it to students. It's a good film satisfying the romantic urges of viewers alongside the studious urges of the students but stays a bit far from being a classic.

For those reviewers who rated it 10, I will urge them to write a few similar quality reviews for films like Pyassa, Naya daur, Chalti ka naam gadi etc. 12th fail rating is 9.2 due to highly paid reviewers. The quality of reviews itself speaks the money behind it and on the other hand the masterpieces of 1950s are getting lower rating gradually. So do something right for your country atleast for art sake.

For this film it's A 7/10 and a 69/100.
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