Cry Terror! (1958)
cry terror
29 November 2023
The plot is REALLY dumb, with a back story that writer/director Andrew Stone wisely soft peddles, since it makes James Mason's character look like a complete dope. Also, it is not very suspenseful. Basically it's a lot of Inger Stevens and Mason too easily outsmarting the bad guys and gal interspersed with some aggressively dull FBI procedural stuff. Finally, the look of it is extremely cheesy, what with Riverdale alternating with LA, often in the same scene (last time I looked the Bronx did not boast palm trees or craftsman bungalows). So, why a 6 'stead of a 5, or worse? In a word, the cast. Great assemblage of actors. How great? Well, let's just say, as a previous reviewer has noted, that the least distinguished member of it is Mason and when that happens you know there's some serious character acting going on. My fave? Angie Dickinson, of course, never better or more convincing than when playing a hot, morally challenged, moll. Also nice to see Jack Klugman, fresh from playing knife hating juror #5 in "12 Angry Men", this time lovingly nursing a shiv. Give it a C plus.
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