Infinity Pool (2023)
grated on me and not in the good way
10 March 2023
It's worth the watch but only if you are inclined toward the messy kind of movies that the Cronenbergs make. This is the least of Mia Goth's flicks that I have seen. I dig the hell out of her but in this movie her voice and mannerisms came to grate on me, and not in the good way. Nonetheless there are moments wherein she is her usual delight. There are times where the whole movie is delightful but they don't last long. In this story we find ourselves on an island resort where the rich visitors can buy their way out of prison time or even the death penalty by paying for their effigy to be killed instead. Of course this leads to the complete loss of conscience, turning the rich visitors into evil caricatures of themselves. We watch as they descend as a group, turning on the newbie as a means of hazing. It doesn't ever get pretty, which is forgivable, but, worse, it never gets deep.
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