First several seasons A+ last few not so much
8 November 2022
American Horror Story is interesting, unique and has a clever way of twisting Americans and making one examine perception vs reality under the guise of horror. The better seasons were Season 1, and season 5 Hotel, and of course there are cool concepts in others including Freak Show. The last several seasons have not even attempted to mask their social message and political opinions and frankly it's getting old. We get it, move on. Many of us want good old fashioned story telling with more subtle messages, but that's not what we see. Many of the main cast have moved on, that we loved to see in different but predictable roles and that has dimmed the lustre. I would honour the roots of the show and go back to what worked. I must say the new American Horror STORIES is a bit more palatable and I enjoyed several of these episodes including Dollhouse, Facelift, Necro, and Game Over amongst others. This is a modern Twilight Zone!

American Horror Story writers- don't bank on cult following to have viewers continue watching - Perceiving as long as you have some gore and an iconic theme you can avoid good story telling and saturate us with political agenda. We can flip on the news, we want entertainment and your viewers are smarter than this. This is a good way to kill a show, and unlike many of your characters it won't come back to life and the series will go out in flames like Dexter!
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