an exhilarating adaptation, i loved every second
4 January 2022
It's not the book, it was never going to be. (yes iv'e read it). Believe it or not, print doesn't traslate perfectly on to film and it certainly wouldn't today. Even so, i dont want to see an ADAPTATION directly follow the book. If you want to see that, you have pleanty of options. This adaptaion was a breath of fresh air into a wonderful story. Even though i knew exactly what would happen, i felt myself holding my breath up to the vey last second of the show and the opportinuty for a sequel has me very exited.

The characters are brilliant and well developed. Fogg is shown as a person and has his own character development which some people in this reveiw section seem to think makes him a 'wimp' but i feel makes him endeering and likeable.

It's not 'overly woke' it's truthful to the times and if people do not agree with that, i think they should pick up a history book. If it was about 3 upper class white men, no one would have watched it because only a very, very small margin of people can relate to that. If they don't relate, they don't watch.

Passepartout was an exelent character who let the story explore new areas that the book never did. *spoilers* the interacial relationship was sweet and well thought out. Just because it wasn't widely shown at the time, doesn't mean this didn't happen in the past. I would like to remind people that everything you see today, was happening hundreds, even thousands of years ago, but people had to hide it, so please grow up if you're compaining about it not being 'historically accurate'.

Miss Fix was another lovely breath of fresh air and helped the story explore new hights. She was also a brilliant nod to the real female reporter who did this exact trip, not long after the book came out, in just under 80 days.

Finally, i would like to remind people that everything that you see the british empire doing in this show, they did. They stole from graves, they forced people to sign up to the army, they killed countless people. Please don't get angry when a show shows them doing what they were doing, exactly how they were doing it. Pick up a history book and stop compaining about including, god forbid, a woman and a black man in the main cast.
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