Opinions of a binge watcher
30 September 2021
Okay....have plowed thru 1st 8 films in series and spent many a moment in the last 4 films hearing my wife & I mimic the same lines and responses that continue to be used from one film to the next.

If there was any major difference in the psychiatrist vs Jessie scenes used in these shows then pat the bed for the dog, have a donut, bet on Jesse chasing a new skirt, watch more booze get poured into the glass, and get ready for more conversations that probably use a total of no more than 12 words. These thinly written interchanges went through their routines like tired dancers hanging on to each other before the bar closes.

And did somebody say that Selleck was acting?? Puh-lease! Care to guess how much of his face time on the show is spent scowling? Must be his "coply intuition" at its inscrutable best.

So, why do I give the whole series a 6, especially after casting my pearls before the swine? As so many said - Tom Selleck. Which is also why Hasty Hathaway said to Stone (in every show they were together). "I'm very fond of you.... Jesse."

So, other than some pseudo-intellectual ramblings about politics, most of the reviews helped me reach the six mark. Which is giving credit to Selleck for taking a mediocre, poorly written series and pulling it up by its jockstrap into a B-level contender. Having about as much punch as the fighters sparring in Gino's dining room/fighting hall.

Er, I meant bootstrap.... Jesse.

BTW.... Jesse....were you too good for Rose or was she not good enough for you??
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