I have to give this episode a 5....
12 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
And...I'm not happy about it. As I'm writing this, I just legit laughed out loud when Phoebe slaps Joey on the back of the head in the restaurant scene.

That is the most I've laughed at something in Firends in a LONG time. It was funny...timing was perfect....it was unexpected...it made sense in the situation. Excellent execution of a phenomenal joke! My jaw is on the floor.

Especially as this is the exact opposite of what happened a few scenes earlier which is what led to my rating of 5.

Rachel bickering with Mulrooney and sits in the chair and it goes down way lower than it ever would in real life. That is an excellent example of what is wrong and what went wrong with the show. Not realistic. You abandoned the realm of reality for a base joke. The masses will eat it up...but anyone wanting any sort of integrity will just hate it.

(And I'm not sure how to square the circle, as I love the Seinfeld and Curb absurdness. It fits in those shows. With Friends, it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's like...you can't be or do both. Ia it slapstick just to get a laugh...is it absurdness to get a laugh...is it legitimate attempt? Maybe that's my problem with later Friends. It's all over the place. In Curn especially, I am abandoning reality and entering Larry's Curb world. In Friends, that was never the attempt. It didn't start out as THAT kind of comedy. I wonder when/where the first thing that was too much happened. It definitely was with Monica and the Turkey on her hwas... or Joey with turkey on head, if that was the same episode. Not sure when the first one was. Anyway...)

So. My problem with the episode started with the cold open. Monica saying something about losing her erection or something twice. I didn't laugh, eye rolled as the theme song started and was like.. Oh jeezus. What is this gonna be. How bad is this gonna be?

The Phoebe/Joey thing overall was fine.

Rachel/Ross/Mulrooney. Fine. Not funny. More Annoying than funny. And led to/included the chair scene...which I said before....perfect example of the awful depths of this show. That scene is the one scene I'd show to someone to highlight why I disliked the show so much. Whatever/whoever came up with that or allowed it to be included....had their hands on all other things that got through. The bar was lowered so much, that was able to get through all checks and balances. Hell...someone had to be instructed to make a chair do that. It wasn't a line in a script. Work and effort had to be put in to make that happen. (I really really hated it)

Monica......d*mn they made her so frigging annoying. And Chandler being with her.....even if he does nothing, just being in her orbit negatively impacts him.

Ha. Like Ivan Drago. Anything Monica touches....she destroys.

Chandler faking an orgasm? Thumbs down.

That scene is what led me to go write my review here on imdb after deciding on a 5 rating (and as I write it...the Phoebe scene happens....making me at least pause)...but just keep watching, and they swing it back to a 5.

Ughhhhhhhhh....another scene and the chair is still low...and Rachel goes.... Owwww. Except that! And the audience laughs. Yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck. How much am I getting for this episode? Yeah. Have Rachel do whatever. I'll say it. I'll act it. Keep those checks coming in and I'm puddy in your hands.

And Rachel flips from yucking it up about the chair...to super serial presentation mom mode.

And now she's crying. Oh I dislike this show.

And next scene...Monica. Unbelievable. Faking it. The one thing that's ours! (Turrible)

What is this trash dialogue about a ribbon drawer?! WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING!?
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