Review of Code Geass

Code Geass (2006–2008)
If you think it's bad then you're wrong (Jk)
9 June 2021

And I finally finished Code Geass. As an anime, this is nothing sort of a masterpiece.

Season 1 was a great introduction to the series. We got an introduction to the philosophy and background of Lelouch, and why he hated the world. There's also a buildup to the character of Suzaku Kururugi, and the dynamic between Lelouch and him was an interesting one. The plot was not too complicated, as I felt this was more of an introduction that set up the series. The action, although wasn't as focused as the plot, was still good and the designs for the mecha were cool. However, the best thing was seeing Lelouch performing feats and charging forward. The ending was a big cliffhanger, but I enjoyed it overall. 8.5/10

Now season 2 is where all the pieces that were set up in season 1 came together. Due to other things, I didn't watch season 2 right after 1, but the introduction to season 2 got me right back on track.

Plot-wise, there were LOTS of major players involved. However, none of them felt wasted, and almost all of the characters had a purpose in the overall scheme. Even though it might get confusing at times, I was hooked to the story and found none of the episodes boring.

The dynamic between Lelouch and Suzaku became more intensifying, as each had to battle with their philosophy as well as setbacks in their paths. I loved their development, as well as the humanity that they had to cast aside for their own goals.

There was almost like 2 endings to this series. The first one was in episode 20 or 21, and I felt a major homage to the last 2 episodes of Neon Genesis Evangelion. The emotional impact wasn't strong, but it became a major turning point to the end.

The real ending was bittersweet, and i was incredibly satisfied with it. The endpoint for the main characters, especially Lelouch, made sense, and it made Lelouch one of the best protagonist that I have watched. The ending also showed major theme about the cost of war, peace, and freedom, including sacrificing one's humanity.

On a side note, the ending of Attack on Titan really resembled this ending, but AOT is still a masterpiece in its own way.

Overall, I adored the complex storyline, character developments, and the bittersweet ending. Truly a masterpiece. 10/10

(Also almost got tricked thinking that the 2019 movie was a sequel to the anime. Felt like if it was it would ruin the beautiful ending of the anime.)
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