Some Episodes Are Good Enough For Everyone!
15 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"R. L. Stine's The Haunting Hour" is a great series because some episodes are so good that the show can even shake adults! Let's take a look at some of my picks for these types of episodes:

Brush With Madness: Okay, so it's been a long time since I've seen it, but the ending still sticks in my head. Dylan Minette plays a teenager who's name I have forgotten, but anyhow he meets his favorite comic book author. Minette then steals the guy's paintbrushes, but what he doesn't know is that these brushes bring whatever is painted to life. Now what the episode does fantastically here is bring a VERY realistic psychopath to life. Once the psychopath catches the Minette and his girlfriend he promptly grabs a woodsaw (at least I think that's what it was) and murders the two.

Catching Cold: In this episode we meet a kid who's name I forgot (lol). The kid is played by Robert Capron, from "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" fame, anyway when he starts seeing the Kreemy Kold ice cream truck he wants some ice cream from it. Once he finally does get some ice cream from it however, he begins to slowly loose his sanity as he can't live without Kreemy Kold, and he wants more. A lot of things play out here, and then he finally catches the ice cream truck. Inside he finds an overweight bearded man. Earlier in the episode a mailman overhears the Robert Capron's character talking about Kreemy Kold and tells him the story of Jimmy Jeffries, a boy who also spoke of the truck, but disappeared. It turns out the man in the Kreemy Kold ice cream truck is Jimmy Jeffries, and now Robert Capron will take his place since the truck needs a soul to run off of. Once Jimmy gets out of the back of the truck, the truck then closes the back, and as Jimmy explains what is happening he then absolutely breaks into complete insanity repeating the words "It's all you can eat!".

Mascot: This one must be watched. I will not spoil it in this review. Search it on YouTube and watch it. Search: "Mascot The Haunting Hour"

Scarecrow: This episode literally details the end of the world. And it is unlike any other story that does this, which just makes it creepier. It is also an episode that is harder to explain since it all happens quite subtle.

That's all for now.
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