The Untamed (2016)
26 December 2020
There's so many negative things but first of all I wanna point out what I personally liked: I really enjoyed the fact the director had brunette people as actors and actresses in the film (it seems so trivial but it's actually a rarity in our national cinematic productions). Another positive thing are the filming locations in Guanajuato. Everything is just so organic and authentically mexican, like when they show a sensationalist newspaper with shocking photos and headlines, the cantinas with drunk fights or the scene in downtown! I was so impressed with this because there's so much propaganda initiated by Televisa and perpertrated by every Netflix-Mexican coproduction, in which suddenly everyone's white and has a lot of money. Well, this film does an INCREDIBLE job in showing the true face of Mexico in terms of locations and people. The camerawork was also pristine.. the rural scenes are just so beautiful... when the film started and saw the trailer I actually thought this had some big potential of being a GOOD mexican horror film! I could actually describe the trailer as a horny Tarkovsky, but oh man... the disappointment hit hard after 20 minutes or so.

Maybe the financing of this movie just went straight in locations, lighting and cameras, but... no one actually thought about... the PLOT???? it's so dumb, confusing, strange and bad. I think the initial idea for the project came after the director watched some hentai and thought: YEAH! this is a cool plot! but dude, it just doesn't sustain by itself the whole movie, 1:30 hours long.

No character development, no explaining where the alien sex-creature came, how the cult people or "scientists" found it out or what are their intentions. Besides the acting is plain, monotonous, one dimensional and boring! no one is likeable (except the brother of the female protagonist) and that's pretty much all. The women in there are passive beings with no voice or power whatsoever, the men are macho, stupid and egocentrical. I would have accepted this as a social critique towards the femininity / masculinity roles in mexican society but none of substance happens in here. the film had opportunities to shine but it was wasted. Even when you can see how there's big influence from Tarkovsky and Lars Von Trier.

PD: there were a couple of aspects in which the film failed to represent the real Mexico: in the movie the justice system is efficient and actually incarcerates bad people and second, the government's hospitals are not super modernized unless you're paying to some private clinical.
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