What an odd, dazzling, beautiful movie...
3 August 2020
But also kind of sad and lonely. To me, it portrayed in a both poignant and light hearted way the often overwhelming complexity and seeming absurdity of life. A lot of beautiful dream-like imagery, too.

People are meeting and talking, but not really to each other, they aren't really heard or understood, or themselves understanding, as if everyone lives in their own world completely - especially the two protagonists... It felt both hilarious and poignant watching them in their ruminations and roamings. The contrast between them is interesting too: one has at least understood that he doesn't really understand at all, exudes an almost childlike innocence, while the other is an old grumpy man, overly firm in his convictions he has drawn out of his bewilderment and paranoia. But maybe they just exemplify this tendency of modern culture in an overdrawn, absurd, poignant way. Diversity and individuality but no unity and coherence. In a way this also encapsulates the postmodern zeitgeist.

Upon the ending, I really did feel like waking from a dream... When there are still some clear images which are slowly becoming more vague and you are trying to keep them alive, to put the pieces together, to make sense of it... Like you're facing an abyss and can hear an echo rising from its depth which slowly dies away... In these last moments, as all fades, the apex is finally reached in complete silence... All the turmoil of thoughts, beliefs and questions come to rest. You are left simultaneously awe struck, humbled and at peace. This is how I felt, anyway.

Throughout the movie, the tone of silence and contemplation is harshly contrasted by noise, obscenity, turmoil and chaos. Much just like life itself, when we stray from our center, our core, and lose ourselves in the maze of the "world out there"... I was often irritated - most by the scenes "in public", with its ostentatious noise and incoherence... It felt like the movie was going nowhere, and indeed it did, but in the best sense
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