Review of Top Gun

Top Gun (1986)
No real plot, but some fun characters and the odd great quote
17 June 2020
Back when I worked in the aviation industry 'Top Gun' was always a big deal. Pilots couldn't believe I hadn't seen it. A lot of them even said it was the reason they pursued that career path. I even have a close friend who has it as their favourite movie. And yet it still didn't really interest me. In fact if there wasn't a sequel coming out for it soon I may never have gotten around to watching it. It always seemed to me, from the little I knew about it, that it was a plotless movie. And having seen it that was a correct assessment. The movie isn't really about anything. The only thing that saves it from being a complete dumpster fire is the charisma of the characters.

It's funny to watch a movie so old that the line 'I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you" is still included and even gets a laugh from the other characters. The film hasn't really aged that well in a lot of ways. The way the action sequences are filmed can make them quite hard to watch. This is something I hope they do far better in the sequel. I certainly enjoyed the characters interacting on land far more than the often quite lengthy action sequences in the air.

The film has some memorable quotes which have aged very well. It also has a very good cast who do an excellent job of lifting the film up and making it what it is. It's not a film I can recommend as a must-watch though unfortunately. There simply isn't enough to it for me to do that.
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