Review of Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre (2006)
This is the superior Jane Eyre
9 May 2020
Jane Eyre is my favourite novel of all-time. I do not say this lightly.

I have seen exquisite stage and screen adaptations. I have seen brutally laughable attempts. We won't go there...

The likes of Timothy Dalton and Michael Fassbender were incredible in their own right and their performances are cherished and highly regarded.

But Stephens was made for the part and captures the dramatic depth, the complexity of Rochester and gifts him with a spell-bindingly cheeky humour that is captivating and lovable.

Ruth Wilson is sublime as always. As a young girl reading and learning from Jane's struggles and loneliness, watching Wilson in 2006 amazed me as, for me, she embodies the values, the heart and willpower of Jane at an exceptional level. Her silence is loaded with depth and psychology. Her delivery hasn't been matched.

Wilson and Stephens are a joy to behold - heartfelt and credible as loving, humorous and silently powerful soulmates.

The ensemble supporting them are on par with the leads, complementing their chemistry and helping to bring this Bronte universe to life.

From the direction, production design, soundtrack and locations, this is a wonderful adaptation that must be seen and valued by as many people as possible.

Other adaptations have a rightful place in our understanding of various aspects and interpretations of the dynamics between the characters. The novel is so multi-faceted it is only to be expected that certain details captured in contrasting ways across all adaptations will resonate differently with people.

But to me, this adaptation epitomizes the psychology, the emotional depth, the connection and the humour of this literary couple. It asserts Jane's independent singular mind and heart. I return constantly to it.

It is definitely worth your consideration. And I say this 14 years after its initial release!
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