What Lies Far Beneath the Bottom of the Barrel in Entertainment
14 September 2019
This is not fit entertainment for adults. It's billed as a comedy, but the completely hackneyed attempts at humor wouldn't pass muster on an episode of Sponge Bob (which can actually be sort of funny). People acting awkward and stupid in the presence of their boss, like serfs in a medieval village, is painful to watch.

The premise is paper-thin: some nitwit coward freaks out on a plane because of a little turbulence and spills her guts out to a complete stranger next to her...but get this, he is her new boss! Wow, I just think that idea should have been left on the cocktail napkin it was written on, but what do I know? It was the subject of a book and a bestseller, further proof than most people have nothing in the way of critical thinking skills.

Yet another story that tells us how cool it is to work in marketing and sell crap to people that they don't want and definitely don't need. In about 90% of movies, people are either ad people or lawyers.

The only surprise in the entire film, and something I found hilarious, was the handsome guy dumping her after a few rounds in the sack, telling her she is just too stupid and shallow for him. I'm kidding, I didn't make it to the end.

Every scene will make you cringe, it's that stupid. As I said. it's not fit for adults.
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