Raimi's Spidey is still the best (not including Part 3).
4 July 2019
I had a reasonably fun time with Spiderman Homecoming, but I have a few big issues that prevent me from loving it...

Firstly, Peter Parker's vulnerability/invulnerability. There's a scene where Spiderman bangs his head on the roof of a truck, knocking himself unconscious, yet later on in the film, a couple of tons of concrete and steel land on the lad's head with no lasting damage. Not long after, Peter falls to the ground from a crashing jet (presumably travelling at a couple of hundred miles an hour) and gets up without a problem. Concussion one minute, indestructible the next!

Spiderman's strength is inconsistent too: Peter is holding together two halves of the Staten Island ferry in one scene, but later he is struggling to free himself from some rubble.

I also have a problem with The Avengers' very lax approach to shifting their equipment to new premises: Happy (Jon Favreau) loads all of the Avenger's weapons/armour onto an unmanned aircraft - not one person to guard it. Of course, this suited the plot, but it was extremely daft. Surely a couple of superheroes could have taken time out from saving the world to escort the precious cargo.

Last moan: did Spidey really need a high-tech suit equipped with AI and special assault modes? I thought Spiderman relied on Spidey sense.

On a more positive note, I enjoyed Peter's trials and tribulations at high-school, and thought that the twist revelation about the true identity of Vulture was well handled (I didn't see it coming). The special effects are, as always, very impressive, and Director Jon Watts handles the action well enough, but Sam Raimi needn't worry: his first two Spiderman movies remain the best.
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