The Perfect Date (I) (2019)
Tries too hard to be inoffensive
15 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Perfect Date (2019) looks and feels like a television program.

It begins with high school senior Brooks (Noah Centineo) discussing an overly long college admissions essay with a guidance counselor, who advises him that he doesn't know himself. Rather than embarking on an odyssey of self-discovery, he stumbles into a scheme in which he will serve as a paid escort, adopting whatever persona the client desires. This venture proves dramatically dissatisfying, in large measure due to keeping the encounters strictly G/PG-Rated, but also because it is all too easy. He has no learning curve, as he easily slips into various roles. There are no disasters and no outrageous requests. Nor does his escort work interfere with his studies, his job at a fast-food restaurant or his social life. None of his clients become jealous or possessive. The whole scheme seems at odds with his dramatic goal of self-discovery.

I never particularly liked Brooks. The character is initially self-absorbed. He doesn't have clear objectives. He wants to attend Yale instead of UConn, but doesn't know why or what he plans to do with his life. He's just kind of there, more forgettable than sympathetic.

The two female leads are also uninteresting. Both are what might be termed chick-flick leading ladies: pretty, but not stunning; feminine, but not devastating; strong, self-assured and outspoken. Celia (Laura Marano) emerges from a Cinderella transformation looking pretty much the same. Shelby (Camila Mendes) doesn't have a look or personality that fascinates. Centineo, Marano and Mendes are all in their early twenties and look too old to be high school students.

In rom-com tradition, two characters whom everybody else realizes are perfect for one another, can't stand one another initially, but eventually fall in love. TPD offers neither the highs nor the lows. Brooks and Celia seem more like brother and sister, with an easy camaraderie, but no passionate sexual attraction. When they finally kiss, it is obviously a stage kiss. If a girl kissed me like that, I'd think she was just going through the motions. Watching the kiss was a bit of a turn-off.

The script seems to try too hard to be inoffensive.

Several of the supporting actors deliver credible performances, including Odiseas Georgiadis, Jared Bankens, Rhonda Johnson Dents and Matt Walsh. Kudos to the filmmakers for avoiding distracting jiggly-cam shots.
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