Mr Inbetween (2018–2021)
Pretty awesome
26 September 2018
First, let me preface this by saying that I am not Australian and I had no issues with understanding what's been said in the show. If you have a decent grasp on English language you'll be fine through 90% of the dialogues.

Now, to the actual show: it is great! I really struggle to compare it to anything else, I think it's in a league of it's own. Do not be discouraged by <30 min runtime, it's really well paced, and the appropriate amount of content has been packed into each episode (at least in the two I've watched so far).

It's about crime, it's about life, it has some funny or even sweet moments - just the right amount. The protagonist is certainly a man you wouldn't want to **** with. But despite his violent tendencies, he has this all other side to him - a father who clearly wants the best for his daughter, a good friend. He seems to possess an ability to detach himself to a large degree from what he does for a living - like someone who accepted "this is what I do". He's definitely not without a sense of justice or conscience albeit warped by his environment.

Can't wait to watch upcoming episodes!
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