Great Movie? No. Worthy of Watching? Yes.
12 September 2018
Look, I haven't seen this movie since around the late 70s when I rented it on VHS. It is probable that it hasn't aged well - but come on, it's basically a hippie flick.

However, I do remember liking it - a lot. Despite some of the silliness in the plot, despite the cavorting of the characters in some scenes. I thought there was a purity about it. Or as if the filmmaker was trying to capture a kind of purity that Christians associate with Jesus.

However, I don't recall it as being a religious movie. if it had been, I probably would not have liked it, because I was never religious. Rather, it seemed like an exploration of religious fervor... transposed to the "hippy late 60s."

And all these decades later, I still remember the ending. Maybe I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was.

It's tempting to rate this movie a 10 to make up for some of the rather clueless reviews others have posted. But I can't do that. It's simply not deserving. It's weird, occasionally vapid, and sometimes apparently for no real reason. I'm going by my memory here, but I think I'm being fairly accurate.

However, taken as a whole, it was memorable for me. And mostly in a good way. And I think that's enough to warrant my rating.
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