12 July 2018
I have mixed feelings about these Jesse Stone movies. First, Robert B. Parker knew how to structure a mystery. But I get tired of Jesse feeling sorry for himself and drinking too much. Such a worn-down, hackneyed cliche and such a lame use of that cliche. Other shows have done it better. And I doubt if lovely young women are drawn to Jesse. He's way older and he has that hang-dog expression. How is that appealing? Do they want to rescue him from being pathetic? How is that appealing? But I do love Jesse's humanity. In one episode (this one, perhaps), Jesse rescues a teenage girl from her boozing mother. Nicely done. Good for you, Jesse. That is appealing, to me, at least. Like any good detective, Jesse sticks to an investigation until he solves the mystery. That is satisfying. Always. Saves the series from obscurity. Overall, I give the Jesse Stone series a C+. Watchable but not essential.
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