Probably the weakest new Star Wars movie till now
24 May 2018
You would think a movie about scoundrel and adventurer Han Solo would be more exciting and riveting, certainly with the talent and money they spent on this production but unfortunately it isn't.

First off, the VFX are actually quite good, but the flick suffers from the same syndrome most action movies seem to have since the first Transformers movies which is chaotic shaky-cam action where the camera is way to close to the action so you can't clearly see what's going on and quickly stop caring about who's shooting who. There was one distinct action scene (the best in the movie) that didn't suffer from this problem but most others did alas.

Speaking of visuals, each scene seems to have a very monochromatic look (blue, yellow, grey, etc) which reinforced the feeling that this was a boring movie even more. And the 3D (IMAX in my case) was almost unnoticeable so don't waste any money on that.

The music was also a mixed bag. On one hand you have the classic Star Wars themes, and on the action scenes you had like music from Ghost In the Shell 2 (very anime like) which didn't seem to fit the movie at all. It was different from the other new releases but not in a good way.

Story wise you see all the things you heard as character backstory about Han and Lando but it feels like going through the motions, putting it on film for the cannon but do we need to see it? The pacing in this film is slow in the sense that movie feels like it drags on way too long. There are so many scenes where people are jabbering but it still doesn't feel like the story is advancing. I also felt little connection for these characters and their well being. Some die (actually for no apparent reason - it's just lazy script writing) and you just won't care.

The villain is a bit weak and there never seems to be a sense of urgency or a drive towards something. The film just floats along drifting towards the end that seems to take forever to get there.

Oh yeah, everybody feared that BB2 was going to be annoying (in Force Awakens) but luckily he wasn't but the new robot here called L3 surely is.

I hoped for the best for this movie and even as a die hard Star Wars fan it's difficult to recommend it. Just see it once, and move on to better cinematic works out there.
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