Not only one of the most overrated Star Wars films, but one of the most overrated films of all time period.
1 May 2018
Seriously. The Robot Chicken specials are much more entertaining to watch than this "Star Wars" film.

I just watched this film all the way through not to long ago and I was shocked at how boring and forgettable this episode was. I can't believe people still really think this film represents Star Wars at it's peak when The Phantom Menace exists. The only truly classic thing to come out of this film is The Imperial March is an iconic score and deserves all the praise it gets. But other than that? There is isn't anything that I can truly call great in this film.

I'm sure this film was amazing for it's time and me not even being alive in 1980 is probably one of the biggest reasons why I don't understand the so called "pure genius" of this film, but there is no doubt in my mind that it has greatly suffered the Seinfeld effect and is something you had to actually be around for understand what all the hype is about for this so called "excellent" and "amazing" sequel.
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