An addiction - worth every bit of your attention
1 April 2018
I get it when people gush about a show, "Oh it's sooooo good, I really loved it so much, you have to watch it!" The statement is rubbish to me, as useless as an empty ink cartridge. The only think I learn out of that is that the person doesn't know how to articulate why they thought the film (or whatever) was "good."

Well, I'm not going to do that to you. I will try to be pithy but also support my declaration that this is a show worthy of your undivided ten hour attention. Yeah, only two seasons each with five episodes... and just think I had to wait three years for the second season, you can just power on through on a Sunday binge... just do yourself a favor - before you start: clear the next ten hours because you will not want to miss out by sleeping or bothered with work... no this will be difficult to turn off.


Because the characters are so wonderfully rich and intricately woven into each other's storylines. This is about a relationship, the main one being a smaller town doctor, her husband, her son, her practice and how she deals with handling betrayal on all sides of her life. The strong acting lends to the believability of the characters actions and the lengths they go to be heard, understood and ultimately loved. Just when you think you know the characters and think you have it all figured out another delicious tidbit is doled out to the viewer leading you to think the character just might...

It is highly relatable... anyone who has ever been in a relationship of any kind might be able to recognize the blatant manipulations, but honestly this is a simple story with very clever twists. Extremely satisfying for those going through a breakup, however, I think the biggest flaw -if there was one to point out- a smart, resourceful woman would have never looked back. Despite getting her hand burned several times, Doctor Foster can't help but put her hand back on the stove over and over again.

There are rumors of a third season, completely up in the air as of April 2018... but I'm hooked and waiting. Just hope it's not another three years in the making.
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