Spider-Man (2002 Video Game)
Dated By Today's Standards, But Still Good Fun.
19 September 2017
Spiderman is one of the first PS2 games I plated on a regular basis all the way back in the early 2000s; while the controls are a little clunky compared to the likes of more recent games like GTAIV/V, Batman: Arkham City or any of the recent Zelda games, Spiderman still has some mighty impressive for the technology that was available in 2002 (the game sometimes goes to 50/60fps when at certain camera angles). But does it hold up in 2017's market? Not as a contemporary title, no. But it's still great for Spiderman fans, or fans of beat-'em-ups in general.

If there was anything lacking in this title originally, Spiderman 2 made up for it with its innovative open-world gameplay that was pioneered by games like GTA:III. And we've moved a long way since this title. Still, this game is a good time-capsule of when Spiderman was at the top of the entertainment world, when he swung onto the big screen in 2002.
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