Is this the best Star Wars movie ever? Ummmmm Is the sky blue? Exactly.
10 September 2017
I was absolutely sure this was going to be an epic failure after the horrible taste the prequels left us with.

I watched the prequels before watching the movie. They were even worse than I remembered them. Atrocious. Unwatchable.

The best thing that could ever happen was Disney getting Lucasfilm off George Lucas' hands. George Lucas, thank you for not being involved AT ALL in this movie. You almost destroyed Star Wars with the "prequels".

But JJ Abrams and Disney... they created a masterpiece. This is movie is so stunning on so many levels I can only compare it to when I was 3 years old and watched Star Wars in a huge movie theater. Goosebumps, chills, the whole deal. This movie feels real, looks real, just like the original trilogy did. This is amazing - I couldn't imagine Disney topping the original trilogy - but in my humble opinion, they did.

Disney, JJ Abrams, everyone involved - feel proud about yourselves. You made me forget the prequels ever existed, and made me feel like a 3 year old kid for two hours.

Hope the same writers are involved with Episode 8 and find a way to mention that the prequels were "some sort of mythology that never happened", then i'll be a happy, true Star Wars fan!

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